381 research outputs found

    Impacts of pandemic outbreaks on Healthcare Supply Chains: Lessons from Covid-19 in developing nations

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    Extended abstract submitted for the Faculty of Business and Law Research Day 2022

    η\eta meson in strange magnetized matter

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    The in-medium properties of η\eta mesons are studied in hot and dense isospin asymmetric strange magnetized matter using the chiral SU(3) hadronic mean-field model. The scalar and vector density of baryons are expressed in terms of thermal distribution functions at finite temperature and magnetic field and have dependence on the scalar fields σ\sigma, ζ\zeta, and δ\delta through the effective mass of baryons and the dependence on the vector fields ω,ρ\omega, \rho, and ϕ\phi through the effective chemical potential. The properties of η\eta mesons get modified in a hot and dense magnetized environment through the medium-modified nucleons and hyperons. The negative mass shift obtained gives rise to optical potential, which is attractive in the medium and suggests a possibility of η\eta-mesic bound states formation. The addition of hyperons in the medium enhances the attractive interactions and causes an increased negative mass shift for η\eta mesons.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figure

    Building Entrepreneurial Resilience during Crisis using Generative AI: An empirical study on SMEs

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    Recently, Gen AI has garnered significant attention across various sectors of society, particularly capturing the interest of small business due to its capacity to allow them to reassess their business models with minimal investment. To understand how small and medium-sized firms have utilised Gen AI-based tools to cope with the market's high level of turbulence caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical crises, and economic slowdown, researchers have conducted an empirical study. Although Gen AI is receiving more attention, there remains a dearth of empirical studies that investigate how it influences the entrepreneurial orientation of firms and their ability to cultivate entrepreneurial resilience amidst market turbulence. Most of the literature offers anecdotal evidence. To address this research gap, the authors have grounded their theoretical model and research hypotheses in the contingent view of dynamic capability. They tested the research hypotheses using cross-sectional data from a pre-tested survey instrument, which yielded 87 useable responses from small and medium enterprises in France. The authors used variance-based structural equation modelling with the commercial WarpPLS 7.0 software to test the theoretical model. The study's findings suggest that Gen AI and EO have a significant influence on building entrepreneurial resilience as higher-order and lower-order dynamic capabilities. However, market turbulence has a negative moderating effect on the path that joins entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial resilience. The results suggest that the assumption that high market turbulence will have positive effects on dynamic capabilities and competitive advantage is not always true, and the linear assumption does not hold, which is consistent with some scholars' assumptions. The study's results offer significant contributions to the contingent view of dynamic capabilities and open new research avenues that require further investigation into the non-linear relationship of market turbulence

    Developmental delay in children with severe acute malnutrition and its association with Vitamin B12 deficiency

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    Background: There are high rates of developmental delay (DD) in children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM). Vitamin B12 is mandatory for the myelination of brain during the early childhood period. Objective: The objective of the study was to find out the percentage of DD in SAM and its association with Vitamin B12 deficiency. Materials and Methods: A prospective, observational study was done in SAM children aged 0–60 months who were admitted in Nutritional Rehabilitation Centre. Developmental assessment was done by Vineland Social Maturity Scale and developmental quotient <70 was considered as DD. Results: DD was found in 55.3% of children. Vitamin B12 deficiency, insufficiency, and sufficiency were found in 14.6%, 24.3%, and 50.5% of children, respectively, and Vitamin B12 level was not significantly associated with DD in children with SAM (p=0.290). Conclusion: More than half of SAM children had DD and it was not significantly associated with Vitamin B12 levels

    Analysis of Various Decentralized Load Balancing Techniques with Node Duplication

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    Experience in parallel computing is an increasingly necessary skill for today’s upcoming computer scientists as processors are hitting a serial execution performance barrier and turning to parallel execution for continued gains. The uniprocessor system has now reached its maximum speed limit and, there is very less scope to improve the speed of such type of system. To solve this problem multiprocessor system is used, which have more than one processor. Multiprocessor system improves the speed of the system but it again faces some problems like data dependency, control dependency, resource dependency and improper load balancing. So this paper presents a detailed analysis of various decentralized load balancing techniques with node duplication to reduce the proper execution time

    Role of Panchakarma in Visha Chiktisa

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    Disease and death due to poisoning is a burning issue in worldwide. The term Poisoning not only limited upto animal and vegetable poisons, it can include Dooshivisha, Garavisha and various radiations. Ayurveda has described different methods of treatment in poisoning. Panchakarma therapy has great importance because it can remove toxins from deeper tissue level. Panchakarma procedures are used depending upon the route of entry of poison and absorption. This article concludes how Panchakarma procedures are useful in Visha Chikitsa as a detoxification therapy

    A prospective study of clinical and diagnostic methods of ovarian tumors admitted in a tertiary care hospital and its correlation with histopathology

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    Background: Aim of the study was to study demographic profile and diagnostic modalities of ovarian tumors and their correlation with histopathological report (HPR).Methods: Prospective observational study conducted in NSCB medical college, Jabalpur from February 2019 to July 2020 on subjects with ultrasonographically diagnosed ovarian tumors. Relevant history obtained, gynecologic examination, investigations recorded. Subjects followed up to collection of HPR and correlation with histopathology done.Results: Out of 120 cases of ovarian tumors, 39.16% were malignant and 60.83% were benign ovarian tumors. Out of 80 premenopausal females, majority (78.75%) had benign ovarian masses. Amongst 40 postmenopausal females, 75% of ovarian masses were malignant. CA125 had sensitivity 76.59%, specificity 76.71% and accuracy 76.66% in diagnosing ovarian malignancy. Amongst 4 RMI scores, RMI 1 has the highest sensitivity and specificity 85.10%, 86.30% respectively. Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of ultrasound score was 65.21%, 86.30% and 77.5% respectively. Sensitivity and specificity of clinical diagnosis was 83% and 95.89% respectively and ROC analysis showed clinical diagnosis can accurately predict benign and malignant ovarian tumors in 89% cases.Conclusions: RMI 1 score has the highest sensitivity and specificity in our study. When all 4 methods of diagnosis i.e., RMI Score, ultrasound score, CA125 and clinical diagnosis were compared, clinical diagnosis has highest prediction of malignancy


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    Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis chois) is an indigenous and very significant herb which is considered as a gift of nature in Ayurveda. In Ayurvedic literature, Shankhpushpi is considered as Medhya rasayana means it enhances the knowledge, memory and retaining power of a person. Shankhpushpi which is well described and abundantly available is taken for the Vishaghna property also. Although, the Medhya property of Shankhpushpi is well marketed and used by different pharmaceutical companies but, the Vishaghna property of this miraculous drug should be researched and established as it may fulfil the long awaited gap of Ayurvedic antitoxic substance(Agad). In this study 24 albino wistar rats were divided in four groups such as group G1, G2, G3 & G4 with 6 rats in each group. Group G2, G3 & G4 had received PCM in dose 1000mg/kg body weight for 7 days to induce hepato-nephro toxicity while group G1 was normal control group which was kept on normal feeding. After inducing hepato-nephro toxicity the sample drug Shankhpushpi in Group G2 in the form of Churna and in group G3 in the form of aqueous extract (Kwatha) was administered while in group G4 only normal saline was administered for 28 days. On the basis of study it can be concluded that toxicity induced by 1000mg/kg body weight PCM did not cause any neurological manifestations. After 28 days administration of drug Shankhpushpi Churna as well as Kwatha in group G2 & group G3, body weight and food consumption in this group slightly increased while in group G4 no any significant changes were found. Therapeutic administration of Shankhpushpi as Churna as well as Kwatha significantly decreased PCM induced toxicity

    Ghost diffraction: A spatial statistical approach

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    We report the reconstruction of a transparency image in Ghost diffraction scheme using a statistical optics approach. This is implemented by using a static diffuser rather than a pseudo thermal light source with a rotating diffuser. The experimental implementation makes use of spatial ergodicity and spatial stationarity for spatially distributed random fields. A strategy to realize the Ghost diffraction scheme through spatial intensity correlation with a phase retrieval algorithm permits reconstruction of the transparency