46 research outputs found

    ICTs in the hospitality industry: An importance-performance analysis among small family-owned hotels

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    This study delivers the importance-performance analysis of the information and communication technology (ICT) driven solutions among small and family-owned hotels (SFH) in Croatia. The analysis reflects the opinions of owners of 21 SFH, all of which are members of the National Association of Family and Small Hotels (OMH). The findings demonstrated the existence of a significant gap between the perception of the importance of specific innovations and actual hotel performances. In most cases, hotel performances are rated significantly lower than the perceived importance of particular innovation, which indicate that resources should be better and more wisely allocated. In some cases, hotels do not recognise the benefits of ICTs used or are not satisfied with the results. The primary constraint for higher integration of the ICTs within this sample is the lack of financial resources. The study reveals the importance-performance gaps within the perception of technological innovations in the SFHs, elaborates on potential constraints for more substantial reliance on ICTs and discusses the possible implications. Finally, the study provides recommendations for future research

    Doprinos javnih atributa nacionalnih parkova cijeni hotelskog proizvoda

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    Ukoliko ga promatramo holističkim pristupom, turistički proizvod se može analizirati kao skup privatnih i javnih atributa, koji integrirani doprinose njegovoj vrijednosti iskazanoj u obliku cijene koju je posjetitelj spreman platiti. Privatna sfera turističkog proizvoda odnosi se na sve one elemente na koje kreatori turističkog proizvoda mogu direktno utjecati. Javna sfera turističkog proizvoda odnosi se na sve one destinacijske elemente, elemente okruženja, na koje dionici na mikro razini ne mogu utjecati, a koji mogu generirati eksterne ekonomije ili disekonomije i time utjecati na turistički proizvod. Primarno zbog složenosti, u ovom radu, turistički proizvod se poistovjećuje s hotelskim proizvodom. Sličan pristup promatranju turističkog proizvoda zabilježen je u radovima brojnih recentnih autora koji su se primarno fokusirali na privatne atribute turističkog proizvoda i njihov utjecaj na njegovu cijenu. U ovom radu analizira se utjecaj atributa nacionalnih parkova (javni segment turističkog proizvoda) na cijene hotelskog proizvoda, čime se uspostavlja jasna i nedvosmislena veza između prirodnih resursa u turističkoj destinaciji i turističkih proizvoda. Temeljem analize metodoloÅ”kih pristupa koji se mogu koristi za utvrđivanje monetarne vrijednosti neopipljivih atributa, odabrana je hedonistička metoda troÅ”ka putovanja kako bi se ispitalo postojanje veze između javnih atributa nacionalnih parkova i cijena hotelskih proizvoda, varijacija intenziteta tog utjecaja s obzirom na zonu u kojoj je hotel smjeÅ”ten te varijacije sklonosti plaćanju ispitanika. Navedena metoda se zasniva na pretpostavci da svaki pojedinac odabire znamenitosti koje će posjetiti na način da osigura maksimizaciju individualne koristi uz budžetsko ograničenje koje primarno odražava ukupni troÅ”ak s kojim se susreo kako bi doÅ”ao do određene znamenitosti. Dakle, radi se o metodi otkrivenih preferencija putem koje se ispituje postojanje direktne ili indirektne veze između prirodnog atributa nacionalnog parka ā€“ koji nije direktni predmet tržiÅ”ne razmjene i hotelskog proizvoda ā€“ dobra koje je predmet direktne tržiÅ”ne razmjene. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja potvrđuju da određeni atributi nacionalnih parkova generiraju statistički značajan utjecaj na cijene hotela promatranih u uzorku. Navedeni utjecaj pokazuje varijacije s obzirom na zonu u kojoj je hotel smjeÅ”ten. U tom kontekstu najsnažniji utjecaj promatrani, statistički značajni atributi, generiraju na hotele koji se nalaze bliže nacionalnom parku, dok udaljavanjem promatrani utjecaj varira s obzirom na zonu u kojoj je hotel smjeÅ”ten. Individualna sklonost plaćanju većeg troÅ”ka te viÅ”ih cijena hotelskih usluga također varira s obzirom na zonu (udaljenost) u kojoj se hotel nalazi. Kod oba promatrana nacionalna parka najviÅ”u sklonost plaćanju iskazuju ispitanici koji se nalaze u hotelima bliže nacionalnom parku, dok se u hotelima koji su smjeÅ”teni u udaljenijim zonama razvidne varijacije u sklonosti plaćanju većeg troÅ”ka i viÅ”ih cijena, Å”to se primarno može povezati sa strukturom troÅ”ka putovanja, djelovanjem endogenih destinacijskih faktora te djelovanjem supstitutivnih atributa.If we take a holistic approach to a tourism product it can be analyzed as a set of private and public attributes, which, integrated, contribute to its value expressed as a price the visitor is willing to pay. The private sphere of a tourism product refers to all the elements that can be influenced directly by the product designers. The public sphere of the tourism product refers to all those destination elements, elements of the environment, that cannot be influenced by the micro level stakeholders, and which can generate external economies or diseconomies and thus affect the tourism product. In this paper, primarily due to the complexity, the tourism product is identified with the hotel product. A similar approach to defining a tourism product has been recorded in the work of many recent authors who have focused primarily on the private attributes of the tourism product and their impact on its price. This paper analyzes the impact of the attributes of national parks (public segment of tourism product) on the price of hotel products, thus establishing a clear and unambiguous link between natural resources in a tourist destination and tourism products. Out of the possible methodological approaches used to determine the monetary value of intangible attributes, the hedonic travel cost method was applied to examine the link between national park public attributes and hotel product prices, the fluctuation of the intensity of that influence with respect to the hotel location and the variation in the payment preferences of the respondents. This method is based on the assumption that each individual selects the sights to be visited in such a way as to ensure the maximization of the individual benefit with a budget constraint that primarily reflects the total cost they encountered in order to reach a particular sight. Therefore, it is a method of revealed preferences which is used to investigate the existence of a direct or indirect link between a national park natural attribute, which is not a direct object of market exchange, and a hotel product, a direct object of market exchange. The research results confirm that particular attributes of national parks generate statistically significant influence on the prices of the sampled hotels. The influence varies with respect to the location of the hotel. The strongest influence of the statistically significant observed attributes is felt in the hotels that are closer to the national parks, while with the increased distance the effect varies with respect to the location of the hotel. The individual preference for paying higher costs and higher hotel prices also varies with respect to the location (distance) of the hotel. At both observed national parks, the highest willingness to pay a higher cost is manifested among the respondents located in hotels closer to the national park, while in hotels located in more distant locations there is a discernible variation in the willingness to pay higher costs and higher prices, which can primarily be associated with the travel cost structure, influence of endogenous destination factors and substitutive attributes

    Project of Reinforced Concrete Construction of a Business Object : Undergraduate Thesis

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    Zadana je shema nosive konstrukcije armiranobetonskog objekta poslovne namjene sa svim potrebnim dimenzijama (prilog zadatku). Također su zadana djelovanja na konstrukciju, te za neke elemente nacrtati planove oplate i armature. Statički proračun i armaturne planove izraditi sukladno propisima i pravilima struke.The default scheme bearing structures reinforced concrete facility for business purposes, with all there quire dimensions (annex task). Also the default action on the structure, and for some elements draw plans and reinforcement. Structural analysis and reinforcement plans develop in accordance with the regulations and rules of the professio

    Tourism Infrastructure, Recreational Facilities And Tourism Development

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    Purpose and design ā€“ This research explores the interconnectedness between tourism infrastructure, recreational facilities and tourism development. It analyses their importance in, and compliance with the current phase of tourism development in the destination (TALC). Attention has been given to the tourist board managersā€™ perception of infrastructural management and key limitation for their involvement in the management process. Finally, the role of the private sector in the development of infrastructure and facilities in destination has been explored. Methodology and approach ā€“ The semi-structured questioner has been repeatedly sent to 312 tourist board managers in Croatia, leading Southern Mediterranean destination. The research applies qualitative and quantitative analysis. Findings ā€“ There is a significant correlation between TALC and number of arrivals, overnights, the current state of the infrastructure and facilities. Findings suggest growing demand and expectations regarding infrastructure and facilities in the examined destination can be related to a destination position in TALC. The compliance level between the stage of the tourism development and state of the infrastructure and facilities varies especially between destinations in initial and maturing phases of tourism development. The destinations position in TALC is correlated with the importance of specific types of infrastructure and facilities for a specific destination. Due to mostly financial limitations, managers are not willing to take responsibility for the development of tourism infrastructure. Their expectations regarding private sector involvement vary, considering the type of infrastructure, facilities and destinations position in TALC. The originality of the research ā€“ Research provides supply-side perspective and new insights into the infrastructural development ā€“ TALC relation, and delivers tourist board managers attitudes toward the private sector involvement

    Doprinos javnih atributa nacionalnih parkova cijeni hotelskog proizvoda

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    Ukoliko ga promatramo holističkim pristupom, turistički proizvod se može analizirati kao skup privatnih i javnih atributa, koji integrirani doprinose njegovoj vrijednosti iskazanoj u obliku cijene koju je posjetitelj spreman platiti. Privatna sfera turističkog proizvoda odnosi se na sve one elemente na koje kreatori turističkog proizvoda mogu direktno utjecati. Javna sfera turističkog proizvoda odnosi se na sve one destinacijske elemente, elemente okruženja, na koje dionici na mikro razini ne mogu utjecati, a koji mogu generirati eksterne ekonomije ili disekonomije i time utjecati na turistički proizvod. Primarno zbog složenosti, u ovom radu, turistički proizvod se poistovjećuje s hotelskim proizvodom. Sličan pristup promatranju turističkog proizvoda zabilježen je u radovima brojnih recentnih autora koji su se primarno fokusirali na privatne atribute turističkog proizvoda i njihov utjecaj na njegovu cijenu. U ovom radu analizira se utjecaj atributa nacionalnih parkova (javni segment turističkog proizvoda) na cijene hotelskog proizvoda, čime se uspostavlja jasna i nedvosmislena veza između prirodnih resursa u turističkoj destinaciji i turističkih proizvoda. Temeljem analize metodoloÅ”kih pristupa koji se mogu koristi za utvrđivanje monetarne vrijednosti neopipljivih atributa, odabrana je hedonistička metoda troÅ”ka putovanja kako bi se ispitalo postojanje veze između javnih atributa nacionalnih parkova i cijena hotelskih proizvoda, varijacija intenziteta tog utjecaja s obzirom na zonu u kojoj je hotel smjeÅ”ten te varijacije sklonosti plaćanju ispitanika. Navedena metoda se zasniva na pretpostavci da svaki pojedinac odabire znamenitosti koje će posjetiti na način da osigura maksimizaciju individualne koristi uz budžetsko ograničenje koje primarno odražava ukupni troÅ”ak s kojim se susreo kako bi doÅ”ao do određene znamenitosti. Dakle, radi se o metodi otkrivenih preferencija putem koje se ispituje postojanje direktne ili indirektne veze između prirodnog atributa nacionalnog parka ā€“ koji nije direktni predmet tržiÅ”ne razmjene i hotelskog proizvoda ā€“ dobra koje je predmet direktne tržiÅ”ne razmjene. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja potvrđuju da određeni atributi nacionalnih parkova generiraju statistički značajan utjecaj na cijene hotela promatranih u uzorku. Navedeni utjecaj pokazuje varijacije s obzirom na zonu u kojoj je hotel smjeÅ”ten. U tom kontekstu najsnažniji utjecaj promatrani, statistički značajni atributi, generiraju na hotele koji se nalaze bliže nacionalnom parku, dok udaljavanjem promatrani utjecaj varira s obzirom na zonu u kojoj je hotel smjeÅ”ten. Individualna sklonost plaćanju većeg troÅ”ka te viÅ”ih cijena hotelskih usluga također varira s obzirom na zonu (udaljenost) u kojoj se hotel nalazi. Kod oba promatrana nacionalna parka najviÅ”u sklonost plaćanju iskazuju ispitanici koji se nalaze u hotelima bliže nacionalnom parku, dok se u hotelima koji su smjeÅ”teni u udaljenijim zonama razvidne varijacije u sklonosti plaćanju većeg troÅ”ka i viÅ”ih cijena, Å”to se primarno može povezati sa strukturom troÅ”ka putovanja, djelovanjem endogenih destinacijskih faktora te djelovanjem supstitutivnih atributa.If we take a holistic approach to a tourism product it can be analyzed as a set of private and public attributes, which, integrated, contribute to its value expressed as a price the visitor is willing to pay. The private sphere of a tourism product refers to all the elements that can be influenced directly by the product designers. The public sphere of the tourism product refers to all those destination elements, elements of the environment, that cannot be influenced by the micro level stakeholders, and which can generate external economies or diseconomies and thus affect the tourism product. In this paper, primarily due to the complexity, the tourism product is identified with the hotel product. A similar approach to defining a tourism product has been recorded in the work of many recent authors who have focused primarily on the private attributes of the tourism product and their impact on its price. This paper analyzes the impact of the attributes of national parks (public segment of tourism product) on the price of hotel products, thus establishing a clear and unambiguous link between natural resources in a tourist destination and tourism products. Out of the possible methodological approaches used to determine the monetary value of intangible attributes, the hedonic travel cost method was applied to examine the link between national park public attributes and hotel product prices, the fluctuation of the intensity of that influence with respect to the hotel location and the variation in the payment preferences of the respondents. This method is based on the assumption that each individual selects the sights to be visited in such a way as to ensure the maximization of the individual benefit with a budget constraint that primarily reflects the total cost they encountered in order to reach a particular sight. Therefore, it is a method of revealed preferences which is used to investigate the existence of a direct or indirect link between a national park natural attribute, which is not a direct object of market exchange, and a hotel product, a direct object of market exchange. The research results confirm that particular attributes of national parks generate statistically significant influence on the prices of the sampled hotels. The influence varies with respect to the location of the hotel. The strongest influence of the statistically significant observed attributes is felt in the hotels that are closer to the national parks, while with the increased distance the effect varies with respect to the location of the hotel. The individual preference for paying higher costs and higher hotel prices also varies with respect to the location (distance) of the hotel. At both observed national parks, the highest willingness to pay a higher cost is manifested among the respondents located in hotels closer to the national park, while in hotels located in more distant locations there is a discernible variation in the willingness to pay higher costs and higher prices, which can primarily be associated with the travel cost structure, influence of endogenous destination factors and substitutive attributes

    Constructive systems of fully reinforced lightweight concrete bridges

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    This paper deals with the possibility of using fully reinforced lightweight concrete systems in the bridge structures. Fully reinforced lightweight concrete systems are composed of a steel reinforcement skeleton with the main bearing capacity and lightweight concrete body as a secondary bearing material for a local and global stabilisation. Two examples are given in this paper; the example of a grill-shaped overpass over four spans and a box girder bridge over three spans. Lightweight concrete deck slab is reinforced with a grill-shaped reinforcement made of welded R trusses in two perpendicular directions. The reinforcement of the lightweight main girders, cross girders and walls of the lightweight box girder is designed as, at least, one truss with X-shaped diagonals

    Doprinos javnih atributa nacionalnih parkova cijeni hotelskog proizvoda

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    Ukoliko ga promatramo holističkim pristupom, turistički proizvod se može analizirati kao skup privatnih i javnih atributa, koji integrirani doprinose njegovoj vrijednosti iskazanoj u obliku cijene koju je posjetitelj spreman platiti. Privatna sfera turističkog proizvoda odnosi se na sve one elemente na koje kreatori turističkog proizvoda mogu direktno utjecati. Javna sfera turističkog proizvoda odnosi se na sve one destinacijske elemente, elemente okruženja, na koje dionici na mikro razini ne mogu utjecati, a koji mogu generirati eksterne ekonomije ili disekonomije i time utjecati na turistički proizvod. Primarno zbog složenosti, u ovom radu, turistički proizvod se poistovjećuje s hotelskim proizvodom. Sličan pristup promatranju turističkog proizvoda zabilježen je u radovima brojnih recentnih autora koji su se primarno fokusirali na privatne atribute turističkog proizvoda i njihov utjecaj na njegovu cijenu. U ovom radu analizira se utjecaj atributa nacionalnih parkova (javni segment turističkog proizvoda) na cijene hotelskog proizvoda, čime se uspostavlja jasna i nedvosmislena veza između prirodnih resursa u turističkoj destinaciji i turističkih proizvoda. Temeljem analize metodoloÅ”kih pristupa koji se mogu koristi za utvrđivanje monetarne vrijednosti neopipljivih atributa, odabrana je hedonistička metoda troÅ”ka putovanja kako bi se ispitalo postojanje veze između javnih atributa nacionalnih parkova i cijena hotelskih proizvoda, varijacija intenziteta tog utjecaja s obzirom na zonu u kojoj je hotel smjeÅ”ten te varijacije sklonosti plaćanju ispitanika. Navedena metoda se zasniva na pretpostavci da svaki pojedinac odabire znamenitosti koje će posjetiti na način da osigura maksimizaciju individualne koristi uz budžetsko ograničenje koje primarno odražava ukupni troÅ”ak s kojim se susreo kako bi doÅ”ao do određene znamenitosti. Dakle, radi se o metodi otkrivenih preferencija putem koje se ispituje postojanje direktne ili indirektne veze između prirodnog atributa nacionalnog parka ā€“ koji nije direktni predmet tržiÅ”ne razmjene i hotelskog proizvoda ā€“ dobra koje je predmet direktne tržiÅ”ne razmjene. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja potvrđuju da određeni atributi nacionalnih parkova generiraju statistički značajan utjecaj na cijene hotela promatranih u uzorku. Navedeni utjecaj pokazuje varijacije s obzirom na zonu u kojoj je hotel smjeÅ”ten. U tom kontekstu najsnažniji utjecaj promatrani, statistički značajni atributi, generiraju na hotele koji se nalaze bliže nacionalnom parku, dok udaljavanjem promatrani utjecaj varira s obzirom na zonu u kojoj je hotel smjeÅ”ten. Individualna sklonost plaćanju većeg troÅ”ka te viÅ”ih cijena hotelskih usluga također varira s obzirom na zonu (udaljenost) u kojoj se hotel nalazi. Kod oba promatrana nacionalna parka najviÅ”u sklonost plaćanju iskazuju ispitanici koji se nalaze u hotelima bliže nacionalnom parku, dok se u hotelima koji su smjeÅ”teni u udaljenijim zonama razvidne varijacije u sklonosti plaćanju većeg troÅ”ka i viÅ”ih cijena, Å”to se primarno može povezati sa strukturom troÅ”ka putovanja, djelovanjem endogenih destinacijskih faktora te djelovanjem supstitutivnih atributa.If we take a holistic approach to a tourism product it can be analyzed as a set of private and public attributes, which, integrated, contribute to its value expressed as a price the visitor is willing to pay. The private sphere of a tourism product refers to all the elements that can be influenced directly by the product designers. The public sphere of the tourism product refers to all those destination elements, elements of the environment, that cannot be influenced by the micro level stakeholders, and which can generate external economies or diseconomies and thus affect the tourism product. In this paper, primarily due to the complexity, the tourism product is identified with the hotel product. A similar approach to defining a tourism product has been recorded in the work of many recent authors who have focused primarily on the private attributes of the tourism product and their impact on its price. This paper analyzes the impact of the attributes of national parks (public segment of tourism product) on the price of hotel products, thus establishing a clear and unambiguous link between natural resources in a tourist destination and tourism products. Out of the possible methodological approaches used to determine the monetary value of intangible attributes, the hedonic travel cost method was applied to examine the link between national park public attributes and hotel product prices, the fluctuation of the intensity of that influence with respect to the hotel location and the variation in the payment preferences of the respondents. This method is based on the assumption that each individual selects the sights to be visited in such a way as to ensure the maximization of the individual benefit with a budget constraint that primarily reflects the total cost they encountered in order to reach a particular sight. Therefore, it is a method of revealed preferences which is used to investigate the existence of a direct or indirect link between a national park natural attribute, which is not a direct object of market exchange, and a hotel product, a direct object of market exchange. The research results confirm that particular attributes of national parks generate statistically significant influence on the prices of the sampled hotels. The influence varies with respect to the location of the hotel. The strongest influence of the statistically significant observed attributes is felt in the hotels that are closer to the national parks, while with the increased distance the effect varies with respect to the location of the hotel. The individual preference for paying higher costs and higher hotel prices also varies with respect to the location (distance) of the hotel. At both observed national parks, the highest willingness to pay a higher cost is manifested among the respondents located in hotels closer to the national park, while in hotels located in more distant locations there is a discernible variation in the willingness to pay higher costs and higher prices, which can primarily be associated with the travel cost structure, influence of endogenous destination factors and substitutive attributes

    Project of Reinforced Concrete Construction of a Business Object : Undergraduate Thesis

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    Zadana je shema nosive konstrukcije armiranobetonskog objekta poslovne namjene sa svim potrebnim dimenzijama (prilog zadatku). Također su zadana djelovanja na konstrukciju, te za neke elemente nacrtati planove oplate i armature. Statički proračun i armaturne planove izraditi sukladno propisima i pravilima struke.The default scheme bearing structures reinforced concrete facility for business purposes, with all there quire dimensions (annex task). Also the default action on the structure, and for some elements draw plans and reinforcement. Structural analysis and reinforcement plans develop in accordance with the regulations and rules of the professio

    Digitalna fotografija u oftalmologiji

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    In recent years, digital photo equipment has developed a high quality of photographs which are more than useable for specialist analysis. The possibility of attaching the digital photo equipment on numerous ophthalmic instruments; like slit lamp biomicroscope, fundus camera, microscope etc. gives as a new dimension and quality of examination. Digitally stored images can be easily accessed on a computer and allow us to compare electronically patient\u27s check-ups; to monitor his/her treatment plan; or can be transmitted anywhere for telemedicine purposes. Having the images immediately on screen allows us to explain the problem and treatment goals better to our patients, and we can provide the images quicker to the referring physicians. The digital system often allows us to treat the problem on the same day, so patients do not have to make another appointment. Another advantage is that new images can be superimposed on the old ones for the comparison, enabling in this way a better monitoring of patient\u27s condition over certain time. Also, if photographic-quality prints are needed it is possible to print out. The instantaneous availability of digital information, low cost per photograph, the rapid transfer, easy storage and managing in computer database are major advantages of digital imaging over standard 35-mm film processing.Posljednjih nekoliko godina oprema za digitalnu fotografiju je dosegla visoku kvalitetu fotografija, koja je viÅ”e nego dovoljna za specijalističku analizu. Mogućnost dogradnje opreme za digitalnu fotografiju na brojne oftalmoloÅ”ke instrumente poput biomikroskopa s procijepnim svijetlom, kamera za snimanje očne pozadine, mikroskopa i sl. daje novu dimenziju i kvalitetu pregleda bolesnika. Digitalno pohranjene slike mogu se jednostavno koristiti na računalu i omogućavaju nam jednostavnu usporedbu bolesnikovih posjeta i praćenje liječenja. Isto tako mogu se prenositi u telemedicinske svrhe. Trenutna mogućnost prikaza slike na monitoru računala omogućava nam da bolje razjasnimo pojedini problem i pristupimo liječenju bolesnika istog dana tako da bolesnik ne mora dolaziti ponovo. Druga prednost je Å”to se digitalne fotografije mogu lako superponirati jedna preko druge radi usporedbe s prethodnim nalazom, Å”to uvelike poboljÅ”ava kvalitetu praćenja bolesnika. Isto tako, ako je potrebno moguće je ispisati fotografije u vrhunskoj kvaliteti. Mogućnost trenutnog prikaza slike, mala cijena po pojedinoj fotografiji, brza mogućnost prijenosa, jednostavno pohranjivanje i pregled u računalnim bazama podataka glavne su prednosti digitalne fotografije naspram standardnog 35-mm fotografskog filma

    The effects of the low cost carriers\u27 presence on airport performance: evidence from Croatia

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    Purpose ā€“ Although Low Cost Carriers (LCCs) expansion coincided with the growth of tourism demand in Croatia (and worldwide), their arrival on Croatian airports has happened just recently. As data related to their impact on airport business performance is scarce, the following research is done for the purpose of filling up a small portion of this knowledge gap. Design ā€“ Besides the theoretical framework on the issue of the LCCs impacts on airports business performance, the paper also gives empirical insights into the matter on the Croatian international airports. Methodology ā€“ Information were collected by using both available secondary data as well as the results of a semi structured questionnaire filled in by the officials from the Croatian international airports, in the period from January to May 2014. Findings ā€“ The empirical research has showed that respondents had positive opinion on the LCCs presence and their overall impact on the airports business performance. Related to the findings some strategic directions for the policy makers have been given. Originality ā€“ This article is one of the very few dealing with the LCCs presence on Croatian airline market and definitely the only one discussing LCCs impacts on Croatian airport performance from the airportsā€™ managers point of view