44 research outputs found

    Adults\u27 Interpretation of Children\u27s Relative Temporal Judgments

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    Abstract This study examined how adults interpret children’s relative temporal judgments about significant events. Previous research with children has shown that children have a “prospective bias,” when making relative temporal judgments. The impact of this bias within the context of eyewitness testimony is currently unknown, as no prior research has examined how adults interpret relative temporal judgments (i.e., are they also forward thinking). The present study examined this question. Adult participants were provided with mock attorney-child interactions during which a child witness (either 8 or 17 years old) gave relative temporal judgments (i.e., near, before, after) to establish a timeline of when key events in the case occurred. Using the child’s testimony participants gave an approximate timeframe of when they thought each key event happened. Overall, results do not suggest that adults have a prospective bias. Adults interpreted children’s responses to indicate judgments in both backwards and forwards direction. Additionally, the findings suggest that adults have varying interpretations of the length of time indicated by the terms before, after and near. Participants in the near condition provided smaller timeframes than those in the before condition, and that the timeframes in the after condition did not differ significantly from the other two conditions. Finally, results revealed that jurors do not seem to think relative temporal judgments are influenced by age, as the age of the child did not significantly influence the length of the timeframe provided by the participants. The present findings provide important insight regarding how adults interpret children’s temporal testimony. Future research should examine the extent to which this discrepancy impacts overall assessments of children’s credibility

    A Suffering Messiah? Messianic Expectations in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls: The Case of 1QISA 52:14

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    This paper considers the possibility of an intended messianic reading at Isaiah 52: 14 in the Great Isaiah Scroll (lQisaa) in light of the New Testament\u27s presentation of Jesus as the suffering Messiah. Such a reading may evince a connection on the part of the scribe between the vicarious suffering of the servant of the LORD and a messianic figure. The plausibility of a messianic reading is considered through analysis of the text, followed by an exploration of the likelihood that such a connection would have been made on the basis of what we can discern of the Qumran community\u27s ideology. The findings are not definitive, however they do present the possibility that the servant of Isaiah 52: 13-53: 12 was connected with a messianic expectation in a segment of Judaism prior to the Christian interpretation

    Anterior Prefrontal Involvement in Implicit Contextual Change Detection

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    Anterior prefrontal cortex is usually associated with high level executive functions. Here, we show that the frontal pole, specifically left lateral frontopolar cortex, is involved in signaling change in implicitly learned spatial contexts, in the absence of conscious change detection. In a variant of the contextual cueing paradigm, participants first learned contingencies between distractor contexts and target locations implicitly. After learning, repeated distractor contexts were paired with new target locations. Left lateral frontopolar [Brodmann area (BA) 10] and superior frontal (BA9) cortices showed selective signal increase for this target location change in repeated displays in an event-related fMRI experiment, which was most pronounced in participants with high contextual facilitation before the change. The data support the view that left lateral frontopolar cortex is involved in signaling contextual change to posterior brain areas as a precondition for adaptive changes of attentional resource allocation. This signaling occurs in the absence of awareness of learned contingencies or contextual change

    Repeated Contextual Search Cues Lead to Reduced BOLD-Onset Times in Early Visual and Left Inferior Frontal Cortex

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    Repetition of context can facilitate search for targets in distractor-filled displays. This contextual cueing goes along with enhanced event-related brain potentials in visual cortex, as previously demonstrated with depth electrodes in the human brain. However, modulation of the BOLD-response in striate and peristriate cortices has, to our knowledge, not yet been reported as a consequence of contextual cueing. Here, we report a selective reduction of the BOLD onset latency for repeated distractor configurations in these areas. In addition, the same onset latency reduction was observed in posterior inferior frontal cortex, a potential source area for feedback signals to early visual areas

    "Quem desdenha quer comprar?" : análise das estratégias de atuação de um grupo de estilistas na cidade de Curitiba

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Alexandro TrindadeCoorientadora: Prof.ª Dr.ª Ana Luisa Fayet SallasDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia. Defesa : Curitiba, 19/10/2012Inclui referênciasResumo: Os estudos de moda permitem analisar as relações de classe e entre grupos, uma vez que permitem que estas sejam visibilizadas. E também como grupos em diferentes posições agem em consonância com a posição que ocupam ou almejam alcançar dentro de um determinado campo. O presente estudo se propõe realizar um estudo de caso sobre um grupo de estilistas que se nomeiam "alternativos", dentro de um cenário especifico: o Bairro do São Francisco, na cidade de Curitiba. Partiu-se da crença de que se trata de um grupo, ou seja, com semelhanças significativas. Foram entrevistados 13 estilistas e posteriormente alguns cenários do campo e suas lojas foram visitados. Algumas estratégias são traçadas por estes, a fim de se inserirem em um mercado peculiar de moda, que também ainda não é central dentro do país, estando estes "duplamente" descentralizados. Assim verificou-se que suas estratégias de inserção estão voltadas a busca de uma posição dominante - ser um estilista renomado com sua grife reconhecida - e ter suas visões de moda estabelecidas. Esta pesquisa é financiada pela bolsa de mestrado CAPES/REUNI.Abstract: The studies on fashion have traditionally aimed at understanding the dynamics inherent in the relationship among social classes, status groups and different ways of behaviour. From another perspective, not necessarilly opposite to the first one, concerning the notion of fashion assumed as a field, one can point out that several researches intend to comprehend how groups and individuals in different positions act out according to the position they have or long for, in pursuit of success and recognition through fashion design. These theoretical and methodological references allowed us to develop a case study on an "alternative" group of designers in a specific landscape: the neighborhood of São Francisco, in Curitiba. Given that these fashion designers were very alike and had meaningful similarities, we proceeded to thirteen interviews; later on we visited some field landscapes and their stores. It's possible to state that they draw strategies in order to get in a peculiar fashion market, that is not central in the country, which make them double decentralized. Thus, we verified that their strategies of insertion are strongly related to the search for a dominant position - their own recognition and acclaiment as well of their brand, fame and renown, and for the stablishment of their conception of design/fashion. This research was financed by CAPES


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    This paper analyzes and compares the positioning of the mainstream newspapers Folha de São Paulo, O Globo, and Estado de São Paulo regarding the attacks on January 8, 2023, by individuals who occupied and vandalized the Praça dos Três Poderes. Nothing similar to the scenes of barbarism and vandalism at the institutions' headquarters in Brasília had been seen throughout the country's republican history, a fact that justifies such analysis. Our goal was to verify: (1) perceptions about the encampments and protests, (2) initial narratives about the January 8 attacks, (3) changes in stance and terminology used regarding the individuals who committed the act, in addition to (4) the reconstruction of narratives as the days passed and the criminalization of the invasions. The corpus consists of all editorial texts on the subject published from January 1st to January 18th. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of how the traditional media covered an event of extreme relevance to the Brazilian political and social landscape. The methodologies used were thematic analysis and framing analysis. We could observe that there were no concerns from the newspapers about the antidemocratic demonstrations and Bolsonaro supporters' encampments before the attacks, but after the attacks, there is a concern for the punishment of those responsible. We also noticed that Folha de S. Paulo was the only newspaper that did not link the attackers to Jair Bolsonaro.Este trabalho analisa e compara o posicionamento dos jornais mainstream Folha de São Paulo, O Globo e Estado de São Paulo em relação aos ataques do 8 de janeiro de 2023 por parte de pessoas que ocuparam e depredaram a Praça dos Três Poderes. Nada semelhante às cenas de barbárie e depredação das sedes das instituições ocorridas em Brasília foi visto durante a história republicana do país, fato que justifica tal análise. Nosso objetivo foi verificar: (1) as percepções sobre os acampamentos e protestos, (2) as narrativas iniciais acerca dos ataques de 8 de janeiro e (3) a mudança de postura e de nomenclaturas utilizadas sobre os indivíduos que cometeram o ato, além da (4) reconstrução das narrativas, com o decorrer dos dias e criminalização das invasões. O corpus é formado por todos os textos editoriais sobre o assunto publicados do dia 1º até o dia 18 de janeiro. Este estudo contribui para uma compreensão mais aprofundada de como a mídia tradicional cobriu um evento de extrema relevância para o cenário político e social brasileiro. As metodologias utilizadas foram a análise temática e análise de enquadramento. Pudemos verificar que não havia preocupações por parte dos jornais com as manifestações antidemocráticas e os acampamentos bolsonaristas antes dos ataques, mas que após os mesmos há uma preocupação em que haja punição aos culpados. Também percebemos que a Folha de S. Paulo foi o único jornal que não relacionou os ataques dos manifestantes com a figura de Jair Bolsonaro

    Consent During the Growing Age of Virtual Sexuality

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    The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic at the beginning of 2020 resulted in limited social and sexual interactions with potential sexual partners. Through the use of virtual methods, individuals have increasingly searched for ways to engage with others in a safe manner. However, online interactions can be fraught with miscommunication, and unsolicited behaviors may lead to dating violence and cyberbullying. Additionally, training and guidelines for obtaining consent during a sexual encounter often focus on face-to-face interactions, leaving online sexual encounters largely ignored. A survey was released to a mid-sized northeastern university in the fall of 2020. Participants (N=692) completed an online questionnaire using the Qualtrics survey software that asked open-ended questions about their attitudes and behaviors regarding consent in an online dating interaction. We focused on the question “When talking to someone virtually that you are interested in, what sexual behavior would make you feel uncomfortable,” in order to explore how students define and obtain consent in virtual encounters. Researchers analyzed the data using a thematic approach, developing codebooks to organize the data by themes. Results showed that individuals look for signs of consent in their virtual conversations and encounters with potential partners. Common unwanted experiences included: “sending nudes,” “sharing my messages without my permission,” and “pushiness.” Additionally, a number of responses discussed unsolicited messages and pictures, which illustrate individuals\u27 negative reactions to non-consensual behaviors in a virtual environment. Results from this qualitative analysis suggest that obtaining consent for sexual experiences in a virtual sphere is a complex phenomena that does not have clear scripts. Based on the study’s findings, data collected can be used to make further changes to sexual assault and prevention training on college campuses, including discussions of how to give and obtain consent in virtual interactions.https://orb.binghamton.edu/research_days_posters_2021/1082/thumbnail.jp

    Cuidados paliativos

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    Introdução: Espera-se que o aumento da carga de doenças crônicas e do envelhecimento populacional repercuta em crescente demanda por cuidados paliativos no país. Apesar disso, no Brasil ainda há um déficit no ensino da área, visto sobretudo na escassez de sua abordagem na graduação em Medicina, assim como em outras áreas da saúde. Esse cenário traduz-se em uma formação frágil dos profissionais da saúde, principalmente médicos, impactando o cuidado necessário a pacientes com condições clínicas potencialmente ameaçadoras da vida em todos os contextos, incluindo a atenção primária à saúde. Objetivos: Este estudo objetiva analisar o panorama de ensino de cuidados paliativos no Brasil e sua implicação na formação do médico generalista e na qualidade dos cuidados prestados na atenção primária à saúde. Também objetiva identificar competências necessárias para o ensino de cuidados paliativos na graduação de Medicina. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura nacional a respeito do ensino de cuidados paliativos nas escolas médicas do Brasil e suas implicações na adequação à prática na atenção primária à saúde. Resultados: Dos estudos analisados, todos ressaltam a importância da abordagem dos cuidados paliativos na formação de base profissional na graduação e revelam a existência de lacunas a serem supridas nessa área de ensino. Entre as lacunas foram identificadas baixa abordagem nas grades curriculares, metodologias de ensino não adequadas e pouca especialização dos docentes. Com base nisso, alguns estudos brasileiros construíram propostas curriculares baseadas em mapeamento de competências mínimas na tentativa de sanar essas lacunas, incluindo habilidades de comunicação e a atitude médica diante do processo de morte. Este artigo compila as principais competências para o ensino de cuidados paliativos na graduação encontradas para o contexto brasileiro. Conclusões: A fragilidade do ensino de cuidados paliativos na graduação médica resulta em médicos generalistas carentes de competências básicas para esse tipo de cuidado, o qual ocupa cada vez mais lugar de destaque no cotidiano da atenção primária à saúde. Essa fragilidade precisa ser urgentemente abordada a fim de se adequar às necessidades populacionais, particularmente no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), dado o quantitativo de médicos de família e comunidade aquém das necessidades da APS brasileira