75 research outputs found

    Heterotrophic microbial activity and organic matter degradation in coastal lagoons of Colombia

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    In this study we measured the community respiration and the bacterial respiration as part of the overall degradation process of organic material. Additionally, the turnover rates of the pools of dissolved free glucose and acetate as representatives of the fraction of easily degradable low molecular organic solutes were determined. The study was performed in several coastal lagoons of the "Outer Delta of the Río Magdalena" in northern Colombia. The lagoons can be separated into two groups: The first group contains highly productive brackish lagoons with chl a concentrations ranging from 62 – 130 µg/l. The second group consists of less productive freshwater lagoons with chl a between 5.5 – 19 µg/l. Turnover rates of glucose and acetate were very fast in the highly productive lagoons resulting in turnover times of less than 20 min for both compounds. In the less productive systems the cycling of glucose and acetate was much slower. Here the mean values of the turnover times were 2 hr for glucose and 1.5 hr for acetate. The rates of bacterial DNA-formation measured as thymidine incorporation differed significantly between both groups of lagoons, being very high (1.86 – 2.76 nmol/l/hr) in the highly productive and relatively low (0.073 – 0.55 nmol/l/hr) in the less productive group. Water column community respiration ranged between 122 and 16 µg C/l/hr with means of 88 µg C/l/hr in the highly and 19 µg C/l/hr in the less productive group. In the first group the mean values of the bacterial contribution to community respiration amounted to 37% and in the second group to 18%. The bacterial respiration was determined in an indirect way via bacterial biomass production and assuming a growth efficiency of 50%. It is discussed whether this relatively high growth efficiency allows reasonable results in both groups of lagoons

    First record of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum borbonicum in the continental coast of Colombian Caribbean: A new 42 hydroxi-palytoxin producer

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    The dinoflagellate genus Prorocentrum includes several harmful toxigenic species, predominantly benthic ones. In the past, fast-acting toxicity in mice has been observed in extracts of the epibenthic species P. borbonicum, with the finding of two compounds termed as borbotoxins-A and -B. The presence of palytoxin-like compounds was also suggested from electrophysiological experiments. In the present study, a strain of P. borbonicum was isolated in the continental coast of Colombian Caribbean, in seagrass beds of Thalassia testudinum in Bonito Gordo, Tayrona National Natural Park (PNNT). The morphological and molecular characteristics were consistent with the original and former descriptions for this species. Typical haemolytic activity due to palytoxin was confirmed in P. borbonicum extracts in presence of ouabain, the toxin contents being estimated as 1.9 pg palytoxin equivalents cell-1. HPLC-HRMS analyses of these extracts unambiguously identified the presence of borbotoxins and 42-hidroxy-palytoxin (42-OH-PLTX). This is the first report of palytoxin-like compounds in another dinoflagellate genus than Ostreopsis and the first record of P. borbonicum in Colombia and the Caribbean region.En prens

    Efectos del uso del suelo en las propiedades edáficas y la escorrentía superficial en una cuenca de la Orinoquia colombiana

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    his study evaluate the effects of land use on the Camoa water basin in Meta by quantifying the effect of soil organic matter content (SOMC), bulk density and water content. These variables were evaluated by extracting ground cores from riparian forests and grasslands of different litter cover. We also evaluated the relationship between the SOMC and the water volume deficit using regressions. Likewise, using pitfall traps we identified the trophic organization of soil-superficial arthropods. Due to its higher SOMC (> 5%), the soils of highly productive forest (high litter content) had significantly higher water contents than soils from less productive forests and grasslands (p < 0.05 in both cases). The water content found among the studied soil cover types suggests that the role of run-off in forest has been underestimated. Water basin management should encourage the establishment of productive riparian forests with CMOE values higher than 5% in order to promote volume and continuity in water offer from rivers due to the generation of constant subsurface flow and the regulation of sporadic superficial run-offs. The variety of functions and interactions accomplished by arthropods in forest soils suggests that a highly structured trophic organization favors conversion of simple and complex compounds in humus and therefore would favor soil water retention capacity.Con el objetivo de evaluar los efectos del uso del suelo sobre la cuenca del caño Camoa, Meta, se cuantificó el contenido de materia orgánica edáfica (CMOE), la densidad aparente y el contenido de agua en condiciones de campo y capacidad de campo. Para ello se extrajeron núcleos de suelo de bosques y pastizales riparios con diferente productividad de hojarasca y se evaluó la relación entre el CMOE y el volumen deficitario de agua mediante regresiones. Así mismo, se identificó mediante trampas de caída la organización trófica de los artrópodos de la superficie del suelo. Debido a sus CMOE superiores al 5%, los suelos con mayor cantidad de hojarasca (alta productividad) presentaron contenidos de agua superiores a los de bosques menos productivos y de pastizales (p < 0.05 en ambos casos). Las diferencias en el contenido de agua de los suelos de las distintas coberturas evaluadas sugieren que el papel de la escorrentía superficial en los bosques ha sido subestimado. El manejo de cuencas debe propender por el establecimiento de bosques productivos que generen CMOE superiores al 5%, para promover la continuidad y el volumen en la oferta hídrica de los ríos al generar flujos constantes de agua subsuperficial y al regular flujos esporádicos superficiales. La variedad de funciones e interacciones tróficas que cumplen los artrópodos del suelo en los bosques indica que una estructuración óptima de esta comunidad favorecería la conversión de compuestos simples y complejos en humus y por lo tanto la capacidad de retención de agua

    Evaluación de la rotiferofauna presente en el complejo de pajarales durante la época lluviosa, departamento de magdalena, colombia

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    Con miras a evaluar posibles efectos de la recomunicación del río Magdalena con su antiguo delta, se determinó la abundancia y composición de la rotiferofauna del Complejo de Pajarales (CP), durante el período de mayor abundancia anual de zooplancton. El phylum Rotifera fue seleccionado por sus altas tasas reproductivas y eficiencia en procesos de transformación energética. Las muestras se colectaron con botella van Dorn durante la segunda temporada lluviosa de 2006. En cada una de las cuatro estaciones analizadas se registraron la salinidad, temperatura, pH y oxígeno disuelto. La diversidad se calculó empleando el índice de Shannon-Wiener H’ (log10) comparando estaciones y fechas de muestreo para establecer variaciones en el período de estudio. Gráficamente se relacionaron variables fisicoquímicas con valores de diversidad que emplearon un α de 0.05 y 95% de intervalo de confianza. En total, fueron encontrados 20 morfotipos pertenecientes a las familias Brachionidae, Lecanidae, Filiniidae, Synchaetidae, Hexarthriidae y Testudinellidae, siendo Brachionidae y Lecanidae las más abundantes. La relación entre diversidad y variables fisicoquímicas, indica que la salinidad es la principal responsable de la diversidad de rotíferos. En conclusión, la rotiferofauna actual en el CP es más abundante y diversa que hace 16 años, antes de la recomunicación con el río Magdalena. Así mismo, la concentración de oxigeno disuelto, pH y salinidad son diferentes. Teniendo en cuenta que la salinidad es el factor que más influyó en la diversidad de rotíferos, la reapertura de canales probablemente favoreció el incremento en la diversidad de rotíferos en el CP

    Resultados Semilleros de Investigación 2009-2010

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    La publicación recoge los doce informes finales de investigación presentados por los estudiantes de ocho Semilleros 1 y cuatro Semilleros 2, correspondientes a la convocatoria 2009–2010 y se constituye en el Número 25 de la Serie de Investigaciones en Construcción, si bien este es el primer Número publicado en formato digital que UNIJUS se permite poner a disposición no sólo de la comunidad universitaria, sino también de la sociedad colombiana e internacional, interesada en los temas estudiados por los jóvenes investigadores de la Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia


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    We report the presence of persistent blooms of Chaetomorpha linum in San Andres island, Southwestern Caribbean, during the year 2013. RESUMEN Reportamos la presencia de florecimientos persistentes del alga verde Chaetomorpha linum en la isla de San Andrès, Caribe suroccidental

    Potentially Toxic Dinoflagellates Associated to Seagrass on Isla de Barú, Colombian Caribbean, During El Niño 2015

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    In the last decades, harmful algal blooms (HAB) and toxic events such as ciguatera seem to have increased in frequency and intensity, negatively impacting human health, economy, and marine ecosystems. In Colombia, these events have caused a series of consequences ranging from the death of fish and birds to toxic effects on humans. Although some toxin-producing dinoflagellate species are common in the Caribbean, their dynamics are poorly understood, making the adoption of any regulations difficult. To determine the composition and abundance of dinoflagellates associated with seagrasses we collected 18 samples on Isla de Barú, during 2015. We found ten diatom genera and three dinoflagellate genera, Prorocentrum, Ostreopsis, and Gambierdiscus, that include toxigenic species related to ciguatera and diarrheic shellfish poisoning. Prorocentrum lima was the most abundant dinoflagellate, with average cell densities of 52±48 cells/g substrate wet weight. The temperature hypothesis gains strength as one of the main modulators of dinoflagellate abundance observed in the Caribbean, especially regarding Prorocentrum species and some diatoms such as Mastogloia corsicana and Actinocyclus normanii. This assumption is supported by the Since high positive correlation between El Niño Southern Oscillation and the sea surface temperature in the Caribbean during 2015