416 research outputs found

    Calcolo distribuito di cammini minimi con swap edge.

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    Studio, implementazione, simulazione e valutazione di un algoritmo distribuito che calcola gli swap edge su alberi di copertura dei cammini di costo minimo

    Aesthetic of relations and interactive practices in the contemporary city

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    The contemporary urban landscape is an emerging territory for experimentation in the field of interactive installations. The city seems to be coated by a sensitive yet invisible and reactive skin able to perceive, decode, connect and store multiple stimuli received from the natural environment. Its real time reactions often belong to an emotional, synaesthesic and almost irrational communication realm. The practice of interactive design, through its operative and sense horizons, is an appropriate tool to detect and interpret some of the many contradictions of our Contemporary urban condition in its struggle with a still strong Modern vision of the world: for example the subtractive aesthetic of modernity (less is more) has been transformed by the immateriality of the digital realm into an aesthetic of disappearance (Paul Virilio) and into an aesthetic of relations.El paisaje urbano contemporáneo es territorio privilegiado para la experimentación en el campo de las instalaciones interactivas. La ciudad parece así recubrirse de una piel sensible, aunque invisible y temporal. Es una ciudad reactiva, capaz de percibir, conectar en red, almacenar múltiples estímulos del entorno natural, y también de generar, en tiempo real, una respuesta que a menudo desborda en una comunicación sinestésica, emocional, casi irracional. La idea central es que la práctica de proyecto interactivo, a través de sus horizontes sensoriales y operativos, es una herramienta con la que se puede revelar e interpretar algunas de las aporías que la arquitectura de la ciudad elaboradas respecto a la relación entre modernidad y contemporaneidad. Por ejemplo la estética sustractiva de la modernidad (less is more) con sus obras ligeras y casi-transparentes se está transformando, gracias a la inmaterialidad de lo digital, en una estética de la desaparición, como sostiene Paul Virilio (Virilio, 1989), y en una estética de las relaciones

    Processi per la prevenzione dell'inquinamento e la bonifica dei suoli: estrazione di fluoruri e riduzione dell'azoto da fanghi anaerobici

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    La tesi tratta la prevenzione dell'inquinamento del suolo e la bonifica di terreni contaminati. In particolare, vengono analizzate sia la tecnica del soil washing, sia la produzione dell'energia elettrica mediante MFC

    Processi per la prevenzione dell'inquinamento e la bonifica dei suoli: estrazione di fluoruri e riduzione dell'azoto da fanghi anaerobici

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    La tesi tratta la prevenzione dell'inquinamento del suolo e la bonifica di terreni contaminati. In particolare, vengono analizzate sia la tecnica del soil washing, sia la produzione dell'energia elettrica mediante MFC

    Indoor environmental quality analysis for optimizing energy consumptions varying air ventilation rates

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    The energy refurbishment of the existing building heritage is one of the pillars of Italian energy policy. Aiming for energy efficiency and energy saving in end uses, there are wide and diversified improvement strategies, which include interventions on the building envelope and Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems, with the introduction of renewable energy sources. The research aims at evaluating the building energy consumptions and Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ), varying the airflow rates handled by the HVAC system. A Case Study (the Aula Magna of a university building) is analysed; an in-situ monitoring campaign was carried out to evaluate the trend of some environmental parameters that are considered to be significant when varying the external airflow rates handled by the HVAC system. Additionally, dynamic simulations were carried out, with the aim of evaluating the energy savings coming from the airflow rates reduction. The results of this case study highlight the opportunity to achieve significant energy savings, with only slight variations in IEQ; a 50% reduction in airflow rate would decrease energy consumption by up to 45.2%, while increasing the carbon dioxide concentration from 545 ppm to 655 ppm, while the Particulate Matter and Total Volatile Organic Compounds increase is insignificant

    Colonization of transplanted Posidonia oceanica. Understanding the spatial dynamics through high-spatial resolution underwater photomosaics

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    Following the restoration of a Posidonia oceanica meadow impacted by theConcordia shipwreck, we investigated the spatial dynamic of the most important andprotected Mediterranean endemic seagrass over a two-year period applying three spatialmetrics: number of patches, mean patch size and total cover. By means of underwaterphotomosaics, we noticed a diminution in the number of patches in favour of the mean sizeand total cover. The outcomes showed that, under suitable environmental conditions,P. oceanica colonizes rapidly the dead matte substrate. This study underlines the importanceof considering the spatial dynamic of transplanted seagrasses in monitoring programmes andgives new insights on the progression rate of transplanted P. oceanica

    Double trouble. Synergy between habitat loss and the spread of the alien species Caulerpa cylindracea (Sonder) in three Mediterranean habitats

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    The role of habitat degradation on the spread of the alien green alga Caulerpa cylindracea is reported here by comparing observations achieved through a multi-year assessment on three Mediterraneans habitats, namely Posidonia oceanica meadows, Phyllophora crispa turf, and coralligenous reefs. Due to the peculiarity of the study site, both natural-reference and impacted conditions were investigated. C. cylindracea occurred in all the studied habitats under impacted conditions. High susceptibility to the invasion characterized impacted P. oceanica, where Caulerpa cover reached 70.0% in summer months. C. cylindracea cover did not differ significantly among conditions in P. crispa turf, where values never exceeded 5.0%. Conversely, the invasive green algae was low in abundance and patchily distributed in coralligenous reefs. Our results confirmed that habitat loss enhances the spread of C. cylindracea, although with different magnitudes among habitats. Dead matte areas of P. oceanica represented the most vulnerable habitat among those analyzed, whereas coralligenous reefs were less susceptible to the invasion under both the studied conditions
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