31 research outputs found

    Cd4 and cd8 lymphocyte counts as surrogate early markers for progression in sars-cov-2 pneumonia : A prospective study

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    Background: COVID-19 pathophysiology and the predictive factors involved are not fully understood, but lymphocytes dysregulation appears to play a role. This paper aims to evaluate lymphocyte subsets in the pathophysiology of COVID-19 and as predictive factors for severe disease. Patient and methods: A prospective cohort study of patients with SARS-CoV-2 bilateral pneumonia recruited at hospital admission. Demographics, medical history, and data regarding SARS-CoV-2 infection were recorded. Patients systematically underwent complete laboratory tests, including parameters related to COVID-19 as well as lymphocyte subsets study at the time of admission. Severe disease criteria were established at admission, and patients were classified on remote follow-up according to disease evolution. Linear regression models were used to assess associations with disease evolution, and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) and the corresponding Area Under the Curve (AUC) were used to evaluate predictive values. Results: Patients with critical COVID-19 showed a decrease in CD3+CD4+ T cells count compared to non-critical (278 (485 IQR) vs. 545 (322 IQR)), a decrease in median CD4+/CD8+ ratio (1.7, (1.7 IQR) vs. 3.1 (2.4 IQR)), and a decrease in median CD4+MFI (21,820 (4491 IQR) vs. 26,259 (3256 IQR)), which persisted after adjustment. CD3+CD8+ T cells count had a high correlation with time to hospital discharge (PC = −0.700 (−0.931, −0.066)). ROC curves for predictive value showed lymphocyte subsets achieving the best performances, specifically CD3+CD4+ T cells (AUC = 0.756), CD4+/CD8+ ratio (AUC = 0.767), and CD4+MFI (AUC = 0.848). Conclusions: A predictive value and treatment considerations for lymphocyte subsets are suggested, especially for CD3CD4+ T cells. Lymphocyte subsets determination at hospital admission is recommended

    Epigenetic loss of the transfer RNA-modifying enzyme TYW2 induces ribosome frameshifts in colon cancer

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    Transfer RNA (tRNA) activity is tightly regulated to provide a physiological protein translation, and tRNA chemical modifications control its function in a complex with ribosomes and messenger RNA5 (mRNA5). In this regard, the correct hypermodification of position G37 of phenylalanine-tRNA, adjacent to the anticodon, is critical to prevent ribosome frameshifting events. Here we report that the tRNA-yW Synthesizing Protein 2 (TYW2) undergoes promoter hypermethylation-associated transcriptional silencing in human cancer, particularly in colorectal tumors. The epigenetic loss of TYW2 induces guanosine hypomodification in phenylalanine-tRNA, an increase in -1 ribosome frameshift events, and down-regulation of transcripts by mRNA decay, such as of the key cancer gene ROBO1. Importantly, TYW2 epigenetic inactivation is linked to poor overall survival in patients with early-stage colorectal cancer, a finding that could be related to the observed acquisition of enhanced migration properties and epithelial-to-mesenchymal features in the colon cancer cells that harbor TYW2 DNA methylation-associated loss. These findings provide an illustrative example of how epigenetic changes can modify the epitranscriptome and further support a role for tRNA modifications in cancer biology

    Manual fes-t'ho tu mateix! : l'experiment de la muntanya russa. El principi de la conservació de l'energia

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    En aquest document es presenta un manual tipus fes-t’ho tu mateix (en anglès do it yourself, sovint abreujat DIY) per a la construcció d’una maqueta d’una muntanya russa. Aquesta maqueta serveix per: i) conèixer com es tracta el concepte d’energia en l’àmbit de l’Enginyeria Mecànica; ii) demostrar mitjançant l’experimentació, el principi de la conservació de l’energia, que és equivalent al teorema de l’energia en l’àmbit de les màquines i els mecanismes. La maqueta es basa en una joguina amb un cost d’uns 70 € per facilitar que es pugui repetir l’experiment. S’han muntat dos tipus de sensors de velocitat. El primer model de sensors de velocitat són més cars i s’han utilitzat per establir els valors de referència. El segon model de sensors de velocitat, molt més econòmics es basen en components electrònics basats en la plataforma Arduino que segueix una filosofia de codi obert, per compartir tot el que es desenvolupa de forma senzilla. S’ha optat per prioritzar reduir el cost de desenvolupament de la maqueta i utilitzar processos de fabricació basats en impressió 3D que cada vegada són més utilitzats en centres educatius. Aquest document s’emmarca dins el projecte ECOMEC, atorgat al grup de recerca Centre de Disseny d’Equips Industrials–Dinàmica de Màquines (CDEI-DM) en la convocatòria dels ajuts Joan Oró 2022 de la Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació. Per ampliar l’abast formatiu de la proposta es recomana visualitzar els vídeos del projecte ECOMEC penjats a la Zona UPC vídeos [1]. Els vídeos s’han de buscar filtrant pel títol Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible. Una mirada des de l’Enginyeria Mecànica. En la primera part del document s’explica la construcció de la maqueta de la muntanya russa. En la segona part es fa la descripció de l’experiment per demostrar el principi de la conservació de l’energia. L’Annex 1 conté el llistat de material necessari per a la construcció de la maqueta. L’Annex 2 conté el recull de les taules per recopilar les dades de l’experiment. L’Annex 3 conté les plantilles amb els circuits proposats en l’experiment.2022/202

    Manual fes-t'ho tu mateix : proposta de dues alternatives d'aixafa llaunes

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    En aquest document es presenta un manual tipus fes-t’ho tu mateix (en anglès do it yourself, sovint abreujat DIY) per a la construcció de dues alternatives d’aixafa llaunes automatitzades. La primera alternativa està basada en un mecanisme de pistó-biela-manovella. La segona alternativa està basada en un mecanisme de lleva d’excèntrica amb un palpador de corró de translació. Per al disseny i la construcció d’ambdues alternatives s’ha optat per prioritzar criteris de sostenibilitat, reduir el cost i utilitzar processos de fabricació que puguin ser més accessibles en centres educatius. Així, s’ha optat per reaprofitar material de rebuig: un motor d’un eixugaparabrises d’un vehicle de desballestament i una font d’alimentació d’un ordinador obsolet. D’aquesta forma es vol contribuir a assolir i conèixer l’Objectiu de Desenvolupament Sostenible 12 (ODS 12) que té a veure amb la reparació, la reutilització i el reciclatge. També s’ha optat per fer la major part de les peces en fusta, material amb menor impacte ambiental per assolir i conèixer l’ODS 9 que fomenta uns processos industrials més sostenibles. D’altres elements estan fets amb processos de fabricació basats en la impressió 3D. Es considera que aquest tipus de material educatiu basat en projectes aplicats, contribueix a l’ODS 4, relacionat amb una educació de qualitat, inclusiva i equitativa. En l’Annex 2 es faciliten els plànols de fabricació de totes les peces que no s’han fabricat amb una impressora 3D. Aquest document s’emmarca dins el projecte ECOMEC, atorgat al grup de recerca Centre de Disseny d’Equips Industrials–Dinàmica de Màquines (CDEI-DM) en la convocatòria dels ajuts Joan Oró 2022 de la Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació. Per ampliar l’abast formatiu de la proposta es recomana visualitzar els vídeos del projecte ECOMEC penjats a la Zona UPC vídeos [1]. Els vídeos s’han de buscar filtrant pel títol Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible. Una mirada des de l’Enginyeria Mecànica. L’estructura del document és la següent. Primer, s’expliquen les especificacions generals que s’han fixat en el disseny de l’aixafa llaunes, explicant com s’ha determinat la força necessària per aixafar una llauna. Segon, s’explica el muntatge dels elements comuns. Tercer, s’explica el muntatge del mecanisme de pistó-biela-manovella i del mecanisme de lleva d’excèntrica.2022/202

    The altered transcriptome and DNA methylation profiles of docetaxel resistance in breast cancer PDX models

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    Taxanes are standard therapy in clinical practice for metastatic breast cancer; however, primary or acquired chemoresistance are a common cause of mortality. Breast cancer patient-derived xenografts (PDX) are powerful tools for the study of cancer biology and drug treatment response. Specific DNA methylation patterns have been associated to different breast cancer subtypes but its association with chemoresistance remains unstudied. Aiming to elucidate docetaxel resistance mechanisms, we performed genome-wide DNA methylation in breast cancer PDX models, including luminal and triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) models sensitive to docetaxel, their matched models after emergence of chemoresistance and residual disease after short-term docetaxel treatment. We found that DNA methylation profiles from breast cancer PDX models maintain the subtype-specific methylation patterns of clinical samples. Two main DNA methylation clusters were found in TNBC PDX and remain stable during the emergence of docetaxel resistance; however, some genes/pathways were differentially methylated according to docetaxel response. A DNA methylation signature of resistance able to segregate TNBC based on chemotherapy response was identified. Transcriptomic profiling of selected sensitive/resistant pairs and integrative analysis with methylation data demonstrated correlation between some differentially methylated and expressed genes in docetaxel-resistant TNBC PDX models. Multiple gene expression changes were found after the emergence of docetaxel resistance in TNBC. DNA methylation and transcriptional changes identified between docetaxel-sensitive and -resistant TNBC PDX models or residual disease may have predictive value for chemotherapy response in TNBC. IMPLICATIONS: Subtype-specific DNA methylation patterns are maintained in breast cancer PDX models. While no global methylation changes were found, we uncovered differentially DNA methylated and expressed genes/pathways associated with the emergence of docetaxel resistance in TNBC

    Associations between whole peripheral blood fatty acids and DNA methylation in humans

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    Fatty acids (FA) modify DNA methylation in vitro, but limited information is available on whether corresponding associations exist in vivo and reflect any short-term effect of the diet. Associations between global DNA methylation and FAs were sought in blood from lactating infants (LI; n = 49) and adult males (AMM; n = 12) equally distributed across the three conventional BMI classes. AMM provided multiple samples at 2-hour intervals during 8 hours after either a single Western diet-representative meal (post-prandial samples) or no meal (fasting samples). Lipid/glucose profile, HDAC4 promoter and PDK4 5'UTR methylation were determined in AMM. Multiple regression analysis revealed that global (in LI) and both global and PDK4-specific DNA methylation (in AMM) were positively associated with eicosapentaenoic and arachidonic acid. HDAC4 methylation was inversely associated with arachidonic acid post-prandially in AMM. Global DNA methylation did not show any defined within-day pattern that would suggest a short-term response to the diet. Nonetheless, global DNA methylation was higher in normal weight subjects both post-prandially and in fasting and coincided with higher polyunsaturated relative to monounsaturated and saturated FAs. We show for the first time strong associations of DNA methylation with specific FAs in two human cohorts of distinct age, diet and postnatal development stage

    Association of Bevacizumab Plus Oxaliplatin-Based Chemotherapy With Disease-Free Survival and Overall Survival in Patients With Stage II Colon Cancer A Secondary Analysis of the AVANT Trial

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    IMPORTANCE: In the pivotal Bevacizumab-Avastin Adjuvant (AVANT) trial, patients with high-risk stage II colon cancer (CC) had 5-year and 10-year overall survival (OS) rates of 88% and 75%, respectively, with adjuvant fluorouracil and oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy; however, the trial did not demonstrate a disease-free survival (DFS) benefit of adding bevacizumab to oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy in stage III CC and suggested a detrimental effect on OS. The Long-term Survival AVANT (S-AVANT) study was designed to collect extended follow-up for patients in the AVANT trial. OBJECTIVE: To explore the efficacy of adjuvant bevacizumab combined with oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy in patients with high-risk, stage II CC. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This prespecified secondary end point analysis of the AVANT and S-AVANT studies included 573 patients with curatively resected high-risk stage II CC and at least 1 of the following criteria: stage T4, bowel obstruction or perforation, blood and/or lymphatic vascular invasion and/or perineural invasion, age younger than 50 years, or fewer than 12 nodes analyzed. The AVANT study was a multicenter randomized stage 3 clinical trial. Data were collected from December 2004 to February 2019, and data for this study were analyzed from March to September 2019. INTERVENTION: Patients were randomly assigned to receive 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and oxaliplatin (FOLFOX4), FOLFOX4 with bevacizumab, or capecitabine and oxaliplatin (XELOX) with bevacizumab. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The primary end points of this secondary analysis were DFS and OS in patients with high-risk stage II CC. RESULTS The AVANT study included 3451 patients, of whom 573 (16.6%) had high-risk stage II CC (192 [33.5%] randomized to FOLFOX4 group; 194 [33.9%] randomized to FOLFOX4 with bevacizumab group; 187 [32.6%] randomized to XELOX with bevacizumab group). With a median (interquartile range) age of 57.0 (47.2-65.7) years, the study population comprised 325 men (56.7%) and 248 women (43.3%). After a median (interquartile range) follow-up of 6.9 (6.1-11.3) years, the 3-year DFS and 5-year OS rates were 88.2% (95% CI, 83.7%-93.0%) and 89.7% (95% CI, 85.4%-94.2%) in the FOLFOX4 group, 86.6% (95% CI, 81.8%-91.6%) and 89.7% (95% CI, 85.4%-94.2%) in the FOLFOX4 with bevacizumab group, and 86.7% (95% CI, 81.8%-91.8%) and 93.2% (95% CI, 89.6%-97.0%) in the XELOX with bevacizumab group, respectively. The DFS hazard ratio was 0.94 (95% CI, 0.59-1.48; P = .78) for FOLFOX4 with bevacizumab vs FOLFOX4 and 1.07 (95% CI, 0.69-1.67; P = .76) for XELOX with bevacizumab vs FOLFOX4. The OS hazard ratio was 0.92 (95% CI, 0.55-1.55; P = .76) for FOLFOX4 with bevacizumab vs FOLFOX4 and 0.85 (95% CI, 0.50-1.44; P = .55) for XELOX with bevacizumab vs FOLFOX4. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In this secondary analysis of data from the AVANT trial, adding bevacizumab to oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy was not associated with longer DFS or OS in patients with high-risk stage II CC. The findings suggest that the definition of high-risk stage II CC needs to be revisited

    Epidemiological and clinical features, response to HAART, and survival in HIV-infected patients diagnosed at the age of 50 or more

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    BACKGROUND: Over the last years, the mean age of subjects with HIV infection and AIDS is increasing. Moreover, some epidemiological and clinical differences between younger and older HIV-infected individuals have been observed. However, since introduction of HAART therapy, there are controversial results regarding their response to HAART. The aim of the present study is to evaluate epidemiological and clinical features, response to HAART, and survival in elderly HIV-infected patients with regard to younger HIV-infected patients. METHODS: A prospective cohort study (1998–2003) was performed on patients from Sabadell Hospital, in Northeast of Spain. The cohort includes newly attended HIV-infected patients since January 1, 1998. For the purpose of this analysis, data was censured at December 31, 2003. Taking into account age at time of diagnosis, it was considered 36 HIV-positive people aged 50 years or more (Group 1, G1) and 419 HIV-positive people aged 13–40 years (Group 2, G2). Epidemiological, clinical, biological and therapy data are recorded. Statistical analysis was performed using Chi-squared test and Fisher exact test, Mann-Whitney U test, Kaplan-Meier, Log Rank test, and Two-Way ANOVA from random factors. RESULTS: G1 showed higher proportion of men than G2. The most common risk factors in G1 were heterosexual transmission (P = 0.01) and having sex with men or women (P < 0.001). G1 and G2 show parallel profiles through the time regarding immunological response (P = 0.989) and virological response (P = 0.074). However, older people showed lower CD4 cell counts at first clinic visit (P < 0.001) and, eventually, they did not achieve the same counts as G2. G1 presented faster progression to AIDS (P < 0.001) and shorter survival (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Older patients have different epidemiological features. Their immunological and virological responses are good. However, older patients do not achieve the same CD4 cell counts likely due to they have lower counts at first clinic visit. Thus, it is essential physicians know older HIV-infected patients features to consider the possibility of HIV infection in these patients with the aim of treatment would not be delayed

    CAR density influences antitumoral efficacy of BCMA CAR T cells and correlates with clinical outcome

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    Identification of new markers associated with long-term efficacy in patients treated with CAR T cells is a current medical need, particularly in diseases such as multiple myeloma. In this study, we address the impact of CAR density on the functionality of BCMA CAR T cells. Functional and transcriptional studies demonstrate that CAR T cells with high expression of the CAR construct show an increased tonic signaling with up-regulation of exhaustion markers and increased in vitro cytotoxicity but a decrease in in vivo BM infiltration. Characterization of gene regulatory networks using scRNA-seq identified regulons associated to activation and exhaustion up-regulated in CARHigh T cells, providing mechanistic insights behind differential functionality of these cells. Last, we demonstrate that patients treated with CAR T cell products enriched in CARHigh T cells show a significantly worse clinical response in several hematological malignancies. In summary, our work demonstrates that CAR density plays an important role in CAR T activity with notable impact on clinical response

    Epigenetic prediction of response to anti-PD-1 treatment in non-small-cell lung cancer: a multicenter, retrospective analysis

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    Background: Anti-programmed death-1 (PD-1) treatment for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has improved the survival of patients. However, a substantial percentage of patients do not respond to this treatment. We examined the use of DNA methylation profiles to determine the efficacy of anti-PD-1 treatment in patients recruited with current stage IV NSCLC. Methods: In this multicentre study, we recruited adult patients from 15 hospitals in France, Spain, and Italy who had histologically proven stage IV NSCLC and had been exposed to PD-1 blockade during the course of the disease. The study structure comprised a discovery cohort to assess the correlation between epigenetic features and clinical benefit with PD-1 blockade and two validation cohorts to assess the validity of our assumptions. We first established an epigenomic profile based on a microarray DNA methylation signature (EPIMMUNE) in a discovery set of tumour samples from patients treated with nivolumab or pembrolizumab. The EPIMMUNE signature was validated in an independent set of patients. A derived DNA methylation marker was validated by a single-methylation assay in a validation cohort of patients. The main study outcomes were progression-free survival and overall survival. We used the Kaplan-Meier method to estimate progression-free and overall survival, and calculated the differences between the groups with the log-rank test. We constructed a multivariate Cox model to identify the variables independently associated with progression-free and overall survival. Findings: Between June 23, 2014, and May 18, 2017, we obtained samples from 142 patients: 34 in the discovery cohort, 47 in the EPIMMUNE validation cohort, and 61 in the derived methylation marker cohort (the T-cell differentiation factor forkhead box P1 [FOXP1]). The EPIMMUNE signature in patients with stage IV NSCLC treated with anti-PD-1 agents was associated with improved progression-free survival (hazard ratio [HR] 0·010, 95% CI 3·29 × 10 −4–0·0282; p=0·0067) and overall survival (0·080, 0·017–0·373; p=0·0012). The EPIMMUNE-positive signature was not associated with PD-L1 expression, the presence of CD8+ cells, or mutational load. EPIMMUNE-negative tumours were enriched in tumour-associated macrophages and neutrophils, cancer-associated fibroblasts, and senescent endothelial cells. The EPIMMUNE-positive signature was associated with improved progression-free survival in the EPIMMUNE validation cohort (0·330, 0·149–0·727; p=0·0064). The unmethylated status of FOXP1 was associated with improved progression-free survival (0·415, 0·209–0·802; p=0·0063) and overall survival (0·409, 0·220–0·780; p=0·0094) in the FOXP1 validation cohort. The EPIMMUNE signature and unmethylated FOXP1 were not associated with clinical benefit in lung tumours that did not receive immunotherapy. Interpretation: Our study shows that the epigenetic milieu of NSCLC tumours indicates which patients are most likely to benefit from nivolumab or pembrolizumab treatments. The methylation status of FOXP1 could be associated with validated predictive biomarkers such as PD-L1 staining and mutational load to better select patients who will experience clinical benefit with PD-1 blockade, and its predictive value should be evaluated in prospective studies