840 research outputs found

    Come interpretare il Principio del danno

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    In this article I will analyse seven types of harms, which can be relevant or irrelevant for the justification of the use of criminal coercion. This conceptual operation is important to solve a fundamental problem, relative to the validity of the Offence Principle according to the liberal ethic

    Ode to an M&M

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    Teorie della coercizione, antipaternalismo e autonomia contrattuale

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    In this article, I will examine the relations between antipaternalism and coercion theories. According to antipaternalism over himself, over his body and mind, the individual is sovereign, but if his actions are rational and free of coercion. Secondly, I will clarify if the so called unconscionability doctrine about contract law is antipaternalistic or not

    A Cross-Sectional Survey on Burnout Prevalence and Profile in the Sicilian Population of Ambulance Driver-Rescuers

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    Introduction: Burnout is present at a high rate in emergency medicine. The ambulance driver-rescuers, who furnish first aid to the victims, are the non-medical part of the Italian 118-service staff. There is a lack of research on burnout risk in Italian Emergency Medical Services and, particularly, for this category of workers. The two Italian studies, including a little group of ambulance driver-rescuers, reported inconsistent findings. Hypothesis: This survey investigated for the first time the prevalence and exact profile of burnout in a large sample of Italian driver-rescuers. As a secondary aim, the study described how the items of the Italian version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) cluster in components in this sample. Methods: This cross-sectional census survey was conducted from June 2015 through May 2016 and involved all the driver-rescuers operating in Sicily, the biggest and most southern region of Italy. The subjects received a classification according to different profiles of burnout by using the Italian version of the MBI-HSS (burnout, engagement, disengagement, over-extension, and work-inefficacy). In order to explore the existence of independent factors, a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was conducted on the survey to obtain eigenvalues >one for each component in the data. Results: The final sample comprised 2,361 responders (96.6% of the initial sample). Of them, 29.8% were in burnout (95% confidence interval [CI], 27.8% to 31.8%) and 1.7% presented a severe form (95% CI, 1.1% to 2.3%); 30.0% were engaged in their work (95% CI, 21.0% to 34.8%), 24.7% of responders were disengaged (95% CI, 22.9% to 26.5%), 1.2% presented an over-extension profile (95% CI, 0.8% to 1.7%), and 12.6% felt work-inefficacy (95% CI, 11.3% to 14.1%). The factors loaded into a five-factor solution at PCA, explaining 48.1% of the variance and partially replicating the three-factor structure. The Emotional Exhaustion (EE) component was confirmed. New dimensions from Personal Accomplishment (PA) and Depersonalization (DP) sub-scales described empathy and disengagement with patients, respectively, and were responsible for the increased risk of burnout. Conclusions: These results endorse the importance of screening and psychological interventions for this population of emergency workers, where burnout could manifest itself more insidiously. It is also possible to speculate that sub-optimal empathy skills could be related to the disengagement and work-inefficacy feelings registered

    Multimodality in the Art & Media Arts Classroom: A Qualitative Study of Multimodal Literacies as They Appear in Art & Media Educator Classroom Curriculum and Practice

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    As a visual arts educator, I understand the unique opportunities students have to learn by making, inventing, and creating, to communicate their ideas. The work of the New London Group (2000), the more recent National Core Arts Standards and the National Core Media Arts Standards (2014) and the New York Arts & Media Arts Standards (2017) have significantly influenced this study by reinforcing both the necessity and potential to both art and media arts teaching practices in developing greater applications for multimodal literacy theory, defined by the National Council of the Teachers of English as “Integration of multiple modes of communication and expression that can enhance or transform the meaning of the work beyond illustration or decoration” (2005). The purpose of this study is to better understand if and how art and media arts educators include multimodality in planning and executing visual art experiences for K-12 students by examining their association with and their definitions of multimodality. By providing a rich description, I hope to create a shared meaning in order to understand the context that reflects a slice of art teacher culture, (Bogdan & Biklen, 2007). Through this multisite case study, nine visual art educators’ planning and practice around multimodal literacies was explored through participant observation for one week at each site and formal interviews conducted after the week ended. Multiple modes of data was collected from each site including field notes, teacher artifacts, still photography, audio recording and video recording. Analysis of this data showed that although most participants could not define multimodal literacies, most were planning and practicing their teaching with multimodal literacies in varying degrees, such as incorporating more web content, popular culture video clips and movement exercises when presenting content to students. Media arts teachers showed the most evidence of using multimodal literacies in teacher planning and practice. Analysis of the data presented four themes: participants infused multimodal literacies in planning their visual and media arts curriculum even though the term was unfamiliar; as they became familiar with the term multimodal literacies, participants’ perception was that they used many of these strategies to support students in their teaching practice; visual and linguistic modes were privileged in delivering art and media content in curriculum planning and teaching practice and participants utilized the aural, gestural and spatial modes far less than the visual and linguistic modes in planning and practice. The findings suggest that additional coursework around ideas of multimodal literacies, consistent with visual arts and media arts standards, should be added to visual and media arts teacher preparation programs for pre-service teachers and that districts should add additional professional development around ideas of multimodal literacies to practicing teachers. This training would prepare teachers to address a variety of abilities, learning styles and the delivery of instruction to best provide quality visual and media arts education to all students

    Das MaGI-Projekt: Elektronische Katalogisierung der griechischen Handschriften Italiens

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    GrĂ¶ĂŸere und kleinere italienische Bibliotheken bewahren ca. 6500 griechische Handschriften. Dazu kommen ca. 4700 BĂ€nde der Vatikanischen Bibliothek. Diese Zahlen beruhen auf reinen SchĂ€tzungen, weil neuzeitliche Handschriften, in Archiven aufbewahrte Codices und insbesondere die Zahl der wirklich kodikologischen (also nicht nachtrĂ€glich buchbinderischen) Einheiten unbekannt ist. Das griechische Handschriftenerbe Italiens muss in Umfang und Inhalt also noch genauer bestimmt werden, was jedoch durch das Fehlen angemessener Bestandsnachweise erschwert wird. Diesen Problemen will ein Langzeitprojekt abhelfen, das eine umfassende elektronische Katalogisierung und – zumindest teilweise – Digitalisierung aller griechischen Handschriften in italienischen Bibliotheken zum Ziel hat. Die Arbeit erfolgt dabei â€șoffenâ€č und â€șkollaborativâ€č mit Hilfe einer Software, auf der auch das Katalogisierungsprojekt der â€șNuova Biblioteca Manoscrittaâ€č beruht das seit 2003 die Katalogisierung der mittelalterlichen und neuzeitlichen Handschriften der Region Venezien betreibt. Diese Software kann einfach fĂŒr die Katalogisierung von Handschriften unterschiedlicher kultureller Herkunft angepasst werden und ist mit dem vom Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico gepflegten Standard â€șManusâ€č kompatibel. Die Ergebnisse der Katalogisierung werden den Forschern frei zur VerfĂŒgung stehen und können fĂŒr palĂ€ographische, kodikologische, kunsthistorische und philologische Forschungen an den beschriebenen Handschriften benutzt werden. Da vergleichbare nationale oder internationale Projekte zu byzantinischen Handschriften fehlen, wird â€șMaGIâ€č auch neue Referenzwerke zur Handschriftenbeschreibung erarbeiten und bereitstellen: Thesauri fĂŒr Autorennamen und Buchtitel der griechischen Klassik und der byzantinischen Zeit. Diese werden sowohl fĂŒr die Katalogisierung von Handschriften als auch von Drucken in diesem Feld dienen können


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    Il progetto si pone come obiettivo la realizzazione di “Studi di Caso”, esemplificativi in aree in cui la Chimica ha un ruolo determinante e che dimostrino l’impatto di questa scienza nella vita quotidiana. Gli esempi scelti, dovranno essere specifici, attraenti e interessanti anche per un pubblico privo di basi scientifiche. Inoltre, si realizzeranno un certo numero di quesiti online, attraverso i quali il pubblico potrà anche valutare la propria consapevolezza di tale impatto

    Bible as Notepad

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    The present volume provides a comparative look at the contents and layout features of secondary annotations in biblical manuscripts across linguistic traditions. Due to the privileged focus on the text in the columns, these annotations and the practices that produced them have not received the scholarly attention they deserve. The vast richness of extant verbal and figurative notes accompanying the biblical texts in the intercolumns and margins of the manuscript pages have thus been largely overlooked. The case studies gathered in this volume explore Jewish and Christian biblical manuscripts through the lens of their annotations, addressing the various relationships between the primary layer of text and the secondary notes, and exploring the roles and functions of annotated manuscripts as cultural artifacts. By approaching biblical manuscripts as potential "notepads", the volume offers theoretical reflection and empirical analyses of the ways in which secondary notes may shed new light on the development and transmission of text traditions, the shifting engagement with biblical manuscripts over time, as well as the change of use and interpretation that may result from the addition of the notes themselves
