178 research outputs found

    Tracking the ultrafast motion of an antiferromagnetic order parameter

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    The unique functionalities of antiferromagnets offer promising routes to advance information technology. Their compensated magnetic order leads to spin resonances in the THz-regime, which suggest the possibility to coherently control antiferromagnetic (AFM) devices orders of magnitude faster than traditional electronics. However, the required time resolution, complex sublattice interations and the relative inaccessibility of the AFM order parameter pose serious challenges to studying AFM spin dynamics. Here, we reveal the temporal evolution of an AFM order parameter directly in the time domain. We modulate the AFM order in hexagonal YMnO3_\mathrm{3} by coherent magnon excitation and track the ensuing motion of the AFM order parameter using time-resolved optical second-harmonic generation (SHG). The dynamic symmetry reduction by the moving order parameter allows us to separate electron dynamics from spin dynamics. As transient symmetry reductions are common to coherent excitations, we have a general tool for tracking the ultrafast motion of an AFM order parameter.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Emergence of ferroelectricity at the morphotropic phase boundary of ultrathin BiFeO3_3

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    We demonstrate the robustness of polarization in ultrathin compressive strained BiFeO3_3 single layers and heterostructures during epitaxial thin-film growth. Using in-situ optical second harmonic generation (ISHG), we explore the emergence of ferroelectric phases at the strain-driven morphotropic phase boundary in the ultrathin regime. We find that the epitaxial films grow in the ferroelectric tetragonal (T-) phase without exhibition of a critical thickness. The robustness of this high-temperature T-phase against depolarizing-field effects is further demonstrated during the growth of capacitor-like (metal|ferroelectric|metal) heterostructures. Using temperature-dependent ISHG post-deposition, we identify the thickness-dependent onset of the monoclinic distortion in the T-matrix and trace the signature of the subsequent emergence of the strain-relaxed rhombohedral-like monoclinic phase. Our results show that strain-driven T-phase stabilization in BiFeO3_3 yields a prominent candidate material for realizing ultrathin ferroelectric devices.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Current-induced switching of YIG/Pt bilayers with in-plane magnetization due to Oersted fields

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    We report on the switching of the in-plane magnetization of thin yttrium iron garnet (YIG)/Pt bilayers induced by an electrical current. The switching is either field-induced and assisted by a dc current, or current-induced and assisted by a static magnetic field. The reversal of the magnetization occurs at a current density as low as 10510^5~A/cm2^{2} and magnetic fields of 40\sim 40~μ\muT, two orders of magnitude smaller than in ferromagnetic metals, consistently with the weak uniaxial anisotropy of the YIG layers. We use the transverse component of the spin Hall magnetoresistance to sense the magnetic orientation of YIG while sweeping the current. Our measurements and simulations reveal that the current-induced effective field responsible for switching is due to the Oersted field generated by the current flowing in the Pt layer rather than by spin-orbit torques, and that the switching efficiency is influenced by pinning of the magnetic domains

    Electrostatic topology of ferroelectric domains in YMnO3_3

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    Trimerization-polarization domains in ferroelectric hexagonal YMnO3_3 were resolved in all three spatial dimensions by piezoresponse force microscopy. Their topology is dominated by electrostatic effects with a range of 100 unit cells and reflects the unusual electrostatic origin of the spontaneous polarization. The response of the domains to locally applied electric fields explains difficulties in transferring YMnO3_3 into a single-domain state. Our results demonstrate that the wealth of non-displacive mechanisms driving ferroelectricity that emerged from the research on multiferroics are a rich source of alternative types of domains and domain-switching phenomena

    Efficient spin excitation via ultrafast damping-like torques in antiferromagnets

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    Damping effects form the core of many emerging concepts for high-speed spintronic applications. Important characteristics such as device switching times and magnetic domain-wall velocities depend critically on the damping rate. While the implications of spin damping for relaxation processes are intensively studied, damping effects during impulsive spin excitations are assumed to be negligible because of the shortness of the excitation process. Herein, we show that, unlike in ferromagnets, ultrafast damping plays a crucial role in antiferromagnets because of their strongly elliptical spin precession. In time-resolved measurements, we find that ultrafast damping results in an immediate spin canting along the short precession axis. The interplay between antiferromagnetic exchange and magnetic anisotropy amplifies this canting by several orders of magnitude towards large-amplitude modulations of the antiferromagnetic order parameter. This leverage effect discloses a highly efficient route towards the ultrafast manipulation of magnetism in antiferromagnetic spintronics

    Ultrafast Modification of the Polarity at LaAlO3_3/SrTiO3_3 Interfaces

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    Oxide growth with semiconductor-like accuracy has led to atomically precise thin films and interfaces that exhibit a plethora of phases and functionalities not found in the oxide bulk material. This yielded spectacular discoveries such as the conducting, magnetic or even superconducting LaAlO3_3/SrTiO3_3 interfaces separating two prototypical insulating perovskite materials. All these investigations, however, consider the static state at the interface, although studies on fast oxide interface dynamics would introduce a powerful degree of freedom to understanding the nature of the LaAlO3_3/SrTiO3_3 interface state. Here we show that the polarization state at the LaAlO3_3/SrTiO3_3 interface can be optically enhanced or attenuated within picoseconds. Our observations are explained by a model based on charge propagation effects in the interfacial vicinity and transient polarization buildup at the interface

    Fermi volume evolution and crystal field excitations in heavy-fermion compounds probed by time-domain terahertz spectroscopy

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    We measure the quasiparticle weight in the heavy-fermion compound CeCu6x_{6-x}Aux_{x} (x=0, 0.1x=0,\ 0.1) by time-resolved THz spectroscopy for temperatures from 2 up to 300\,K. This method distinguishes contributions from the heavy Kondo band and from the crystal-electric-field satellite bands by different THz response delay times. We find that the formation of heavy bands is controlled by an exponentially enhanced, high-energy Kondo scale once the crystal-electric-field states become thermally occupied. We corroborate these observations by temperature-dependent dynamical mean-field calculations for the multi-orbital Anderson lattice model and discuss consequences for quantum critical scenarios.Comment: Published version, 6 pages (including references), 5 figures, Supplemental Material (2 pages) adde

    Long-range order in arrays of composite and monolithic magneto-toroidal moments

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    Magneto-toroidal order, also called ferrotoroidicity, is the most recently established type of ferroic state. It is based on a spontaneous and uniform alignment of unit-cell-sized magnetic whirls, called magneto-toroidal moments, associated with a macroscopic toroidization. Because of its intrinsic magnetoelectric coupling, this new ferroic state could be useful in the development of spintronic devices. We exploit two-dimensional periodic arrays of magnetostatically coupled nanomagnets as model systems for the investigation of long-range magneto-toroidal order. We present two pathways promoting this order, namely (i), structures comprising a ring of uniformly magnetized sub-micrometer-sized bar magnets and (ii), structures in which each magnetic building block itself hosts a magnetic vortex. For both cases calculations of the magnetic-dipole interaction and micromagnetic simulations reveal the conditions for the formation of spontaneous magneto-toroidal order. We confirm this order and the formation of magneto-toroidal domains in our arrays by magnetic force microscopy. We identify the presence of two types of domain-wall states emerging from the competition of two intrinsic microscopic couplings. Our work not only identifies the microscopic conditions promoting spontaneous magneto-toroidal order but also highlights the possibility tailor mesoscale magnetic arrays towards elusive types of ferroic order.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Nonreciprocal second harmonic generation in a magnetoelectric material

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    Nonreciprocal devices that allow the light propagation in only one direction are indispensable in photonic circuits and emerging quantum technologies. Contemporary optical isolators and circulators, however, require large size or strong magnetic fields because of the general weakness of magnetic light-matter interactions, which hinders their integration into photonic circuits. Aiming at stronger magneto-optical couplings, a promising approach is to utilize nonlinear optical processes. Here, we demonstrate nonreciprocal magnetoelectric second harmonic generation (SHG) in CuB2O4. SHG transmission changes by almost 100% in a magnetic-field reversal of just 10 mT. The observed nonreciprocity results from an interference between the magnetic-dipole- and electric-dipole-type SHG. Even though the former is usually notoriously smaller than the latter, it is found that a resonantly enhanced magnetic-dipole-transition has a comparable amplitude as non-resonant electric-dipole-transition, leading to the near-perfect nonreciprocity. This mechanism could form one of the fundamental bases of nonreciprocity in multiferroics, which is transferable to a plethora of magnetoelectric systems to realize future nonreciprocal and nonlinear-optical devices.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure