1,844 research outputs found

    Development of antimicrobial peptides from amphibians

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    Since the discovery of magainins from the skin secretions of the African toad Xenopus laevis by Michael Zasloff in 1987, an increasing number of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) has been identified in different anuran species and studied in detail [...]

    Antipseudomonal and immunomodulatory properties of esc peptides: Promising features for treatment of chronic infectious diseases and inflammation

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    Persistent infections, such as those provoked by the Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the lungs of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, can induce inflammation with lung tissue damage and progressive alteration of respiratory function. Therefore, compounds having both an-timicrobial and immunomodulatory activities are certainly of great advantage in fighting infectious diseases and chronic inflammation. We recently demonstrated the potent antipseudomonal efficacy of the antimicrobial peptide (AMP) Esc(1-21) and its diastereomer Esc(1-21)-1c, namely Esc peptides. Here, we confirmed this antimicrobial activity by reporting on the peptides’ ability to kill P. aeruginosa once internalized into alveolar epithelial cells. Furthermore, by means of enzyme-linked immunosor-bent assay and Western blot analyses, we investigated the peptides’ ability to detoxify the bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) by studying their effects on the secretion of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6 as well as on the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 from macrophages activated by P. aeruginosa LPS. In addition, by a modified scratch assay we showed that both AMPs are able to stimulate the closure of a gap produced in alveolar epithelial cells when cell migration is inhibited by concentrations of Pseudomonas LPS that mimic lung infection conditions, suggesting a peptide-induced airway wound repair. Overall, these results have highlighted the two Esc peptides as valuable candidates for the development of new multifunctional therapeutics for treatment of chronic infectious disease and inflammation, as found in CF patients

    The antimicrobial peptide temporin G: Anti-biofilm, anti-persister activities, and potentiator effect of tobramycin efficacy against Staphylococcus aureus

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    Bacterial biofilms are a serious threat for human health, and the Gram-positive bacterium Staphylococcus aureus is one of the microorganisms that can easily switch from a planktonic to a sessile lifestyle, providing protection from a large variety of adverse environmental conditions. Dormant non-dividing cells with low metabolic activity, named persisters, are tolerant to antibiotic treatment and are the principal cause of recalcitrant and resistant infections, including skin infections. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) hold promise as new anti-infective agents to treat such infections. Here for the first time, we investigated the activity of the frog-skin AMP temporin G (TG) against preformed S. aureus biofilm including persisters, as well as its efficacy in combination with tobramycin, in inhibiting S. aureus growth. TG was found to provoke ~50 to 100% reduction of biofilm viability in the concentration range from 12.5 to 100 µM vs ATCC and clinical isolates and to be active against persister cells (about 70–80% killing at 50–100 µM). Notably, sub-inhibitory concentrations of TG in combination with tobramycin were able to significantly reduce S. aureus growth, potentiating the antibiotic power. No critical cytotoxicity was detected when TG was tested in vitro up to 100 µM against human keratinocytes, confirming its safety profile for the development of a new potential anti-infective drug, especially for treatment of bacterial skin infections

    Biomarkers in wound drainage fluids of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients receiving neck dissection: A pilot study

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    Aim: In a pilot prospective study, we aimed to test the feasibility and report on the preliminary results on the expression of molecular biomarkers in wound drainage fluids (WDFs) of operated head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) patients. Material and methods: Nineteen patients undergoing primary tumor resection with en-block neck dissection were enrolled. In postoperative days 1–3, the expression of several biomarkers in WDFs was measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits and correlated with clinical and histopathologic features. Results: The expression of stromal cell-derived factor 1 (CXCL-12) was significantly increased in WDFs in presence of lymph node metastases, extranodal extension (ENE), and in case of close resection margins. In addition, Osteopontin expression was significantly increased in presence of ENE, whereas transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) detection was significantly reduced. At multivariate analysis, CXCL-2 levels in both day 1 and 3 post-surgery were the only factor which retained significance in the prediction of close surgical margins (p = 0.028 and 0.025 for day 1 and day 3, respectively). Both CXCL-2 and Ostepontin assays were significantly correlated with ENE (p = 0.018 and 0.035 for day 1; 0.052 and 0.025 for day 3, respectively) whereas TGF- β expression was significant at day 1 only (p = 0.038) Conclusions: Our pilot study showed that WDFs could qualify as a potential source of relevant postoperative information. Further studies are needed to confirm the prognostic impact of CXCL-12, Osteopontin and TGF-β expressed in WDFs on the personalized management of HNSCC

    Frog skin-derived peptides against corynebacterium jeikeium: correlation between antibacterial and cytotoxic activities

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    Corynebacterium jeikeium is a commensal bacterium that colonizes human skin, and it is part of the normal bacterial flora. In non-risk subjects, it can be the cause of bad body smell due to the generation of volatile odorous metabolites, especially in the wet parts of the body that this bacterium often colonizes (i.e., groin and axillary regions). Importantly, in the last few decades, there have been increasing cases of serious infections provoked by this bacterium, especially in immunocompromised or hospitalized patients who have undergone installation of prostheses or catheters. The ease in developing resistance to commonly-used antibiotics (i.e., glycopeptides) has made the search for new antimicrobial compounds of clinical importance. Here, for the first time, we characterize the antimicrobial activity of some selected frog skin-derived antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) against C. jeikeium by determining their minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations (MIC and MBC) by a microdilution method. The results highlight esculentin-1b(1-18) [Esc(1-18)] and esculentin-1a(1-21) [Esc(1-21)] as the most active AMPs with MIC and MBC of 4–8 and 0.125–0.25 µM, respectively, along with a non-toxic profile after a short-and long-term (40 min and 24 h) treatment of mammalian cells. Overall, these findings indicate the high potentiality of Esc(1-18) and Esc(1-21) as (i) alternative antimicrobials against C. jeikeium infections and/or as (ii) additives in cosmetic products (creams, deodorants) to reduce the production of bad body odor

    Effects of Isolated Systolic Hypertension and Essential Hypertension on Large and Middle-sized Artery Compliance

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    Systolic hypertension of the elderly is characterized by a reduction in arterial compliance. Whether and to what extent this involves arteries of various structure and size is not well known.To study carotid and radial artery compliance in systolic hypertension of the elderly, compared to essential hypertension and normotension.We investigated 28 elderly patients with systolic hypertension (age 68.6 +/- 1.4 years, mean +/- SE; systolic blood pressure160 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure90 mmHg) plus 17 age-matched patients with essential hypertension and 15 age-matched healthy normotensive subjects. Radial and carotid artery compliance were evaluated using echotracking techniques. In both arteries compliance was assessed statistically and dynamically, i.e. as compliance values throughout the diasto-systolic pressure range. Measurements included intima-media wall thickness of the radial artery.Compared to normotensive subjects, carotid artery compliance was reduced in essential hypertension and more so in systolic hypertension. However, although in both groups radial artery wall thickness was markedly greater than in the normotensive group, radial artery compliance was markedly reduced in systolic hypertension, but unchanged in essential hypertension.In systolic hypertension of the elderly the reduction of arterial compliance is marked in both muscular and large elastic arteries, while in elderly essential hypertensives changes in arterial compliance are more heterogeneous, i.e. only carotid artery compliance is reduced. The different effects of these two types of hypertension on arterial mechanics are visible throughout the physiological range of blood pressure and probably accounted for by different alterations in vessel wall structure

    Pyrenosetin D, a new pentacyclic decalinoyltetramic acid derivative from the algicolous fungus Pyrenochaetopsis sp. FVE-087

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    The fungal genus Pyrenochaetopsis is commonly found in soil, terrestrial, and marine environments, however, has received little attention as a source of bioactive secondary metabolites so far. In a recent work, we reported the isolation and characterization of three new anticancer decalinoyltetramic acid derivatives, pyrenosetins A–C, from the Baltic Fucus vesiculosus-derived endophytic fungus Pyrenochaetopsis sp. FVE-001. Herein we report a new pentacyclic decalinoylspirotetramic acid derivative, pyrenosetin D (1), along with two known decalin derivatives wakodecalines A (2) and B (3) from another endophytic strain Pyrenochaetopsis FVE-087 isolated from the same seaweed and showed anticancer activity in initial screenings. The chemical structures of the purified compounds were elucidated by comprehensive analysis of HR-ESIMS, FT-IR, [α]D, 1D and 2D NMR data coupled with DFT calculations of NMR parameters and optical rotation. Compounds 1–3 were evaluated for their anticancer and toxic potentials against the human malignant melanoma cell line (A-375) and the non-cancerous keratinocyte cell line (HaCaT). Pyrenosetin D (1) showed toxicity towards both A-375 and HaCaT cells with IC50 values of 77.5 and 39.3 µM, respectively, while 2 and 3 were inactive. This is the third chemical study performed on the fungal genus Pyrenochaetopsis and the first report of a pentacyclic decalin ring system from the fungal genus Pyrenochaetopsis

    Quantitative and Qualitative Assessments of Retinal Structure with Variable A-Scan Rate Spectralis OCT: Insights into IPL Multilaminarity

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative differences between 20 and 85 kHz A-scan rate optical coherence tomography (OCT) images acquired by spectral domain OCT. The study included 60 healthy subjects analyzed with horizontal linear scans with a variable A-scan rate (SHIFT technology, Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany). The retinal thickness measurement of each retinal layer was performed in three different positions (subfoveal, nasal, and temporal). The qualitative assessment was performed by two independent observers who rated every image with a score ranging from 1 ("sufficient") to 3 ("excellent") on the basis of three parameters: visualization of the vitreo-retinal interface, characterization of the retinal layers, and visualization of the sclero-choroidal interface. No statistically significant differences in terms of retinal layer thickness between the two A-scan rate scans were observed (p > 0.05). The coefficient of variation of the retinal thickness values was lower in the 20 kHz group (25.8% versus 30.1% with the 85 kHz). The 20 kHz images showed a higher quality index for both observers. An inner plexiform layer (IPL) multilaminarity was detected in 78.3% of patients from the 20 kHz group and in 40% of patients from the 85 kHz group (p < 0.05)

    Nigritanine as a new potential antimicrobial alkaloid for the treatment of staphylococcus aureus-induced infections

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a major human pathogen causing a wide range of nosocomial infections including pulmonary, urinary, and skin infections. Notably, the emergence of bacterial strains resistant to conventional antibiotics has prompted researchers to find new compounds capable of killing these pathogens. Nature is undoubtedly an invaluable source of bioactive molecules characterized by an ample chemical diversity. They can act as unique platform providing new scaffolds for further chemical modifications in order to obtain compounds with optimized biological activity. A class of natural compounds with a variety of biological activities is represented by alkaloids, important secondary metabolites produced by a large number of organisms including bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals. In this work, starting from the screening of 39 alkaloids retrieved from a unique in-house library, we identified a heterodimer β-carboline alkaloid, nigritanine, with a potent anti-Staphylococcus action. Nigritanine, isolated from Strychnos nigritana, was characterized for its antimicrobial activity against a reference and three clinical isolates of S. aureus. Its potential cytotoxicity was also evaluated at short and long term against mammalian red blood cells and human keratinocytes, respectively. Nigritanine showed a remarkable antimicrobial activity (minimum inhibitory concentration of 128 μM) without being toxic in vitro to both tested cells. The analysis of the antibacterial activity related to the nigritanine scaffold furnished new insights in the structure-activity relationships (SARs) of β-carboline, confirming that dimerization improves its antibacterial activity. Taking into account these interesting results, nigritanine can be considered as a promising candidate for the development of new antimicrobial molecules for the treatment of S. aureus-induced infections
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