168 research outputs found

    M-type Barium Hexaferrite Magnetic Material for Anti Radar Materials at S Band Frequency

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    In this paper, preparation and characteristic evaluation of microwave absorber materials of BaFe12-2xMnxTixO19 (x = 0.0 - 1.5) compositions are discussed. The absorber material was obtained by a co-substitution of Mn and Ti to Fe in a Barium Hexaferrite (BaO.6Fe2O3) basic compound through a mechanical alloying process. In this respect, a co-substitution of Mn and Ti ions for Fe was applied to Fe2O3 component at a temperature ~ 1,300 °C. The substituted alloy component was further alloyed mechanically with BaCO3 to form M-Type hexaferrite after the solid state reaction. Identification of X-Ray diffraction peaks for the mechanically alloyed materials indicates confidently that a single phase BaFe12-x-yMnxTiyO19 material was formed. Materials characterization is covering the average grain sizes and absorption of microwaves in the frequency range 1-6 GHz. Absorption with a relatively high coefficient at frequencies ~ 2,000 MHz and ~ 3,500 MHz within the available frequency range was obtained. It is shown that the co-substitution of Mn and Ti ion able to widen the absorption frequency especially in the frequencies of about 3,500 MH

    Correlation Between Communication Channels and The Perception About Geomembrane Technological Innovation of Salt Production in Sumenep Regency

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    Saluran komunikasi adalah media untuk pembangunan pertanian berkelanjutan serta pemanfaatan inovasi dan teknologi bagi peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat tanpa mengabaikan kelestarian sumber daya alam dan lingkungan. Pemerintah mendorong aplikasi inovasi teknologi geomembrane pada produksi garam dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan kualitas garam yang dihasilkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan saluran komunikasi dan persepsi petambak garam rakyat terhadap inovasi teknologi geomembrane, serta menganalisis hubungan antara saluran komunikasi dengan persepsi inovasi teknologi tambak garam. Unit analisis adalah petambak garam rakyat di Desa Gersik Putih dan Desa Sentol Daya Kabupaten Sumenep sebanyak 68 responden. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode korelasi pearson. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bawah petambak garam rakyat menggunakan seluruh saluran komunikasi kecuali media hibrida internet. Persepsi terendah adalah kerumitan dan persepsi tertinggi adalah tingkat trialabilitas pada teknologi geomembrane. Saluran komunikasi interpersonal berhubungan dengan persepsi inovasi pada karakteristik tingkat keuntungan relatif, tingkat kompabilitas, dan tingkat observabilitas, sedangkan komunikasi kelompok berhubungan negatif pada tingkat trialabilitas.The communication channel is a media for sustainable agricultural development and the use of innovation and technology for improving people's welfare without ignoring the preservation of natural and environmental resources. The government encourages the application of geomembrane technological innovations in salt production with the aim of increasing the productivity and quality of the salt produced. The purpose of this reseach is to describe the communication channels and perceptions of people's salt farmers on geomembrane technology innovation, and analyze the correlation of communication channels with perceptions of salt pond technology innovation. The unit of analysis is community salt farmers in the Gersik Putih village and Sentol Daya village, Sumenep Regency, with 68 respondents. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation method. The result of the research showed that the bottom of the salt salt farmer uses all communication channels except internet hybrid media. The lowest perception is the level of complexity and the highest perception is the level of trialability in geomembrane technology. Interpersonal communication channel related to perceptions of innovation on the characteristics of the level of relative advantage, level of compatibility, and level of observability. While group communication netagative relates to the level of trialability

    Ruang Netral di Kota Ambon (Segregasi dan Integrasi Ruang Kota)

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    Keterpisahan ruang pemukiman di kota Ambon memberikan makna tersendiri terhadap pemanfaatan maupun pola perkembangan ruang kota, bersumber dari pola pemukiman yang terpisah berdasarkan basis-basis agama (Islam dan Kristen) yang terjadi di Kota Ambon telah memberikan dorongan khusus yang sangat kuat terhadap kebutuhan-kebutuhan ruang yang dapat dimanfaatkan secara bersama-sama. Tantangan yang dihadapi, berhubungan dengan laju pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk yang cepat dan terbatasnya ketersediaan ruang pemukiman sangat mempengaruhi pola perkembangan ruang di kota Ambon, kebutuhan akan ruang yang dapat dimanfaatkan secara bersama-sama atau ruang netral sangatlah penting untuk menjaga kelangsungan kehidupan perkotaan. Ruang-ruang netral di kota Ambon terbentuk atas dasar kebutuhan akan ruang itu sendiri dengan batasan-batasan yang sangat jelas. Ruang netral dalam konteks ini adalah merupakan wadah ruang untuk menyatukan keterpisahan ruang-ruang permukiman berdasarkan basis-basis keagamaan. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan penjelasan secara terperinci terhadap ruang-ruang netral di kota Ambon pada fenomena keterpisahan lingkungan pemukiman. Netralitas ruang maupun keterpisahan pemukiman bukan merupakan hal baru yang terjadi di wilayah perkotaan, akan tetapi lain halnya yang terjadi di kota Ambon dimana keterpisahan ruang pemukiman ini telah terbentuk dan terstruktur dengan sangat jelas Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan eksplorasi terhadap ruang-ruang netral di kota Ambon yang terbentuk secara alamiah maupun yang sengaja dibentuk (ruang binaan) akibat dampak dari pada keterpisahan ruang pemukiman berdasarkan basis-basis keagamaan, penelitian ini berbasis fenomena dengan model paradigma naturalistik yang dianalisis secara induktif, maka penelitian ruang netral pada Kota Ambon menghasilkan sebuah pertanyaan besar yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah mekanisme kehidupan dan terbentuknya ruang netral terhadap ruang kota Ambon berdasarkan keterpisahan pemukiman masyarakat berbasis agama

    The literature review of the governance frameworks in health system

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    Introduction: Governance in the health system refers to a range of decision making, and implementation undertakings conducted by decision-makers as they find ways to achieve national health policy objectives that are favourable to each country's health system. Currently, there are different types of frameworks that have been developed and these frameworks try to operationalize and assess how principles of governance at different levels of a health system are administered. While a number of frameworks for assessing governance in the health sector have been proposed, their application is often constrained by impractical indicators that are often not well-grounded, resulting in limited pragmatic work on governance in the health systems itself.Methods: Adopting a scoping review method, articles were identified using these databases namely BMC, Emerald, Elsevier, PubMed, Science Direct, Sage, Springer, Taylors & Francis, WHO and Wiley. Only articles written and published in English from 2009 to 2019 were included.Results: 5 of the frameworks have actually been tested and operationalized in practice from the 13 identified and reviewed frameworks that are largely theoretically based.Conclusion: A multitude of frameworks to assess health systems governance exist, however, there are not many examples of their application in the literature and healthcare systems with well-grounded proven results. Consequently, to facilitate a more comprehensive assessment and peruse of governance frameworks in health systems, the health system should have clear goals with continuous and committed support by accountable decision-makers pivoted by principles of good governance

    An Intelligent Electrical Time Domain Reflectometry System for the Detection and Characterisation of Fault Conditions in Posttensioning Ducts of Smart Concrete Structures

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    In civil engineering structures involving prestressed concrete, the use of posttensioned systems is very common. Post-tensioning is achieved by passing steel cables into ducts previously cast into the concrete. When the concrete has set, the cables are tensioned with hydraulic jacks and then sealed into the duct by pumping in a slurry of cement and water, called grout. The grouting mixture, being alkaline in composition, protects the steel cable from corrosion

    Socio-demographic predictors of overweight and obesity among adults in Ekpoma, Nigeria

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    Background: Being overweight and obese are major causes of weight related health risks which are linked to morbidity and mortality. It is also rated as the sixth most essential threat in terms of number of deaths in the world and a major public health challenge globally. While this epidemic is prominent among developed countries, the prevalence is also increasing in developing countries such as Nigeria. The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity among adults in Ekpoma, Nigeria and also its socio-demographic predictors. Materials and Method: A cross sectional study was conducted in 2017 among adults in Ekpoma, Nigeria. The inclusion criteria included adults aged between 18 – 65 years. Data was collected using a pretested self-administered questionnaire and analysed using IBM SPSS version 22. Respondents’ body mass index (BMI) was categorised into 2 categories namely ‘overweight and obese’ and ‘not overweight and obese’. Chi square, simple and multiple logistic regressions were used to determine socio-demographic associations and predictors of ‘overweight and obesity’ among the respondents. Results: A total of 445 respondents were recruited. Most respondents’ were aged between 18-44 years (69.2%), female (51.2%), single (50.8%) and from the Edo ethnic group (72.1%), with 60.7% of them found to be ‘overweight and obese’. There were statistically significant associations between ‘overweight and obese’ with age (p = 0.001), gender (p = 0.033), marital status (p = 0.001) and ethnicity (p = 0.008). However the significant predictor for ‘overweight and obese’ was only marital status (AOR = 0.238, 95% CI = 0.143-0.398). Conclusion: The findings in this study showed that there is a high prevalence of overweight and obesity among adults in Ekpoma, Nigeria, and it is significantly associated with age, gender, marital status, and ethnicity, but only marital status is a significant predictor

    Predictors of adherence to antiretroviral therapy among human immunodeficiency virus patients in Jos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria

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    Introduction: Sustained optimal adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is required for long-term suppression of viral replication. However, adherence level in Jos, Nigeria has been reported to be below optimal adherence, thus this study investigates the predictors of adherence to antiretroviral therapy among Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) patients there. Methods: A validated and pretested questionnaire was used in this cross-sectional study to collect data on sociodemographic characteristics, duration of being on ART, alcohol consumption, presence of symptoms, drug type and disclosure status from 224 randomly selected adult HIV patients. Chi-square and binary logistics regression were used for data analysis. Level of significance was set at 0.05. Results: Only 14.3% of the respondents had optimal adherence. Adherence to ART is significantly associated with gender (p = 0.043), duration of ART use (p = 0.041), alcohol (p = 0.029), drug type (p = 0.001), and disclosure status (p = 0.004). Binary logistics regression reveals that females are 2.4 times more likely to have optimal adherence than males, patients on ART for over 10 years are 2.5 times more likely to have optimal adherence than those less than 10 years, and patients with disclosed HIV status are 3.3 times more likely to have optimal adherence than those who had not. Conclusion: Generally, the patients had suboptimal adherence. Being female, having longer duration on ART and disclosure status are predictors for optimal adherence. Intervention with emphasis on males and new patients on ART is recommended to educate on optimal adherence and motivate patients to disclose their status

    Sintesis Pigmen Besi Oksida Berbahan Baku Limbah Industri Baja (Mill Scale)

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    Limbah industri baja (mill scale) digunakan sebagai alternatif bahan baku pigmen besi oksida. Kajian ilmiah ini menjelaskan proses pembuatan pigmen besi oksida melalui metode presipitasi dengan media air. Pigmen besi oksida yang menjadi target yaitu pigmen kuning goethit ( -FeOOH) dan merah hematit ( -Fe2O3). Goethit diperoleh dengan presipitasi menggunakan amonia dari proses awal terbentuknya ferricssulfat hasil reaksi asam sulfat (H2SO4) dengan limbah mill scale, sedangkan hematit diperoleh dengan proses pemanasan goethit pada temperatur 5000C dan 9000C. Analisa XRD digunakan untuk mengetahui senyawa pigmen yang terkandung dan penggunaan DTA untuk mengetahui pola Perubahan fasa akibat proses pemanasan fasa goethit. Analisa warna pigmen menggunakan collorimetri L*a*b System. Warna pigmen yang diperoleh mempunyai tinting strength yang masih kurang dibandingkan dengan pigmen impor

    Improvement of composition of CdTe thin films during heat treatment in the presence of CdCl2

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    CdCl2 treatment is a crucial step in development of CdS/CdTe solar cells. Although this rocessing step has been used over a period of three decades, full understanding is not yet achieved. This paper reports the experimental evidence for improvement of composition of CdTe layers during CdCl2 treatment. This investigation makes use of four selected analytical techniques; Photo-electro-chemical (PEC) cell, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). CdTe layers used were electroplated using three Cd precursors; CdSO4, Cd(NO3)2 and CdCl2. Results show the improvement of stoichiometry of CdTe layers during CdCl2 treatment through chemical reaction between Cd from CdCl2 and elemental Te that usually precipitate during CdTe growth, due to its natural behaviour. XRD and SEM results show that the low-temperature (~85ºC) electroplated CdTe layers consist of ~(20-60) nm size crystallites, but after CdCl2 treatment, the layers show drastic recrystallisation with grains becoming a few microns in size. These CdCl2 treated layers are then comparable to high temperature grown CdTe layers by the size of grains