276 research outputs found

    Dinamika Penggunaan Kata dan Istilah dalam Karya Sastra Indonesia dan Implikaturnya

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    The purpose of the article is (1) to gather empirical facts about the use of words and terms in Indonesian literatures, (2) understand implicature (aditional message) behind the the dynamic use of words and terms in Indonesian literatures. The fact about awareness of the USAge of Indonesian language in literatures is expected to be supporting data in the development of Indonesian language history. The source of the data is Indonesian literatures including novels. The data are collected by reading technique, marking out, and taking notes. The data are analyzed using comparison technique, a technique that use words or terms in certain time and compared to those from another time. The result of this analysis shows that in 1980's, many Indonesia literatures used vernacular words and terms. This period of time can be used as an alternatif to mark the development of Indonesian language, especially the development of the vocabulary. Besides, the use of words and terms in the speech of Indonesian novel characters are an implication that Indonesian society, particularly the writers are worried that traditional culture will be shifted by national culture. They want to be Indonesians without losing their traditional culture

    Peminimalan Beban dan Peminimalan Paksaan sebagai Cara Berperilaku Santun dalam Berbahasa Indonesia

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    Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan cara penutur bahasa Indonesia berperilaku santun dalam berbahasa Indonesia melalui peminimalan beban dan peminimalan paksaan kepada petutur. Artikel ini ditulis berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di Padang pada tahun 2006. Data penelitian berupa tuturan bahasa Indonesia yang dihasilkan oleh penutur bahasaIndonesia dari berbagai etnis di Indonesia yang berdomisili di Padang. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan teknik pengamatan terlibat dan wawancara. Data dianalisis dengan teknik kualitatif yang didasarkan pada teori pragmatik. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa peminimalan beban dan peminimalan paksaan kepada petutur yang dilakukan penutur dalam tuturannya menimbulkan dampak pelunakan daya ilokusi sehingga tuturan dirasakan lebih santun oleh petutur

    Performance of modified non-linear shooting method for simulation of 2nd order two-point BVPS

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    In this research article, numerical solution of nonlinear 2nd order two-point boundary value problems (TPBVPs) is discussed by the help of nonlinear shooting method (NLSM), and through the modified nonlinear shooting method (MNLSM). In MNLSM, fourth order Runge-Kutta method for systems is replaced by Adams Bashforth Moulton method which is a predictor-corrector scheme. Results acquired numerically through NLSM and MNLSM of TPBVPs are discussed and analyzed. Results of the tested problems obtained numerically indicate that the performance of MNLSM is rapid and provided desirable results of TPBVPs, meanwhile MNLSM required less time to implement as comparable to the NLSM for the solution of TPBVPs

    The Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

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    This research paper presents the workplace cultural diversity of a developing country (Iraq) and its role to make the position is better than before. This paper will examine the vision of diversity, diversity in an organization, and the cultural diversity in the workplace, and its role to help the organization in its success. The research methods were used to recognize the importance of cultural diversity, using a framework with specific measures, to evaluate the points of view of administrators and decision-makers in a number of companies in Kurdistan region of Iraq. The researchers concluded that many of the respondents didn’t complain or suffer from racism in their companies in Kurdistan region of Iraq, and many of the respondents believe that their companies encourage the cultural diversity. Also, the researchers recommend that organizations in Kurdistan region of Iraq should organize conferences, meetings, and seminars to encourage the cultural diversity

    Kajian Tingkat Keterjangkauan dan Pola Preferensi Bermukim Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah dalam Mengakses Rumah di Kecamatan Ngaliyan

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    Housing development built by government and private developers are currently not able to provide affordable housing and according to the preferences of the low-income community. This condition causes a lot of low-income people prefer to inhabit the house who doesn't belong to them (rent) and be resident commuters, so they were not able to afford their own house, due to limited purchasing power. This research aims to determine the level of affordability and preference patterns of low-income communities in the Kecamatan Ngaliyan. The research used Descriptive Quantitative Method. This research shows that the majority of low-income communities in the Kecamatan Ngaliyan who work as industrial and informal workers, are still not able to access the house according to 64% of the total respondents. While there are only 36% of respondents who work as private and civil employees have been able to reach the house. Respondents have the ability to make mortgage about Rp 300,000, - - Rp 400.000, -. While the lowest price of minimal house mortgage is Rp 650,000, - - Rp 750.000, -. This conditions indicate that there's no suitable house for the financial condition of the community. There are 4 factors that affect the preferences of low-income people living in the Kecamatan Ngaliyan, such as Physical and Building Location Factor, Infrastructures Factor, Social Environmental Factor, and Perception and Economic Conditions Factor. The pattern of community preference also strongly affected by the type of job, income level, and lifestyle

    A Study on the Perceptual Relationship between Overtime and Output

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    The overtime is an extra effort to ensure that the job or duty is completed. In private universities, overtime is needed to cover all hours of the courses and this may affect in a good or bad way on the lecture "depending on the number of extra hours".  This research highlights the importance of overtime and how it affects the performance of private universities. The (SPSS) program has been used to analyze the data. 34 questionnaire papers were obtained out of 40 have been distributed on employees at Knowledge University. The study found that there is a strong relationship between employees' Productivity and factors (Wages, Environment and Health, Job content and IT skill). Moreover, there is a weak relationship between Employees' Productivity and factors (Work Arrangement, Stress–Satisfaction)

    The literature review of the governance frameworks in health system

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    Introduction: Governance in the health system refers to a range of decision making, and implementation undertakings conducted by decision-makers as they find ways to achieve national health policy objectives that are favourable to each country's health system. Currently, there are different types of frameworks that have been developed and these frameworks try to operationalize and assess how principles of governance at different levels of a health system are administered. While a number of frameworks for assessing governance in the health sector have been proposed, their application is often constrained by impractical indicators that are often not well-grounded, resulting in limited pragmatic work on governance in the health systems itself.Methods: Adopting a scoping review method, articles were identified using these databases namely BMC, Emerald, Elsevier, PubMed, Science Direct, Sage, Springer, Taylors & Francis, WHO and Wiley. Only articles written and published in English from 2009 to 2019 were included.Results: 5 of the frameworks have actually been tested and operationalized in practice from the 13 identified and reviewed frameworks that are largely theoretically based.Conclusion: A multitude of frameworks to assess health systems governance exist, however, there are not many examples of their application in the literature and healthcare systems with well-grounded proven results. Consequently, to facilitate a more comprehensive assessment and peruse of governance frameworks in health systems, the health system should have clear goals with continuous and committed support by accountable decision-makers pivoted by principles of good governance

    The squared Commutativity degree of dihedral groups

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    The commutativity degree of a finite group is the probability that a random pair of elements in the group commute. Furthermore, the n-th power commutativity degree of a group is a generalization of the commutativity degree of a group which is defined as the probability that the n-th power of a random pair of elements in the group commute. In this paper, the n-th power commutativity degree for some dihedral groups is computed for the case n equal to 2, called the squared commutativity degree

    Detection of Abnormalities based on Gamma Wave EEG Signal for Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) by using the traits of abnormalities in their gamma waveform has been proposed in this study to suggest an objective method to detect the disorder using Electroencephalography (EEG) signal. Gamma waveform plays an important role in learning, memory and information processing where it shows slower activities in ASD person compared to a normal person, thus, causing the patients to have trouble in processing knowledge, communicate and pay attention. This study applies Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) and General Regression Neural Network (GRNN) to classify the data into normal and abnormal classes. Classification algorithm by PNN was used as a benchmark for the outcomes. The results show that even though PNN and GRNN have similar architecture, but with fundamental difference, the outcomes are different. In this case, PNN performs better than GRNN. To obtain the desired results, we used three and four statistical features (mean, minimum, maximum and standard deviation) for both methods. The outcomes of using PNN with four features are more accurate (99.5% for normal class and 80.5% for abnormal class) compared to only three features. Furthermore, the outcomes of using GRNN with four features also have improvement (95% for normal class and 63.5% for abnormal class) compared to only three features

    Formation of Caco3 Particle and Conductivity of Na2co3 and Cacl2 Solution Under Magnetic Field on Dynamic Fluid System

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    Hard  water  causes  the  CaCO3  scale  formation  on  the  pipe  walls and  heat  exchanger  equipments  in  industrial  or domestic  water  processes.  A  great  number  of  experimental  researches  on  the  prevention  of the  CaCO3  precipitation process  by  magnetic  field  have  been  carried  out.  In  this  research,  Na2CO3  and  CaCl2  solutions  was  magnetized  in  the circulated  flow  condition  (dynamic  fluid  system).  The  velocity  of  fluid  and  the  circulation  time  was  modified  to examine  its influences  to  the  magnetization  process.  CaCO3  content  was measured  by  titration  method  of  EDTA complexometry.  Conductivity  test  was  conducted  to  find  out  hydrate  ion  bonding.  The  results  showed  that magnetization increased the CaCO3 formation and the optimum process reaches for 10 minutes circulation on 0.554 m/s of flow rate. Magnetic field decreases the conductivities of Na2CO3 and CaCl2  solution, hence reduced the ion hydrate bonding. These results showed that magnetization on Na2CO3 and CaCl2 ionic solution was effective in controlling the CaCO3 formation by increasing CaCO3 precipitation. &nbsp