61 research outputs found

    Data-driven marketing for the e-commerce of brands

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, specialization in Business AnalyticsThe topic of this project is a data-driven marketing strategy for an e-commerce shoe brand Lovidovi Shoes. The company wanted to improve their digital marketing performance, and an improvement was defined as an increase in sales. While general best practices for successful Facebook Business advertising have been researched, each business is unique and optimal results are achieved through internal research. Data collected over the course of seven years was first centralized, and then analysed, using tools such as Power BI and Python, in order to determine the best audience and ad settings. The findings made on base data were re-evaluated and fine-tuned through testing. The final result showed that the best performing ads target an audience of women of all ages. Bosnia and Herzegovina makes the brands most profitable market, with the biggest number of sales, and the lowest cost per purchase. The feed placement on Facebook and Instagram get the best reaction, and the bestsellers are products in the white sneakers category. The ads created as part of this project showed significantly better performance by the company’s standards, and average performance by the industry’s standards. This project designed a simple guide on how to start making a shift towards data-driven marketing approaches with a limited budget, and has given the company motivation to utilize its data more and better

    Application of cold plasma treatment on inactivation of microorganism E.coli in pure culture

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti utjecaj hladne plazme na stupanj redukcije, oksidacijski stres stanica E. coli i fiziološke čimbenike (pH, temperaturu, konduktivnost i slobodnih radikale) tretiranih uzoraka. Uzorci su tretirani hladnom plazmom pri frekvencijama od 60, 90 i 120 Hz u trajanju od 5 i 10 min. Tehnologija hladne plazme pokazala se efikasnom za postizanje potpune redukcije broja mikroorganizama. Dužim tretmanom i povećanjem frekvencije, došlo je do smanjenja pH vrijednosti i povećanja temperature i konduktivnosti otopine. Također, utvrđen je povišeni oksidacijski stres u bakterijskim stanicama. Osim redukcije, nakon tretmana postignuto je istjecanje staničnih makromolekula kao posljedica elektroporacije stanica. Bakterijske stanice su se rekuperirale nakon 18 h pri temperaturi inkubacije od 30˚C.The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of cold plasma treatmenton degree of reduction, oxidative stress of cells E. coli and physiological factors (pH, temperature, conductivity, free radicals ) in treated samples. The samples were treated with cold plasma at frequencies of 60, 90 and 120 Hz during 5 and 10 minutes. Cold plasma technology was proved as the effective method for complete reduction of microoganisms. Longer treatment time with higher frequency showed decrease of ph value, increase of temperature and solution conductivity. Also, increased oxsidative stress was found in bacterial cells. Except reduction, leakage of celluar macromolecules was achieved after treatment as a result of electroporation of cells.Cells were recovered after 18 h of incubation at 30 ˚C

    Fine-structural studies on three species of red algae with special emphasis on aspects of sporogenesis, spores and sporeling development

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    1. The introductory experiments revealed that the suitable light intensity for growth in culture of tetraspores of Palmaria palmata was 3000 lux and the paraspores of Plumaria elegans was 1000 lux. Palmaria palmata tetrasporelings attained the length of 6.7 cm at 3000 lux after twenty-one months in culture while Plumaria elegans parasporelings attained the length of 2 cm at 1000 lux after seventeen months in culture. 2. The ultrastructure of vegetative cells of the three species (Palmaria palmata, Plumaria elegans and Audouinella sagraeanum) shows (a) Presence of unusual structures within the cell walls of Audouinella sagraeanum and the cell walls of the stipes of Palmaria palmata. The cell walls of the three species are composed of microfibrils of probably random arrangement embedded in an amorphous matrix and are covered by a cuticle though it is not always clear in Audouinella sagraeanum. (b) Floridean starch lies free in the cytoplasm but small grains of similar electron density to floridean starch grains were observed within chloroplasts of Audouinella sagraeanum. (c) Each cell of the three species possesses several chloroplasts. The thylakoid arrangement within the chloroplasts of Plumaria elegans and the small chloroplasts of Audouinella sagraeanum is represented by a peripheral thylakoid enclosing several internal thylakoids, though juxtaposition of two to three thylakoids was observed in some chloroplasts within the parasporangia of Plumaria elegans and appressed thylakoids in groups of four and six were observed within a chloroplast of a newly released paraspore. The thylakoid arrangement in chloroplasts of Palmaria palmata is represented by a peripheral thylakoid enclosing one or more concentric thylakoids and several internal thylakoids. Each cell of Audouinella sagraeanum possesses a single large chloroplast in addition to several small chloroplasts. The large chloroplast has no peripheral thylakoid but a single pyrenoid (two pyrenoids on rare occasions) is present which may protrude towards the cytoplasm or be embedded within the stroma. The pyrenoid is enclosed by thylakoids which may penetrate into the matrix. Tubular structures were also observed within the matrix of some pyrenoids. There is no spatial relationship between the starch grains and the pyrenoid. (d) Pit connections of the three species are composed of a plug core and plug caps. The plug cap of Plumaria elegans and Audouinella sagraeanum is a single layer while in Palmaria palmata it is multilayered. Pit connections are also observed between immature paraspores within the parasporangium and immature tetraspores within the tetrasporangium of Plumaria elegans. (e) Mitochondria accompanied by Golgi bodies are scattered at different locations within the cytoplasm of the three species. (f) Spherical osmiophilic and crystalline bodies are present in the cytoplasm of Plumaria elegans only, and are also found in parasporeling cells growing in culture. (g) The protoplasts of the ageing cells of Audouinella sagraeanum degenerate but a new cell replaces them. The new formed cell is surrounded by two cell walls. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.)

    Impact of cryomilling on phenolic compounds of rapeseed cake

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je odrediti utjecaj vremena i tipa mljevenja (uz/bez kriohlađenja) na sastav i koncentraciju fenolnih spojeva u pogači uljane repice. Nakon proizvodnje ulja, dobivena pogača usitnjena je na kriomlinu bez i s hlađenjem pomoću tekućeg dušika kroz 2, 4, 8 i 12 minuta. U samljevenim pogačama određeni su slobodni i vezani polifenolni spojevi te tanini pomoću kromatografskih i spektrofotometrijskih metoda, nakon čega im je određena antioksidacijska aktivnost. Rezultati su pokazali da način mljevenja ima značajan utjecaj na koncentraciju polifenolnih spojeva. Mljevenjem uz hlađenje koncentracija slobodnih polifenola se smanjila, a koncentracija vezanih povećala. Nasuprot tome, koncentracija tanina nije ovisila o načinu mljevenja već o duljini mljevenja. HPLC metodom detektiran je sinapin kao dominantni polifenolni spoj pogače uljane repice u udjelu većem od 70 %. Rezultati antioksidacijske aktivnosti znatno su oscilirali te nije utvrđen značajan utjecaj tretmana ni duljine mljevenja na koncentraciju polifenola.The aim of this study was to determine the impact of time and milling type (with/without cryocooling) on composition and concentration of rapeseed cake phenolics. After the oil production, expeller extracted rapeseed cake was grounded on cryomill with or without liquid nitrogen cooling for 2, 4, 8 and 12 minutes. Free and bound phenolic compounds, as well as tannins, were determined in milled cake samples using chromatographic and spectrophotometric methods. In addition, antioxidant activity of produced cakes was also investigated. Results showed significant impact of milling type on phenolic concentration. Cryocooling decreased concentration of free phenolic compounds, increasing the bound phenolics at the same time. However, milling type had no significant impact on the tannin concentration unlike milling time that increased tannin concentration during longer process. Sinapin, the dominant phenol derivate in rapeseed cake, was detected using HPLC contributing to more than 70 % of phenolic content. Results of antioxidant activities oscillated significantly, having no statistical impact of the time and type of milling on the polyphenols

    Application of cold plasma treatment on inactivation of microorganism E.coli in pure culture

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti utjecaj hladne plazme na stupanj redukcije, oksidacijski stres stanica E. coli i fiziološke čimbenike (pH, temperaturu, konduktivnost i slobodnih radikale) tretiranih uzoraka. Uzorci su tretirani hladnom plazmom pri frekvencijama od 60, 90 i 120 Hz u trajanju od 5 i 10 min. Tehnologija hladne plazme pokazala se efikasnom za postizanje potpune redukcije broja mikroorganizama. Dužim tretmanom i povećanjem frekvencije, došlo je do smanjenja pH vrijednosti i povećanja temperature i konduktivnosti otopine. Također, utvrđen je povišeni oksidacijski stres u bakterijskim stanicama. Osim redukcije, nakon tretmana postignuto je istjecanje staničnih makromolekula kao posljedica elektroporacije stanica. Bakterijske stanice su se rekuperirale nakon 18 h pri temperaturi inkubacije od 30˚C.The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of cold plasma treatmenton degree of reduction, oxidative stress of cells E. coli and physiological factors (pH, temperature, conductivity, free radicals ) in treated samples. The samples were treated with cold plasma at frequencies of 60, 90 and 120 Hz during 5 and 10 minutes. Cold plasma technology was proved as the effective method for complete reduction of microoganisms. Longer treatment time with higher frequency showed decrease of ph value, increase of temperature and solution conductivity. Also, increased oxsidative stress was found in bacterial cells. Except reduction, leakage of celluar macromolecules was achieved after treatment as a result of electroporation of cells.Cells were recovered after 18 h of incubation at 30 ˚C

    Onion Solid Waste as a Potential Source of Functional Food Ingredients

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    Onion (Allium cepa L.) is one of the most basic and most consumed vegetables in human diet with a long tradition of use in food and medicine. It is grown and traded worldwide for culinary purpose because of its distinctive aroma and high nutritive value. Nowadays, onion production is increasing as well as the demand for processed onion, leading to the generation of a substantial amount of industrial waste. The waste biomass is mainly composed of outer scales, skin, roots, tops of the bulbs, and deteriorated bulbs. The use of onion waste as a potential source of functional food ingredients is one way of its valorization, highly in line with the current trends in the food industry to improve by waste reuse while responding to the increasing demand for functional food. Onion waste components exhibiting functional potential are: (i) flavonols – quercetin and quercetin glucosides, known for antioxidant activity; (ii) fructooligosaccharides, well-established prebiotics; (iii) cell-wall polysaccharides, as a part of dietary fibre, or specifically pectin as a known food additive and/or a potential source of prebiotic oligomers; and (iv) organosulfuric compounds. The use of onion waste in food production is still in the research stage, but shows promising results in the incorporation of powdered onion waste concentrates and extracts into various food matrices to obtain innovative products with improved antioxidant and prebiotic quality

    Influencia de la conciencia ambiental en la gestión eficiente de residuos sólidos de las familias de Ocongate, 2022

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    La presente investigación, tiene por título “Influencia de la Conciencia Ambiental en la Gestión Eficiente de Residuos Sólidos de las Familias de Ocongate, 2022”, tiene como objetivo determinar la Influencia de la conciencia ambiental en la gestión eficiente de residuos sólidos de las familias de Ocongate - 2022. La metodología utilizada corresponde a tipo básica, diseño no experimental, de nivel descriptivo correlacional y enfoque cuantitativo, de dos variables: conciencia ambiental y gestión eficiente de residuos sólidos. Para lo cual se ha tenido una muestra de 246 colaboradores que son jefes de familias de la ciudad de Ocongate. Para el recojo de la información se ha utilizado la técnica de encuesta y un cuestionario previamente validados como instrumento. Los resultados obtenidos se tienen valores de significancia bilateral equivale a 0,000<0,05, y el coeficiente de correlación Rho de Spearman tiene un valor de 0.434, por lo que hay una correlación moderada positiva entre la variable conciencia ambiental y la variable gestión eficiente de residuos sólidos. Por lo tanto, se acepta la hipótesis planteada en esta investigación, evidenciando que existe Influencia directa de la conciencia ambiental en la gestión eficiente de residuos sólidos de las familias de Ocongate, 2022

    Onion Solid Waste as a Potential Source of Functional Food Ingredients

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    Onion (Allium cepa L.) is one of the most basic and most consumed vegetables in human diet with a long tradition of use in food and medicine. It is grown and traded worldwide for culinary purpose because of its distinctive aroma and high nutritive value. Nowadays, onion production is increasing as well as the demand for processed onion, leading to the generation of a substantial amount of industrial waste. The waste biomass is mainly composed of outer scales, skin, roots, tops of the bulbs, and deteriorated bulbs. The use of onion waste as a potential source of functional food ingredients is one way of its valorization, highly in line with the current trends in the food industry to improve by waste reuse while responding to the increasing demand for functional food. Onion waste components exhibiting functional potential are: (i) flavonols – quercetin and quercetin glucosides, known for antioxidant activity; (ii) fructooligosaccharides, well-established prebiotics; (iii) cell-wall polysaccharides, as a part of dietary fibre, or specifically pectin as a known food additive and/or a potential source of prebiotic oligomers; and (iv) organosulfuric compounds. The use of onion waste in food production is still in the research stage, but shows promising results in the incorporation of powdered onion waste concentrates and extracts into various food matrices to obtain innovative products with improved antioxidant and prebiotic quality

    Relationship between pulmonary diffusing capacity and indices of airway obstruction in patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis

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    U 472 ispitanika s hroničnim bronhitom analziran je odnos između transfer faktora za ugljen monoksid (DLCO), specifičnog otpora vazdušnih puteva (SRt = Rt x ITGV), spirografskih merenja i respiratornih gasova u hiperemiziranoj kapilarnoj krvi. Rezultati ovog proučavanja ukazali su da je DLCO snižen u bolesni!ka s hroničnim bronhitom udruženim s umorenom ili teškom opstrukcijom vazdušnih puteva. U ovih bolesnika najbolja je korelacija utvrđena između vitalnog kapaciteta (VC) i DLCO. Velika varijabilnost podataka, koja je bila prisutna, mogla bi se objasniti fiziološkim varijacijama u normalnih osoba i nehomogenošću alveolarne ventilacije. Dalje, nađeno je da se stepen redukcije DLCO u bolesnika s hroničnim bronhitom može predskazati na osnovu dobivenih podataka VC, forsiranog ekspiratornog volumena u prvoj sekundi (FEV1) i Pc02 i PcC02 kapilarne krvi. Iako je rasipanje vrednosti DLCO izraženo, poremećaji transfer faktora u bolesnika s hroničnim bronhitom upućuju na razvoj emfizematoznih promena u plućima.The relationship between pulmonary diffusing capacity, specific airway resistance (SRt = Rt x ITGV), and spirographic measurements was studied in 472 patients with chronic bronchitis. The results showed that pulmonary diffusing capacity was reduced in a group of patients with chronic bronchitis associated with moderate or severe airway obstruction. In this group the best correlation was noted between pulmonary diffusing capacity and vital capacity. However, a wide variability of data was present, which can be explained by means of a wide range of physiological values in healthy persons, and by inhomogeneity of alveolar ventilation. Furthermore, it was found that the degree of reduction of diffusing capacity in cases of chronic obstructive bronchitis can be predicted on the basis of VC, FEV1, and capillary P02 and PC02 data. Despite a very wide variability of pulmonary diffusing capacity, its impairment in patients with chronic bronchitis suggests the development of pulžmonary emphysema

    Análisis y propuesta de mejora en la carretera nacional PE-3S tramo av. Antonio Lorena-Poroy, aplicando la metodología de inspección de seguridad vial y el manual HSM.

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    Esta investigación está enfocada en el análisis y propuestas de mejora en la Carretera Nacional PE-3S tramo Av. Antonio Lorena – Poroy (Cusco), aplicando la metodología de Inspección de Seguridad Vial (ISV) y el Método Predictivo del Highway Safety Manual (HSM). Donde la aplicación de una ISV comprende la identificación de aquellas zonas donde potencialmente la seguridad vial sea deficiente debido a diversas condiciones y características. Así mismo la aplicación del Método Predictivo del Highway Safety Manual (HSM), implica la recolección y procesamiento de accidentes suscitados en el tramo estudiado en un periodo de cinco años, el conteo y clasificación del tráfico vehicular (IMDA) y el levantamiento de las características geométricas; con el objetivo de hallar, primero: La predicción de la frecuencia promedio de accidentes esperados (N esperado ) con las condiciones actuales de sitio, además se realiza un ajuste con los accidentes observados (N observado ) aplicando del Método Empírico de Bayes; segundo se ha hallado el Factor de Calibración (C) del tramo estudiado (C=0.73); que servirá para futuras evaluaciones en la vía haciendo uso del HSM; por último se hace uso del HSM para realizar una segunda predicción donde las condiciones de la vía han sido cambiadas con propuestas de mejora con el objetivo de reducir el número promedio de accidentes esperados. La aplicación de la Inspección de Seguridad Vial y el Highway Safety Manual, dieron como resultado la identificación de aquellas zonas donde la seguridad vial presenta deficiencias y es necesaria una intervención con el fin de preservar el estado de seguridad de las personas. Es por ello que se adjunta en el ANEXO 03 de la tesis un formato para el registro de accidentes de tránsito que mejorará el análisis de los datos para futuras investigaciones. Finalmente hay que mencionar que esta investigación presenta metodología no muy conocida en el Perú, la cual debería ser implementada antes, durante y después del proceso de construcción de una vía con la finalidad de reducir las víctimas resultado de los accidentes de tránsito.This research is focused on the analysis and proposals for improvement in the National Road PE-3S section Av. Antonio Lorena - Poroy (Cusco), applying the methodology of Road Safety Inspection (RSI) and the Highway Safety Manual Predictive Method HSM). Where the application of an RSI includes the identification of those areas where potentially road safety is deficient due to various conditions and characteristics. Also, the application of the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) Predictive Method involves the collection and processing of the accidents subscribed in the section studied in a period of five years, the counting and classification of vehicular traffic (AADT) and the lifting of the geometric characteristics; with the aim of finding, first: The prediction of the average frequency of expected accidents (N Expected ) with the current conditions of the site, in addition an adjustment is made with the observed accidents (N observed ) applying the Empirical Method of Bayes; according to the Calibration Factor (C) of the studied section (C = 0.73); which will serve for future on-track evaluations using the HSM; Finally, HSM is used to make a second prediction where the road conditions have been changed with improvement proposals with the aim of reducing the percentage of accidents expected. The Application of Road Safety Inspection and Road Safety Manual, as it is called the identification of those areas where road safety is deficient and intervention is necessary in order to preserve the safety of people. For this reason, a format for the registration of traffic accidents that seeks to analyze the data for future research is attached in Annex No. 03 of the thesis. Finally, it should be mentioned that this research presents a methodology not well known in Peru, which should be implemented before, during and after the process of construction of a road in order to reduce victims resulting from traffic accidents.Tesi