46 research outputs found


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    В статье рассмотрены исходные теоретические положения и принципы работы Мультимодальной суггестивной психотерапии. Показана оригинальность и новизна идей Мультимодальной суггестивной психотерапии, а также их связь с идеями когнитивно-поведенческой, суггестивной и экзистенциальной психотерапии. Отмечено, что основные теоретические положения Мультимодальной суггестивной психотерапии базируются на концепции адаптационной суггестивной модификации мышления. Стратегия психотерапевтического воздействия выстраивается вокруг идеи Персонально идеального стиля жизни. Представлены основные методы психотерапевтического воздействия, в частности: комплексная верификация умозаключений, психотерапевтические гипотезы, установочная суггестия, суггестивное моделирование будущего, провокация физиологического и психологического стресса, погружение в реальность, суггестивный режимный прессинг, психотерапевтическая конфронтационная суггестия, актуализация креативности, психотерапевтическое путешествие в одиночку. Установлено, что Мультимодальная суггестивная психотерапия позволяет оказывать эффективную помощь людям, страдающим на невротические, связанные со стрессом и соматоформные расстройства; неосложненные аффективные расстройства; расстройства привычек и влечений; расстройства сна неорганической природы, пищевого поведения и половой дисфункции


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    В статье рассмотрены основные модальности суггестивного психотерапевтического воздействия и показана их связь с общей стратегией Мультимодальной суггестивной психотерапии. К основные модальностям суггестивного психотерапевтического воздействия отнесены:«психический статус», «когнитивные процессы», «состояние сомы», «рефлекторные побуждения-действия», «актуальные потребности», «стратегии преодоления». Определена направленность и содержание базовых внушений в Мультимодальной суггестивной психотерапии. К специфическим внушениям отнесено внушение идеи психотерапевтического персонально идеального стиля жизни. Показано, что для выхода на персонально идеальный стиль жизни клиенту необходимо овладеть базовыми принципами адаптивного мышления. Установлено, что в основе адаптивного мышления лежат мировоззренческие идеи-принципы непрерывной изменчивости, взаимосвязи, относительности, необратимости, самоорганизации, динамического равновесия. Показано, что на каждом психотерапевтическом сеансе необходимо оценивать клиента по ведущим модальностям суггестивного психотерапевтического воздействия. На основе этой оценки определяется «профиль проблемы» и область ближайшего возможного развития клиента. Данный профиль задает локальную стратегию работы на каждом конкретном психотерапевтическом сеансе. Усреднение множества локальных «профилей проблемы» позволяет определить общую стратегию мультимодального суггестивного психотерапевтического воздействия

    Analysis and transformation of legacy code

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    Hardware evolves faster than software. While a hardware system might need replacement every one to five years, the average lifespan of a software system is a decade, with some instances living up to several decades. Inevitably, code outlives the platform it was developed for and may become legacy: development of the software stops, but maintenance has to continue to keep up with the evolving ecosystem. No new features are added, but the software is still used to fulfil its original purpose. Even in the cases where it is still functional (which discourages its replacement), legacy code is inefficient, costly to maintain, and a risk to security. This thesis proposes methods to leverage the expertise put in the development of legacy code and to extend its useful lifespan, rather than to throw it away. A novel methodology is proposed, for automatically exploiting platform specific optimisations when retargeting a program to another platform. The key idea is to leverage the optimisation information embedded in vector processing intrinsic functions. The performance of the resulting code is shown to be close to the performance of manually retargeted programs, however with the human labour removed. Building on top of that, the question of discovering optimisation information when there are no hints in the form of intrinsics or annotations is investigated. This thesis postulates that such information can potentially be extracted from profiling the data flow during executions of the program. A context-aware data dependence profiling system is described, detailing previously overlooked aspects in related research. The system is shown to be essential in surpassing the information that can be inferred statically, in particular about loop iterators. Loop iterators are the controlling part of a loop. This thesis describes and evaluates a system for extracting the loop iterators in a program. It is found to significantly outperform previously known techniques and further increases the amount of information about the structure of a program that is available to a compiler. Combining this system with data dependence profiling improves its results even more. Loop iterator recognition enables other code modernising techniques, like source code rejuvenation and commutativity analysis. The former increases the use of idiomatic code and as a result increases the maintainability of the program. The latter can potentially drive parallelisation and thus dramatically improve runtime performance

    Generalized Profile-Guided Iterator Recognition

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    Electrophysical properties of meso-porous silicon free standing films modified with palladium

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    Resistivity and complex impedance voltage dependences for thick mesoporous silicon free layers were studied in this work. The asymmetrical by the sign of applied voltage experimental curves at low frequencies have been obtained. Modification of electrophysical properties due to introduction of palladium particles into the porous matrix is observed. Impedance change regularities during oxidation of the samples have been measured. The explanation of experimental results by asymmetrical distribution of charge carrier traps in the bulk of porous silicon has been suggested. Energy band diagrams and charge transfer mechanisms of these heterostructures are discussed

    Free Rider: A Source-Level Transformation Tool for Retargeting Platform-Specific Intrinsic Functions

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    Short-vector S imd and D sp instructions are popular extensions to common I sa s. These extensions deliver excellent performance and compact code for some compute-intensive applications, but they require specialized compiler support. To enable the programmer to explicitly request the use of such an instruction, many C compilers provide platform-specific intrinsic functions, whose implementation is handled specially by the compiler. The use of such intrinsics, however, inevitably results in nonportable code. In this article, we develop a novel methodology for retargeting such nonportable code, which maps intrinsics from one platform to another, taking advantage of similar intrinsics on the target platform. We employ a description language to specify the signature and semantics of intrinsics and perform graph-based pattern matching and high-level code transformations to derive optimized implementations exploiting the target’s intrinsics, wherever possible. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our new methodology, implemented in the F ree R ider tool, by automatically retargeting benchmarks derived from O pen CV samples and a complex embedded application optimized to run on an A rm C ortex -M4 to an I ntel E dison module with S se 4.2 instructions (and vice versa). We achieve a speedup of up to 3.73 over a plain C baseline, and on average 96.0% of the speedup of manually ported and optimized versions of the benchmarks. </jats:p

    The structure of the lithosphere in area of junction between the Okhotsk sea and the continental tectonic structures

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    The area of junction of the Ul'in volcano-tectonic structure of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt and tectonic structures of Okhotsk Sea has both fundamental interest - for understanding tectonics and geodynamics on the outskirts of the continent, and practical - for assessing the metallogenic potential of the territory, primarily for gold. The main subject of the present studies was the deep unhomogeneities and disjunctive tectonics, clarification of the block structure of the lithosphere. The creation of a deep base was carried out by means of a complex interpretation of geophysical data (maps of gravity and magnetic fields), data of the Deep Seismic Sounding profile of the north-eastern section of the 3-DV profile (Skovorodino-Tommot-Khandyga-Myakit), geophysical and geological information. The main tool for geopotential fields data processing was the computer technology “KOSKAD 3D” intended for processing of three-dimensional digital geoinformation by the methods of probability-statistical analysis. Three types of 3D gravity field models up to a depth of 90 km are calculated: 3D distribution of low-frequency characteristics; 3D distribution of high-frequency characteristics; density 3D models. An analysis of petrophysical information was carried out on a formalized basis with subsequent compilation of specialized petrodensity and petromagnetic maps. The obtained 3D models allowed to construct sections and slices of the gravity field components, density of the lithosphere at different depth levels. Cartographic, geophysical and petrophysical materials formed the basis for a map of faulty tectonics in the region.The main disruptive disorders are ranked in the direction (northeastern, northwestern, sublatitudinal, submeridional), by the depth of deposition (mantle, lower crust, medium-crustal, upper crustal, near-surface), by their specialization - (blocking, magma-leading). According to the density model, the mantle part of the lithosphere is dense enough both for the continent and for the Okhotsk Sea. In the earth's crust, the Dzhugdzhur-Okhotsk and Mongol-Okhotsk fault systems divide the continental part of the territory into three regions: high-density - western and eastern (coastal), and central - decompressed ones. The Dzhugdzhur-Okhotsk northeastern system of disturbances is a regional boundary between a dense and reduced density lithosphere on the continent. Geologically, it can be regarded as the boundary of the ancient (Jurassic-Cretaceous) paleosubduction, during which a belt of a granitized decompressed lithosphere formed. The boundary of the junction of marine and continental structures does not coincide with the coast line: marine structures rise under continent, indicating a collision between the Okhotsk Sea and the Eurasian plate. Probably, the Jurassic-Cretaceous subduction regime on the outskirts of the Eurasian plate was replaced by a collision one in the Cenozoic, as a result of which the Ul'in volcano-tectonic structure was divided by northwestern faults into transverse blocks. The subsequent intraplate marginal rifting caused the Coastal (Mongol-Okhotsk) fault to “creep” of continental deposits onto “marine” tectonic structures. The results of the performed studies made it possible to better understand the nature of the interaction of the tectonic structures of the southwestern margin of the Okhotsk Sea. The deep-seated schemes of fault tectonics and the transformant of the gravitational field can be used for palinspastic reconstructions. The constructed petrophysical maps have prospects for further multi-functional application. The received structural basis can become the basis of studying laws of formation of mineral deposits