148 research outputs found


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    Effect of Synthesis Process Method of Asymmetric Curcumin Analog on the Hepatoprotective Effect of Mice (Mus musculus L.) Asymmetric curcumin analogs (ACA) can be synthesized from cullilawan oil. ACA products can be synthesized using conventional methods and microwaves. Synthesis methods can affect physical properties and pharmacological effects. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the process method on the hepatoprotective ability of ACA and to determine the effective dose. ACA products were tested in vivo in mice (Mus musculus L.) with CCl4-induced liver damage. The parameters observed were biochemical liver enzymes (AST and ALT) and histological analysis. The results showed that animals treated with ACA-k products had better weight gain, lower AST and ALT levels, and fewer histological signs of liver damage at higher ACA doses than those observed in animals that were untreated or treated with ACA-m products. Thus, asymmetric curcumin analog products that were processed by conventional method were more hepatoprotective. Keywords: ACA, culilawan oil, hepatoprotection, in vivo, product diversification ABSTRAK Analog kurkumin asimetris (AKAS) dapat disintesis dari minyak kulit lawang. Produk AKAS dapat disintesis menggunakan metode konvensional dan microwave. Metode sintesis dapat mempengaruhi sifat fisik dan efek farmakologis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode proses pada kemampuan hepatoprotektif AKAS dan untuk menentukan dosis efektif. Produk AKAS diuji in vivo pada mencit (Mus musculus L.) dengan kerusakan hati yang diinduksi CCl­4. Parameter yang diamati adalah biokimia enzim hati (AST dan ALT) dan analisis histologis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hewan yang diobati dengan produk AKAS-k memiliki kenaikan berat badan yang lebih baik, tingkat AST dan ALT yang lebih rendah, dan lebih sedikit tanda histologis kerusakan hati pada dosis AKAS yang lebih tinggi daripada yang terlihat pada hewan yang tidak diperlakukan atau diobati dengan produk AKAS-m. Dengan demikian, produk analog kurkumin asimetris yang diproses dengan metode konvensional lebih hepatoprotektif

    Efek Ekstrak Fraksi Etil Asetat Daun Pelawan pada Kinerja Ovarium Tikus Pascamelahirkan

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    Daun Pelawan memiliki kandungan flavonoid dan steroid yang dapat mempengaruhi  sistem reproduksi betina. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji efektivitas ekstrak fraksi etil asetat Pelawan pada fisiologis ovarium tikus pacamelahirkan berdasarkan pada  prediksi jumlah anak, bobot anak, kadar estrogen, dan bobot ovarium. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan pola faktorial. Perlakuan dibagi menjadi perlakuan tikus yang melahirkan sekali dan melahirkan dua kali. Tiap perlakuan terdiri atas kontrol tanpa ekstrak pelawan, tikus diberikan ekstrak pelawan dengan dosis 50 mg/kg BB, 100 mg/kg BB, dan 150 mg/kg BB secara peroral. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah anak dan bobot anak pada induk melahirkan  dua kali mengalami peningkatan pada dosis 50 mg. Jumlah anak  dan bobot anak pada induk melahirkan sekali  mengalami penurunan pada dosis 100 mg. Konsentrasi  estrogen pada semua perlakuan mengalami penurunan di hari ke-3 dan meningkat di hari ke-5. Konsentrasi estrogen pada dosis 100 mg memiliki kadar tertinggi dibandingkan dosis 50 mg dan 150 mg. Bobot ovarium mengalami penurunan di hari ke-3 dan meningkat di hari ke-5. Induk melahirkan dua kali dengan dosis 100 mg mengalami peningkatan bobot ovarium dibandingkan dengan dosis lain. Senyawa bioaktif  ekstrak Pelawan mempengaruhi jumlah anak, bobot anak, kadar estrogen, dan bobot ovarium. Diduga, senyawa antioksidan pada ekstrak mempengaruhi kinerja hormon pertumbuhan dan faktor pertumbuhan untuk menghasilkan  LH dan FSH di kelenjar pituitari

    Supplementation of tempeh extract for improving quality of bone in premenopausal conditions using rats as animal models

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    Tempeh extract is a natural substance that contains phytoestrogens, having similar estrogen activity. This study was designed to determine the potential of tempeh extract in improving the quality bone in premenopausal conditions, and to compare the natural product of tempeh extract with commerciallyavailable hormones (genistein, ethinylestradiol, and somatotropin). Experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisted of 7 experimental groups, each consisted of 3 rats i.e.,1) K= premenopausal rats as a negative control, 2) P = premenopausal rats given distilled water orally as a placebo, 3) TEM = premenopausal rats given tempeh extract 300 mg/day/200g body weight, 4) GEN =premenopausal rats given genistein 0.25 mg/day/kg body weight, 5) EST = premenopausal rats givenethinylestradiol 9x10-3 mg/day/200g body weight, 6) SO = premenopausal rats injected with sesame oil/day/kg body weight, 7) BST = premenopausal rats injected somatotropin 9 mg/day/kg body weight. The parameters observed were the bone and serum calcium and phosphorus concentrations, bone ashconcentrations, bone collagen concentrations, bone water concentrations, bone RNA concentrations, bone length, bone weight, bone density, and bone strength. Supplementations of tempeh extract for two months in premenopausal rats could improve the quality of bone, which was characterized by the increased bone calcium concentrations, ratio of Ca/P on tibia bone, bone ash levels, bone density, and bone strengt

    Conception Rate In Ewes Having Different Number of Ovulating Follicle During The First Estrous Cycle After PGF2, Injection

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    Forty sis ewes were used to study the effects of number of ovulating follicle on the conception rate during the first estrous cycle after PGF& injection. The experimental ewes were injected twice with PGF& to synchronize estrous cycle and to remove previously existed corpus luteum. The number of ovulating follicle was determined by counting the number of corpus luteum by laparoscopy, 5 days after the estrous cycle. The distribution of ewes having 1. 2. 3, and >3 ovulating follicle was 12, 19, 12, 3, respectively. Conception rate in each group during the first estrous cycle after the last PGF& injection was determined by counting the parturition date. The results of the experiment showed that the hgher the number ofovulating follicle the greater the percentage of ewes being pregnant (33,33, 63,12, 58,33, and 10%, for ewes having 1, 2, 3, and >3, ovulating follicle, respectively). It was suggested that an increasing number of ovulating follicle could be used to improve conception rate in ewes


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    Pasak bumi is popular as an aphrodisiac in the traditional medical herb. Boiled drink water of the root powder of pasak bumi is believed can increase the secondary reproduction characters such as libido and the duration of erection. This article is part of the research report that focus on: the distribution of hypophysis acidophil and basophil cells caused of the pasak bumi optimal dose treatment. Research carried out in an experiment using Hemaktosilin Eosin(HE) staining method to study micromorphological distribution of the acidophil and basophil cells of the male rat hypophysis after pasak bumi treatment (the dose of 18 mg pasak bumi/200 g body weight during three days, and the control of 1 ml aquadest). Result of the research showed that: Basophyl cells increased significantly in the third days of pasak bumi administered. Meanwhile acidophyl cells decreased in the third days of pasak bumi administered. &nbsp

    The formation of tretinoin-PEG 6000 solid-solid solution to increase the dissolution rate of tretinoin

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    The formation of solid-solid dispersion of tretinoin which is insoluble in water into water soluble carrier PEG, might accelerate solubility and dissolution rate. The objectives of this study were to obtain dissolution profile and physical properties of Tretinoin-PEG solid dispersion which was prepared by solventfusion method, to obtain the composition of Tretinoin and PEG in which produce solid dispersion with optimum dissolution rate and to obtain the composition of Tretinoin-PEG, which produce an interstitial solid-solid solution. Solvent fusion method at low temperature was choosen to prepare the solid dispersion system. The physical state of formed solid dispersion was determined by X-Ray diffractometer. To unveil the information about the solubility and dissolution rate of tretinoin, a test toward the dissolution rate of tretinoin was performed into the dissolution medium phosphate buffer. The X-Ray diffractogram of tretinoin-PEG solid dispersion in all composition indicated that tretinoin hasformed a molecular dispersion in the PEG crystals in all composition. In solid dispersion was obtained by solvent-fusion method in molecular or in solid-solid solution. Dissolution efficiency (DE) value prooved that molecular dispersion of tretinoin-PEG could increase the dissolution rate of tretinoin. Thus it could concluded that in comparison to the tretinoin and its physical mixture, the solid dispersion of tretinoin-PEG led the higher dissolution rate and the optimum rate was achieved by composition of 1=100 with DE value = 74.Key words : Tretinoin, PEG, Solid Dispersion, Dissolution Rat

    Responses of milk quality to roasted soybeans, calcium soap and organic mineral supplementation in dairy cattle diets

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    Milk quality is affected by feed nutrient either macronutrient or micronutrient.  Roasted soayabeans and calcium soap were to increase supply by pas protein and fat to dairy cattle. Thus, organic mineral was to increase bioavailability of feed mineral to animal.  The objective of this study was to evaluate roasted soybean, mineral soap and organic mineral supplementation on milk quality of dairy cattle.  Twenty lactating Frisian Holstein cows (initial weight 361.4 ± 40.39 kg) were assigned into a randomized complete block design with 5 treatments and 4 blocks. The treatments were A: basal diet, B: A + roasted soybean, C: B + calcium soap of corn oil, D: C + calcium soap of corn oil, E: C + calcium soap of fish oil. The experimental diets were offered for 9 and 2 weeks preliminary. The results of the experiment showed that milk protein and lactose were not affected by diets.  Milk dry matter  of cows fed A, B, and D diets were higher (P0.05) than those of fed C and E diets.  Milk fat of cows fed A,  B and D diets were higher (P0.05) than those of  fed C and E diets. Milk density of cows fed B and E diets were higher (p0.05) than those of fed A, C and D diets. Milk TPC of cows fed B diet were higher (0.05) than those of fed A, C, D, and E diets. It is concluded that milk quality especially milk protein and lactose concentration are not affected by roasted soyabeans, Ca-soap, and organic mineral. Calcium soap of fish oil and organic mineral decrease population of milk bacteria. Key Words: Calcium Soap, Organic Mineral, Roasted Soyabeans, Dairy Cattle, Quality Mil

    Prediksi Pertumbuhan Kelenjar Susu,.Produksi Susu dan involusi Kelenjar Susu Berdasarkan konsentrasi. Bebiewapmformon Dan Metabolit Pai-Ani:Dairadienduicselama\u27-Kebuntingan Pada Domba Ekor Tipis\u27jawa Barat

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    INTISARI Profil hormon (progesteron estradioLtriiodotironin, dan ,kortisol) -clan metabOlitdarah(Ii-OH butirai, [BHBA]. dan Mtrogen,urea darah [BUN]) pada 45 ekor domba telah\u27ditikuesetiap. bulan :Seiarna.,kebuntingan. Delapan bel asdan 27 ekor domba percobaan rmaSinglttiaSing\u27 dikorbankan pada awal dan akhir laktasi-untuk,menentukan-,komponen kimia kdlenjar%Susti,(116atkering bebas lemak kelenjar susu [DFF1-], asam deoksiribonukleat [DNA}, asarri⢠ribotiukLeat [RNA].dan ..kolagen). Selama laktasi damb.a.:4iperah: setiaplbulan diberikan tartralahail\u27 konsentrat 500 atau 1000 g. Konsentrasi progesteron dan estradiol pada buian ke-3 dan keb,untingan dapat digunakan.untuk memprediksi tingkat pertumbuhan dan perkernbangarrâ¢kelenjar-\u27 susu_ pada awaLlaktasi dengan kisaran koefisien. determinasi:antara 66.9 .dan.89.0%. Setnernata kOnsentrasi kortisol dan triidotironin dan metabolit darah: tidak bisa digunakan sebagai pendriga yang baik⢠untuk pertumbuhan-dan.perkembangan kelenjar .susu. Konsentrasii progesteron dan esyadiolpada bulan ke,3..atau ce-4 -kebuntingan dapat digunakan :utituk. memptedikSi\u27 kplernarfsusu, pada .akhir , iaktasi, serta produksi suswpada -bulan ke-1\u27 Iaktasi dengart:.ki\u27saran koefisien.deterrninaSi antara, 669 ,darr Penambahan- konsentrat 100% dart 5001g -irrithjadi 1000 giekorThari sangat nyata untuk rnenahan laju inVolusi DFFT, \u27DNA, RNA,- dan kollagen kelerijar susu masing-masing 52.69, 57.48, 81.63, dan 57.99%, serta meningkatkan prOduksicsusiP terutama pada induk beranak kembar sebesar 48.62%. (Kata Kunci: Pertumbuhan Kelenjar Sustr.-Produksi SusuItWOhisi Kelenjar Susu, Hormon, Metabolit, Kebuntingan, Laktasi, Domba)