236 research outputs found

    Die Raubschnecke Velutina velutina als Feind und Bruteinmieter der Ascidie Styela coriacea

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    In der Kieler Bucht lebt die Schnecke Velutina velutina in Wohngebieten der Ascidie Styela coriacea. Trotz verschiedener Organisation gleichen sich beide Tiere in Farbe und Oberflächenstruktur auffallend. Bei der Nahrungsaufnahme bohrt Velutina ein Loch in die Ascidie und frißt sie mit ihrem Rüssel aus. Zur Fortpflanzung legt die Raubschnecke ihren Laich an Styela coriacea; die Ascidie umwächst mit ihrem Mantel das Gelege. Es entsteht hierdurch ein blasenförmiger Brutkokon, in dem die Embryonen der Schnecke bis zum planktischen Stadium heranwachsen. Die bereits im Kokon umherschwärmenden Veligerlarven verlassen ihn durch ein Gallertfenster. Neben dem Räuber-Beute-Verhältnis besteht also eine räumliche Bruteinmietung (Synoekie) zwischen Velutina velutina und Styela coriacea

    Die Ökologie der Ascidie Styela coriacea in der Kieler Bucht

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    KYLEO® - Wirkungsweise unter der Lupe

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    Kyleo® stellt mit zwei bekannten Wirkstoffen ein innovatives und modernes Herbizid zum aktiven Resistenzmanagement dar. In Kyleo® sind 160 g/L 2,4-D und 240 g/L Glyphosat enthalten. Kyleo® zeigt bei einer Aufwandmenge von 5,0 l/ha eine deutlich bessere und schnellere Wirkung auf Unkräuter wie Ackerschachtelhalm (Equisetum arvense) und Ausfallraps (Brassica napus) sowie Gemeine Quecke (Agropyron repens) gegenüber Tankmischungen aus Produkten, die die Einzelwirkstoffe enthalten, sowie dem Glyphosat-Referenzprodukt (RP; 450g/L SL) 450er Glyphosat (SL). Wie ist das erklärbar? Die Antwort liegt in einer einzigartigen neuen Formulierungstechnologie, die erstmals 2,4-D als Säure und Glyphosat als Monoisopropylamine (MIPA) Salz zusammen mit einem Formulierungshilfsstoff (FHS) kombiniert. Die neue Form von 2,4-D hat lipophile Eigenschaften, d.h. eine bessere Blattaufnahme sowie einen stärkeren photolytischen Abbau in den oberen Bodenschichten gegenüber glyphosathaltigen Produkten. Ferner konnte in Versuchen mit radioaktiv markierten Wirkstoffen die systemischen Eigenschaften beider Wirkstoffe gegenüber dem RP nachgewiesen werden. Die Verlagerung von 2,4-D konnte 48 Stunden nach Behandlung in den Wurzelbereich der Pflanzen gezeigt werden. Eine 98 %-ige Glyphosat-Aufnahme in Raps und Quecke wurde beobachtet, die 10 % (Raps) bzw. 25 % (Quecke) höher lag als beim RP. Diese stärkere Aufnahme der Wirkstoffe zeichnet sich in einer schnelleren Wirkung – stärkere, sichtbare Symptome nach 24 h (Raps) und 96 h (Quecke) – gegenüber dem RP aus. Die Regenfestigkeit von Kyleo® wurde im Gewächshaus (GH) mit Raps getestet. Zur Vergleichbarkeit der Prüfmittel wurde mit einer einheitlichen Glyphosatmenge von 360 g/ha und einem simulierten Niederschlag von 10 l/m² gearbeitet. Bei einer Beregnung 1 hpt konnte eine um 24 % bessere Wirkung im Vergleich zum RP nachgewiesen werden. Wohingegen bei einer Regensimulation nach 6 hpt eine um 4 % bessere Wirkung zu verzeichnen war. In GH-Versuchen mit Weizen (Triticum aestivum) und einer identischen Glyphosataufwandmenge von 290 g/ha zeigten sich bei Regensimulation 1 hpt und 6 hpt Wirkungsunterschiede von 23 % und 22 % in Bezug zum RP. Die hier dargestellten Ergebnisse belegen eine systemische Wirkungsweise, eine gute Regenfestigkeit und eine schnelle Wirkung von Kyleo®.Stichwörter: Nicht selektives, systemisches Herbizid, Glyphosat, 2,4-D, Regenfestigkeit, Wirkstoffaufnahme, WirkstoffverteilungKyleo ® - mode of action under examinationAbstractKyleo® with two known active substances (ai) is an innovative, modern herbicide for resistance management. Kyleo® contains 160 g/L 2,4-D and 240 g/L glyphosate. With an application rate of 5,0 L/ha, it shows a far better, faster effect on weeds such as field horsetail (Equisetum arvense), volunteer oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and couch grass (Agropyron repens) compared to a tank mix or the reference products (RP). This is explained by an unique new formulation technology that for the first time combines 2,4-D as acid and glyphosate as MIPA salt together with FHS. The new form of 2,4-D is lipophilic with better leaf absorption and greater photolytic degradation in the upper layers of soil. Tests with radioactive marked substances have verified the systemic properties of both ai compared to RP. The displacement of 2,4-D into the plant roots was demonstrated 48 h after application (hpt). 98% glyphosate absorption was observed in rape and couch grass – 10% (rape) respectively 25% (couch grass) greater than with RP. Higher absorption of the ai is characterised by a swifter effect, with stronger, visible symptoms after 24 h in rape and 96 h in couch grass. The rainfastness of Kyleo® was tested in greenhouse (GH) trials with rape. Comparability of the test objects was simulated with a uniform glyphosate quantity of 360 g/ha and 10 L/m² simulated precipitation. 24% improved effect compared to RP was verified for 1 hpt rainfall, while 4% improved effect was recorded for rain simulation after 6 hpt. GH trials with wheat and a comparable glyphosate application quantity of 290 g/ha revealed differences of 23% and 22% compared to RP for rain simulation of 1 hpt and 6 hpt. Kyleo® stands out with a swift effect and better rainfastness. The results presented here prove a systemic mode of action, good rainfastness and swift effect of Kyleo.Keywords: Non selective, systemic herbicid, glyphosate, 2,4-D, rainfastness, translocation of active ingredient, uptake of active ingredien

    Awareness of age-related change in the context of major life events

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    Although gains and losses are an integral part of human development, the experience of change and readjustment that often comes with major life events may be particularly influential for an individual's subjective aging experience and awareness of age-related change (AARC). Thus, this study focused on the role of life events in the domains of family and health for an individual's awareness of age-related gains and losses. Specifically, we differentiated between the experience of specific life events (e.g., entering a new romantic relationship; hospital stay) and the cumulative experience of multiple life events. Furthermore, we differentiated between life events experienced at an expected time in life and life events experienced relatively early or relatively late compared to established social norms. Data came from the Innovation Sample of the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP-IS) and consisted of 1,612 participants aged 16 to 93 years (M = 54.1; SD = 18.2). Life events were assessed annually and retrospectively for the last 2 years. Propensity score matching provided evidence for an association of specific family life events and a higher awareness of age-related gains, as well as specific health life events and a higher awareness of age-related losses. Results furthermore indicated that the cumulative experience of family life events was associated with a higher awareness of age-related gains. Conversely, the cumulative experience of health events was associated with higher awareness of both age-related losses and age-related gains. Moreover, it was not only life events happening at an expected age, but also those happening relatively early and particularly those happening late in life, which were associated with AARC. In summary, life events and the change they may bring seem to be reflected in individuals' awareness of age-related losses and awareness of age-related gains.Peer Reviewe

    Longitudinal Effects of Subjective Aging on Health and Longevity:An Updated Meta-Analysis

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    This article updates and extends an earlier meta-analysis (Westerhof et al., 2014) on the longitudinal effects of subjective aging (SA) on health outcomes. A systematic search in different databases (APA PsycInfo, PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus) resulted in 99 articles, reporting on 107 studies. Participants: Studies had a median sample size of 1,863 adults with a median age of 66 years. A randomized effect meta-analysis showed a significant, small effect (likelihood ratio = 1.347; 95% confidence interval [1.300, 1.396]; p &lt;.001), similar in magnitude to the previous meta-analysis of 19 studies. Although the results showed high heterogeneity in the longitudinal link between SA and health outcomes, there were no differences in effects according to chronological age of participants, welfare state status (more or less developed social security system), length of follow-up, type of health-related outcome, or quality of the study. Effects were stronger for multiitem measures of self-perceptions of aging than for the frequently used single-item measures assessing subjective age, especially for indicators of physical health. Based on this meta-analysis, building on five times more studies than the 2014 review, we consider the associations of measures of SA with health and longevity across time as robust, albeit small in size. Future research should concentrate on the clarification of pathways mediating the relation between SA and health outcomes, as well as potential bidirectional effects.</p

    Dynamic Simulation of a solar tower system with open volumetic receiver - a review on the vICERP project

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    The paper presents an overview on the modeling and simulation activities of the virtual institute for central receiver power plants (vICERP). Within a three years launch period models and tools for dynamic simulation of central receiver power plants have been developed by the five research institutes involved. The models are based on the Modelica modeling language. Today, models for the heliostat field, the receiver, the air cycle, the thermal storage, and the water-steam cycle are available within the consortium. As a first application, the Solar Tower Jülich technology was used as a reference. Models are validated with real operational data from the Solar Tower Jülich

    Kyleo® - Ein neues Breitbandherbizid für den Einsatz auf der Stoppel

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    Kyleo® ist eine Coformulierung auf der Basis von 160 g/l 2,4-D (als Säure) und 240 g/l Glyphosat (MIPA Salz), die sich durch eine besonders schnelle und tiefgreifende Wirkung gegen perennierende Unkräuter, Ausfallraps und Ausfallgetreide auszeichnet. Mit 2,4-D als synthetischem Auxin und Glyphosat als EPSP Synthase-Hemmer werden zwei komplementäre Wirkstoffe aus unterschiedlichen Gruppen von Wirkungsmechanismen kombiniert. Die innovative Fertigformulierung mit 200 g/l Cocoalcylamin (FHS) ermöglicht trotz extrem unterschiedlicher pH-Ansprüche der Einzelwirkstoffe eine Kombination ohne Wirkungsverlust im Gegensatz zur Tankmischung.Generell zeigt Kyleo eine im Vergleich zu reinen Glyphosat-Formulierungen stark erhöhte Wirkungsgeschwindigkeit. Die Wirkung auf dikotyle Unkräuter in größeren Entwicklungsstadien wird durch die Kombination der beiden Wirkstoffe verbessert. Ausfallraps im 8-10 Blattstadium wird bereits mit 3 l/ha sicher erfasst, Ausfallgetreide ebenso. Auf Ausfallerbsen und -bohnen kann mit Hilfe der Coformulierung eine erheblich bessere Wirkung als mit den Soloprodukten und eine synergistische Wirkung gegenüber der Tankmischung erreicht werden. Auf Ackerkratzdistel (Cirsium arvense) wurde mit 3 l/ha eine 95 %ige Wirkung erzielt. Gegen den Ackerschachtelhalm (Equisetum arvense) werden vier Wochen nach der Anwendung Wirkungsgrade von 82 % mit 3 l/ha und 92 % mit 5 l/ha erreicht. Die Ackerwinde (Convolvulus arvense) wird mit 3 l/ha zu 88 %, mit 5 l/ha zu 100 % erfasst. Gegen die Quecke (Agropyron repens) wird mit 5 l/ha Kyleo ein Wirkungsgrad von 96 % erreicht.Durch sein breites Wirkungsspektrum und insbesondere die gute Wirkung gegen perennierende Arten, eignet sich Kyleo sehr gut für den Einsatz in Anbausystemen mit Minimalbodenbearbeitung, aber auch auf Gleisen, im Obstbau oder zur Grünlanderneuerung.Stichwörter: Ausfallgetreide, Ausfallraps, Breitbandherbizid, 2,4-D, Glyphosat, Kyleo, perennierende Unkräuter, Stoppel, WirkungsgeschwindigkeitKyleo® - A new broad spectrum herbicide for use on stubblesKyleo® is a coformulation of 160 g/l 2,4-D (as acid) and 240 g/l glyphosate (as MIPA salt), with rapid action and excellent efficacy against volunteer oilseed rape, cereals and perennial weeds. Two complementary active ingredients with different MOA are combined in an innovative coformulation using 200 g/l cocoalcylamin (adjuvant) to handle the extremely different ph requirements of the actives, avoiding a loss of efficacy that often appears using the tankmix of both.Volunteer oilseed rape at 8-10 leaf stage is controlled already with 3 l/ha, volunteer cereals as well. The efficacy against volunteer beans and peas is improved significantly versus the use of the actives and a synergistic effect can be observed compared to the tankmix of both. At 3 l/ha respectively 5 l/ha the control levels against Equisetum arvense reached 82 % and 95 %, against Convolvulus arvense 88 % respectively 100 % and against Agropyron repens 96 % with 5 l/ha.With its broad spectrum and the good efficacy against perennial weeds, Kyleo is an excellent option for for minimum tillage systems as well as for the use on railways, in orchards and for grassland renewal. Keywords: Broad spectrum, 2,4-D, glyphosate, herbicide, Kyleo, perennial weeds, rapid action, stubble, volunteer crop

    Zafirlukast Is a Dual Modulator of Human Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase and Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γ

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    Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1 antagonists (CysLT1RA) are frequently used as add-on medication for the treatment of asthma. Recently, these compounds have shown protective effects in cardiovascular diseases. This prompted us to investigate their influence on soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) and peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) activities, two targets known to play an important role in CVD and the metabolic syndrome. Montelukast, pranlukast and zafirlukast inhibited human sEH with IC50 values of 1.9, 14.1, and 0.8 μM, respectively. In contrast, only montelukast and zafirlukast activated PPARγ in the reporter gene assay with EC50 values of 1.17 μM (21.9% max. activation) and 2.49 μM (148% max. activation), respectively. PPARα and δ were not affected by any of the compounds. The activation of PPARγ was further investigated in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Analysis of lipid accumulation, mRNA and protein expression of target genes as well as PPARγ phosphorylation revealed that montelukast was not able to induce adipocyte differentiation. In contrast, zafirlukast triggered moderate lipid accumulation compared to rosiglitazone and upregulated PPARγ target genes. In addition, we found that montelukast and zafirlukast display antagonistic activities concerning recruitment of the PPARγ cofactor CBP upon ligand binding suggesting that both compounds act as PPARγ modulators. In addition, zafirlukast impaired the TNFα triggered phosphorylation of PPARγ2 on serine 273. Thus, zafirlukast is a novel dual sEH/PPARγ modulator representing an excellent starting point for the further development of this compound class

    Tevatron constraints on models of the Higgs boson with exotic spin and parity using decays to bottom-antibottom quark pairs.

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    Combined constraints from the CDF and D0 Collaborations on models of the Higgs boson with exotic spin J and parity P are presented and compared with results obtained assuming the standard model value JP=0+. Both collaborations analyzed approximately 10  fb−1 of proton-antiproton collisions with a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV collected at the Fermilab Tevatron. Two models predicting exotic Higgs bosons with JP=0− and JP=2+ are tested. The kinematic properties of exotic Higgs boson production in association with a vector boson differ from those predicted for the standard model Higgs boson. Upper limits at the 95% credibility level on the production rates of the exotic Higgs bosons, expressed as fractions of the standard model Higgs boson production rate, are set at 0.36 for both the JP=0− hypothesis and the JP=2+ hypothesis. If the production rate times the branching ratio to a bottom-antibottom pair is the same as that predicted for the standard model Higgs boson, then the exotic bosons are excluded with significances of 5.0 standard deviations and 4.9 standard deviations for the JP=0− and JP=2+ hypotheses, respectively