94 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of rigidity across protein families

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    We present a comparative study in which 'pebble game' rigidity analysis is applied to multiple protein crystal structures, for each of six different protein families. We find that the main-chain rigidity of a protein structure at a given hydrogen bond energy cutoff is quite sensitive to small structural variations, and conclude that the hydrogen bond constraints in rigidity analysis should be chosen so as to form and test specific hypotheses about the rigidity of a particular protein. Our comparative approach highlights two different characteristic patterns ('sudden' or 'gradual') for protein rigidity loss as constraints are removed, in line with recent results on the rigidity transitions of glassy networks

    The Strategic Model of Development of Intellectual Capital to Ensure Ukraine’s Competitiveness

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    The article is aimed at building a strategic model of development priority of intellectual capital components to ensure Ukraine’s competitiveness. The scheme of the stages of assessment of intellectual capital at the national level is provided. The most important and final stage is the building of a strategic model of intellectual capital development. The basic components of intellectual capital are allocated through important spheres of development of national economy. Using the method of paired comparisons, weight coefficients for the priority components of intellectual capital as a factor of competitiveness of Ukraine have been found. It is suggested to use the built model of development of intellectual capital for improvement of competitive positions of the country

    Hybrid Orthorhombic Carbon Flakes Intercalated with Bimetallic Au-Ag Nanoclusters: Influence of Synthesis Parameters on Optical Properties

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    Until recently, planar carbonaceous structures such as graphene did not show any birefringence under normal incidence. In contrast, a recently reported novel orthorhombic carbonaceous structure with metal nanoparticle inclusions does show intrinsic birefringence, outperforming other natural orthorhombic crystalline materials. These flake-like structures self-assemble during a laser-induced growth process. In this article, we explore the potential of this novel material and the design freedom during production. We study in particular the dependence of the optical and geometrical properties of these hybrid carbon-metal flakes on the fabrication parameters. The influence of the laser irradiation time, concentration of the supramolecular complex in the solution, and an external electric field applied during the growth process are investigated. In all cases, the self-assembled metamaterial exhibits a strong linear birefringence in the visible spectral range, while the wavelength-dependent attenuation was found to hinge on the concentration of the supramolecular complex in the solution. By varying the fabrication parameters one can steer the shape and size of the flakes. This study provides a route towards fabrication of novel hybrid carbon-metal flakes with tailored optical and geometrical properties

    Theoretical Studies of the Magnetic Anisotropy of Cobalt Films Separated by a Copper Plate

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    In this work, we studied the energy and magnetic properties of the Co/Cu/Co system. Calculations have shown that for the (100) and (111) faces, direction of magnetic moments parallel to the film plane is energetically favorable. For the (110) face, a weak perpendicular magnetoanisotropy was obtainedИсследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке Минобрнауки РФ (соглашение 0741-2020-0002)


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    The FexTiS2 intercalation system with atom Fe concentration x=1/3 was studied using first-principle calculations and evolutionary algorithms. Calculations were performed for a single unit cell for various magnetic and nonmagnetic configurations with changes in the shape and volume of the unit cell.Исследования проведены с использованием ресурсов Центра коллективного пользования научным оборудованием «Центр обработки и хранения научных данных ДВО РАН», финансируемого Минобрнауки России по соглашению № 075-15-2021-663

    Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance on the ‘One Health’ approaches

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    У книзі представлені сучасні дані про стан антимікробної резистентності основних збудників інфекцій, пов’язаних з наданням медичної допомоги в Україні. Розглядається проблеми появи та поширення резистентності мікроорганізмів до протимікробних препаратів, зокрема до антибіотиків, антисептиків та дезінфекційних засобів в стаціонарах та його рушійні сили. Показано роль харчових продуктів рослинного та тваринного походження в передачі резистентних мікроорганізмів до людині. На підставі аналізу сучасної наукової літератури, міжнародних стандартів та рекомендацій ВООЗ, ФАО та інших міжнародних організацій, а також результатів власних досліджень, автори пропонують пріоритетні шляхи боротьби з інфекціями, пов’язаними з наданням медичної допомоги, спричинених з мультірезистентними мікроорганізмами на підходах «Єдине здоров’я». Особлива увага приділена питанням, стосовно яких інформація у науковій літературі є обмеженою, або взагалі відсутня, які потребують додаткових досліджень. Монографія містить важливу наукову та практичну інформацію і представлятиме інтерес для науковців, організаторів закладів охорони здоров’я, лікарів-клініцистів різних спеціальностей, епідеміологів, бактеріологів, спеціалістів у галузі ветеринарії, а також студентів вищих медичних закладів ІІІ та ІV рівня акредитації


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    The aim of the study was to identify the key problems of regional health services in the Siberian Federal district and justification of the priority directions of their decision. For the first time using the method of expert estimations conducted a study of health problems in the Federal district, identified key issues, as well as justifies the priority directions of their decisions. The study was conducted on the basis of statistical materials of the health authorities of the regions of Siberian Federal district, as well as expert assessments. Identified key health issues and priorities of their decision. Based on the systematic work of the expert community and across government levels defined key for the regions of Siberia health problems and justify the priority directions of their solutions tailored to focus efforts in the social sphere, which will allow to coordinate policies in the health sector on the territory of the Siberian Federal district, which in turn, will increase its effectiveness.Целью исследования было определение ключевых проблем регионального здравоохранения в Сибирском федеральном округе (СФО) и обоснование приоритетных направлений их решения. Впервые с использованием метода экспертных оценок проведено изучение проблем здравоохранения в федеральном округе, выявлены ключевые проблемы, а также обоснованы приоритетные направления их решения. Исследование проведено на основе статистических материалов органов управления здравоохранением регионов СФО, а также экспертных оценок. Определены ключевые проблемы здравоохранения и приоритетные направления их решения. На основе системной работы экспертного сообщества и органов государственного управления разных уровней определены ключевые для регионов Сибири проблемы здравоохранения и обоснованы приоритетные направления их решения с учетом фокусных усилий в социальной сфере, что позволит скоординировать политику в сфере здравоохранения на территории СФО, что, в свою очередь, позволит повысить ее эффективность

    Clinical Practice Guidelines of the Russian Society for the Study of the Liver, the Russian Gastroenterological Association, the National Scientific Society of Infectious Disease Specialists for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C

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    Аim: diagnosis and treatment algorithms in the clinical recommendations intended for general practitioners, gastroenterologists, infectious disease specialists, hepatologists on the of chronic hepatitis C are presented.Summary. Chronic viral hepatitis C is a socially significant infection, the incidence of which in the Russian Federation remains significantly high. Over the past 10 years, great progress has been made in the treatment of hepatitis C — direct acting antiviral drugs have appeared. The spectrum of their effectiveness allows to achieve a sustained virological response in more than 90 % of cases, even in groups that were not previously considered even as candidates for therapy or were difficult to treat — patients receiving renal replacement therapy, after liver transplantation (or other organs), at the stage of decompensated liver cirrhosis, HIV co-infected, etc. Interferons are excluded from the recommendations due to their low effectiveness and a wide range of adverse events. The indications for the treatment have been expanded, namely, the fact of confirmation of viral replication. The terms of dispensary observation of patients without cirrhosis of the liver have been reduced (up to 12 weeks after the end of therapy). Also, these recommendations present approaches to active screening of hepatitis in risk groups, preventive and rehabilitation measures after the end of treatment.Conclusion. Great success has been achieved in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C. In most cases, eradication of viral HCV infection is a real task even in patients at the stage of cirrhosis of the liver, with impaired renal function, HIV co-infection, after solid organs transplantation