193 research outputs found

    Education and older adults at the University of the Third Age

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    This article reports a critical analysis of older adult education in Malta. In educational gerontology, a critical perspective demands the exposure of how relations of power and inequality, in their myriad forms, combinations, and complexities, are manifest in late-life learning initiatives. Fieldwork conducted at the University of the Third Age (UTA) in Malta uncovered the political nature of elder-learning, especially with respect to three intersecting lines of inequality - namely, positive aging, elitism, and gender. A cautionary note is, therefore, warranted at the dominant positive interpretations of UTAs since late-life learning, as any other education activity, is not politically neutral.peer-reviewe

    Plasmas and Controlled Nuclear Fusion

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    Contains research objectives and reports on three research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant GK-1165)National Science Foundation (Grant GK-57

    Plasmas and Controlled Nuclear Fusion

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    Contains reports on eleven research projects split into three section.U. S. Atomic Energy Commission (Contract AT(30-1)-3980

    Desperately seeking a cure: Treatment seeking and appraisal in irritable bowel syndrome

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    © 2018 The British Psychological Society Objectives: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is common and adversely affects patients' quality of life. Multiple potential treatment options exist for patients (and clinicians) to choose from, with limited evidence to inform treatment selection. The aim was to explore how patients with IBS go about seeking and appraising different treatment modalities, with a view to elucidating the psychological processes involved and identifying opportunities to improve clinical practice. Design: Qualitative study nested within a randomized controlled trial of therapist-delivered and web-based cognitive behavioural therapy versus treatment-as-usual for IBS. Methods: A total of 52 people participated in semi-structured interviews about their prior experiences of treatments for IBS. Transcripts were analysed using inductive thematic analysis. Results: Key themes (desperation for a cure, disappointment at lack of cure, appraising the effects of diverse treatments, and hope for positive effects) clustered around an overarching theme of being trapped within a vicious cycle of hope and despair on treatment seeking. A desperation and willingness drove interviewees to try any treatment modality available that might potentially offer relief. Coming to accept there is no cure for IBS helped interviewees escape the vicious cycle. Treatments were appraised for their effects on symptoms and quality of life while also considering, but rarely prioritizing, other aspects including convenience of the regimen itself, whether it addressed the perceived root causes of IBS, perceived side-effects, and cost. Conclusion: Treatment seeking in IBS can be challenging for patients. Supportive discussions with health care professionals about illness perceptions, treatment beliefs, and goals could improve patients' experiences. Statement of contribution What is already known on this subject? Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a highly prevalent chronic relapsing functional gastrointestinal disorder. Studies show few treatment modalities provide complete symptom relief. IBS is associated with emotional and physical distress, and negatively impacts personal, social, and professional aspects of quality of life. What does this study add? Patients appraise IBS treatments for impact on quality of life and treatment characteristics. Developing acceptance and coping strategies helps escape treatment-seeking vicious cycles of hope and despair. Clinicians could better support patients by discussing their illness perceptions, treatment goals, and values

    A centralised public information resource for randomised trials: a scoping study to explore desirability and feasibility

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    BACKGROUND: There are currently several concerns about the ways in which people are recruited to participate in randomised controlled trials, the low acceptance rates among people invited to participate, and the experiences of trial participants. An information resource about on-going clinical trials designed for potential and current participants could help overcome some of these problems. METHODS: We carried out a scoping exercise to explore the desirability and feasibility of establishing such a resource. We sought the views of a range of people including people who were considering taking part in a trial, current trial participants, people who had been asked but refused to participate in a trial, consumer group representatives and researchers who design and conduct trials. RESULTS: There was broad-based support for the concept of a centralised information resource for members of the public about on-going and recently completed clinical trials. Such an information resource could be based on a database containing standardised information for each trial relating to the purpose of the trial; the interventions being compared; the implications of participation for participants; and features indicative of scientific quality and ethical probity. The usefulness of the database could be enhanced if its search facility could allow people to enter criteria such as a disease and geographic area and be presented with all the trials relevant to them, and if optional display formats could allow them to view information in varying levels of detail. Access via the Internet was considered desirable, with complementary supported access via health information services. The development of such a resource is technically feasible, but the collation of the required information would take a significant investment of resources. CONCLUSION: A centralised participant oriented information resource about clinical trials could serve several purposes. A more detailed investigation of its feasibility and exploration of its potential impacts are required

    The effect of acupuncture duration on analgesia and peripheral sensory thresholds

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Acupuncture provides a means of peripheral stimulation for pain relief. However, the detailed neuronal mechanisms by which acupuncture relieves pain are still poorly understood and information regarding optimal treatment settings is still inadequate. Previous studies with a short burst of unilateral electroacupuncture (EA) in the Tendinomuscular Meridians (TMM) treatment model for pain demonstrated a transient dermatomally correlated bilateral analgesic effect with corresponding peripheral modality-specific sensory threshold alterations. However, the impact of EA duration on the analgesic effect in this particular treatment model is unknown. To obtain mechanistically and clinically important information regarding EA analgesia, this current prospective cross-over study assesses the effects of EA duration on analgesia and thermal sensory thresholds in the TMM treatment model.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Baseline peripheral sensory thresholds were measured at pre-marked testing sites along the medial aspects (liver and spleen meridians) of bilateral lower extremities. A 5-second hot pain stimulation was delivered to the testing sites and the corresponding pain Visual Analog Scale (VAS) scores were recorded. Three different EA (5Hz) stimulation durations (5, 15 and 30 minutes) were randomly tested at least one week apart. At the last 10 seconds of each EA session, 5 seconds of subject specific HP stimulation was delivered to the testing sites. The corresponding pain and EA VAS scores of de qi sensation (tingling) during and after the EA were recorded. The measurements were repeated immediately, 30 and 60 minutes after the EA stimulation. A four-factor repeat measures ANOVA was used to assess the effect of stimulation duration, time, location (thigh vs. calf) and side (ipsilateral vs. contralateral) of EA on sensory thresholds and HP VAS scores.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A significant (P < 0.01) main effect of time and location with warm, cold and hot pain thresholds at the four testing sites without any significant difference in duration effect was observed. Similar time and location effects were observed with HP VAS with the longer durations (15 and 30 minutes) of stimulation showed a slower onset, but a more sustainable bilateral analgesic benefit than the short stimulation duration (5 minutes). The 15-minute stimulation resulted in an earlier onset of analgesic effect than the 30-minute stimulation paradigm.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Longer durations of EA stimulation provide a more sustainable analgesic benefit to hot noxious stimulation than a shorter duration of stimulation. The increase of cold threshold with sustained warm threshold temperature elevation as observed in the longer durations of EA suggests that as the duration of EA lengthened, there is a gradual shifting from an initial predominantly spinally mediated analgesic effect to a supraspinally mediated modulatory mechanism of thermal pain. The 15-minute stimulation appeared to be the optimal setting for treating acute pain in the lower extremities.</p

    Acupuncture for pain and osteoarthritis of the knee: a pilot study for an open parallel-arm randomised controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is some evidence that acupuncture for pain and osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee is more than a placebo, and short term clinical benefits have been observed when acupuncture is compared to usual care. However there is insufficient evidence on whether clinical benefits of acupuncture are sustained over the longer term. In this study our key objectives are to inform the design parameters for a fully powered pragmatic randomised controlled trial. These objectives include establishing potential recruitment rates, appropriate validated outcome measures, attendance levels for acupuncture treatment, loss to follow up and the sample size for a full scale trial.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Potential participants aged over 50 with pain and osteoarthritis of the knee were identified from a GP database. Eligible patients were randomised to either 'acupuncture plus usual care' and 'usual care' alone, with allocation appropriately concealed. Acupuncture consisted of up to 10 sessions usually weekly. Outcome measures included Western Ontario and McMaster Universities (WOMAC) index with the sample size for a full scale trial determined from the variance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>From the GP database of 15,927 patients, 335 potential trial participants were identified and invited to participate. After screening responses, 78 (23%) were identified as eligible and 30 patients who responded most promptly were randomised to 'acupuncture plus usual care' (15 patients) and 'usual care' alone (15 patients). Attendance for acupuncture appointments was high at 90% of the maximum. Although the trial was not powered to detect significant changes in outcome, the WOMAC pain index showed a statistically significant reduction at 3 months in the acupuncture group compared to usual care. This was not sustained at 12 months. The sample size for a fully powered two-arm trial was estimated to be 350.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This pilot study provided the evidence that a fully powered study to explore the longer term impact of acupuncture would be worthwhile, and relevant design features for such a trial were determined.</p> <p>Trial registration number</p> <p>ISRCTN25134802.</p

    A Genetic Lesion that Arrests Plasma Cell Homing to the Bone Marrow

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    The coordinated regulation of chemokine responsiveness plays a critical role in the development of humoral immunity. After antigen challenge and B cell activation, the emerging plasma cells (PCs) undergo CXCL12-induced chemotaxis to the bone marrow, where they produce Ab and persist. Here we show that PCs, but not B cells or T cells from lupus-prone NZM mice, are deficient in CXCL12-induced migration. PC unresponsiveness to CXCL12 results in a marked accumulation of PCs in the spleen of mice, and a concordant decrease in bone marrow PCs. Unlike normal mice, in NZM mice, a majority of the splenic PCs are long-lived. This deficiency is a consequence of the genetic interactions of multiple systemic lupus erythematosus susceptibility loci