649 research outputs found

    La proyección de la Magnificencia de los Austrias: breve historia de un palacio efímero convertido en museo y semblante historicista de su pasado.

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    El edificio que albergó el Salón de Reinos tuvo una importancia fundamental en la Historia del Arte española y más en general en la historia de la cultura del Siglo de Oro. Los enormes contrastes entre el valor arquitectónico del edificio y sus decoraciones plantean el punto de arranque de este estudio que quiere llegar a definir la capacidad que tuvieron los rasgos efímeros de aquel espacio palaciego de proyectar su horizonte mucho más allá de su época. Es ya a mediados del siglo xix cuando vuelven a brotar las razones ideológicas de su naturaleza que se fraguaron en la (re)edificación de lo que se conoció como Museo del Ejército, donde las necesidades museísticas de la época se templaron bajo la ideología historicista de recuperación de un lugar emblemático para la monarquía española.The building that housed the Salón de Reinos was very representative in Spanish art history and more generally in the History of Culture in the Golden Age. The huge contrast between the architectural value of the building and its decorations raise the starting point from this study that wants to define the ability of ephemeral traits had that space to project palatial horizon far beyond his time. It’s already midnineteenth century when they return to sprout ideological reasons of his nature that were forged in the (re)construction of what became known as the Museo del Ejército, where musistic needs of the time were annealed under historicist ideology recovery of a landmark for the Spanish monarchy

    Network models in neuroimaging: a survey of multimodal applications

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    Mapping the brain structure and function is one of the hardest problems in science. Different image modalities, in particular the ones based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can shed more light on how it is organised and how its functions unfold, but a theoretical framework is needed. In the last years, using network models and graph theory to represent the brain structure and function has become a major trend in neuroscience. In this review, we outline how network modelling has been used in neuroimaging, clarifying what are the underlying mathematical concepts and the consequent methodological choices. The major findings are then presented for structural, functional and multimodal applications. We conclude outlining what are still the current issues and the perspective for the immediate future

    Chapter Sulla bellezza delle immagini per la narrazione del pensiero architettonico. Riflessioni sui disegni di progetto di Francesco Cellini

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    The 43rd UID conference, held in Genova, takes up the theme of ‘Dialogues’ as practice and debate on many fundamental topics in our social life, especially in these complex and not yet resolved times. The city of Genova offers the opportunity to ponder on the value of comparison and on the possibilities for the community, naturally focused on the aspects that concern us, as professors, researchers, disseminators of knowledge, or on all the possibile meanings of the discipline of representation and its dialogue with ‘others’, which we have broadly catalogued in three macro areas: History, Semiotics, Science / Technology. Therefore, “dialogue” as a profitable exchange based on a common language, without which it is impossible to comprehend and understand one another; and the graphic sign that connotes the conference is the precise transcription of this concept: the title ‘translated’ into signs, derived from the visual alphabet designed for the visual identity of the UID since 2017. There are many topics which refer to three macro sessions: - Witnessing (signs and history) - Communicating (signs and semiotics) - Experimenting (signs and sciences) Thanks to the different points of view, an exceptional resource of our disciplinary area, we want to try to outline the prevailing theoretical-operational synergies, the collaborative lines of an instrumental nature, the recent updates of the repertoires of images that attest and nourish the relations among representation, history, semiotics, sciences


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    La tesi presenta l'analisi di due tecniche di aggregazione utilizzate per la rappresentazione e la ricerca di risorse in sistemi P2P. Il candidato ha realizzato i moduli che implementano Bloom Filters e Wavelet integrandoli in un framework che supporta range query multidimensionali. La tesi presenta un insieme di risultati sperimentali che presentano la validità dell'approccio

    Lossy compression of multidimensional medical images using sinusoidal activation networks: an evaluation study

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    In this work, we evaluate how neural networks with periodic activation functions can be leveraged to reliably compress large multidimensional medical image datasets, with proof-of-concept application to 4D diffusion-weighted MRI (dMRI). In the medical imaging landscape, multidimensional MRI is a key area of research for developing biomarkers that are both sensitive and specific to the underlying tissue microstructure. However, the high-dimensional nature of these data poses a challenge in terms of both storage and sharing capabilities and associated costs, requiring appropriate algorithms able to represent the information in a low-dimensional space. Recent theoretical developments in deep learning have shown how periodic activation functions are a powerful tool for implicit neural representation of images and can be used for compression of 2D images. Here we extend this approach to 4D images and show how any given 4D dMRI dataset can be accurately represented through the parameters of a sinusoidal activation network, achieving a data compression rate about 10 times higher than the standard DEFLATE algorithm. Our results show that the proposed approach outperforms benchmark ReLU and Tanh activation perceptron architectures in terms of mean squared error, peak signal-to-noise ratio and structural similarity index. Subsequent analyses using the tensor and spherical harmonics representations demonstrate that the proposed lossy compression reproduces accurately the characteristics of the original data, leading to relative errors about 5 to 10 times lower than the benchmark JPEG2000 lossy compression and similar to standard pre-processing steps such as MP-PCA denosing, suggesting a loss of information within the currently accepted levels for clinical application

    The case of Solidarity Purchasing Groups in the Marche Region, Italy

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    The article illustrates selected results of an exploratory research study on ‘GAS movement’ coordinated by the Solidarity Economy Network in Marche Region, Italy. The GAS experience proves to revolve substantially around food purchasing groups practice. Therefore, the research aimed at investigating the economic and eco-logical determinants characterising the world of critical food consumption. Qualitative and quantitative data have been analysed from a socio-economic and ecological point of view, providing an insight on different issues concerning the framework of the solidarity economy and possible further developments. The ecological performance of a “critical food consume” in comparison with a “conventional one” was assessed using the Material Input Per Service unit (MIPS) concept.

    Sharing Cultural Heritage: the Clavius on the Web Project

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    In the last few years the amount of manuscripts digitized and made available on the Web has been constantly increasing. However, there is still a considarable lack of results concerning both the explicitation of their content and the tools developed to make it available. The objective of the Clavius on the Web project is to develop a Web platform exposing a selection of Christophorus Clavius letters along with three different levels of analysis: linguistic, lexical and semantic. The multilayered annotation of the corpus involves a XML-TEI encoding followed by a tokenization step where each token is univocally identified through a CTS urn notation and then associated to a part-of-speech and a lemma. The text is lexically and semantically annotated on the basis of a lexicon and a domain ontology, the former structuring the most relevant terms occurring in the text and the latter representing the domain entities of interest (e.g. people, places, etc.). Moreover, each entity is connected to linked and non linked resources, including DBpedia and VIAF. Finally, the results of the three layers of analysis are gathered and shown through interactive visualization and storytelling techniques. A demo version of the integrated architecture was developed

    Is There Daily Growth Hysteresis versus Vapor Pressure Deficit in Cherry Fruit?

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    The growth of cherry fruit is generally described using a double sigmoid model, divided into four growth stages. Abiotic factors are considered to be significant components in modifying fruit growth, and among these, the vapor pressure deficit (VPD) is deemed the most effective. In this study, we investigated sweet cherry fruit growth through the continuous, hourly monitoring of fruit transversal diameter over two consecutive years (2019 and 2020), from the beginning of the third stage to maturation (forth stage). Extensometers were used in the field and VPD was calculated from weather data. The fruit growth pattern up to the end of the third stage demonstrated three critical steps during non-rainy days: shrinkage, stabilization and expansion. In the third stage of fruit growth, a partial clockwise hysteresis curve of circadian growth, as a response to VPD, appeared on random days. The pattern of fruit growth during rainy days was not distinctive, but the amount and duration of rain caused a consequent decrease in the VPD and indirectly boosted fruit growth. At the beginning of the fourth stage, the circadian growth changed and the daily transversal diameter vs VPD formed fully clockwise hysteresis curves for most of this stage. Our findings indicate that hysteresis can be employed to evaluate the initial phenological phase of fruit maturation, as a fully clockwise hysteresis curve was observable only in the fourth stage of fruit growth. There are additional opportunities for its use in the management of fruit production, such as in precision fruit farming

    Current and future role of meltwater-groundwater dynamics in a proglacial Alpine outwash plain

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    Glaciated alpine catchments are rapidly evolving due to glacier retreat and consequent geomorphological and ecological changes. As more terrain becomes ice free, the interactions between surface and subsurface waters become gradually more significant, leading to potential changes in water storage and release, which in turn may impact ecological, geomorphological and hydrological processes. In this study, we aim to understand the hydrological functioning of outwash plains as glaciers retreat. These constitute a fluvial aquifer which appears as a focal point for water storage and alpine ecology and their dynamics have only rarely been studied. Based on geophysical investigations as well as year-round stream and groundwater observations, we developed a simplified physically-based 3D MODFLOW model and performed an optimized automatic calibration using PEST HP. By comparing the model results to field observations, we highlight the strong interactions between the upstream river and the aquifer, with stream infiltration being the dominant process of recharge. Groundwater exfiltration occurs in the lower half part of the outwash plain, balancing out the amount of river infiltration at a daily time scale. We show that hillslope contributions from rain and snow-melt have little impact on groundwater levels. We also show that outwash plain aquifers can maintain groundwater levels close to the surface even during long dry periods. From a hydrological perspective, we finally explore how new outwash plains may form in the future due to glacier recession and discuss what cascading impact the presence of multiple outwash plains may have in such catchments. We estimate the total dynamic storage of future outwash plains to be about 20 mm and we demonstrate their limited capacity to produce more stream water than what they infiltrate upstream, except for very low river flows (&lt; 150 to 200 L s&minus;1). Below this limit, they can provide limited baseflow on timescales of weeks, thus maintaining some moisture conditions potentially beneficial for proglacial ecosystems. Their role in attenuating floods also appears limited, as less than 0.5 m3 s&minus;1 of river water can be infiltrated. Outwash plains appear therefore to play an important role for alpine ecosystems but have marginal hydrological effects on downstream river discharge.</p