1,502 research outputs found

    Establishing the Imperial Oilfield Case Study: Part 1 - Reservoir Appraisal and Characterisation

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    Imperial Users onl

    Zeros of Jacobi polynomials and associated inequalities

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    A Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science. Johannesburg 2015.This Dissertation focuses on the Jacobi polynomial. Specifically, it discusses certain aspects of the zeros of the Jacobi polynomial such as the interlacing property and quasiorthogonality. Also found in the Dissertation is a chapter on the inequalities of the zeros of the Jacobi polynomial, mainly those developed by Walter Gautschi

    Commitment Cost and Product Valuation in Online Auctions: An Experimental Research

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    This research aims to explore bidder behavioral conditionings and value creation when bidding in online auctions. The cost of commitment imposed by an auction mechanism is hypothesized to impact one’s willingness to pay, level of satisfaction with the transaction, and intention of using the auction mechanism in future online transactions. After reviewing auction mechanisms and behavioral economics, an experiment is proposed as the naturalistic setting of preference to study behavior in online auctions

    Jave Yoshimoto Interview

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    Artist Bio:Jave Yoshimoto is an artist and educator of multicultural background. He was born in Japan to Chinese parents and immigrated to United States at a young age. He has since traveled and lived in various parts of the country, which influenced his artistic practice. Yoshimoto received his Bachelors from University of California Santa Barbara in Studio Art, his Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Painting and Drawing and Masters of Art in Art Therapy at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and his Masters of Fine Arts in Painting at Syracuse University. He has worked as an art therapist/mental health professional in Chicago, IL, as well as a painting instructor at Syracuse University and as a teaching artist in Seattle, WA. As an artist, he served as an artist-in-residence at various artist colonies across the United States. Yoshimoto has been published on multiple publications and websites, received a letter of recognition from the United Nations, and exhibited works nationally and internationally. He has also shown in solo exhibitions in New York, Chicago, IL, Portland, OR, Seattle, WA, Alva, OK and Lincoln, NE. Yoshimoto currently works as an Assistant Professor of Art, teaching foundations level courses. Bio by Jave Yohimoto from www.javeyoshimoto.co

    Aplicacions educatives del Go i la seva inserció als instituts de secundària

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    Amb el projecte d’aplicacions educatives del Go i la seva inserció als instituts de secundària, pretenem posar de manifest totes aquelles propietats que fan del Go un joc especialment útil per al desenvolupament psicopedagògic de l’alumnat de Secundària i fins i tot el de Primària. Valorem i justifiquem punt per punt tots els aspectes que guarden una relació directa amb les Competències Bàsiques de la Secundària que considerem que el joc de forma implícita i/o explícita inclou àmpliament. Per afavorir la impartició del joc per aquell professorat que el desconegui per complet, facilitem també una unitat didàctica amb la que relacionem aquestes competències tractades amb els objectius, continguts i criteris d’avaluació que creiem ha de complir una assignatura extraescolar o complementària d’aquest àmbit. Amb la mateixa unitat, proposem una descripció d’activitats amb la seva respectiva temporització per donar una idea del temps necessari per a cada etapa de l’ensenyament del joc, així com per garantir tant que es treballin cadascun dels objectius que a priori hem definit, com l’atenció a la diversitat. Per a dur a terme aquesta unitat, hem desenvolupat una guia per al professorat en la que s’hi facilita la descripció dels aspectes bàsics del joc per al seu correcte ensenyament, entre els que incloem la descripció del propi funcionament del joc, i una guia per a l’ensenyament a novells. També s’hi proposa una activitat per dur a terme al taller de tecnologia, donant molta versatilitat a l’ampli ventall a considerar en quant a la relació curs/nivell. Finalment també s’hi inclou una petita explicació de l’evolució històrica del joc arreu del món des dels seus orígens. Com a objectiu complementari, el projecte en sí també pretén ajudar a la difusió d’un joc mil·lenari però a la vegada tant desconegut, que poc a poc va agafant embranzida en diferents àmbits allunyats dels entorns científico-tècnics en els que s’ha mantingut els darrers anys

    Strategy and Coherence of a Program of Regional Development: A Methodology for synergy evaluation

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    The main purpose of this paper is to present a methodological proposal to value the synergy in programmes of regional development, regarding either their objectives or their performances. First, the main aspects of the methodology used to evaluate individually the synergy of the objectives (performances) are set out by using a Delphi technique. This technique allows to build a matrix of weights, according to the degree of synergy for every objective (performance). Then, hierarchical clusters are applied in the data processing. This technique leads to a ranking of objectives which shows the strategic value of the programme subject to evaluation. The methodological analysis shows also an application of the Community Support Framework ( 1994-1999) for the Spanish Objective 1 regions.

    On the cellular automata P systems and chain reactions

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    The Pan American (1999-03-04)

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    The Pan American (1999-02-02)

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    The Pan American (1998-11-19)

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