331 research outputs found

    Coevolution of Glauber-like Ising dynamics and topology

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    We study the coevolution of a generalized Glauber dynamics for Ising spins, with tunable threshold, and of the graph topology where the dynamics takes place. This simple coevolution dynamics generates a rich phase diagram in the space of the two parameters of the model, the threshold and the rewiring probability. The diagram displays phase transitions of different types: spin ordering, percolation, connectedness. At variance with traditional coevolution models, in which all spins of each connected component of the graph have equal value in the stationary state, we find that, for suitable choices of the parameters, the system may converge to a state in which spins of opposite sign coexist in the same component, organized in compact clusters of like-signed spins. Mean field calculations enable one to estimate some features of the phase diagram.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Final version published in Physical Review

    Автономність підходу до формування мистецтвознавчої термінології у період Незалежності України

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    The subject of the research is the features of the autonomous art criticism approach of the period of independence of Ukraine, which arose as a result of the collapse of the USSR and had a specific influence on the formation of art criticism terminology. The goal is to define and designate the factors that influenced the formation of art criticism terminology during the period of independence of Ukraine. The methodology of the work is based on a combination of chronological, cultural and historical-comparative methods. Among the factors that influenced the autonomy of the approach in the formation of art criticism terminology in the first time after the independence of Ukraine, singled out as the most significant socio-cultural and worldview factors. The sociocultural factor is divided into two aspects: economic and social. The economic aspect influenced the existence of art history publications as platforms for the publication of art criticism texts, and also led to the almost complete absence of works of contemporary art of the 1991-2000s in the collections of art institutions, in particular state museums, which made it difficult to access such works for analysis by art historians. The social aspect is related to the economic and reflects a limited number of authors writing about art on a regular basis, and, accordingly, a limited number of views and concepts with the help of which contemporary art has been described and analyzed.Key words: terminology, art history, art criticism, socio-cultural aspect, XX centuryПредметом дослідження є особливості автономного мистецтвознавчого підходу періоду Незалежності України, що виникли внаслідок розпаду СРСР та мали специфічний вплив на формування мистецтвознавчої термінології. Мета – визначити та окреслити фактори, що впливали на формування мистецтвознавчої термінології у період незалежності України. Методологія проведення роботи базується на сукупності хронологічного, культурологічного та історико-порівняльного методів. Серед факторів, що впливали на автономність підходу у формуванні мистецтвознавчої термінології у перший час після здобуття Незалежності Україною, виокремлено як найбільш суттєві соціокультурний та світоглядний фактори. Соціокультурний фактор розподілено на два аспекти: економічний та соціальний. Економічний аспект впливав на існування мистецтвознавчих видань як майданчиків для оприлюднення мистецтвознавчих текстів, а також зумовив майже цілковиту відсутність творів сучасного мистецтва 1991-2000-х років в колекціях мистецьких інституцій, зокрема державних музеїв, що значно ускладнило доступність таких творів для аналізу мистецтвознавцями. Соціальний аспект пов’язаний з економічним і відображає обмежену кількість авторів, що писали про мистецтво на регулярній основі, і відповідно, обмежену кількість поглядів та концепцій, за допомогою яких описувалося та аналізувалося новітнє мистецтво.Ключові слова: термінологія, мистецтвознавство, мистецтвознавчі поняття, соціокультурний аспект, XX столітт

    Prejudicial Attitudes toward Homosexuals as a Function of Religious Orientation

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    This study investigated prejudicial attitudes toward homosexuals as a function of individuals\u27 religious affiliation and orientation. It was predicted that intrinsically oriented individuals would be more prejudiced toward homosexuals than would extrinsically oriented individuals. This trend was expected more for Catholics than for Protestants. Students answered several questionnaires about their attitudes toward homosexuals and their religious beliefs. Although intrinsically oriented individuals were more prejudiced toward homosexuals than were extrinsically oriented individuals, this trend was stronger for Protestants than for Catholics. Understanding how prejudicial attitudes against homosexuals are formed may help to eliminate discrimination toward this group

    Ditirakkaqna Alang

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    ABSTRACT Air pollution is an environmental problem that threatens major cities in Indonesia, especially from vehicle emissions. This study aimed to determine the alternative air pollution control exhaust emissions from vehicles as well as how the alternative strategy of pollution control. Selection of alternative control using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods, where the methods use expert assessment in the form of questionnaires in data collection. The results showed that the Mass Rapid Transportation (MRT) is an alternative which has the highest priority in controlling pollution of vehicle exhaust emissions while the strategy which became key factor in controlling pollution is to make fuel efficiency. Limitations of government funding are key elements that influence which became constrains, whereas the role of key actors are the central Government, Local Government, Parliament and NGOs Keyword: Emission, Transportation, Control, Pollution

    Optimal Capital Structure for PT XYZ

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    PT XYZ is one of the biggest construction companies in Indonesia. Currently, PT XYZ only had a total amount of cash for 1,213 trillion IDR. It is not enough to pay the bond obligation that is due in September 2021 with the amount of 1,661 trillion IDR. Currently, PT XYZ (PERSERO) Tbk. has a Debt to Equity ratio of 339%, while based on the annual report of PT XYZ, the stock and debt holders of PT XYZ (PERSERO) Tbk. require PT XYZ (PERSERO) Tbk. to have a debt-to-equity ratio below 300%. To solve both problems above, PT XYZ needs to refinance their capital structure, in order to get the lowest cost of capital of funds that will be used to seek source of funding to pay the bonds obligation, also to fulfill the contract requirements with the debtholders. This research will use weighted average cost of capital (WACC) method, the cost of debt method that will be used is Damodaran (2020) model and the cost of equity method that will be used is capital asset pricing model (CAPM). The result of this paper is PT XYZ needs to decrease their debt level to 18%. Keywords: Optimal Capital Structure; Weighted Average Cost of Capital; Debt and Equity Ratio; Constructio