600 research outputs found

    Corone, guerrieri e redentori

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    Uno degli aspetti più controversi dei processi di decolonizzazione che hanno interessato l’Africa riguarda senz’altro il ruolo dei militari nelle trasformazioni politiche e nella formazione dei nuovi stati indipendenti. All’interno delle dinamiche legate al consolidamento dei governi dittatoriali assume un ruolo cruciale la questione della costruzione del culto della personalità. Quale ruolo ebbe l’esaltazione della figura del leader nella ricerca di una legittimazione per il potere conquistato con le armi? Quali i meccanismi di propaganda messi in atto per promuovere tale culto? Il contributo propone lo studio in chiave comparativa di questi fenomeni relativamente alle diverse dittature militari instauratesi nell’area subsahariana del continente africano nei decenni della guerra fredda.One of the most controversial aspects of the decolonization processes that have affected Africa certainly refers to the role of the military in political transformations and the formation of new independent states. Within the dynamics related to the consolidation of dictatorial governments, it plays a key issue the question of the construction of the personality cult. What role the exaltation of the leader’s figure had in the search for legitimacy for power won by force of arms? What the propaganda mechanisms put in place to promote this cult? The paper proposes a comparative study of these phenomena in relation to the various military dictatorships in sub-Saharan Africa in the decades of the Cold War

    Effect of in Situ and Laboratory Compaction on the Retention Behaviour of a Clayey Soil

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    International audience; A clayey soil has been tested in the laboratory in order to investigate the influence of the compaction procedure on the soil retention behaviour. In common engineering practice, data available for modelling are those of the soil compacted in the laboratory and soil behaviour during the earth structures lifecycle is predicted on that basis. This practice, however, seems to overlook the fact that construction procedures in the field might differ significantly from the compaction techniques used in the laboratory and this may induce considerable differences in material texture and therefore in the soil behaviour. The investigation shown in the present work aims to provide further insight into this aspect and to help endorsing or refuting the validity of such practice

    Acceleration of Functional Maturation and Differentiation of Neonatal Porcine Islet Cell Monolayers Shortly In Vitro Cocultured with Microencapsulated Sertoli Cells

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    The limited availability of cadaveric human donor pancreata as well as the incomplete success of the Edmonton protocol for human islet allografts fasten search for new sources of insulin the producing cells for substitution cell therapy of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Starting from isolated neonatal porcine pancreatic islets (NPIs), we have obtained cell monolayers that were exposed to microencapsulated monolayered Sertoli cells (ESCs) for different time periods (7, 14, 21 days). To assess the development of the cocultured cell monolayers, we have studied either endocrine cell phenotype differentiation markers or c-kit, a hematopoietic stem cell marker, has recently been involved with growth and differentiation of β-cell subpopulations in human as well as rodent animal models. ESC which were found to either accelerate maturation and differentiation of the NPIs β-cell phenotype or identify an islet cell subpopulation that was marked positively for c-kit. The insulin/c-kit positive cells might represent a new, still unknown functionally immature β-cell like element in the porcine pancreas. Acceleration of maturation and differentiation of our NPI cell monolayers might generate a potential new opportunity to develop insulin-producing cells that may suite experimental trials for cell therapy of T1DM

    V-Edge: Virtual Edge Computing as an Enabler for Novel Microservices and Cooperative Computing

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    As we move from 5G to 6G, edge computing is one of the concepts that needs revisiting. Its core idea is still intriguing: instead of sending all data and tasks from an end user's device to the cloud, possibly covering thousands of kilometers and introducing delays that are just owed to limited propagation speed, edge servers deployed in close proximity to the user, e.g., at some 5G gNB, serve as proxy for the cloud. Yet this promising idea is hampered by the limited availability of such edge servers. In this paper, we discuss a way forward, namely the virtual edge computing (V-Edge) concept. V-Edge bridges the gap between cloud, edge, and fog by virtualizing all available resources including the end users' devices and making these resources widely available using well-defined interfaces. V-Edge also acts as an enabler for novel microservices as well as cooperative computing solutions. We introduce the general V-Edge architecture and we characterize some of the key research challenges to overcome, in order to enable wide-spread and even more powerful edge services

    Improving assessment and management of pain in hemophilia. An Italian Delphi consensus statement

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    : Comprehensive evidence-based guidelines and well-validated assessment scales for pain in people with hemophilia (PwH) are needed. Here, we report 28 statements covering five topics on pain assessment and management in pediatric and adult PwH that were developed by 60 Italian hemophilia specialists during a Delphi consensus process. Overall, a clear consensus was achieved for 19 of the 28 statements. Consensus was reached on all statements on the topic of pain assessment and quality of life (QoL), including the need for regular pain assessment on a quantitative scale, the importance of distinguishing between different pain types, and the need to evaluate the impact of pain on patient QoL. The other four topics concerned acute and chronic pain management in adults and in children. Consensus was reached on statements regarding non-pharmacologic treatment and the use of first-line paracetamol (acetaminophen). There was a lack of consensus regarding the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors, or opioids

    Laying the foundations for gene therapy in Italy for patients with haemophilia A: A Delphi consensus study

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    IntroductionCurrent treatment for haemophilia A involves factor VIII replacement or non-replacement (emicizumab) therapies, neither of which permanently normalise factor VIII levels. Gene therapy using adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors is an emerging long-term treatment strategy for people with severe haemophilia A (PwSHA) that is likely to be available for clinical use in the near future. AimThis article proposes practical guidelines for the assessment, treatment, and follow-up of potential PwSHA candidates for AAV-based gene therapy. MethodUsing the Delphi method, a working group of Italian stakeholders with expertise in and knowledge of the care of adults with haemophilia A analysed literature for AAV-based gene therapy and drafted a list of statements that were circulated to a panel of Italian peers. During two rounds of voting, panel members voted on their agreement with each statement to reach a consensus. ResultsThe Delphi process yielded 40 statements regarding haemophilia A gene therapy, across five topics: (1) organisational model; (2) multidisciplinary team; (3) patient engagement; (4) laboratory surveillance; and (5) patient follow-up and gene therapy outcomes. The consensus was reached for all 40 statements, with the second round of voting needed for five statements. ConclusionUse of the hub-and-spoke organisational model and multidisciplinary teams are expected to optimise patient selection for gene therapy, as well as the management of dosing and patient follow-up, patient engagement, laboratory surveillance, and patient expectations regarding outcomes. This approach should allow the benefits of AAV-based gene therapy for haemophilia A to be maximised

    Analisi sperimentale per lo studio del comportamento idromeccanico di un terreno costipato

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    La valutazione delle condizioni di stabilità delle opere in terra rappresenta una difficoltà spesso sottovalutata nella pratica ingegneristica e, viceversa, di attualità della ricerca scientifica in geotecnica. Infatti, è certamente vero che il contenuto d’acqua dei terreni costituenti tali opere e la distribuzione della pressione interstiziale nelle strutture in terra variano nel tempo a causa dei mutevoli effetti delle condizioni idrometriche e climatiche al contorno, cosa che influenza significativamente le condizioni di stabilità dell’opera. In questo lavoro è presentata una procedura per la caratterizzazione del comportamento idromeccanico di una miscela di sabbia e limo al variare dell’energia di costipamento. I dati sperimentali vengono discussi al fine di contribuire allo studio del comportamento in esercizio delle opere in terra

    Analisi predittive del comportamento idro-meccanico di un modello di argine fluviale in condizioni di flusso transitorio

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    Il frequente manifestarsi di eventi alluvionali per collasso di opere in terra costituisce un problema di particolare rilevanza nella valutazione del rischio idrogeologico e della pianificazione territoriale. In questo contesto risulta cruciale un’accurata stima delle condizioni di stabilità che tenga conto dello stato di parziale saturazione dei terreni costituenti il rilevato. Altrettanto importante è tenere conto delle condizioni di flusso transitorio che si instaurano negli argini e nei terreni di fondazione a seguito delle continue variazioni del livello idrometrico dei corsi d’acqua. Tutto ciò influenza notevolmente la risposta idro-meccanica delle opere in parola. In tale prospettiva la nota illustra uno studio numerico, basato sull’approccio agli elementi finiti e sul metodo dell’Equilibrio Limite, per l’analisi del comportamento di un argine fluviale rappresentativo delle opere di difesa idraulica degli affluenti alpini e appenninici del fiume Po. Lo studio proposto tiene debito conto delle condizioni di parziale saturazione del corpo arginale interessato da un moto di filtrazione in regime transitorio. Le analisi numeriche proposte costituiscono parte integrante della progettazione di una prova in centrifuga geotecnica su un modello fisico in scala ridotta, finalizzata a investigare la vulnerabilità delle infrastrutture arginali nei confronti di eventi di piena

    Modellazione fisica in centrifuga di un argine fluviale soggetto a forzanti idrauliche

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    In questo lavoro sono riportati i risultati sperimentali di una prova in centrifuga su un modello di argine fluviale soggetto ad una progressiva sollecitazione idraulica. Le misure di pressioni neutre e di suzione nell’argine mostrano che il fronte di saturazione raggiunge il lato campagna attingendo la condizione stazionaria solo dopo una persistenza irrealistica dell'evento di piena simulato. Pertanto svolgere la progettazione o la valutazione delle condizioni di sicurezza di un argine fluviale con proprietà simili a quello testato nel presente lavoro, assumendo l'ipotesi semplificata di un regime stazionario di filtrazione potrebbe risultare in molti casi un approccio eccessivamente conservativo e, comunque, poco significativo

    Pb effects on an experimental model of porcine prepubertal Sertoli cells

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    The environmental pollution is one of the main factors implicated in the world’s fertility decline. Lead (Pb) is one of the major heavy metal contaminants that impairs several organs but preferentially accumulates in male reproductive organs and alters in vivo and in vitro sperm quality [1]. Nowadays, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Sertoli cells (SC) provides structural and metabolic support to the spermatogenic cells within the seminiferous tubules, therefore, metabolic and structural changes in SC affect the developing germ cells and consequently alter spermatogenesis. This study aimed to assess whether exposure to subtoxic doses of Pb would adversely affect superior mammalian SC function. Highly purified and functional porcine pre-pubertal SC were isolated [2] and treated with three different Pb acetate concentrations. Parameters of SC functionality, such as inhibin B and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) mRNAs and proteins were decreased by Pb exposure respect to the control, such as the FSH-r integrity in terms of 17-β-estradiol production, under FSH stimulation. In addition, we observed an increase of AKT and mTOR mRNAs, p38 phosphorylation ratio and Akt phosphorylation ratio in all experimental conditions, respect to the control. In conclusion, the Pb-related toxicity on SC, even at low concentrations, is expected to alter spermatogenesis