19 research outputs found

    Métodos analíticos não destrutivos para análise de obras de arte

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    A caracterização de objetos de arte e, ou, arqueológicos, por meio de métodos de análise elementar não destrutiva com feixes iônicos busca a identificação de elementos químicos presentes nas amostras por técnicas nucleares. Os métodos físicos e químicos estão na interface entre a ciência pura e as aplicações diretas para caracterização de bens culturais e é uma área interdisciplinar que demanda uma forte interação, que cresce a cada dia, entre especialistas. Nas pesquisas internacionais o uso destes métodos físicos e químicos, em especial as técnicas atômico-nucleares não destrutivas para o estudo de objetos arqueológicos, de arte e do patrimônio cultural está estabelecido há algumas décadas, mas na América Latina a utilização destas técnicas é relativamente recente, iniciada a partir da década de 1990 [M l]. As técnicas físicas atômico-nucleares podem ser utilizadas em diferentes aplicações como, por exemplo, caracterizar as modificações introduzidas na morfologia e composição elementar pelos processos de corrosão de metais expostos aos efeitos do meio ambiente, bem como para o exame de pinturas, pois a identificação dos elementos presentes nas camadas pictóricas por estas técnicas pode dar indicação dos pigmentos utilizados nas tintas. A aplicação destas técnicas ao estudo de materiais cerâmicos permite identificar elementos traço que podem contribuir para indicar a origem do material utilizado e características dos processos de fabricação de uma obra de arte, e, ou, os elementos presentes nas tintas de uma determinada pinturaThe characterizations of art and/or archaeological objects with non destructive elementary analytical methods with ionic beams explore the identification of the chemical elements presents in the samples using nuclear and atomic techniques. The chemical and physics methods are in the interface between pure science and direct application, in the characterization of the cultural heritage objects. They are also an interdisciplinary area which needs one strong interaction between specialists and increase each day. International researchers frequently use these physics and chemicals methods, principally the non-destructive ones, to analyze archaeological, art and cultural heritage objects and all these techniques were established some years ago. In Latin America the use of these techniques is relatively recently and was initialized in the 90 decade [1-11]. The atomic-nuclear techniques can be used on different applications as for example the characterization of the introduced modification in the morphology and the elementary composition in the metal due to the corrosion process as effect of the environmental exposition. As well as the pictures analysis thought the identification of the elements presents in the different multilayer pigments. The application of these techniques in ceramics analyses allows the identification of trace elements that can be contribute to identify the material origin used to fabricate this art object plus the elements in the pigments present on the ceramic

    Innovative low temperature plasma approach for deposition of alumina films

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    Alumina films were deposited from a new plasma method using aluminum acetylacetonate (AAA) powder as precursor. The AAA was sputtered in argon and oxygen plasma mixtures. It was investigated the effect of the oxygen proportion (O2%) on the properties of the coatings. Deposition rate was derived from the layer height measured by profilometry. The elemental composition and molecular structure of the films were determined by Rutherford backscattering and infrared spectroscopies, respectively. Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction was used to investigate the microstructure of the films while hardness was determined by nanoindentation technique. Inspections on the surface morphology and on the film composition were conducted associating scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy. Incorporation of oxygen affects the plasma kinetics and consequently the properties of the coatings. As moderated concentrations of oxygen ( 25%) are incorporated, the structure become rich in metallic aluminum with carbon rising at low proportions. The deposited layer is not homogeneous in thickness once the chemical composition of the precursor is changed by the action of the reactive oxygen plasma. Oxygen ablation on the film surface also contributes to the lack of homogeneity of the structure, especially as high oxygen proportions are imposed. Hardness data (0.5-2.0 GPa) corroborated the idea of an amorphous structure. Based on the results presented here it was possible to identify the oxygen concentration in the plasma atmosphere which mostly removed organics while preserving the stoichiometric alumina precipitation, subject of great relevance as one considers the reduction in the energy necessary for the creation of fully oxide coatings.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Estadual Paulista Laboratório de Plasmas TecnológicosUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Ciências Exatas e da TerraUniversidade de São Paulo Departamento de Física NuclearUniversidade de São Paulo Departamento de Física AplicadaUNIFESP, Depto. de Ciências Exatas e da TerraSciEL

    Development of a methodology for analysis of glass fiber filters by the PIXE method

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    Foi desenvolvida e testada metodologia de extração seletiva diferencial de material particulado do aerossol atmosférico, coletado em filtros de fibras de vidro, para análise elementar pelo método PIXE. Desenvolveu-se um procedimento para a correção absoluta de efeitos de autoabsorção de raios x em alvos pipetados. Amostras de material particulado foram coletadas com amestradores HiVol em São Paulo e no Rio de Janeiro. Foi determinada a composição elementar das frações do material particulado total solúveis em diclorometano, água e uma mistura de ácidos nítrico e clorídrico,1N. Os limites de detecção alcançados pela técnica de extração, pipetagem e análise PIXE foram de 5 a 30 vezes inferiores aos dos filtros Nuclepore. Foram quantificados de 10 a 14 elementos traço em compostos apolares, em concentrações tão baixas quanto 10pg/\'m POT. 3\' e 24 elementos em cada uma das frações solúvel em água e ácido. Não se pode desprezar efeitos de autoabsorção de raios x em alvos pipetados. Mesmo em alvos tão finos quanto 100\'mü\'g/c\'m POT. 2\', a concentração de elementos com Z<20 pode ser seriamente subestimada. Sugere-se sempre determinar as espessuras e coeficientes de absorção de Massa dos a l vos pelo método dos dois alvos pipetados com soluções com concentrações diferentes desenvolvido neste trabalho. Historicamente o método PIXE tem sido divulgado como permitindo a análise direta de amostras sem nenhum tratamento prévio. É hora de rever esta afirmação e aumentar a quantidade e qualidade de informação na análise elementar de uma amostra, aliando a informação química à da composição elementar.PIXE analysis of particulated matter in glass fibre filters was done on pippeted targets, prepared with solutions of differential and selective extracts from the filters. An x ray autoabsorption correction method, based on the analysis of targets pipetted with solutions of different concentrations, was developed. São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro aerosol samples were collected on normal glass fibre filters by HiVol samplers. The elementary composition of aerosol particulated matter soluble in dichloromethane, water and a mixture of nitric and hidrochloricacid, 1N, was determinated. PIXE analysis detection limits, of the measured concentrations, where 5 to 30 times lower than the achieved by samples on Nuclepore filters. There has been quantified 10 to 14 elements in the dichloromethane fraction, and 24 in each, water and acid soluble fractions. X ray autoabsorption effects cannot be neglected, even on targets as thin as 100\'mü\'g/c\'m POT. 2\'. It is suggested to apply the developed two concentration pippeted target method, to measure target thickness and to correct data for autoabsorption. It is claimed for long time that PIXE analysis of aerosol samples is a quick and straightforward analytical method where it is not necessary to prepare samples. Reviewing this use will provide the addition of chemical information to elementary PIXE results

    Development of a methodology for analysis of glass fiber filters by the PIXE method

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    Foi desenvolvida e testada metodologia de extração seletiva diferencial de material particulado do aerossol atmosférico, coletado em filtros de fibras de vidro, para análise elementar pelo método PIXE. Desenvolveu-se um procedimento para a correção absoluta de efeitos de autoabsorção de raios x em alvos pipetados. Amostras de material particulado foram coletadas com amestradores HiVol em São Paulo e no Rio de Janeiro. Foi determinada a composição elementar das frações do material particulado total solúveis em diclorometano, água e uma mistura de ácidos nítrico e clorídrico,1N. Os limites de detecção alcançados pela técnica de extração, pipetagem e análise PIXE foram de 5 a 30 vezes inferiores aos dos filtros Nuclepore. Foram quantificados de 10 a 14 elementos traço em compostos apolares, em concentrações tão baixas quanto 10pg/\'m POT. 3\' e 24 elementos em cada uma das frações solúvel em água e ácido. Não se pode desprezar efeitos de autoabsorção de raios x em alvos pipetados. Mesmo em alvos tão finos quanto 100\'mü\'g/c\'m POT. 2\', a concentração de elementos com Z<20 pode ser seriamente subestimada. Sugere-se sempre determinar as espessuras e coeficientes de absorção de Massa dos a l vos pelo método dos dois alvos pipetados com soluções com concentrações diferentes desenvolvido neste trabalho. Historicamente o método PIXE tem sido divulgado como permitindo a análise direta de amostras sem nenhum tratamento prévio. É hora de rever esta afirmação e aumentar a quantidade e qualidade de informação na análise elementar de uma amostra, aliando a informação química à da composição elementar.PIXE analysis of particulated matter in glass fibre filters was done on pippeted targets, prepared with solutions of differential and selective extracts from the filters. An x ray autoabsorption correction method, based on the analysis of targets pipetted with solutions of different concentrations, was developed. São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro aerosol samples were collected on normal glass fibre filters by HiVol samplers. The elementary composition of aerosol particulated matter soluble in dichloromethane, water and a mixture of nitric and hidrochloricacid, 1N, was determinated. PIXE analysis detection limits, of the measured concentrations, where 5 to 30 times lower than the achieved by samples on Nuclepore filters. There has been quantified 10 to 14 elements in the dichloromethane fraction, and 24 in each, water and acid soluble fractions. X ray autoabsorption effects cannot be neglected, even on targets as thin as 100\'mü\'g/c\'m POT. 2\'. It is suggested to apply the developed two concentration pippeted target method, to measure target thickness and to correct data for autoabsorption. It is claimed for long time that PIXE analysis of aerosol samples is a quick and straightforward analytical method where it is not necessary to prepare samples. Reviewing this use will provide the addition of chemical information to elementary PIXE results

    36th Brazilian Workshop on Nuclear Physics

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    The Brazilian Workshop on Nuclear Physics (RTFNB, acronym in Portuguese) is organized annually by the Brazilian Physics Society since 1978, in order to: promote Nuclear Physics research in the country; stimulate and reinforce collaborations among nuclear physicists from around the country; disseminate advances in nuclear physics research and its applications; disseminate, disclose and evaluate the scientific production in this field

    Infrared analysis of ion beam irradiated polymers

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    Irradiation with heavy ions can produce several modifications in the chain structure of polymers. These modifications can be related to scissioning and cross-linking of chemical bonds. which depend on the ion fluence and the density of energy deposited in the material. Stacked thin film Makrofol-KG (R) samples were irradiated with 350 MeV Au(26+) ions and FTIR absorption spectroscopy was used to determine the bond changes in the samples. Data on the absorption bands as a function of the fluence indicated a higher probability for simple-bonds scissioning than for double-bonds scissioning and no dependence on the number of double bonds breaking with ion fluence. Since sample irradiation was done in a non-track-overlapping regime, a novel process for double bonds formation is suggested: the excitation of a site in the material by only one incident ion followed by a double bond formation during the de-excitation process. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Inventory of the ribbon worms (Phylum Nemertea) of Faial and Pico Islands, Azores.

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    A total of 9 nemertean species is recorded for the first time from Azorean waters. From a total of 38 individuals, 30 are identified as belonging to 9 different species whereas 8 individuals, which may be either local variants of known species or undescribed forms, are assigned to the Hoplo- or Palaeonemertea. The collection will contribute to part of a molecular phylogenetic study of the genus Tetrastemma