130 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi, rendahnya kamampuan komunikasi matematika. Bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan penerapan Practice Rehearsal Pairs dalam pembelajaran, untuk meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematika melalui strategi pembelajaran Practice Rehearsal Pairs dalam pembelajaran matematika. Jenis penelitian, penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan secara kolaborasi antara peneliti dengan guru kelas VII, yang dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus. Subyek penelitian, guru kelas VII F SMP Negeri 2 Gondang Kab. Sragen sebagai subyek pemberi tindakan, siswa kelas VII F yang berjumlah 36 orang sebagai subyek penerima tindakan. Teknik pengumpulan data, observasi, catatan lapangan, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode alur yaitu data dianalisis sejak tindakan pembelajaran dilaksanakan dan dikembangkan selama proses pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian tindakan kelas, 1) Ada peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam mengajukan pertanyaan, dari 14% menjadi 50%; 2) Ada peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam menjawab pertanyaan, dari 22% menjadi 58%; 3) Ada peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam mengemukakan pendapat/ide, dari 19% menjadi 53%; 4) Ada peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam kerja kelompok, dari 28% menjadi 56%; 5) Ada peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam mempresentasika hasil pekerjaan, dari 25% menjadi 78%; dan 6) Ada peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam mengerjakan soal dengan KKM 65, dari 31% menjadi 83%. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa penerapan strategi pembelajaran Practice Rehearsal Pairs dapat meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika. Kata kunci: Kemampuan Komunikasi, Practice Rehearsal Pair

    Cross-Cultural Adaptation Process of Japanese Expatriates in Indonesia

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    Cross-cultural adaptation process is an ongoing issue for expatriates while working abroad, including Japanese expatriates working in Indonesian companies. This research aims to know the critical point and adaptation process of Japanese expatriates. The research method used was ethnography. Primary data collection techniques were in-depth interviews and observations. This research also included secondary data. Findings revealed that the adaptation process had an important role as it could lead to a comfortable interaction and reduce miscommunication at work. Important factors in the adaptation process were language fluency, work culture adjustment, media uses, daily interaction with Indonesians, interaction among Japanese in Indonesia, and real assistance for expatriates. There were three stages that expatriates had to go through, i.e., preparation, active, and final stage. The critical points in the adaptation process were language skills and willingness to accept changes

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Robot Penyortir Benda Padat Berdasarkan Warna Berbasis Arduino

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    Robot adalah suatu alat mekanik yang dapat melakukan tugas menggantikan manusia, baik menggunakan pengawasan dan control manusia, atau menggunakan program yang telah didefinisikan (kecerdasan buatan). Robot biasanya digunakan untuk menggantikan manusia melakukan tugas berat, berbahaya, pekerjaan berulang, dan kotor. Biasanya robot industri digunakan dalam garis produksi (pekerjaan berulang). Penggunaan lainnya adalah untuk membantu manusia dalam memindahkan suatu benda tanpa harus mengangkat benda tersebut. Robot ini juga sering diaplikasikan pada industri pabrik dan dapat membantu manusia serta menghemat waktu dalam pekerjaan. Pada penelitian ini, robot yang digunakan adalah robot penyortir benda berdasarkan warna dengan menggunakan sistem kontrol arduino uno, sensor warna TCS 3200 dan servo. Pertama-tama program yang penulis buat dimasukkan ke dalam arduino uno yang telah terhubung dengan perangkat lainnya. Setelah itu secara otomatis robot tersebut dapat membaca warna benda sesuai dengan masukan data dari sensor warna TCS 3200 dan secara otomatis servo menyortir benda sesuai warna yang telah dibaca oleh sensor warna TCS 3200 dan sesuai dengan program yang telah di input kedalam arduino uno tersebut. Dari pengujian dapat disimpulkan, bahwa Robot dapat menyortir benda sesuai warna yang telah di tentukan,dan memindahkan benda tersebut masuk kedalam tempat yang telah di tentukan sesuai warna yang telah di sortir. Tujuannya adalah untuk memudahkan manusia dalam mengangkat benda atau barang tanpa harus menyentuhnya


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    PT. Ginting Jaya Energi is a company engaged in the field of driling contraktor (oil drilling) and serves as a provider of tools, materials and car oil drilling units. PT. Ginting Jaya Energi has several functions working parts in accordance with their respective fields. In the Operations Section responsible for managing operations at PT. Ginting Jaya Energi, for example sending tools and materials needed in drilling for oil. In the Operations section in which the data collection tools and material delivery oil drilling using microsoft excel that has helped in the process of data collection tools and material delivery at Ginting Jaya PT Energi, but employees feel part of the Operational difficulties in the process of data collection tools and material delivery due to frequent data loss and errors in data collection tools and materials sent. the authors tried to create an effective and efficient programs that assist the process of data collection tools and material delivery. The research methods used were interviews and observation. The results of this study in the form of application delivery pedataan oil drilling tools and material use proteced hypertext programming language programming (PHP) with the MySQL database

    An Interplay Between Sri Lankan Employees and South Korean Employers: Conflicting Priorities, Attitudes, and Cross-Cultural Perceptions in a 3-D Workplace

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    This ethnographic study examined the lived experiences of Sri Lankan 3D workers in South Korea. The purpose was to explore the interplay between unskilled Sri Lankan employees and Korean employers to gain a deeper understanding of critical factors that enhance or hinder optimal performance and to propose HRD interventions to engross expatriate labor meaningfully into host country workplace effectively. The research addressed three research questions. First, what is the type of work relationship prevailed between Korean employers and Sri Lankan workers who engage in 3-D work? Second, what cultural elements are more prominent in their interactions between Korean employers and Sri Lankan workers? And third, what other factors influence the performance of Sri Lankan employees who engage in 3-D work? This paper discovered the hidden realities, factors that obstruct the optimal performance, life experience, and the nature of relationships between Korean employers and Sri Lankan employees in Korean industries. Twenty-one participants who had more than three years of working experience in Korean industries provided rich information that reveals the workplace hidden realities. Emerging themes are presented as five constituents: “attitudes towards Korean bosses and their self,” “frustration,” “discrimination at workplaces,” and “performance barriers.” While highlighting critical factors that hinder performance in a 3D workplace, the authors discuss research implications and practice while proposing remedial policy and HRD measures that the Korean and Sri Lankan governments, Korean employers and Sri Lankan 3D workers in Korea would be able to benefit from

    Internet of things based package and parcel tracking and monitoring system for public buses in Tanzania

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    A Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Award the Degree of Master of Science in Embedded and Mobile Systems of The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and TechnologyThis project developed and implemented Internet of Things (IoT)-based system for tracking and monitoring packages and parcels. In today’s era where technology is continuously evolving and improving. The concept of the Internet of Things is ubiquitous in nature and numerous gadgets are capable of being connected together over the internet. Previously communications in Tanzania were un-reliable and limited to urban regions. Because of the current efforts made by the Tanzanian government a nation-wide coverage possible. In Tanzania the most cost effective means of transporting packages and parcels is through public buses. However, a significant number of people experience afflictions with the service delivery thus, agree that a technology solution be utilized to improve service delivery. Purpose of this study is to come up with a digitized system for tracking, monitoring and managing packages and parcels until collection using the concept of the IoT. The proposed project uses both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection so as to have a better understanding of the present logistics. Also, find inspirations from the Scrum Agile methodology. Key findings majorly from the respondents leaned towards the need of technology solutions in transportation of packages and parcels to reduce the afflictions they go through. This system communicates via Wi-Fi and it’s based on the IoT to track and monitor packages and parcels. The monitoring tool is a web-based application and mobile application as an alternative. The system has been thoroughly tested against all of the key aspects of embedded and IoT systems. It is capable of sending package and parcel coordinates to the web-based application when there’s and internet connection. Additionally, send data to the administrator’s phone when there is an internet unavailability. This system will ease the burdens and be taken into further research to develop better systems for the transportation and logistics industry
