210 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa landasan hukum yang mendasari keabsahan layanan Multi Level Marketing dan bagaimana sebuah perusahaan dapat memenuhi syarat untuk menjalankan sistem Multi Level Marketing. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, maka dapat disimpulkan: 1. Kehadiran perusahaan dan kegiatan usaha Multi Level Marketing baik secara global maupun secara nasional, khususnya kehadirannya di negara Indonesia berperan untuk membantu berbagai lapisan masyarakat. Kegiatan usaha Multi Level Marketing memberi manfaat untuk membantu masyarakat dalam hal menghadirkan produk yang berkualitas yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat luas, dan sebagai pemberi manfaat dalam hal penghasilan untuk masyarakat. Walaupun ada yang hanya menjalankannya sebagai kegiatan usaha sampingan, namun tidak dapat dipungkiri, perusahaan Multi Level Marketing secara nyata benar memberi penghasilan untuk para distributor atau membernya. Namun, baik perusahaan maupun kegiatan usaha Multi Level Marketing yang sudah semakin banyak bermunculan akhir-akhir ini, dinyatakan sah dan legal apabila memiliki beberapa persyaratan yang diwajibkan, seperti memiliki SIUPL, terdaftar di APLI, memiliki produk yang telah terdaftar dalam badan pemeriksaan, memiliki sistem penjualan dan pembagian komisi yang jelas, serta memiliki alamat kantor pusat maupun kantor cabang yang jelas.  2. Seiring dengan banyaknya perkembangan pesat yang dialami dalam kegiatan usaha Multi Level Marketing, ada orang-orang yang memiliki visi yang sama untuk menjadikan sistem perusahaannya menjadi sistem kegiatan usaha Multi Level Marketing. Ada juga perusahaan yang baru didirikan dengan langsung mengadopsi sistem kegiatan usaha Multi Level Marketing. Kata kunci: Keabsahan dan kekuatan layanan, multilevel, marketin


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaturan hukum hasil eksplorasi dan eksploitasi di kawasan dasar laut dan bagaimana penyelesaian sengketa antar negara atas gugatan harta benda hasil eksplorasi di dasar laut, yang dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan bahwa: 1. United Nation Convention On The Law Of The Sea dengan jelas mengatur hal-hal mengenai eksplorasi dan eksploitasi di dasar laut untuk itu setiap negara harus meratifikasinya ke dalam suatu undang-undang, dan untuk harta benda bersejarah yang ditemukan di dasar laut, Convention On The Protection Of Underwater Cultural Heritage Tahun 2001 menjadi salah satu aturan yang dengan jelas mengatur tentang harta benda bersejarah yang ditemukan di dasar laut dan dengan di ratifikasinya konvensi ini dapat memberi perlindungan terhadap harta benda tersebut. 2. Penyelesaian sengketa antar negara atas gugatan harta benda hasil eksplorasi di dasar laut harus menggunakan metode penyelesaian sengketa secara damai baik menggunakan jalur politik maupun jalur hukum untuk mempermudah bagi setiap negara menemukan titik terang atas harta benda hasil eksplorasi di dasar laut.Kata kunci: eksplorasidi dasar laut; konvensi hukum laut; sengketa antarnegara

    Pencarian Pengganti Kayu Jelutung (Dyera Spp.) untuk Bahan Baku Batang Pensil

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    The importance of suitable wood for pencil slat is primarily for school children under eight years old who still not have sufficient skill in taking care themselves from the danger of using sharp tools. Jelutung wood has been the main source of pencil slat in Indonesia for about 20 years. It can easily be peeled with pencil sharpener specially designed for children USAge. However, the supply of jelutung wood is no longer sufficent to meet the rising demand of pencil slat. It is therefore necessary to search for alternative.Experiment with pulai (Alstonia spp) which has nearly the same physical properties with jelutung showed lower pencil quality. Pencils made of pulai are generally more difficult to peel with pencil sharpener. The main cause lies in the anatomical structure of wood. Parenchyma distribution patterm in pulai are tangentially banded, with frequency ranges from 1 - 4 bands per mm radially. Parenchyma distribution pattern in jelutung are scalariform or diffuse in agregate, forming short tangential lines between the rays, with frequency ranges from 6 - 9 lines per mm radially.Bayur (Pterospermum spp) is known to has parenchyma distribution pattern similar to jelutung 's. Experiment with P.celebicum, P.elongatum, P.javanicum and P.diversifolium with sample specific gravity up to 0.50 showed easy peelability. Morever the colour of wood is pink to red brown so it does not need staining with colour substance as usually being done for jelutung and pulai. It is therefore recommeded to use bayur as jelutung substitute in pencil manufacturing. However, to guarantee the continuity of supply, bayur is need to be planted from now on. For bayur is suitable, not only for pencil slat but also for many other purposes

    Perlakuan Air Kelapa Tua, Dan BAP Pada Media MS, VW Terhadap Protocorm Anggrek Dendrobium sp. Secara Kultur In vitro

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    This study aims to obtain accurate results from the concentration of old coconut water and BAP on Vacin and Went and Murashige and Skoog media on the growth of Dendrobium sp. through in vitro culture. The method used in this study was a completely randomized design consisting of 8 treatments and 8 replications. Each replication consisted of 2 bottles so that a total of 128 bottles, namely A0 (control, without using old coconut water), A1 (12.5% old coconut water), B0 (control, without using BAP), B1 (BAP 0.5 mg/L ), and used 2 types of media (Murashige and Skoog) and (Vacin and Went). The variables observed included the number of protocorm, wet weight, dry weight, and pH of the media. The results showed that the concentration of old coconut water and BAP had a significant effect on the number of protocorm, fresh weight, and pH of the media on Dendrobium sp. The best treatment obtained was VA1B1 (12.5% old coconut water, 0.5 ppm BAP) with a media pH of 5.0 V A1B1, the number of protocorm V A1B1 49.57, and VA1B1 0.008 g which had the best results compared to other treatments


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    The importance of suitable wood for pencil slat is primarily for school children under eight years old who still not have sufficient skill in taking care themselves from the danger of using sharp tools. Jelutung wood has been the main source of pencil slat in Indonesia for about 20 years. It can easily be peeled with pencil sharpener specially designed for children usage. However, the supply of jelutung wood is no longer sufficent to meet the rising demand of pencil slat. It is therefore necessary to search for alternative. Experiment with pulai (Alstonia spp) which has nearly the same physical properties with jelutung showed lower pencil quality. Pencils made of pulai are generally more difficult to peel with pencil sharpener. The main cause lies in the anatomical structure of wood. Parenchyma distribution patterm in pulai are tangentially banded, with frequency ranges from 1 - 4 bands per mm radially. Parenchyma distribution pattern in jelutung are scalariform or diffuse in agregate, forming short tangential lines between the rays, with frequency ranges from 6 - 9 lines per mm radially. Bayur (Pterospermum spp) is known to has parenchyma distribution pattern similar to jelutung 's. Experiment with P.celebicum, P.elongatum, P.javanicum and P.diversifolium with sample specific gravity up to 0.50 showed easy peelability. Morever the colour of wood is pink to red brown so it does not need staining with colour substance as usually being done for jelutung and pulai. It is therefore recommeded to use bayur as jelutung substitute in pencil manufacturing. However, to guarantee the continuity of supply, bayur is need to be planted from now on. For bayur is suitable, not only for pencil slat but also for many other purposes. Key words : Pterospermum. wood anatomy, pencil sla


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of growth and production of red spinach plants on Bayfolan fertilizer, and to obtain the appropriate dose of Bayfolan fertilizer for the growth and production of red spinach plants. The study was conducted from May to July 2017, in the beautiful Canaan Village VI, RT 02 Wanea District, Manado City, North Sulawesi Province. This research uses RAL Complete RAL Design with six treatment levels that is: R0 = 0 without treatment of Bayfolan fertilizer as control, R1 = 1 cc of Bayfolan / l water fertilizer, R2 = 2 cc of Bayfolan / l water fertilizer, R3 = 3 cc of Bayfolan / l water R4 = 4 cc of Bayfolan / l water fertilizer, R5-5 cc of Bayfolan / l water fertilizer, repeated four times. The dose of Bayfolan fertilizer does not affect the plant height, the number of leaves, the weight of the fresh vegetable tree. Fresh weight of leaves, root weight, and Root length. The results showed that the best Bayfolan fertilizer dose was 4 cc of Bayfolan / l water fertilizer

    Pertumbuhan In Vitro Tiga Varietas Krisan Pada Variasi Media Murashige & Skoog (MS)

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    This study aims to determine the growth of three Chrysanthemum varieties on complete MS media, 50% MS and 50% MS which were given coconut water through In vitro culture. This research was conducted from March to May 2022 at the Tissue Culture Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado. This study used a factorial design in a completely randomized design (CRD) with 2 treatment factors, namely media and varieties consisting of 9 treatments and 4 replications so that a total of 36 bottles, namely MS 100%, MS ½ (MS 50%), MS ½ AK (MS 50% + coconut water 200 ml/l). The variables observed were: plant height, number of leaves, fresh weight, and number of roots. The results of the study showed that the average growth of the 3 Chrysanthemum varieties was better on ½ MS and ½ MS media supplemented with coconut water. The best wet weight on ½ MS+AK media corresponds to the highest number of roots in the same treatment

    Diagnostik holistik tuberkulosis paru anak di Puskesmas Bailang

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    Tuberculosis is a disease that is transmitted through the air by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis). Tuberculosis usually attacks the lungs, but can also attack the extrapulmonary (larynx, lymph nodes, pleura, kidneys, bones and joints). Patients with pulmonary tuberculosis usually have symptoms such as coughing, sweating, especially at night, fever, fatigue, and weight loss. In 2015, pediatric TB cases accounted for 9% of all TB cases in Indonesia.In this case discussion there is a patient diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis. The patient came with a complaint of cough with phlegm for approximately 1 month. The patient has done a sputum test / culture, and the results are positive, the patient has finished undergoing initial phase of OAT treatment therapy, and is undergoing an advanced phase of therapy. This discussion is about a holistic diagnostic approach to the patient's disease. This is done in order to know better about the factors related to the occurrence of the disease in patients.Â

    Getaran Batang Subsoiler Akibat Gangguan Alami Dari Variasi Gaya Potong Tanah

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    Analytical and experiment study on vibratory tillage tools by adding an external energy to the tillage tools has been widely applied. This method would significantly reduce soil's resistance; unfortunately it uses a lot of energy. Self excited vibration phenomenon on vibrating subsoiler has also been shown experimentally reduce soil's resistance though not as much as the former. However no analytical study of the latter method can be found. This paper present mathematical derivation of shank-subsoiler's vibration due to natural excitation of varied cutting forces. Shank-subsoiler was modeled as a single degree of freedom; while the natural excitation of varied cutting force was modeled as a periodic function. This paper also discusses the effect of spring's elasticity to maximum displacement of the tillage-tools. Therefore, the possibility of decreasing the soil-cutting force for loosening soil's density due to self exited vibration significantly is visualized
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