39 research outputs found

    Ultra-thin Silicon Oxynitride Gate-dielectric Made By Ecr Plasmas

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    Silicon oxynitride (SiOxNy) insulators have been grown at room temperature (20°C), low pressures (5, 10, 20 and 50 mTorr) and 1000 W microwave power electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma on Si substrates. Fourier transform infra-red (PTIR) spectrometry analyses reveal the presence of Si-O bonds in the silicon oxynitride films. For stoichiometric silicon oxide, Si-O bond peak position value of 1080 cm-1 is identified. For values < 1080 cm-1, the oxynitrides are nitrogen rich. Si-O bond peak position shifts (in relation to the process pressure) between 1053 and 1076 cm-1, indicating that the oxynitrides made by medium pressures, between 10 and 20 mTorr, presented less nitrogen than those made by 5 and 50 mTorr. The C-V characteristics of Al/Ti/SiOxN y/Si specimens were obtained and the equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) values were determined, with values between 0.56 and 2 nm. The EOT values increase with pressure, and the nitrogen concentration in the films and the EOT values can be controlled by process pressure.1216221Togo, M., Watanabe, K., Yamamoto, T., Ikarashi, N., Tatsumi, T., Ono, H., Mogami, T., (2002) IEEE Trans. on Electron Dev., 49 (11), p. 1903Diniz, J.A., Doi, I., Swart, J.W., (2003) Materials Characterization, 50, p. 135Reyes-Betanzo, C., Moshkalyov, S.A., Swart, J.W., (2003) J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A, 21 (2), p. 461Hensen, W.K., Ahmed, K.Z., Vogel, E.M., Hauser, J.R., Wortman, J.J., Venables, R.D., Xu, M., Venables, D., (1999) IEEE Electron Dev. Lett., 20 (4), p. 17

    Two cycles of recurrent selection for grain yield in bread wheat. Direct effect and correlated responses

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar 2 ciclos de selección recurrente para rendimiento en grano en trigo pan y determinar las respuestas directa y correlacionadas.Dieciséis variedades comerciales argentinas de trigo pan (Triticumaestivum L.) con buen comportamiento agronómico, fueron cruzadas al azar para formar la población base. Se evaluaron 45 familias S1 derivadas (15 por cada ciclo analizado) en 5 ambientes. Se observó un aumento del 15% en el rendimiento al cabo de 2 ciclos de selección recurrente. Aunque el índice de cosecha no fue carácter objeto de selección, se observó un aumento significativo del 11,4% del C2 respecto al C0. El esquema de selección recurrente empleado en este trabajo modificó el carácter sujeto a mejora permitiendo la identificación de genotipos superiores

    Contenido proteico en relación con el rendimiento de líneas de trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) adaptadas a la región semiárida central de la Argentina

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    Los planes de mejoramiento no lograron mantener la calidad industrial del trigo en Argentina, por lo que la reconversión del mercado implica mejorar su calidad. Una estrategia sería desarrollar nuevos cultivares cualitativamente superiores. En este trabajo se analizó el contenido proteico en relación con el rendimiento de líneas de trigo provenientes del Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CYMMYT), con la finalidad de introducir material germoplásmico superior al momento de plantear un programa de mejoramiento para la región semiárida del centro de la Argentina . Éstas fueron contrastadas con variedades nacionales y líneas de origen local obtenidas en la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina . Las evidencias experimentales sugieren que las lineas del CIMMYT se destacaron por su alto contenido proteico,mientras que las locales presentaron los mayores rendimientos proteicos. En tal sentido , el material del CIMMYT puede representar una fuente de variabilidad genética,para aumentar el contenido proteico de materiales desarrollados para zonas en donde dicho contenido debe ser incrementado

    Silicon Oxynitride Gate-dielectric Made By Ecr Plasma Oxynitridation

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    Silicon oxynitride (SiOxNy) insulators have been grown using O2/N2/Ar gas mixtures at room temperature (20°C), in a wide pressure range (5, 10, 20 and 50mTorr) and 1000 W microwave power electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma on Si substrates. The thickness values between 1.8 nm and 6.3 nm were determined by ellipsometry. Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectrometry analyses reveal the chemical bonds in the silicon oxynitride films, indicating that the oxynitrides grown at medium pressures, between 10 and 20 mTorr, presented less nitrogen content than those grown at 5 and 50 mTorr. Optical emission spectroscopy (OES) was used for plasma characterization, and intense formation of NO molecules in the gas phase was detected. These molecules can play significant role in formation of the oxynitride layer and the resulting N/O ratio in the surface layer. The C-V characteristics of Al/Ti/SiQxNy/Si specimens were obtained and the EOT (equivalent oxide thickness) values were determined, with values being between 0.52 and 2.9 nm. The electrical characteristics were compared and correlated with the nitrogen/oxygen concentrations at SiOxN y/Si structures and physical thickness, obtained by FTIR and ellipsometry, respectively.3253258Togo, M., Watanabe, K., Yamamoto, T., Ikarashi, N., Tatsumi, T., Ono, H., Mogami, T., (2002) IEEE Trans. on Electron Dev., 49 (11), p. 1903Green, M.L., Gusev, E.P., Degraeve, R., Garfunkel, E.L., (2001) J. of Appl. Phys, 90 (5), p. 2057Diniz, J.A., Doi, I., Swart, J.W., (2003) Materials Characterization, 50, p. 135Reyes-Betanzo, C., Moshkalyov, S.A., Swart, J.W., (2003) Journal of Vacuum. Science and Technol., A, 21 (2), p. 461Hensen, W.K., Ahmed, K.Z., Vogel, E.M., Hauser, J.R., Wortman, J.J., Venables, R.D., Xu, M., Venables, D., (1999) IEEE Electron Dev. Lett., 20 (4), p. 17

    Innovative Therapeutic Potential of Cannabinoid Receptors as Targets in Alzheimer’s Disease and Less Well-Known Diseases

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    Author Correction: Common and rare variant association analyses in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis identify 15 risk loci with distinct genetic architectures and neuron-specific biology

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    Correction to: Nature Genetics https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-021-00973-1, published online 6 December 2021. In the version of this article initially published, the affiliation for Nazli Başak appeared incorrectly. Nazli Başak is at Koç University, School of Medicine, KUTTAM-NDAL, Istanbul, Turkey, and not Bogazici University. The error has been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the article

    NANCY: Next-generation All-sky Near-infrared Community surveY

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    International audienceThe Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is capable of delivering an unprecedented all-sky, high-spatial resolution, multi-epoch infrared map to the astronomical community. This opportunity arises in the midst of numerous ground- and space-based surveys that will provide extensive spectroscopy and imaging together covering the entire sky (such as Rubin/LSST, Euclid, UNIONS, SPHEREx, DESI, SDSS-V, GALAH, 4MOST, WEAVE, MOONS, PFS, UVEX, NEO Surveyor, etc.). Roman can uniquely provide uniform high-spatial-resolution (~0.1 arcsec) imaging over the entire sky, vastly expanding the science reach and precision of all of these near-term and future surveys. This imaging will not only enhance other surveys, but also facilitate completely new science. By imaging the full sky over two epochs, Roman can measure the proper motions for stars across the entire Milky Way, probing 100 times fainter than Gaia out to the very edge of the Galaxy. Here, we propose NANCY: a completely public, all-sky survey that will create a high-value legacy dataset benefiting innumerable ongoing and forthcoming studies of the universe. NANCY is a pure expression of Roman's potential: it images the entire sky, at high spatial resolution, in a broad infrared bandpass that collects as many photons as possible. The majority of all ongoing astronomical surveys would benefit from incorporating observations of NANCY into their analyses, whether these surveys focus on nearby stars, the Milky Way, near-field cosmology, or the broader universe