16 research outputs found

    Birth weight and term of the gestation in pregnancies complicated by isolated oligo and isolated polyhydramnios

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    Background: To access the birth weight of the newborn and term of the gestation in pregnancies complicated by isolated oligo and polyhydramnios.Methods: A Hospital based study has been conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute, Chennai.  All the singleton pregnancies diagnosed with Isolated Oligo and Polyhydramnios were enrolled in the study. All the subjects were followed up to their delivery. Birth weight and Term of the Gestation were recorded immediately after delivery.Results: Out of 3,567 patients 32 (0.9%) and 5 (0.15%) were diagnosed as Isolated Oligo and Polyhydramnios respectively.Among 32 (0.9%) newborns of Isolated Oligohydramnios, 5 (15.62%) were Very Low Birth Weight ( 3800gms). On the other hand Preterm and Term gestations were 17 (53.12%) and 15(46.8%) respectively in this group.Among the 5 (0.15%) cases of Isolated Polyhydramnios group, Very Low Birth Weight and Low Birth Weight newborns were 1(20%) each and newborns with normal Birth weight were 3 (60%). Similarly, Preterm and Term gestations were 2(40%) and 3(60%) respectively.Conclusion:  Isolated Oligo and Polyhydramnios are associated with increased rate of Low Birth Weight (Very Low Birth Weight and Low Birth Weight) neonates and Preterm deliveries.


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    Android is one of the most user friendly mobile platforms that have grasped the attention of smart phone users around the globe. According to stats available there are 1.4 billion people who have used Android mobile platform. And this has led to the development of android application exponentially; there are around 2.8 million android applications available in play store. Many of the available application do not fit into low specification smart phones due to some reasons. Share and Use is an android application that lets you use another smart phones application by your phone without actually installing it on your phone. Share and Use lets user to use application installed on other phones and access applications on their smart phones. Share and Use helps phones with lower specification android phones to use applications that are not be able to install in them

    Recent global increase in multiple rapid intensification of tropical cyclones

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    Abstract The rapid intensification (RI ≥ 30 knots/24-h) of tropical cyclones (TCs) makes TC forecasting difficult, resulting in severe damage to property and life. Forecasting can get even worse if TCs have experienced RI more than once (referred to as "multiple-RI TCs") in their lifetime. On a global scale, the relation between long-term trends of multiple-RI TC frequency and maximum potential intensity (MPI) changes is investigated in this study. During 1981–2020, the frequency of multiple-RI TCs significantly increased at a rate of 1.2 TCs/decade, which was primarily due to the upper phases of TC becoming conducive to RI as MPI increased. Our analysis shows that the frequency of multiple-RI TCs has increased by 82.43% in 2000–2020 compared to that in 1981–2000, whereas the frequency of single RI TCs has increased by only 1.63%. The rise in MPI elevates the initial intensity at which a TC undergoes maximum intensification rate, making post-Tropical Storm stages of TCs conducive to RI. As a result, TCs can undergo RI multiple times even following a weakening before the intensity approaches MPI

    A Survey and Review over Image Alignment and Stitching Methods. The

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    Abstract Image stitching or photo stitching is the process of combining multiple photographic images with overlapping fields of view to produce a segmented panorama or high-resolution image. Commonly performed through the use of computer software, most approaches to image stitching require nearly exact overlaps between images and identical exposures to produce seamless results. Some digital cameras can stitch their photos internally. The image mosaicing is one of the most widely used techniques for semi-automated or automated recovery of original documents from ripped up documents. Reconstruction of hand torn paper documents is a challenging task in forensic and investigation sciences. There are a number of hard and soft constraints that must be observed while stitching images. It is an active research area in the fields of photogrammetric, computer vision, and computer graphics. In this paper, several approaches have been dealt to overcome image stitching problem which are summarized briefly

    The Design and Fabrication of Manhole Cleaning Machine Using Glass Fiber Gripper

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    Manual scavenging is one of the major problems facing by the whole world. Particularly manhole cleaning is getting more dangerous and harmful to workers involving in the cleaning process. According to research 50% of the sewer workers die before the age of 50 due to health issues. In order to reduce and stop this problem the design and fabrication of manhole cleaning machine is presented in this project as a solution. The new manhole cleaning machine is used to clean the manhole without involving the worker to go inside the manhole. The machine uses mechanical gripper made up of glass fiber. It uses screw mechanism to collect and dispense the sludge. The gripper is carried by a vehicle which will travel on the track. The track and vehicle make the system to be continuous and automatic. The track can accommodate multiple grippers for continuous removal of sludge. Dc motors are used as the major power transferring devices

    Principal Component Analysis for Quality Traits in Indigenous Moringa (Moringa oleifera L.) Germplasm Lines

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    The present investigation was carried out at Department of Vegetable Crops, Horticultural College and Research Institute (HC&RI), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Periyakulam during 2016 -2017 with twenty genotypes in order to study the genetic diversity for different Quality characters of Moringa by principal component analysis. In this study, out of five principal components (PC), only three components exhibited eigenvalues greater than 0.5 and accounted for 84.12% variability. The PC1 accounted for the highest variability (52.53% of) the total variability, followed by PC2 (17.66%) then PC3 with 13.93%. Thus the results of the principal component analysis revealed, wide genetic variability exists in this Moringa genotype accessions

    Bisdemethoxycurcumin promotes apoptosis in human platelets via activation of ERK signaling pathway

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    Curcumin, a major bioactive component of turmeric (Curcuma longa), is known for its multiple health benefits. Curcumin as such is a mixture of its analogs: bisdemethoxycurcumin (BDMC)-3%, and demethoxycurcumin (DMC)-17%. Although the effect of curcumin on platelets is documented, the effect of BDMC and DMC on platelets is less studied. Considering the indispensable role played by platelets in hemostasis, thrombosis, inflammation, and immunity, the present study evaluates the effect of curcumin, DMC and BDMC on platelet apoptosis. The components of curcumin were purified by silica-gel column chromatography. The purity and mass analysis of the purified curcuminoids was determined by RP-HPLC and LC-MS respectively. When analyzed for platelet apoptotic markers, only BDMC demonstrated increased incidence of platelet apoptotic markers including increase in intracellular Ca2+, decrease in Delta psi m, alteration in BCl-2 family proteins, the release of cytochrome c, caspase activation, and PS externalization via activation of ERK activation. ERK inhibitor PD98059 significantly alleviated BDMC induced decrease in Delta psi m, alteration in BCl-2, caspase-8 activation and PS externalization. Our results demonstrate that curcumin, DMC and BDMC differentially act on platelet in inducing apoptosis and the study highlights that the toxicity associated with curcumin therapy might be attributed to BDMC in the mammalian system

    The Influence of Plant Growth Modulators on Physiological Yield and Quality Traits of Sesame (Sesamum indicum) Cultivars Under Rainfed Conditions

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    Sesame is an important oilseed crop, and the crop yields frequently fluctuate as the crop is largely grown in rainfed and low-fertile lands. Limited water availability negatively affects many physiological processes and the final productivity of sesame. Limited work has been carried out in the past to understand the role of plant growth regulators (PGRs) in modulating sesame growth and development for optimum productivity. A field study was conducted under rainfed conditions to evaluate the response of foliar application of different PGRs such as hormonal-based gibberellic acid (20 ppm); chemical-based thiourea (500 ppm); chemical-constituting structural component-based ortho-silicic acid (380 ppm); and control (water-sprayed) on sesame cultivars: Swetha til, GT-10, TKG-22, and JCSDT-26. The PGRs foliar application was done at the vegetative (25–30 days after sowing), 50% flowering (40–45 days after sowing), and seed development (70–75 days after sowing) stages of the crop. The results revealed that application of different PGRs positively influenced the plant’s growth, physiological, yield and quality traits; however, most effective results were obtained with gibberellic acid (20 ppm), followed by ortho-silicic acid (380 ppm), and thiourea (500 ppm) improved the morphological, yield, and yield-attributing traits. The interaction between PGRs and varieties was found significant and among the sesame cultivars, swetha til followed by JCSDT-29 was found most promising. The application of PGRs has significantly improved the plant height, leaf area, number of branches, capsules, seeds/capsules, seed yield oil content, and fatty acid content compared to the control by gibberellic acid, followed by ortho-silicic acid and thiourea. The interaction between PGRs and varieties was found to be significant, and cultivar Swetha til, a white-colored cultivar performed most superiorly among the different tested cultivars in terms of growth, physiology, yield as well and quality traits when treated with GA3 at 20 ppm. The seed yield was enhanced by 25–26%, 11–12%, and 6–7% with the application of gibberellic acid, ortho-silicic acid, and thiourea, respectively, over control. Considering the findings, it can be concluded that the application of PGRs (thiourea, ortho-silicic acid, and gibberellic acid) significantly enhanced the growth, physiology, yield, and quality of sesame under rainfed conditions; however, GA3 at 20 ppm was found most effective and may not only enhance the optimum productivity but also effective in improving the quality traits of sesame