39 research outputs found

    MAGIC descobreix una nova font de raigs gamma

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    El telescopi MAGIC o "gran telescopi d'imatge Cherenkov de raigs gamma" ha descobert una nova font celeste de raigs gamma. Aquest nou objecte localitzat per MAGIC és un nucli actiu de la galàxia anomenat 3C 66A, és a dir, un forat negre d'immenses dimensions del qual emanen partícules de llum de l'energia més alta. Aquest objecte, descobert per telescopis de ràdio als setanta, ha estat observat per MAGIC en la banda dels raigs gamma de molta alta energia, amb resultats desconcertants. De fet, no s'ha pogut identificar completament que l'emissió de raigs gamma detectada per MAGIC provingui de 3C 66A. Aquest descobriment, en el qual ha participat l'Institut de Física d'Altes Energies (IFAE), ha estat publicat recentment a la revista Astrophysical Journal Letters.El telescopio MAGIC o "gran telescopio de imagen Cherenkov de rayos gamma" ha descubierto una nueva fuente celeste de rayos gamma. Este nuevo objeto localizado por MAGIC es un núcleo activo de la galaxia llamado 3C 66A, es decir, un agujero negro de inmensas dimensiones del cual emanan partículas de luz de la energía más alta. Este objeto, descubierto por telescopios de radio en los años setenta, ha sido observado por MAGIC en la banda de los rayos gamma de muy alta energía, con resultados desconcertantes. De hecho, no se ha podido identificar por completo que la emisión de rayos gamma detectada por MAGIC provenga de 3C 66A. Este descubrimiento, en el cual ha participado el Instituto de Física de Altas Energías (IFAE), ha sido publicado recientemente en la revista Astrophysical Journal Letters

    The luminosity function of TeV-emitting BL Lacs: observations of an HBL sample with VERITAS

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    High-frequency-peaked BL Lacs (HBLs) dominate the extragalactic TeV sky, with more than 50 objects detected by the current generation of TeV observatories. Still, the properties of TeV-emitting HBLs as a population are poorly understood due to biases introduced by the observing strategies of Cherenkov Telescopes, limiting our ability to estimate the potential contribution of TeV blazars to the diffuse neutrino, gamma-ray, and cosmic-ray background as well as their role in the late-stage evolution of active galactic nuclei. The VERITAS telescope array has designed a program to quantify and minimize observational biases by selecting a sample of 36 HBLs and measuring their TeV flux at times that are not weighted towards high-flux states. Such a survey could form the basis for a measurement of the luminosity function of TeV-emitting HBLs.Comment: in Proceedings of the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021), Berlin, German

    The RNA binding specificity of human APOBEC3 proteins resembles that of HIV-1 nucleocapsid

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    The APOBEC3 (A3) cytidine deaminases are antiretroviral proteins, whose targets include human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1). Their incorporation into viral particles is critical for antiviral activity and is driven by interactions with the RNA molecules that are packaged into virions. However, it is unclear whether A3 proteins preferentially target RNA molecules that are destined to be packaged and if so, how. Using cross-linking immunoprecipitation sequencing (CLIP-seq), we determined the RNA binding preferences of the A3F, A3G and A3H proteins. We found that A3 proteins bind preferentially to RNA segments with particular properties, both in cells and in virions. Specifically, A3 proteins target RNA sequences that are G-rich and/or A-rich and are not scanned by ribosomes during translation. Comparative analyses of HIV-1 Gag, nucleocapsid (NC) and A3 RNA binding to HIV-1 RNA in cells and virions revealed the striking finding that A3 proteins partially mimic the RNA binding specificity of the HIV-1 NC protein. These findings suggest a model for A3 incorporation into HIV-1 virions in which an NC-like RNA binding specificity is determined by nucleotide composition rather than sequence. This model reconciles the promiscuity of A3 RNA binding that has been observed in previous studies with a presumed advantage that would accompany selective binding to RNAs that are destined to be packaged into virions

    Allosteric HIV-1 integrase inhibitors lead to premature degradation of the viral RNA genome and integrase in target cells

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    ABSTRACT Recent evidence indicates that inhibition of HIV-1 integrase (IN) binding to the viral RNA genome by allosteric integrase inhibitors (ALLINIs) or through mutations within IN yields aberrant particles in which the viral ribonucleoprotein complexes (vRNPs) are eccentrically localized outside the capsid lattice. These particles are noninfectious and are blocked at an early reverse transcription stage in target cells. However, the basis of this reverse transcription defect is unknown. Here, we show that the viral RNA genome and IN from ALLINI-treated virions are prematurely degraded in target cells, whereas reverse transcriptase remains active and stably associated with the capsid lattice. The aberrantly shaped cores in ALLINI-treated particles can efficiently saturate and be degraded by a restricting TRIM5 protein, indicating that they are still composed of capsid proteins arranged in a hexagonal lattice. Notably, the fates of viral core components follow a similar pattern in cells infected with eccentric particles generated by mutations within IN that inhibit its binding to the viral RNA genome. We propose that IN-RNA interactions allow packaging of both the viral RNA genome and IN within the protective capsid lattice to ensure subsequent reverse transcription and productive infection in target cells. Conversely, disruption of these interactions by ALLINIs or mutations in IN leads to premature degradation of both the viral RNA genome and IN, as well as the spatial separation of reverse transcriptase from the viral genome during early steps of infection. IMPORTANCE Recent evidence indicates that HIV-1 integrase (IN) plays a key role during particle maturation by binding to the viral RNA genome. Inhibition of IN-RNA interactions yields aberrant particles with the viral ribonucleoprotein complexes (vRNPs) eccentrically localized outside the conical capsid lattice. Although these particles contain all of the components necessary for reverse transcription, they are blocked at an early reverse transcription stage in target cells. To explain the basis of this defect, we tracked the fates of multiple viral components in infected cells. Here, we show that the viral RNA genome and IN in eccentric particles are prematurely degraded, whereas reverse transcriptase remains active and stably associated within the capsid lattice. We propose that IN-RNA interactions ensure the packaging of both vRNPs and IN within the protective capsid cores to facilitate subsequent reverse transcription and productive infection in target cells. </jats:p

    A new method to study energy-dependent arrival delays on photons from astrophysical sources

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    Correlations between the arrival time and the energy of photons emitted in outbursts of astrophysical objects are predicted in quantum and classical gravity scenarios and can appear as well as a result of complex acceleration mechanisms responsible for the photon emission at the source. This paper presents a robust method to study such correlations that overcomes some limitations encountered in previous analysis, and is based on a Likelihood function built from the physical picture assumed for the emission, propagation and detection of the photons. The results of the application of this method to a flare of Markarian 501 observed by the MAGIC telescope are presented. The method is also applied to a simulated dataset based on the flare of PKS 2155-304 recorded by the H.E.S.S. observatory to proof its applicability to complex photon arrival time distributions.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Photosensor Characterization for the Cherenkov Telescope Array: Silicon Photomultiplier versus Multi-Anode Photomultiplier Tube

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    Photomultiplier tube technology has been the photodetector of choice for the technique of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes since its birth more than 50 years ago. Recently, new types of photosensors are being contemplated for the next generation Cherenkov Telescope Array. It is envisioned that the array will be partly composed of telescopes using a Schwarzschild-Couder two mirror design never built before which has significantly improved optics. The camera of this novel optical design has a small plate scale which enables the use of compact photosensors. We present an extensive and detailed study of the two most promising devices being considered for this telescope design: the silicon photomultiplier and the multi-anode photomultiplier tube. We evaluated their most critical performance characteristics for imaging gamma-ray showers, and we present our results in a cohesive manner to clearly evaluate the advantages and disadvantages that both types of device have to offer in the context of GeV-TeV gamma-ray astronomy.Comment: submitted to SPIE Optics+Photonics proceeding