679 research outputs found

    Willingness to Pay for Improved Milk Sensory Characteristics and Assurances in Northern Kenya Using Experimental Auctions

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    Pastoralists in northern Kenya may be able to diversify income by selling milk in nearby towns and cities. However, milk sold in open-air markets in communities in northern Kenya is often of low quality in terms of its sensory characteristics. The milk is also often adulterated before sale. These markets are characterized by poor consumers who need to make choices about milk quality with virtually no information other than their own sensory perceptions. These conditions are similar in many parts of the world for many different commodities and products. An examination was undertaken using experimental auctions to determine if consumers in the border town of Moyale, Kenya are willing to pay for enhanced milk sensory characteristics and assurances. The results suggest that even poor consumers are willing to pay for enhanced sensory characteristics and assurances if these can be communicated in a trusted manner. Older, relatively well-informed women are the group most willing to pay the highest prices for milk quality.willingness-to-pay, milk, Kenya, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance, Q10, Q14,

    Scaling up antiretroviral therapy in Malawi-implications for managing other chronic diseases in resource-limited countries.

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    The national scale-up of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Malawi is based on the public health approach, with principles and practices borrowed from the successful DOTS (directly observed treatment, short course) tuberculosis control framework. The key principles include political commitment, free care, and standardized systems for case finding, treatment, recording and reporting, and drug procurement. Scale-up of ART started in June 2004, and by December 2008, 223,437 patients were registered for treatment within a health system that is severely underresourced. The Malawi model for delivering lifelong ART can be adapted and used for managing patients with chronic noncommunicable diseases, the burden of which is already high and continues to grow in low-income and middle-income countries. This article discusses how the principles behind the successful Malawi model of ART delivery can be applied to the management of other chronic diseases in resource-limited settings and how this paradigm can be used for health systems strengthening

    Pathophysiological and immunological studies of bovine trypanosomiasis

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    No abstract available. General introduction on p. 1-10

    RĂ©alisation et simulation d’un modĂšle rapide d’Amplificateur OpĂ©rationnel en technologie CMOS

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    L’objectif de cet article est de montrer comment concevoir un prototype rapide d’amplificateur opĂ©rationnel (AOP) fait Ă  base de la technologie CMOS sur le logiciel de simulation Proteus. Cet AOP est pour l’utilisation intĂ©grĂ© des systĂšmes de dĂ©tection Ă  silicon strip, Si (Li), CdZnTe et CsI etc. Ce circuit Ă  trois Ă©tages permet de rĂ©aliser des performances aussi compĂ©titives que celles des prĂ©cĂ©dents amplificateurs opĂ©rationnels. Ce systĂšme de performance relative a un gain diffĂ©rentiel de 47,90 dB ; une impĂ©dance d’entrĂ©e de 1015B ; une impĂ©dance de sortie de 25B ; un taux de rĂ©jection en mode commun 57,80 dB et une vitesse de balayage de 27,5V/Es.Mots-clĂ©s : amplificateur opĂ©rationnel, CMOS transistor, comparateur, simulation

    Effects of High-Frequency Proprioceptive Training on Single Stance Stability in Older Adults: Implications for Fall Prevention

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    Single-limb stance instability is a major risk factor for falls in older adults. Thus, improvement of stance stability could play an important role in fall prevention. This study aimed to determine whether high-frequency proprioceptive training (HPT) could significantly improve single stance stability (SSS) in older adults, by increasing proprioceptive control and optimizing the contribution of vision. Sixty-one subjects (30 men, 31 women) aged 65-85 years were investigated. The subjects were randomly assigned to three intervention groups, i.e., HPT, treadmill, and no intervention, stratifying by gender and proprioceptive control at baseline. Stability tests and HPT, consisting of 12 sessions (6 weeks), were performed with computerized postural stations. Pre-post analysis showed that HPT significantly improved SSS by increasing proprioceptive control (p<0.001) and postural control (p<0.01). The treadmill and no intervention groups did not show any significant change. The results showed that different levels of proprioceptive control may activate, inhibit, or minimize the stabilizing intervention of vision. Given that HPT significantly reduced ankle sprains and low back pain in professional athletes (previous study), we discuss the hypothesis that the risk of falls in older adults and the risk of recurrent injuries in athletes would have a common origin: lack of proprioceptive control consequent to reduced interaction with uneven ground. The findings suggest that HPT may be a powerful activator of refined proprioceptive control, which allows increased SSS, safer interaction with the ground, and mitigation of other risk factors

    Exploring the bottom end of the water ladder

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    The revised Universal Access Plan of the Ethiopian government, encourages low cost individual/ community initiatives in improved rural water supply. This should provide a major contribution to the target of 98% coverage by 2015. However federal and regional governments are worried about water quality implications and what level of household initiative should count within coverage statistics. In response to this concern, RiPPLE has carried out a comprehensive study of low cost water supplies, from unlined wells with rope and bucket, to protected handpump supplies in one region, SNNPR. This paper presents some of the preliminary results of the study, particularly in terms of water quality, quantity and reliability. It combines the concerns of users and government in proposing a simple method of source assessment which can be as effectively applied to the bottom rungs of the water technology ladder as to conventional supplies and suggests a continuum between them

    Economic evaluation of short treatment for multidrugresistant tuberculosis, Ethiopia and South Africa : the STREAM trial

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    OBJECTIVE STREAM was a phase-III non-inferiority randomised controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate a shortened regimen for multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), and included the first-ever within-trial economic evaluation of such regimens, reported here. METHODS We compared the costs of ‘Long’ (20-22 months) and ‘Short’ (9-11 months) regimens in Ethiopia and South Africa. Cost data were collected from trial participants, and health system costs estimated using ‘bottom-up’ and ‘top-down’ costing approaches. A cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted with the trial primary outcome as the measure of effectiveness, including a probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA) to illustrate decision uncertainty. FINDINGS The Short-regimen reduced healthcare costs per case by 21% in South Africa (US8,341LongvsUS8,341 Long vs US6,619 Short) and 25% in Ethiopia (US6,097LongvsUS6,097 Long vs US4,552 Short). The largest component of this saving was medication in South Africa (67%) and social support in Ethiopia (35%). In Ethiopia, participants on the Short-regimen reported reductions in dietary supplementation expenditure (US225percase(95225 per case (95%CI 133-297)), and greater productivity (667 additional hours worked, 95%CI 193– 1127). Patient cost savings also arose from fewer visits to health facilities (Ethiopia US13 (95%CI 11-14), South Africa US64(9564 (95%CI 50-77) per case). The probability of cost-effectiveness was >95% when favourable outcomes were valued at <US19,000 (Ethiopia) or <US$14,500 (South Africa). CONCLUSION The Short-regimen provided substantial health system cost savings and reduced financial burden on participants. Shorter regimens are likely to be cost-effective in most settings, and an effective strategy to support the WHO goal of eliminating catastrophic costs in T

    Abundance and Diversity of Dung Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) as Affected by Grazing Management in the Nebraska Sandhills Ecosystem

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    Dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) serve a significant role in regulating ecosystem services on rangelands. However, the influence of grazing management on dung beetle communities remains largely unknown. The purpose of this study was to investigate dung beetle abundance and diversity throughout the grazing season in the Nebraska Sandhills Ecoregion. Grazing treatments included: continuous grazing (CONT), low-stocking rotational grazing (LSR), high-stocking rotational grazing (HSR), and no grazing (NG). The abundance and diversity of dung beetles were measured in the 2014 and 2015 grazing seasons using dung-baited pitfall traps. Dung beetle abundance for each grazing treatment was characterized through four indices: peak abundance, species richness, Simpson’s diversity index, and Simpson’s evenness. A total of 4,192 dung beetles were collected through both years of trapping in this study. Peak abundance and species richness were greater in grazed treatments when compared to NG in both years. Peak abundance in the HSR was 200% (2014) and 120% (2015) higher than in the LSR. Species richness in the HSR was 70% (2014) and 61% (2015) higher than in the LSR, and 89% (2014) and 133% (2015) higher than in CONT. Simpson’s diversity index was lower in the NG and CONT treatments when compared to the LSR or HSR treatments for both years. We conclude that rotational grazing, regardless of stocking density, promoted dung beetle abundance and diversity within the Nebraska Sandhills Ecoregion

    Abundance and Diversity of Dung Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) as Affected by Grazing Management in the Nebraska Sandhills Ecosystem

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    Dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) serve a significant role in regulating ecosystem services on rangelands. However, the influence of grazing management on dung beetle communities remains largely unknown. The purpose of this study was to investigate dung beetle abundance and diversity throughout the grazing season in the Nebraska Sandhills Ecoregion. Grazing treatments included: continuous grazing (CONT), low-stocking rotational grazing (LSR), high-stocking rotational grazing (HSR), and no grazing (NG). The abundance and diversity of dung beetles were measured in the 2014 and 2015 grazing seasons using dung-baited pitfall traps. Dung beetle abundance for each grazing treatment was characterized through four indices: peak abundance, species richness, Simpson’s diversity index, and Simpson’s evenness. A total of 4,192 dung beetles were collected through both years of trapping in this study. Peak abundance and species richness were greater in grazed treatments when compared to NG in both years. Peak abundance in the HSR was 200% (2014) and 120% (2015) higher than in the LSR. Species richness in the HSR was 70% (2014) and 61% (2015) higher than in the LSR, and 89% (2014) and 133% (2015) higher than in CONT. Simpson’s diversity index was lower in the NG and CONT treatments when compared to the LSR or HSR treatments for both years. We conclude that rotational grazing, regardless of stocking density, promoted dung beetle abundance and diversity within the Nebraska Sandhills Ecoregion

    Model and Sensor-Based Recommendation Approaches for In-Season Nitrogen Management in Corn

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    Nitrogen management for corn (Zea mays L.) may be improved by applying a portion of N in-season. This investigation was conducted to evaluate crop modeling (Maize-N) and active crop canopy sensing approaches for recommending in-season N fertilizer rates. These approaches were evaluated during 2012–2013 on 11 field sites, in Missouri, Nebraska, and North Dakota. Nitrogen management also included a no-N treatment (check) and a non-limiting N reference (all at planting). Nitrogen management treatments were assessed for two hybrids and at low and high seeding rates, arranged in a randomized complete block design. In 9 of 11 site-years, the sensor-based approach recommended lower in-season N rates than the model (collectively 59% less N), resulting in trends of higher partial factor productivity of nitrogen (PFPN) and higher agronomic efficiency (AE) than the model. However, yield was better protected by the model-based approach. In some situations, canopy sensing excelled at optimizing the N rate for localized conditions. With abnormally warm and moist soil conditions for the 2012 Nebraska sites and presumed high levels of inorganic N from mineralization, N application was appropriately reduced, resulting in no yield decrease and N savings compared to the non-limiting N reference. Depending on the site, both recommendation approaches were successful; a combination of model and sensor information may optimize in-season decision support for N recommendation
