15 research outputs found

    Hardware-in-the-loop simulator for stability study in orthogonal cutting

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    International audienceThe self-excited vibrations due to the regenerative effect, commonly known as chatter, are one of the major problems in machining processes. They cause a reduction in the surface quality and in the lifetime of mechanical elements including cutting tools. Furthermore, the experimental investigations of chatter suppression techniques are difficult in a real machining environment, due to repeatability problems of hard to control parameters like tool wear or position dependent dynamic flexibility. In this work, a mechatronic hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulator based on a flexible structure is proposed for dimensionless study of chatter in orthogonal cutting. Such system reproduces experimentally, on a simple linear mechanical structure in the laboratory, any stability situation which can be used to test and optimize active control devices. For this purpose, a dimensionless formulation is adopted and the delay related to the phase lag of the actuator and the controller employed on the HIL is compensated

    Taming Data Quality in AI-Enabled Industrial Internet of Things

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    We address the problem of taming data quality in artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled Industrial Internet of Things systems by devising machine learning pipelines as part of a decentralized edge-to-cloud architecture. We present the design and deployment of our approach from an AI engineering perspective using two industrial case studies.acceptedVersio

    Improvement of boring operations by means of mode coupling effect

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    Boring bars are inherently slender tools which are prone to show chatter problems due to their low dynamic stiffness and damping, being this problem their main limitation in productivity. The onset of chatter is mainly related to the dynamic stiffness of the bending mode of the boring bar when the length L to dia-meter D ratio is higher than 4. Tuned mass dampers (TMD) are effective technical solutions to increase the dynamic stiffness of large ratio boring bars. However, there are many applications where 4-6 L/D ratio tools are required, and the avoidance of chatter without the application of TMDs is interesting due to the high cost of damped tools. This work proposes the use of mode coupling effect to increase the damping and stabilise the machining process avoiding the use of any special device. This effect occurs when the fre-quency of one of the machine's modes is similar to the frequency of the dominant mode of the boring bar. As a result, the shape of the critical mode of the boring bar is mixed with the mode originated in the machine, and the damping and stability will be higher than the one that is not subjected to any dynamic coupling. The main contribution of this work is the application of this concept to increase stability in boring operations. This objective has been achieved by optimising the tool length and material by means of a dynamic model based on Receptance Coupling Substructure Analysis (RCSA). The model combines an analytical model of the elastic body of the boring bar with the experimental characterisation of the effect of the rest of the machine. This way, the shape and materials of the boring bar can be optimised to create an increase of damping. The optimisation procedure has been experimentally validated resulting in an increase of cutting stability and demonstrating that not always a shorter bar supposes a higher stability.The authors thank the collaboration of Markel Sanz from IDEKO. This work has been supported by EUROSTARS FORTH E!12998 pro-ject and the EU Horizon 2020 InterQ project (958357/H2020-EU.

    High-Voltage Stations for Electric Vehicle Fast-Charging: Trends, Standards, Charging Modes and Comparison of Unity Power-Factor Rectifiers

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    Emission of greenhouse gases and scarcity of fossil fuels have put the focus of the scientific community, industry and society on the electric vehicle (EV). In order to reduce CO2 emissions, cutting-edge policies and regulations are being imposed worldwide, where the use of EVs is being encouraged. In the best of scenarios reaching 245 million EVs by 2030 is expected. Extensive use of EV-s requires the installation of a wide grid of charging stations and it is very important to stablish the best charging power topology in terms of efficiency and impact in the grid. This paper presents a review of the most relevant issues in EV charging station power topologies. This review includes the impact of the battery technology, currently existing standards and proposals for power converters in the charging stations. In this review process, some disadvantages of current chargers have been identified, such as poor efficiency and power factor. To solve these limitations, five unidirectional three-phase rectifier topologies have been proposed for fast EV charging stations that enhance the current situation of chargers. Simulation results show that all the proposed topologies improve the power factor issue without penalizing efficiency. The topologies with the best overall performance are the Vienna 6-switch and the Vienna T-type rectifier. These two converters achieve high efficiency and power factor, and they allow a better distribution of losses among semiconductors, which significantly increase the life-cycle of the semiconductor devices and the reliability of the converter.This work was supported in part by the Government of the Basque Country through the Fund for Research Groups of the Basque University System under Grant IT978-16, in part by the Research Program ELKARTEK under Project ENSOL2-KK-2020/00077 and Project HARVESTGEN-KK-2020/00113, in part by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion of Spain under Project PID2020-115126RB-I00, and in part by the FEDER Funds. Documen

    Wide Bandgap semiconductor HF-oscillation attenuation method with tuned gate RLC filter

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    Wide Bandgap (WBG) transistors provide better switching performance and higher operating temperatures compared to state of the art Si devices and are suited for high frequency applications due to very short switching times. The main obstacle for implementation of WBG transistors at full potential is the high frequency oscillation in voltage and current during switching transients. Oscillations arise from resonance due to parasitic and device inductances and capacitances. Introduction of WBG transistors depends on the elimination of these oscillations and their negative effect on the performance of power converters. Good layout practice is mandatory, but there is a limit to the reduction of these parasitics and, often, slowing of the semiconductor switching time must be applied. This paper presents a simple methodology for the attenuation of the negative effects of WBG transistor high frequency oscillations without increasing rise and fall times. The proposed methodology is based on determination of the source of feedback resonant frequency between gate and power loops using network analyzer measurement on PCB and utilization of tuned RLC filter. Experimental application of the methodology shows direct relationship between loop resonant frequency and voltage and current oscillations. The proposed method reduces power losses, high frequency oscillations and EMI.UPV/EHU IT978-16, GV/EJ (Elkartek) KK-2018/0004

    Common-Mode Voltage Elimination in Multilevel Power Inverter-Based Motor Drive Applications

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    [EN] The industry and academia are focusing their efforts on finding more efficient and reliable electrical machines and motor drives. However, many of the motors driven by pulse-width modulated converters face the recurring problem of common-mode voltage (CMV). In fact, this voltage leads to other problems such as bearing breakdown, deterioration of the stator winding insulation and electromagnetic interferences (EMI) that can affect the lifespan and correct operation of the motors. In this sense, multilevel converters have proven to be a useful tool for solving these problems and mitigating CMV over the past few decades. Among other reasons, because they provide additional degrees of freedom when comparing with two-level converters. However, although there are several proposals in the scientific literature on this topic, no complete information has been reviewed about the CMV issues and the different multilevel alternatives that can be used to solve it. In this context, the objective of this work is to determine how multilevel power converters provide additional degrees of freedom to make the reduction of the CMV possible by using specific modulation techniques, making it easier for engineers and scientists in this field to find solutions to this problem. This document consists of a descriptive study that collects the strengths and weaknesses of most important multilevel power converters, with special emphasis on how CMV affects each of them. In addition, the differences of modulation techniques aimed to the CMV reduction are explained in terms of output voltage, operating linear range, and generated CMV. Considering this last, it is recommended to use those modulation techniques that allow the generation of CMV levels of 0 V in order to be able to completely eliminate said voltage.This work was supported in part by the Government of the Basque Country within the Fund for Research Groups of the Basque University System under Grant IT978-16; in part by the Research Program ELKARTEK under Project ENSOL2-KK-2020/00077; in part by the Secretaria d'Universitats i Recerca del Departament d'Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya; in part by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades of Spain under Project PID2019-111420RB-I00 and Project PID2020-115126RB-I00; and in part by the FEDER Funds

    Ibilgailu elektrikoaren joera: 2030a helburu

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    Geroz eta ibilgailu elektriko gehiago ikusten ditugu kaleetan eta telebistako iragarkietan. Baina zenbat itxaron behar dugu ibilgailu elektriko bat erosteko? Errentagarriak dira? Merezi dute? Asko dira ibilgailu elektrikoaren inguruan sortzen diren galderak eta mesfidantzak. Artikulu honetan, ibilgailu elektrikoak barne hartzen dituen merkatu aldakor honen zenbait zalantza argitzen dira, begirada 2030ean jarrita

    Arkitektura eskola Pariseko Cathédrales du Rail ondarean

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    Proiektuak existitzen den ondare handiaren espazioa adaptatzen du arkitektura eskola bat bihurtu dadin. Sistema espazial bat planteatu da, bolumenen berezko ardatzetan oinarritu dena. Orokorrean, bere funtzioa espazio berri itxiak sortzea da monumentaltasuna eta eskala txikituz, uzten den hutsarekin orekan geratuz. Hutsak zein beteak garrantzi berbera dute proposamenean

    Arkitektura eskola Pariseko Cathédrales du Rail ondarean

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    Proiektuak existitzen den ondare handiaren espazioa adaptatzen du arkitektura eskola bat bihurtu dadin. Sistema espazial bat planteatu da, bolumenen berezko ardatzetan oinarritu dena. Orokorrean, bere funtzioa espazio berri itxiak sortzea da monumentaltasuna eta eskala txikituz, uzten den hutsarekin orekan geratuz. Hutsak zein beteak garrantzi berbera dute proposamenean

    Optimal control laws for chatter suppression using inertial actuator in milling processes

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    International audienceActually, active control devices are considered as one of the most suitable chatter suppression methods for heavy duty machining operations. Generally, they are based on the generation of a reaction force over the main structure, controlled by a feedback control law, which depends on the real time vibration measurement. Several active control strategies have been proposed in the literature and due to the limited space offered by the machines for these actuators, the active control system has to be optimized, including the control law. In this work, the most employed strategies will be compared by means of a verified mechatronic model and the optimal law will be sought for each zone of stability lobes. Finally, experimental tests will be performed for verifying the results obtained by the mechatronic model simulations