676 research outputs found

    Regional variety and employment growth in Italian labour market areas: services versus manufacturing industries

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    This paper investigates the impact of regional sectoral diversity on regional employment growth in Italy over the period 1991-2001. Assuming that externalities may be stronger between industries selling similar products or sharing the same skills and technology (i.e. related industries), we analyze the role of different forms of sectoral variety at the Local Labour System (LLS) level. We consider variety both in terms of shared complementary competences that induce effective interactive learning and innovation, as well as a portfolio strategy to protect a region from external shocks in demand. Our results show strong evidence of a general beneficial effect of a diversified sectoral structure but suggest also the need to differentiate the analysis between manufacturing and services. In particular, overall local employment growth seems to be favoured by the presence of a higher variety of related service industries, while no role is played by related variety in manufacturing. When looking at diversity externalities between macro-aggregates, the service industry is affected by related variety in manufacturing, while no evidence of externalities is found from tertiary sectors to manufacturing

    High frequency of inadequate test requests for antiphospholipid antibodies in daily clinical practice

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    Abstract Background: We have empirically noted that many physicians routinely request anti-phospholipid antibodies (aPL) without a correct clinical indication. The aim of this study was to evaluate retrospectively whether aPL testing at our Thrombosis Centre was justified. Methods: Medical records from 520 subjects for aPL screening tests for various clinical conditions were reviewed. The aPL screening tests were: lupus anticoagulant (LA), anti-cardiolipin antibodies (aCL) and anti-β(2) glycoptotein I (aβ(2) GPI). Requests for aPL screening were divided into justified, potentially justified or not adequately justified. Results: aPL testing requests were considered justified in 358 (69%) patients, potentially justified in 66 (12.6%) and not adequately justified in 96 (18.4%). LA was positive in 65 (18%) of justified requests and in only one (1%) of the 96 potentially justified requests. None of the 66 not adequately justified for aPL testing was positive for LA. aβ(2) ..

    Confidence predictive distributions: an application to temperature forecasting in Veneto

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    Post-processing techniques are nowadays frequently used in order to reduce the impact of errors in ensemble forecasts of meteorological variables. Ensemble model output statistics (EMOS) are a widely spread post-processing approach built on a heteroscedastic linear regression model. After replacing unknown parameters with suitable estimates, an estimative EMOS distribution function for prediction is obtained. However, it is well known that forecasts based on estimative EMOS may lack calibration, particularly when the number of ensembles is large compared to the number of historical observations. Here, we suggest overcoming this drawback by applying in the EMOS context a predictive approach based on the concept of confidence distribution. The result is a new predictive distribution that takes the form of a variance correction of the classical estimative EMOS distribution. The performance of the confidence EMOS distribution is tested on a real-data application for temperature forecasting. It can be seen that our proposal performs better than the classical estimative EMOS, both in terms of coverage probabilities and log-score

    On the use of shape memory alloys for deployable passive heat radiators in space satellites

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    The present work presents a multifunctional structure for space engineering application part of the TOPDESS project, funded by ESA. The main aim of the project is the design of a thermal control device able to deploy through passive actuation. A combined device has been designed, made up of a Pulsating Heat Pipe (PHP) foldable heat exchanger and Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) wire. The deployment of the SMA wire is conceived to be controlled by thermal contact with the heat source and by conduction along the wire. Since the heat sources are lumped and the wire is subject to convection, a temperature gradient develops along the wire. A monodimensional mode able to predict the behavior of an SMA wire subjected to a spatial temperature gradient, is presented in this paper. The results show that the system can carry out folding and unfolding cycles with rotation angles greater than 80° only if the wire is subjected to uniform temperature distribution; in the case of temperature gradient, the achievable rotation angle is about 20°. The analysis states the feasibility of the actuation system, highlighting the critical technological aspects, to lay the groundwork for the future development of the whole system

    Heat transfer delay method for the fluid velocity evaluation in a multi-turn pulsating heat pipe

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    A multi-turn closed loop pulsating heat pipe made of aluminium is tested in vertical bottom heated mode and different condenser temperatures with the aim of providing quantitative information regarding its flow dynamics through a novel post-processing technique on the local wall-to-fluid heat flux, evaluated within the adiabatic section. The studied device is made of an annealed aluminium tube (inner/outer diameter: 3/5 mm), folded in 14 turns and partially filled with methanol (volumetric filling ratio: 50%). The aluminium channels are coated with a high-emissivity opaque paint, thus allowing thermographic measurements on the outer wall by means of a high-resolution medium wave infrared camera. The proposed method, named Heat Transfer Delay Method, is validated by means of a dedicated experimental approach. Then, the acquired time-space temperature maps are used as input data for the inverse heat conduction problem resolution approach to estimate the local convective heat flux locally exchanged at the inner wall-fluid interface. The resulting wall-to-fluid heat fluxes are then post- processed by applying the Heat Transfer Delay Method to the oscillatory and circulatory flow modes. The average fluid velocity is assessed at varying working conditions during the circulatory flow, finding values up to 0.77 m/s and 0.3 m/s for condenser temperature equal to 20 â—¦C and 10 â—¦ C, respectivel

    Effect of the application of an electric field on the performance of a two-phase loop device: Preliminary results

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    In the last decade, the continuous development of electronics has pointed out the need for a change in mind with regard to thermal management. In the present scenario, Pulsating Heat Pipes (PHPs) are novel promising two-phase passive heat transport devices that seem to meet all present and future thermal requirements. Nevertheless, PHPs governing phenomena are quite unique and not completely understood. In particular, single closed loop PHPs manifest several drawbacks, mostly related to the reduction of device thermal performance and reliability, i.e. the occurrence of multiple operational quasi-steady states. The present research work proposes the application of an electric field as a technique to promote the circulation of the working fluid in a preferential direction and stabilize the device operation. The tested single closed loop PHP is made of a copper tube with an inner tube diameter equal to 2.00 mm and filled with pure ethanol (60% filling ratio). The electric field is generated by a couple of wire-shaped electrodes powered with DC voltage up to 20 kV and laid parallel to the longitudinal axis of the glass tube constituting the adiabatic section. Although the electric field intensity in the working fluid region is weakened both by the polarization phenomenon of the working fluid and by the interposition of the glass tube, the experimental results highlight the influence of the electric field on the device thermal performance and encourage the continuation of the research in this direction

    Coping with cybervictimization: The role of direct confrontation and resilience on adolescent wellbeing

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    Background. Recent studies have consistently identified the negative consequences of cyberbullying on adolescent mental health. Nevertheless, not all cybervictims are alike, and in the last few years some evidence has appeared indicating that faced with cyberbullying, victims may manifest different emotional outcomes. In this study, we explored whether cybervictim resilience fully or partially mediates the effects of cybervictimization and whether a confrontational coping strategy impacts emotional symptoms. Methods. The study was carried out with a sample of 474 high school students equally distributed between males and females. Data were collected using a questionnaire comprising four measures assessing cybervictimization, direct confrontation coping strategy, resilience and emotional symptoms. Results. Structural equation modelling indicated that the effects of cybervictimization and confrontational coping strategy on emotional symptoms were mediated by resilience, with cybervictimization showing a positive effect while direct confrontation a negative effect. Cybervictimization also showed a positive direct effect on emotional symptoms. Conclusions. These results are presented in light of their implications for designing effective interventions able to protect and promote adolescents\u2019 psychological wellbeing

    An Innovative Enhanced Wall to Reduce the Energy Demand in Buildings

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    Energy saving in buildings is one of most important issues for European countries. Although in the last years many studies have been carried out in order to reach the zero-consumption house the energy rate due to passive solar heating could be further enhanced. This paper proposes a method for increasing the energy rate absorbed by opaque walls by using a two phase loop thermosyphon connecting the internal and the external façade of a prefabricated house wall. The evaporator zone is embedded into the outside facade and the condenser is indoor placed to heat the domestic environment. The thermosyphon has been preliminary designed and implanted into a wall for a prefabricated house in Italy. An original dynamic thermal model of the building equipped with the thermosyphon wall allowed the evolution of the indoor temperature over time and the energy saving rates. The transient behaviour of the building has been simulated during the winter period by using the EnergyPlusTM software. The annual saving on the heating energy is higher than 50% in the case of a low consumption building


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    Abstract. Cultural Heritage goods represent the memory and the history of the civilization. Notwithstanding, there are not sufficient public resources to guarantee their preservation and maintenance. Nowadays between several geomatic techniques available, the pillar for the preservation of mankinds heritage is the low cost close photogrammetric acquisition. The advantages of virtual reconstructions based on Multi View Stereo (MVS) and Structure from Motion (SfM) algorithms is extended from the heritage documentation to its virtualization or modelling. The digital preservation of archaeological sites is committed in more agile and friendly procedures that give automatic extraction of information to perform in depth analysis over ancient artefacts. In the field of CH research, the characterization and classification of the conservation state of the materials composing the surface of the artefacts are essential to study their damage. The first step for conservation state of a goods is the study of the changes in different times. The possibility to automatically study this time modification due to different factor represents a key point for the archaeologists' work. With this in mind, the aim of this work is to propose a completely automatic methods for change detection between three data set acquired in different époques. The work flow applied is based on the unsupervised clustering techniques applied on a combination of two type of differences images. The results, unlike the objective, demonstrate that the unsupervised methods are not effectiveness in the CH study, instead of the supervised methods that outperforms in terms of reliability of results.</p

    An Innovative Enhanced Wall to Reduce the Energy Demand in Buildings

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    Energy saving in buildings is one of most important issues for European countries. The 40% of the total European energy consumption is due to building Heating and conditioning. Although in the last years many studies have been carried out in order to reach the zero-consumption house by means of passive solar heating, ventilation or thermal insulation, the energy rate due to passive solar heating could be further enhanced. This paper proposes a method for increasing the energy rate absorbed by opaque walls by using a two phase loop thermosyphon connecting the internal and the external façade of a prefabricated house wall. The evaporator zone is located on the outside face and it is irradiated by the sunlight while the condenser zone is placed on the internal face and releases heat to the domestic environment. The temperature differences between the internal and external wall facades are lower than 30 K and the heat fluxes at the evaporator change during the day from 2 up to 7 x 104 W/m2 K. The thermosyphon has been preliminary designed and implanted into a wall for a prefabricated house in Italy. A thermal model of building equipped with the thermosiphon wall has been used in order to evaluate the impact in terms of energy saving and thermal comfort in a real prefabricated low consumption house. The transient behaviour of the building has been simulated day by day during the winter period by using the EnergyPlusTM software. This solution enhances the thermal comfort of the building by keeping the indoor temperature close to the thermal comfort standard for most of the day. The annual saving on the heating energy is higher than 50% in the case of a low consumption buildin
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