428 research outputs found

    Effect of discriminative plant-sugar feeding on the survival and fecundity of Anopheles gambiae

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A previous study showed for <it>Anopheles gambiae s.s</it>. a gradation of feeding preference on common plant species growing in a malaria holoendemic area in western Kenya. The present follow-up study determines whether there is a relationship between the mosquito's preferences and its survival and fecundity.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Groups of mosquitoes were separately given <it>ad libitum </it>opportunity to feed on five of the more preferred plant species (<it>Hamelia patens</it>, <it>Parthenium hysterophorus</it>, <it>Ricinus communis</it>, <it>Senna didymobotrya</it>, and <it>Tecoma stans</it>) and one of the less preferred species (<it>Lantana camara</it>). The mosquitoes were monitored daily for survival. Sugar solution (glucose 6%) and water were used as controls. In addition, the fecundity of mosquitoes on each plant after (i) only one blood meal (number of eggs oviposited), and (ii) after three consecutive blood meals (proportion of females ovipositing, number of eggs oviposited and hatchability of eggs), was determined. The composition and concentration of sugar in the fed-on parts of each plant species were determined using gas chromatography. Using SAS statistical package, tests for significant difference of the fitness values between mosquitoes exposed to different plant species were conducted.</p> <p>Results and Conclusion</p> <p><it>Anopheles gambiae </it>that had fed on four of the five more preferred plant species (<it>T. stans</it>, <it>S. didymobotrya</it>, <it>R. communis </it>and <it>H. patens</it>, but not <it>P. hysterophorus</it>) lived longer and laid more eggs after one blood meal, when compared with <it>An. gambiae </it>that had fed on the least preferred plant species <it>L. camara</it>. When given three consecutive blood-meals, the percentage of females that oviposited, but not the number of eggs laid, was significantly higher for mosquitoes that had previously fed on the four more preferred plant species. Total sugar concentration in the preferred plant parts was significantly correlated with survival and with the proportion of females that laid eggs. This effect was associated mainly with three sugar types, namely glucose, fructose, and gulose. Except for <it>P. hysterophorus</it>, the results suggest that feeding by mosquitoes on preferred plant species under natural conditions results in higher fitness-related benefits, and that the sugar content in preferred plant parts is largely responsible for these effects.</p

    A full Bayesian hierarchical mixture model for the variance of gene differential expression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In many laboratory-based high throughput microarray experiments, there are very few replicates of gene expression levels. Thus, estimates of gene variances are inaccurate. Visual inspection of graphical summaries of these data usually reveals that heteroscedasticity is present, and the standard approach to address this is to take a log<sub>2 </sub>transformation. In such circumstances, it is then common to assume that gene variability is constant when an analysis of these data is undertaken. However, this is perhaps too stringent an assumption. More careful inspection reveals that the simple log<sub>2 </sub>transformation does not remove the problem of heteroscedasticity. An alternative strategy is to assume independent gene-specific variances; although again this is problematic as variance estimates based on few replications are highly unstable. More meaningful and reliable comparisons of gene expression might be achieved, for different conditions or different tissue samples, where the test statistics are based on accurate estimates of gene variability; a crucial step in the identification of differentially expressed genes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We propose a Bayesian mixture model, which classifies genes according to similarity in their variance. The result is that genes in the same latent class share the similar variance, estimated from a larger number of replicates than purely those per gene, i.e. the total of all replicates of all genes in the same latent class. An example dataset, consisting of 9216 genes with four replicates per condition, resulted in four latent classes based on their similarity of the variance.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The mixture variance model provides a realistic and flexible estimate for the variance of gene expression data under limited replicates. We believe that in using the latent class variances, estimated from a larger number of genes in each derived latent group, the <it>p</it>-values obtained are more robust than either using a constant gene or gene-specific variance estimate.</p

    Effects of bed net use, female size, and plant abundance on the first meal choice (blood vs sugar) of the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The purpose of this study was to determine whether the sugar-or-blood meal choice of <it>Anopheles gambiae </it>females one day after emergence is influenced by blood-host presence and accessibility, nectariferous plant abundance, and female size. This tested the hypothesis that the initial meal of female <it>An. gambiae </it>is sugar, even when a blood host is available throughout the night, and, if not, whether the use of a bed net diverts mosquitoes to sugar sources.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Females and males <1-day post-emergence were released in a mesocosm. Overnight they had access to either one or six <it>Senna didymobotrya </it>plants. Simultaneously they had access to a human blood host, either for 8 h or for only 30 min at dusk and dawn (the remainder of the night being excluded by an untreated bed net). In a third situation, the blood host was not present. All mosquitoes were collected in the morning. Their wing lengths, an indicator of pre-meal energetic state, were measured, and their meal choice was determined by the presence of midgut blood and of fructose.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Female sugar feeding after emergence was facultative. When a blood host was accessible for 8 h per night, 92% contained blood, and only 3.7% contained sugar. Even with the use of a bed net, 78% managed to obtain a blood meal during the 30 min of accessibility at dusk or dawn, but 14% of females were now fructose-positive. In the absence of a blood host, and when either one or six plants were available, a total of 21.7% and 23.6% of females and 30.8% and 43.5% of males contained fructose, respectively. Feeding on both sugar and blood was more likely with bed net use and with greater plant abundance. Further, mosquitoes that fed on both resources were more often small and had taken a sugar meal earlier than the blood meal. The abundance of sugar hosts also affected the probability of sugar feeding by males and the amount of fructose obtained by both males and females.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Even in an abundance of potential sugar sources, female <it>An. gambiae </it>appear to prefer a nearby human source of blood. However, the decision to take sugar was more likely if energy reserves were low. Results probably would differ if sugar hosts were more attractive or yielded larger sugar meals. The diversion of energetically deprived mosquitoes to sugar sources suggests a possible synergy between bed nets and sugar-based control methods.</p

    Specific binding of TES-23 antibody to tumour vascular endothelium in mice, rats and human cancer tissue: a novel drug carrier for cancer targeting therapy

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    The tissue distribution of anti-tumour vascular endothelium monoclonal antibody (TES-23) produced by immunizing with plasma membrane vesicles from isolated rat tumour-derived endothelial cells (TECs) was assessed in various tumour-bearing animals. Radiolabelled TES-23 dramatically accumulated in KMT-17 fibrosarcoma, the source of isolated TECs after intravenous injection. In Meth-A fibrosarcoma, Colon-26 adenocarcinoma in BALB/c mice and HT-1080 human tumour tissue in nude mice, radioactivities of 125I-labelled TES-23 were also up to 50 times higher than those of control antibody with little distribution to normal tissues. The selective recognition of TES-23 to TECs was competitively blocked by preadministration of unlabelled TES-23 in vivo. Furthermore, immunostaining of human tissue sections showed specific binding of TES-23 on endothelium in oesophagus cancers. These results indicate that tumour vascular endothelial cells express common antigen in different tumour types of various animal species. In order to clarify the efficacy of TES-23 as a drug carrier, an immunoconjugate, composed of TES-23 and neocarzinostatin, was tested for its anti-tumour effect in rats bearing KMT-17 fibrosarcomas. The immunoconjugate (TES-23-NCS) caused marked regression of the tumour, accompanied by haemorrhagic necrosis. Thus, from a clinical view, TES-23 would be a novel drug carrier because of its high specificity to tumour vascular endothelium and its application to many types of cancer. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Modelling the impact of women’s education on fertility in Malawi

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    Many studies have suggested that there is an inverse relationship between education and number of children among women from sub-Saharan Africa countries, including Malawi. However, a crucial limitation of these analyses is that they do not control for the potential endogeneity of education. The aim of our study is to estimate the role of women’s education on their number of children in Malawi, accounting for the possible presence of endogeneity and for nonlinear effects of continuous observed confounders. Our analysis is based on micro data from the 2010 Malawi Demographic Health Survey, and uses a flexible instrumental variable regression approach. The results suggest that the relationship of interest is affected by endogeneity and exhibits an inverted U-shape among women living in rural areas of Malawi, whereas it exhibits an inverse (nonlinear) relationship for women living in urban areas

    Plant-mediated effects on mosquito capacity to transmit human malaria

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    The ecological context in which mosquitoes and malaria parasites interact has received little attention, compared to the genetic and molecular aspects of malaria transmission. Plant nectar and fruits are important for the nutritional ecology of malaria vectors, but how the natural diversity of plant-derived sugar sources affects mosquito competence for malaria parasites is unclear. To test this, we infected Anopheles coluzzi, an important African malaria vector, with sympatric field isolates of Plasmodium falciparum, using direct membrane feeding assays. Through a series of experiments, we then examined the effects of sugar meals from Thevetia neriifolia and Barleria lupilina cuttings that included flowers, and fruit from Lannea microcarpa and Mangifera indica on parasite and mosquito traits that are key for determining the intensity of malaria transmission. We found that the source of plant sugar meal differentially affected infection prevalence and intensity, the development duration of the parasites, as well as the survival and fecundity of the vector. These effects are likely the result of complex interactions between toxic secondary metabolites and the nutritional quality of the plant sugar source, as well as of host resource availability and parasite growth. Using an epidemiological model, we show that plant sugar source can be a significant driver of malaria transmission dynamics, with some plant species exhibiting either transmission-reducing or -enhancing activities

    SSeCKS/Gravin/AKAP12 attenuates expression of proliferative and angiogenic genes during suppression of v-Src-induced oncogenesis

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    BACKGROUND: SSeCKS is a major protein kinase C substrate with kinase scaffolding and metastasis-suppressor activity whose expression is severely downregulated in Src- and Ras-transformed fibroblast and epithelial cells and in human prostate, breast, and gastric cancers. We previously used NIH3T3 cells with tetracycline-regulated SSeCKS expression plus a temperature-sensitive v-Src allele to show that SSeCKS re-expression inhibited parameters of v-Src-induced oncogenic growth without attenuating in vivo Src kinase activity. METHODS: We use cDNA microarrays and semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis to identify changes in gene expression correlating with i) SSeCKS expression in the absence of v-Src activity, ii) activation of v-Src activity alone, and iii) SSeCKS re-expression in the presence of active v-Src. RESULTS: SSeCKS re-expression resulted in the attenuation of critical Src-induced proliferative and pro-angiogenic gene expression including Afp, Hif-1α, Cdc20a and Pdgfr-β, and conversely, SSeCKS induced several cell cycle regulatory genes such as Ptpn11, Gadd45a, Ptplad1, Cdkn2d (p19), and Rbbp7. CONCLUSION: Our data provide further evidence that SSeCKS can suppress Src-induced oncogenesis by modulating gene expression downstream of Src kinase activity