19 research outputs found

    Systemic inflammation, body composition, and physical performance in old community-dwellers

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic inflammation, changes in body composition, and declining physical function are hallmarks of the ageing process. The aim of the present study was to provide a preliminary characterisation of the relationship among these age-related phenomena via multivariate modelling. METHODS: Thirty-five old adults (OAs) and 17 young adults (YAs) were enrolled. The volume of skeletal muscle, subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT), and intermuscular adipose tissue (IMAT) of the thigh was quantified by three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging. Muscle strength was measured by knee extension strength testing. In OAs, physical performance was further assessed via the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). Multi-block partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) was employed to explore the relationship among inflammatory profiles and functional and imaging parameters. Double cross-validation procedures were used to validate the predictive ability of the PLS-DA model. RESULTS: The optimal complexity of the PLS-DA model was found to be two latent variables. The proportion of correct classification was 92.3% in calibration (94.1% in YAs and 91.4% in OAs), 84.6% in internal validation (95.3% in YAs and 78.5% in OAs), and 82.6% in external validation (94% in YAs and 76.9% in OAs). Relative to YAs, OAs were characterised by smaller muscle volume, greater IMAT volume, lower muscle strength, and higher levels of myeloperoxidase, P-selectin, soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 1, and vascular cell adhesion molecule 1. Compared with OAs with SPPB >8, those scoring 648 were characterised by smaller muscle volume, greater SAT volume, lower muscle strength, and higher levels of interleukin 1 beta, 6, 10, 12, 13, tumour necrosis factor alpha, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor. CONCLUSIONS: Multi-block PLS-DA identified distinct patterns of relationships among circulating cytokines and functional and imaging parameters in persons of different ages and varying levels of physical performance. The longitudinal implementation of such an innovative strategy could allow for the tracking of health status over time, the early detection of deviations in health trajectories, and the monitoring of response to treatments

    Sedentarismo, exercício físico e doenças crônicas

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    A inatividade física é fortemente relacionada à incidência e severidade de um vasto número de doenças crônicas. Assim sendo, o exercício físico torna-se uma das ferramentas terapêuticas mais importantes na promoção de saúde e o profissional de Educação Física, o responsável por sua ampla disseminação. Nesse artigo, discorremos sobre as seguintes questões: Qual o impacto - biológico e socioeconômico - da inatividade física na saúde dos indivíduos?; 2) Qual o impacto da inserção da atividade física vida dos indivíduos?; 3) Qual o papel da profissional de Educação Física na promoção de saúde e quais os desafios que a Educação Física, enquanto ciência ("lato sensu") e profissão, deve enfrentar nas próximas décadas? Tendo como ponto de partida o papel da inatividade física sobre a etiologia das doenças crônicas, pretendemos revelar o imenso potencial do exercício físico como agente terapêutico.Physical inactivity is strongly related to the incidence and severity of a number of chronic diseases. Hence, physical exercise emerges as one of the most important therapeutic tool to health promotion, with the Physical Education professional being the responsible for disseminating it widely. In this manuscript, we will discuss the following questions: 1) What is the social and biological impact of physical inactivity on overall health? 2) What is the impact of physical activity on people's lives? 3) What is the role of the Physical Education professional in the promotion of health and what are the challenges that Physical Education Discipline, as a science ("lato sensu") and profession, will face in the next decades? Having in mind the role of physical inactivity upon the etiology of chronic diseases, we intend to reveal the large potential of physical exercise as a therapeutic agent

    Towards a definition of sarcopenia--results from epidemiologic studies

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    The age-related loss of muscle mass, also called sarcopenia, is receiving increasing attention in aging research. While the concept is frequently being used in research settings and introduced to clinical settings, thus far no consensus on its definition has been established. This article provides an overview of the history of sarcopenia definitions proposed in the literature thus far. It will describe the methodology used to develop the cutpoints for low muscle mass (or strength) in large epidemiological studies, how sarcopenia based on these cutpoints relates to functional outcomes, and the advantages and disadvantages of the different definitions. This overview will contribute to the current need to develop a consensus definition of sarcopenia which can be used in all relevant settings. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging©

    A physical activity intervention to treat the frailty syndrome in older persons : results from the LIFE-P study

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    BACKGROUND: The frailty syndrome is as a well-established condition of risk for disability. Aim of the study is to explore whether a physical activity (PA) intervention can reduce prevalence and severity of frailty in a community-dwelling elders at risk of disability. METHODS: Exploratory analyses from the Lifestyle Interventions and Independence for Elders pilot, a randomized controlled trial enrolling 424 community-dwelling persons (mean age=76.8 years) with sedentary lifestyle and at risk of mobility disability. Participants were randomized to a 12-month PA intervention versus a successful aging education group. The frailty phenotype (ie, 653 of the following defining criteria: involuntary weight loss, exhaustion, sedentary behavior, slow gait speed, poor handgrip strength) was measured at baseline, 6 months, and 12 months. Repeated measures generalized linear models were conducted. RESULTS: A significant (p = .01) difference in frailty prevalence was observed at 12 months in the PA intervention group (10.0%; 95% confidence interval = 6.5%, 15.1%), relative to the successful aging group (19.1%; 95% confidence interval = 13.9%,15.6%). Over follow-up, in comparison to successful aging participants, the mean number of frailty criteria in the PA group was notably reduced for younger subjects, blacks, participants with frailty, and those with multimorbidity. Among the frailty criteria, the sedentary behavior was the one most affected by the intervention. CONCLUSIONS: Regular PA may reduce frailty, especially in individuals at higher risk of disability. Future studies should be aimed at testing the possible benefits produced by multidomain interventions on frailty

    Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor use by older adults is associated with greater functional responses to exercise

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    Objectives To assess the association between angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEis) and improvements in the physical function of older adults in response to chronic exercise training. Design Secondary analysis of the Lifestyle Interventions and Independence for Elders Pilot (LIFE-P) study, a multisite randomized clinical trial to evaluate the effects of chronic exercise on the physical function of older adults at risk for mobility disability. Setting Four academic research centers within the United States. Participants Four hundred twenty-four individuals aged 70 to 89 with mild to moderate functional impairments categorized for this analysis as ACEi users, users of other antihypertensive drugs, or antihypertensive nonusers. Intervention A 12-month intervention of structured physical activity (PA) or health education promoting successful aging (SA). Measurements Change in walking speed during a 400-m test and performance on a battery of short-duration mobility tasks (Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB)). Results Physical activity significantly improved the adjusted walking speed of ACEi users (P <.001) but did not of nonusers. PA improved the adjusted SPPB score of ACEi users (P <.001) and of persons who used other antihypertensive drugs (P =.005) but not of antihypertensive nonusers (P =.91).The percentage of ACEi users deriving clinically significant benefit from exercise training for walking speed (30%) and SPPB score (48%) was dramatically higher than for nonusers (14% and 12%, respectively). Conclusion For older adults at risk for disability, exercise-derived improvements in physical function were greater for ACEi users than users of other antihypertensive drugs and antihypertensive nonusers