67 research outputs found

    Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 1 interacts with regulator of chromosome condensation 1 dynamically throughout the cell cycle

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    The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA1) is a sequence-specific DNA binding protein which plays an essential role in viral episome replication and segregation, by recruiting the cellular complex of DNA replication onto the origin (oriP) and by tethering the viral DNA onto the mitotic chromosomes. Whereas the mechanisms of viral DNA replication are well documented, those involved in tethering EBNA1 to the cellular chromatin are far from being understood. Here, we have identified Regulator of Chromosome Condensation 1 (RCC1) as a novel cellular partner for EBNA1. RCC1 is the major nuclear guanine nucleotide exchange factor (RanGEF) for the small GTPase Ran enzyme. RCC1, associated with chromatin, is involved in the formation of RanGTP gradients critical for nucleo-cytoplasmic transport, mitotic spindle formation, and nuclear envelope reassembly following mitosis. Using several approaches, we have demonstrated a direct interaction between these two proteins and found that the EBNA1 domains responsible for EBNA1 tethering to the mitotic chromosomes are also involved in the interaction with RCC1. The use of an EBNA1 peptide array confirmed the interaction of RCC1 with these regions and also the importance of the N-terminal region of RCC1 in this interaction. Finally, using confocal microscopy and FRET analysis to follow the dynamics of interaction between the two proteins throughout the cell cycle, we have demonstrated that EBNA1 and RCC1 closely associate on the chromosomes during metaphase, suggesting an essential role for the interaction during this phase, perhaps in tethering EBNA1 to mitotic chromosomes

    Varicella-Zoster Virus IE4 Protein Interacts with SR Proteins and Exports mRNAs through the TAP/NXF1 Pathway

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    Available data suggest that the Varicella-Zoster virus (VZV) IE4 protein acts as an important regulator on VZV and cellular genes expression and could exert its functions at post-transcriptional level. However, the molecular mechanisms supported by this protein are not yet fully characterized. In the present study, we have attempted to clarify this IE4-mediated gene regulation and identify some cellular partners of IE4. By yeast two-hybrid and immunoprecipitation analysis, we showed that IE4 interacts with three shuttling SR proteins, namely ASF/SF2, 9G8 and SRp20. We positioned the binding domain in the IE4 RbRc region and we showed that these interactions are not bridged by RNA. We demonstrated also that IE4 strongly interacts with the main SR protein kinase, SRPK1, and is phosphorylated in in vitro kinase assay on residue Ser-136 contained in the Rb domain. By Northwestern analysis, we showed that IE4 is able to bind RNA through its arginine-rich region and in immunoprecipitation experiments the presence of RNA stabilizes complexes containing IE4 and the cellular export factors TAP/NXF1 and Aly/REF since the interactions are RNase-sensitive. Finally, we determined that IE4 influences the export of reporter mRNAs and clearly showed, by TAP/NXF1 knockdown, that VZV infection requires the TAP/NXF1 export pathway to express some viral transcripts. We thus highlighted a new example of viral mRNA export factor and proposed a model of IE4-mediated viral mRNAs export

    Epstein-Barr virus down-regulates tumor suppressor DOK1 expression

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    The DOK1 tumor suppressor gene encodes an adapter protein that acts as a negative regulator of several signaling pathways. We have previously reported that DOK1 expression is up-regulated upon cellular stress, via the transcription factor E2F1, and down-regulated in a variety of human malignancies due to aberrant hypermethylation of its promoter. Here we show that Epstein Barr virus (EBV) infection of primary human B-cells leads to the down-regulation of DOK1 gene expression via the viral oncoprotein LMP1. LMP1 alone induces recruitment to the DOK1 promoter of at least two independent inhibitory complexes, one containing E2F1/pRB/DNMT1 and another containing at least EZH2. These events result in tri-methylation of histone H3 at lysine 27 (H3K27me3) of the DOK1 promoter and gene expression silencing. We also present evidence that the presence of additional EBV proteins leads to further repression of DOK1 expression with an additional mechanism. Indeed, EBV infection of B-cells induces DNA methylation at the DOK1 promoter region including the E2F1 responsive elements that, in turn, lose the ability to interact with E2F complexes. Treatment of EBV-infected B-cell-lines with the methyl-transferase inhibitor 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine rescues DOK1 expression. In summary, our data show the deregulation of DOK1 gene expression by EBV and provide novel insights into the regulation of the DOK1 tumor suppressor in viral-related carcinogenesis.Fil: Siouda, Maha. World Health Organization; FranciaFil: Frecha, Cecilia Ariana. World Health Organization; Francia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Accardi, Rosita. World Health Organization; FranciaFil: Yue, Jiping. World Health Organization; FranciaFil: Cuenin, Cyrille. World Health Organization; FranciaFil: Grufat, Henri. Inserm; Francia. Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1; Francia. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. Ecole Normale Supérieure; FranciaFil: Manet, Evelyne. Inserm; Francia. Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1; Francia. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. Ecole Normale Supérieure; FranciaFil: Herceg, Zdenko. World Health Organization; FranciaFil: Sylla, Bakary S.. World Health Organization; FranciaFil: Tommasino, Massimo. World Health Organization; Franci

    Etude des mécanismes d'export des ARN messagers par la protéine EB2 du virus d'Epstein-Barr

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    LYON-ENS Sciences (693872304) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Etude des fonctions des protéines virales de la famille EBNA3 dans l'immortalisation des lymphocytes B par le virus d'Epstein-Barr (rôle fonctionnel de l'interaction entre EBNA-3A et la protéine cellulaire Miz-1)

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    Le virus d Epstein-Barr (EBV) est un gamma-Herpesvirus associé à de nombreux cancers chez l homme. In vitro, l infection de lymphocytes B primaires par EBV conduit à leur immortalisation (genèse de lignées lymphoblastoides (LCL)). Dans ces cellules, seules 9 protéines virales (protéines dites de latence) sont exprimées et coopèrent pour stimuler la prolifération des cellules. Afin de comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires par lesquels les 3 protéines de latence de la famille EBNA3 (-3A, -3B et -3C) participent à l induction et au maintien de la prolifération cellulaire induite par EBV, nous avons réalisé un crible deux-hybrides dans la levure en utilisant EBNA-3A, -3B ou -3C comme appâts. Ce crible nous a permis d identifier de nombreux nouveaux partenaires particulièrement pertinents au vu de ce que l on connaît des rôles respectifs des protéines EBNA3. Parmi les nouveaux partenaires de la protéine EBNA-3A se trouve le facteur de transcription Miz-1 qui est connu pour jouer un rôle clef dans l arrêt du cycle cellulaire en transactivant l expression de gènes tels CDKN1A, CDKN1C et CDKN2B. Nous avons validé cette interaction par GST-pull down ainsi que par co-immunoprécipitation en cellules humaines. Nous avons ensuite étudié l effet de la protéine virale EBNA-3A sur l activation de la transcription induite par Miz-1. Pour cela, nous avons comparé le niveau des transcrits de certains gènes cibles de Miz-1 dans des LCL exprimant ou non EBNA-3A et avons trouvé que certains gènes codant des inhibiteurs du cycle cellulaire sont différemment exprimés en présence d EBNA-3A. Enfin, nous avons pu montrer que la protéine virale EBNA-3A est capable de réprimer l activation de la transcription de Miz-1 en inhibant le recrutement de l une de ses protéines co-activatrices, la protéine NPM. Ces résultats permettent de mieux comprendre les mécanismes par lesquels les protéines EBNA3 et plus largement EBV, dérégulent le cycle cellulaire.Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) is a human Herpesvirus that infects over 90% of the world population and is associated with several malignancies. EBV has the unique capacity to activate and to induce growth transformation of resting primary human B-lymphocytes, upon their in vitro infection, leading to the establishment of lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs). In these cells (called Lymphoblatoid cell lines (LCLs)), nine latent proteins are expressed driving the activation and proliferation of the infected B cells. In order to understand the molecular mechanism by which the EBNA3s latent proteins play a role in growth transformation, we used a large scale two-hybrid yeast screen. Thanks to that screen we identified several cellular partners very interesting in relation to what we know about the EBNA3s functions. One of the proteins identified in this screen is the transcription factor Miz-1, which has a cell growth arrest activity via inhibition of cell-cycle progression and has been shown to activate transcription of target genes including CDKN1A, CDKN1C and CDKN2B. We confirmed the interaction between EBNA-3A and Miz-1 by GST-pull down assay as well as by co-immunoprecipitation in HeLa cells We next investigated the effect of EBNA-3A on Miz-1-dependent regulation by comparing the transcript levels of selected Miz-1 target genes between EBNA-3A positive and negative LCLs by RT-qPCR. Interestingly, several Miz-1 target genes, among which CDKN2B, were found to be differentialy regulated in the presence of EBNA-3A. We found that EBNA-3A inhibits Miz-1 dependant activation by inhibiting the recrutement of the co-activator NPM. Those results bring new insights to the mechanisms by which the EBNA3s, and more largely EBV, regulate the cell cycle.LYON-ENS Sciences (693872304) / SudocSudocFranceF

    EBV/KSHV co-infection: an effective partnership

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    International audienceKaposi's sarcoma human herpesvirus (KSHV) is the etiologic agent of primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) in which Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is also very often present. By using a humanized mouse model, Pr. Münz's team has been able to demonstrate that EBV/KSHV co-infection increases KSHV persistence and cell transformation through the stimulation of EBV replication. This is the first model of PEL in small animals, opening up exciting prospects for future studies on this unique lymphoma

    The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) protein EB2 is an mRNA export factor essential for virus production

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    International audienceThe EBV early protein EB2 (aka Mta, SM and BMLF1) shares properties with mRNA export factors. It shuttles between the cytoplasm and the nucleus, and interacts with RNA both in vitro and in vivo but with no apparent sequence specificity. EB2 induces the cytoplasmic accumulation of mRNAs generated from intronless and intron-containing genes, likely through interactions with cellular export factors of the TAP/p15 pathway. Using a cell line carrying a viral genome with the EB2 gene deleted, it has been shown that EB2 is essential for the production of infectious virions by facilitating the nuclear export of a subset of early and late viral mRNAs, a function regulated by CK2 phosphorylation of EB2. There aredocking sites for both CK2 subunits and for the heterotetrameric enzyme in the EB2 N- and C-terminal domains. Accordingly, EB2 and CK2 copurify as a complex in which CK2 phosphorylates EB2. CK2 phosphorylation of EB2 at one of the Ser-55, Ser-56 and ser-57 is critical for its mRNA export function and as a consequence, for infectious virus production

    Herpesvirus Late Gene Expression: A Viral-Specific Pre-initiation Complex Is Key

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    International audienceDuring their productive cycle, herpesviruses exhibit a strictly regulated temporal cascade of gene expression that can be divided into three general stages: immediate-early (IE), early (E), and late (L). This expression program is the result of a complex interplay between viral and cellular factors at both the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels, as well as structural differences within the promoter architecture for each of the three gene classes. Since the cellular enzyme RNA polymerase II (RNAP-II) is responsible for the transcription of herpesvirus genes, most viral promoters contain DNA motifs that are common with those of cellular genes, although promoter complexity decreases from immediate-early to late genes. Immediate-early and early promoters contain numerous cellular and viral cis-regulating sequences upstream of a TATA box, whereas late promoters differ significantly in that they lack cis-acting sequences upstream of the transcription start site (TSS). Moreover, in the case of the β-and γ-herpesviruses, a TATT box motif is frequently found in the position where the consensus TATA box of eukaryotic promoters usually localizes. The mechanisms of transcriptional regulation of the late viral gene promoters appear to be different between α-herpesviruses and the two other herpesvirus subfamilies (β and γ). In this review, we will compare the mechanisms of late gene transcriptional regulation between HSV-1, for which the viral IE transcription factors-especially ICP4-play an essential role, and the two other subfamilies of herpesviruses, with a particular emphasis on EBV, which has recently been found to code for its own specific TATT-binding protein