763 research outputs found

    Processing of Spatio-Temporal Hybrid Search Algorithms in Heterogenous Environment Using Stochastic Annealing NN Search

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    In spatio-temporal database the mixed regions are present in a random manner. The existing work produces the result to create new research opportunities in the area of adaptive and hybrid SLS algorithms. This algorithm develops initialization algorithms which are used only for the homogenous environment. Most current approaches assume, as we have done here, only the homogenous mixtures. Approach: To overcome the above issue, we are going to implement a new technique termed Stochastic Annealing Nearest Neighbor Search using hybrid search algorithms (SANN- HA) for spatio-temporal heterogeneous environment to retrieve the best solution. It provides enhanced fits for definite run length distributions, and would be useful in other contexts as well. Results: Performance of Stochastic Annealing Nearest Neighbor Search using hybrid search algorithms is to discover different sub explanations using different mixture of algorithms in terms of run length distribution and average time for execution based on data objects. Conclusion: It considers the problem of retrieving the high quality solution from the heterogeneous environment. An analytical and empirical result shows the better result with the efficient hybrid search algorithms of our proposed SANN scheme

    Laves Phase in Alloy 718 Fusion Zone

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    The gas tungsten arc (GTA) welded fusion zone of alloy 718 has been well investigated on the formation of interdendritic Laves phase. This article deals with the various process control methodologies for minimizing the microsegregation and Laves phase such as the enhanced weld cooling rate in GTA welding (GTAW) process and modification in weld metal chemistry. Even though the high energy density welding processes such as electron beam (EB) and laser beam (LB) welding techniques are proven in minimizing the microsegregation and Laves phase, the requirement of conventional GTA welding process still exists in the aerospace industry due to the complex shapes of the components and the inaccessible conditions for executing the welding process. The enhancement in the weld cooling rate and modified weld metal chemistry resulted in the refined fusion zone microstructure and reduced microsegregation. Enhanced weld efficiency on ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and 0.2% YS at 25°C was observed to the tune of 85 to 93% by employing cryogenic cooling in GTA welding process. Similar improvement in weld efficiency at 650°C was observed. However, the evaluated weld efficiencies with cryogenically cooled weld metal were marginally lower than the previous works in EB and LB welds only by 2–3%

    Draft measurement of five tyne duck foot plough in clay soil

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    In the present study, the draft requirement of five tyne duck foot plough was studied on clay soil for different soil moisture content, depth of operation and forward speed of tractor using a specially designed three-point hitch dynamometer.  The designed dynamometer was matched with the tractors having category II or III hitch systems. The data acquisition system adopted for the dynamometer had NI WSN-3214 Strain Nodes, NI 9792 WSN real-time Gateway and NI LAB View 2013 software. A data logger program was developed for the three-point hitch dynamometer. The investigation was carried out at that three levels soil moisture content (10-13%, 14-16% and 17-20%), at three different depth of operation (15, 20 and 25 cm) and three levels of the forward speed of tractor (3, 5 and 7 km h-1). The designed dynamometer performed well in all the levels of the experiment. The results showed that draft force required for five tyne duck foot plough was increased (408 kg) with an increase in soil moisture content (17-20%), whereas it was increased (408 kg) with an increase in depth of operation (25 cm) and forward speed of tractor (7 km h-1). The suitable sweep, the forward speed of operation, depth of operation and soil moisture content that influenced the draft force and energy consumption for tillage operation of duck foot type plough were identified and developed duck foot plough was better coverage with better soil operation.              

    A Study of Urinary Tract Infection in Bladder Catheterized Patients: A Series of 110 Cases

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    INTRODUCTION: The urinary tract is the most common site of nosocomial infection. Most of these infections follow instrumentation of the urinary tract, mainly urinary catheterization and are also a major source of resistant nosocomial pathogens. Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is the most common nosocomial infection in hospitals and nursing homes, comprising >40% of all institutionally acquired infections (Kunin, 1997). Nosocomial bacteriuria or candiduria develops in up to 25% of patients requiring a urinary catheter for > 7 days, with a daily risk of 5%. Although not all catheter-associated urinary tract infections can be prevented, it is believed that a large number could be avoided by the proper management of the indwelling catheter. AIM OF THE STUDY: The aim of the study is to analyze the incidence, clinical symptoms, microbiological flora, sensitivity of organisms of urinary tract infection in bladder catheterized patients and the influence of the days of catheterization in catheter associated urinary tract infection. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was conducted in Government Stanley Hospital. The study was conducted over a period of nine months from December 2007 to August 2008. Patients who were catheterized for various disease conditions were taken for study. The patients were mainly from surgical wards like General Surgery, Orthopedics, Neurosurgery and Medical wards like Neuromedicine, General Medicine and Intensive Care Unit. The patients were included in the study after getting informed consent from them or from their relatives. The primary diagnosis for which they were admitted was noted. Both males and females in age group of 20 to 70 years were included in our study. A total of 208 patients of which 105 were males and 103 were females were initially included in our study. 98 patients of which 48 were males and 50 were females were excluded from the study based on the exclusion criteria and finally a total of 110 patients were included in the study for analysis. Inclusion Criteria: Long term catheterized patients like: 1. Fracture femur. 2. Dislocation of hip. 3. Traumatic and other causes of paraplegia. 4. Cerebrovascular accidents. 5. Neurodegenerative disorders. 6. Various types of meningitis. 7. Various types of encephalopathies. Exclusion Criteria: 1. Patients who were urine culture and sensitivity positive on the day of catheterization. 2. Patients in whom catheter was removed before the fourth day for various reasons like the patient’s general condition improved or the patient absconded from ward or went against medical advice or died. 3. Patients in whom catheter was removed before the eight day and was urine culture and sensitivity negative on the fourth day for various reasons like the patient’s general condition improved or the patient absconded from ward or went against medical advice or died. 4. Patients who had symptoms suggestive of urinary tract obstruction and elderly male patients with prostatic hypertrophy and female patients with ultrasonographic evidence of pelvic inflammatory diseases and symptoms suggestive of atrophic vaginitis. RESULTS: A total of 208 patients of which 105 were males and 103 were females were initially included in the study. The number of patients excluded was 98 of which 48 were males and 50 were females. Of the 110 patients, 105 were males constituting 52% and 103 were females constituting 48%. The patients included in the study were in the age group of 25 years to 68 years with an average of 50 years. Among the 110 catheterized patients, 31 patients were urine culture and sensitivity positive on day 4 of catheterization constituting 28%and the remaining 79 patients were urine culture and sensitivity negative constituting 72% .Of these 31 urine culture and sensitivity positive patients 14 were males and 17 were females. Among 79 patients who were urine culture and sensitivity negative, 14 patients became urine culture and sensitivity positive on day 8. It constituted 41% of the total 110 patients. Among the 14 patients 6 were males and 8 were females. The percentage of increase in urine culture and sensitivity positivity from day 4 to day 8 was 18%. Among the 57 male patients 14 were urine culture and sensitivity positive on day 4 and 20 were urine culture and sensitivity positive on day 8. Among the 53 female patients 17 were urine culture and sensitivity positive on day 4 and 25 were urine culture and sensitivity positive on day 8. CONCLUSION: The Present Study Indicates: 1. Urinary tract infection is common in catheterized patients. 2. The risk of catheter associated urinary tract infection increases with the days of catheterization. 3. Females were more at risk for catheter associated urinary tract infection than males. 4. Klebsiella pneumoniae was commoner than Escherichia coli in producing catheter associated urinary tract infection in this study. 5. There was increased resistance of catheter associated urinary tract infections to the commonly used antibiotics. 6. Amikacin was sensitive to most of the catheter associated urinary tract infections. 7. Most of the catheter associated urinary tract infection patients were asymptomatic. 8. There was no role for prophylactic antibiotics in preventing catheter associated urinary tract infections. 9. Patients with risk factors like diabetes mellitus and renal calculi were more at risk for catheter associated urinary tract infections

    A Modulation Technique for Sensorless Control of Switched Reluctance Motor

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    The switched reluctance motor (SRM) uniquely bears several merits with respect to other motor configurations. Especially, the construction of the rotor is simple in the sense that it neither contains copper not contains permanent magnets. Because of this construction, likelihood of rotor’s failure is less than the other motor configurations. This makes this motor more suitable for harsh environments. On the flip side, this motor cannot directly operate with AC or DC power source and needs electronic commutation. For commutation, the information on instantaneous orientation of the rotor is essential. Since inclusion of appropriate sensor adds to the cost and complexity of the system, sensor-less commutation of SRM gained interest among the researchers and has been studied extensively in literature. The techniques for sensorless control of SRM can be broadly classified into Active phase and Idle phase techniques. Idle phase techniques are generally believed to be not suitable for high speed operation beause of tail current in a phase, i.e., because of inductive nature of the phase, it takes time for flow of current to stop. This paper proposes a novel idle phase technique that is conducive for high speed operation of switched reluctance motor


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    In the title compound, C18H15NO2, the dihedral angle between the two benzene rings is 74.8 (1)°. The carbonitrile chain is almost linear, the C—C—N angle being 176.2 (2)°. In the crystal, π–π inter­actions [centroid–centroid distance = 3.842 (1) Å] are observed

    A study of diagnostic laproscopy in intra abdominal malignancies

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    BACKGROUND: Abdominal malignancies are one of the most common malignancy affecting humans Many patients with abdominal malignancies are found at exploration to be unable to undergo resection. Laparoscopy has been suggested as a sensitive method for detecting metastatic disease in this group of patients. Diagnostic laparoscopy effectively establishes a diagnosis, can be therapeutic, and causes less morbidity and mortality than a formal laparotomy. Also there is not much literature about cost effectiveness of the procedure & reduction in convalescence period. OBJECTIVES OF STUDY: 1. Role of diagnostic laparoscopy for staging of abdominal malignancy. 2. To study convalescence period & cost effectiveness of the patient. 3. To assess the ability to avoid unnecessary laparotomies. METHODS: The present study evaluated 30 patients of abdominal malignancies admitted to Stanley Medical College Hospital during the period of January 2013 to December 2013 fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Diagnostic Laparoscopy was performed in all 30 patients after taking written consent. Diagnostic Laparoscopy was immediately followed by definitive or palliative surgeries when required. Categorical variables in the study were compared palliative surgeries when required. Categorical variables in the study were compared using Chi square test, contingency coefficient analysis, Independent sample t test, one sample t test using SPSS software. P value of < 0.05 was considered to be significant. RESULTS: Study included total of 30 patients comprising of stomach, biliary & colorectal malignancies with mean age of 53 years (21-70). 13 cases (43.3%) were found to be unresectable on staging laparoscopy and prevented from undergoing unnecessary laparotomy. 6 cases (20%) had liver metastases & 8 cases (26.7%) had peritoneal seedings on staging laparoscopy which were not revealed on preoperative imaging workup. Mean duration of Staging Laparoscopy was 18.83 min (10-30mins). Staging Laparoscopy had minimal major complication rates. Mean convalescence period was 8.2 days for study group & Mean cost for study group was Rs 8,897. It was significantly lower compared to open exploration. INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSION: A short SL performed just before the planned surgical procedure to certify the operability is found to be safe & very effective. It is very accurate in assessing peritoneal seedings, hepatic metastases which are not found on imaging modalities. Staging laparoscopy has a significant impact on decisions regarding the treatment plan, helps in more careful planning of palliative & resectional procedure in advanced conditions, performing biopsy from sites of dissemination & having histological confirmation. It spares patients from unnecessary laparotomies and has been found to significantly decrease the hospital stay & cost expenditure when compared to open exploration. Staging Laparoscopy should be a routine tool in the armamentarium of all surgeons

    Investigation on Tensile and Flexural Strength of KOH Treated Ridge Gourd Fiber-Polyester Resin Composite

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    Abstract- Natural fiber is abundantly availing in nature. Nowadays this is used in composite materials. In general ridge gourd fiber is very strength material due to its woven. So this fiber is using in composites. Here potassium hydroxide (KOH) treated ridge gourd fiber is used in composite. One of the traditional methods, hand lay – up method is to use for preparing ridge gourd fiber reinforcing polyester composite. Specimens are to be test as per ASTM standards. Tensile and flexural strength are analyzed and optimize the parameters. Then, the fractured surfaces are analyzed with the help of SEM images. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150312

    Molecular Docking Studies for the Assessment of Wound Healing Activity of Phytoconstituents in Heliotropium Indicum

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    One of the most crucial and complex processes is the skin's multi-stage process of healing after an injury. Heliotropium indicum is a potent antibiotic, anti- inflammatory, anti-neoplastic, anti-oxidant, and wound- healing agent. Heliotropium indicum Linn is the source of the chemical compound in question, which is abundant in sterols, ammines, volatile oils, and the pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Molecular docking studies were conducted on Heliotropium indicum using Argus lab 4.0.1 and Autodock 1.5.7. The proteins PDB ID:1YXO, 3V18, and 4G8R were selected because of their role in wound healing. The pieces work together with the protein responsible for mending wounds. The binding affinities of mupirocin and nitrofurazone are higher than those of the components stigmasterol, eugenol, borneol, and campesterol. In order to better customize Heliotropium indicum to our requirements, we now have a better knowledge of the components of the molecule that interact with their receptors in the wound healing process

    Complete Design and Finite Element Analysis of an all Terrain Vehicle

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    We have tried to design an all terrain vehicle that meets international standards and is also cost effective at the same time. We have focused on every single system to improve the performance of each component. Our vehicle can navigate through almost all terrain, which ultimately is the objective behind the making of any all terrain vehicle. We began the task of designing by conducting extensive research of each main component of the vehicle. We did not want to design certain areas such as the frame, and then make the rest to fit. We considered each component to be significant, and thereby designed the vehicle as a whole trying to optimize each component while constantly considering how other components would be affected. This forced us to think outside the box, research more thoroughly, and redesign components along the way in order to have a successful design. We used the necessary parameters to create a Qualitative Function Diagram (QFD) to determine which parameters were the most critical. These key parameters ranging from most critical to least critical are safety, reliability, low cost, ease of operation and maintenance, and overall performance
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