32 research outputs found

    Information Systems of Ostrava City Magistrate

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    Import 04/11/2015Resumé Tato práce se zabývá analýzou informačních systémů veřejné správy a informačních systémů Magistrátu města Ostravy. Cílem práce bylo zhodnotit činnosti a služby informačních systémů Magistrátu města Ostravy. V diplomové práci byly stanoveny hypotézy, které se potvrdily. V první hypotéze jsme se zabývali tím, zda Magistrát města Ostravy zajišťuje činnosti informačních systémů a služeb převážně externí firmou. Tato hypotéza se potvrdila. Druhá hypotéza, kterou jsme zjišťovali, byla, zda jsou služby Informačních technologií poskytovány Magistrátem města Ostravy v největší míře právě pro občany – fyzické osoby. I tato hypotéza se nám potvrdila. V diplomové práci byla stanovena také kritéria, kterými jsme dospěli k závěrům hypotézy. Kritéria jsou tato: Zhodnocení činností Informačních systémů, jaký je jejich obsah, náplň, jaké systémy Magistrát města Ostravy využívá a jakým způsobem jsou zajišťovány. V diplomové práci jsme dospěli ke zjištění, že informační systémy jsou zajišťovány z 96 % externí, outsourcingovou společností a nejvíce informační služby využívají občané – fyzické osoby, ze 43%. Přínosem práce je pak zjištění, že outsourcingová společnost, kterou využívá Magistrát města Ostravy pro správu informačních systémů, je ve 100% vlastnictví města Ostravy. Takto řízená správa se jeví jako neefektivní. I když zisk ve veřejném sektoru není hlavním cílem.Resume This thesis deals with the analysis of information systems of the public administration and information systems in the Municipality of Ostrava City. The aim of the thesis was to evaluate the activities and services of information systems in the Municipality of Ostrava City. In this thesis have been determined the hypotheses, which have been confirmed. In the first hypothesis, we have been dealing with the fact, if the Municipality of Ostrava City provides the business information systems and services mainly by the external company. This hypothesis has been confirmed. The second hypothesis, we have been investigated with was the fact, if the information technology services provided by the Municipality of Ostrava City are in the greatest rate for citizens - individuals. Also this hypothesis has been confirmed. In the thesis have been also determined the criteria, by which we came to the conclusions of the hypothesis. The criteria are as follows: the evaluation of information systems, what the content is, and what system the Municipality of Ostrava City uses and how they are provided. In this thesis we came to the finding that information systems are provided from 96 % by the external outsourcing company and the information services are mostly used by citizens - individuals, namely from 43 %. The contribution of this thesis is the finding that the outsourcing company, used by the Municipality of Ostrava City for the management of information systems, is by 100 % owned by the Ostrava City. In this way controlled management seems to be ineffective. Although the profit is not in the public sector the primary aim.153 - Katedra veřejné ekonomikydobř

    Characterization and classification of Turkish wines based on elemental composition

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    Commercial wines from 13 native and nonnative varieties in Turkey were analyzed for their elemental composition. Wines from four vintages (2006-2009) were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma with atomic emission spectrometry and mass spectroscopy (ICP-AES and ICP-MS) followed by multivariate statistics to study vintage, varietal, and regional differences. According to the partial least squares-discriminant analysis, wines from western regions could be discriminated with their higher Pb content. The red wines of two native grapes, Boǧazkere and Öküzgözü, were separated from the remaining varieties based on their high Ca and low B and Cu levels. Öküzgözü wines were different from Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon wines. Similarly, native Emir wines showed differences from Muscat wines. The effective variables for discrimination analysis were natural minerals (Sr, Li, Al, Ba, and B) and minerals originating from agricultural activities, processing, or pollution (Ca, Cu, Mg, Co, Pb, and Ni). Characteristics of Turkish wines from native and nonnative grape varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, and Chardonnay were defined in terms of their mineral content for the first time.Scientific Research Project of Izmir Institute of Technology (IYTE-BAP-18-2008

    Additional file 5:Table S4. of microTaboo: a general and practical solution to the k-disjoint problem

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    Runtime comparisons -microTaboo vs. BLAST and a suffix array method. (DOCX 39 kb

    Additional file 10: of RNA-sequence data normalization through in silico prediction of reference genes: the bacterial response to DNA damage as case study

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    DESeq2 analyses in different modes. Supplying DESeq2 with the moose 2 predictions does not accurately resolve the sample grouping. (TIFF 392 kb

    Additional file 2: Figure S1. of Combinatorial identification of DNA methylation patterns over age in the human brain

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    Histogram of beta values after filtering for standard deviations across all samples. Figure S2. Histogram of the samples’ ages. Table S3. Top 5 rules classifying the ‘fetus’ class. Table S4. Top 5 rules classifying the ‘Age 0To4’ class. Table S5. Top 5 rules classifying the ‘Age 5To27’ class. Table S6. Top 5 rules classifying the ‘Age 28plus’ class. (DOCX 82 kb

    Additional file 14: of RNA-sequence data normalization through in silico prediction of reference genes: the bacterial response to DNA damage as case study

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    Correlations of gene expression changes for 19 selected genes. Log2 ratios derived from five normalization methods (RPKM, UQ, TMM, DESeq2, and moose 2 ) are compared to qRT-PCR measurements for 30-to-0-min (upper panel) and 90-to-0-min comparisons (lower panel). R, Pearson’s rho. (TIFF 655 kb

    Development of a Standardised Readout System for Active Pixel Sensors in HV/HR-CMOS Technologies for ATLAS Inner Detector Upgrades

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    The LHC Phase-II Upgrade results in new challenges for tracking detectors for example in terms of cost effectiveness, resolution and radiation hardness. Active Pixel Sensors in HV/HR-CMOS technologies show promising results coping with these challenges. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of hybrid modules with active CMOS sensors and readout chips for the future ATLAS Inner Tracker, ATLAS R&D; activities have started. After introducing the basic concepts and the demonstrator program, the development of an ATLAS compatible readout system will be presented as well as tuning procedures and measurements with demonstrator modules to test the readout system