361 research outputs found

    Analisis Keberkelanjutan USAhatani Tanaman Karet Di Lahan Gambut Terdegradasi: Studi Kasus Di Kalimantan Tengah / Analysis of the Sustainablility of Rubber Plantations Farming System in Degraded Peatland: a Case Study in Central Kalimantan

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    Analisis keberlanjutan USAhatani tanaman karet bertujuan untuk menilai tingkat keberlanjutan dari aplikasi model USAhatani yang dikembangkan dalam suatu demplot pola tanam (intercropping) di lahan gambut terdegradasi, dengan tanaman pokok tanaman karet dengan tanaman sela nenas di antara tanaman pokok karet dan aplikasi amelioran, yang berlokasi di Desa/Kecamatan Jabiren, Pulangpisau (Kalimantan Tengah). Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei terstruktur dengan memilih 30 responden petani di sekitar demplot. Analisis dilakukan dengan pendekatan multidimensi (multidimentional scaling/MDS), meliputi dimensi sosial, ekonomi dan dimensi lingkungan. Tingkat keberlanjutan (Ikb) USAhatani tanaman karet di lahan gambut terdegradasi yang didasarkan pada nilai indeks keberlanjutan multidimensi di lokasi penelitian menunjukkan skala cukup berkelanjutan dengan nilai indeks 66,69, artinya model USAhatani yang dikembangkan cukup berkelanjutan. Dengan kata lain bahwa model USAhatani tersebut memberi manfaat secara ekonomi, secara sosial dapat diterima masyarakat, dan secara ekologis tidak merusak lingkungan. Dimensi sosial lebih dominan menentukan keberlanjutan USAhatani yaitu kontribusi terhadap Ikb sebesar 72,65 dibanding dengan dimensi ekonomi dan lingkungan dengan kontribusi nilai masing-masing 68,11 dan 57,25. Faktor yang peka mempengaruhi keberlanjutan, meliputi: intensitas penyuluhan (dimensi sosial), kestabilan harga hasil petani pada saat panen (dimensi ekonomi), pH air di lahan USAhatani dan fluktuasi debit air di lahan petani (dimensi lingkungan/ekologi)

    Pendapatan Masyarakat dari Hutan dan Faktorfaktor Sosial Ekonomi yang Mempengaruhinya: Kasus Desa Penyangga Tnks di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan

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    Areal Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat (TNKS) di wilayah penyangga Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan mengalami degradasi hutan tertinggi diantara daerah-daerah penyangga lainnya, yaitu mencapai 1.570 ha atau 34,23% dari luas total degradasi hutan yang terjadi di seluruh kawasan TNKS. Fakta tersebut diduga erat kaitannya dengan kegiatan illegal logging dan kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat desa penyangga. Salah satu pendapatan hutan pada masyarakat desa penyangga diantaranya adalah hasil kayu dari kegiatan illegal logging. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengkaji proporsi pendapatan dari hutan pada masyarakat desa penyangga, serta menganalisis pengaruh fakior-faktor sosial ekonomi rumah tangga terhadap pendapatan hutan. Metode penelitian yang yang digunakan adalah gabungan antara wawancara terstruktur dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara tidak terstruktur. Analisa data dilakukan secara deskriptif dan analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan masyarakat dari kayu balok jauh lebih besar dibandingkan dengan pendapatan hasil hutan lainnya. Pendapatan dari hasil kayu (kayu balok) mencapai Rp 282.499,- atau 66,05% dari total pendapatan/bulan. Hasil analisis regresi berganda menunjukkan bahwa faktor Umur Responden dan Jumlah Anggota Rumah Tangga, memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan dan penurunan pendapatan masyarakat dari hutan

    Kebijakan Pemanfaatan Lahan Rawa Pasang Surut Untuk Mendukung Kedaulatan Pangan Nasional

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    . Tidal area is a very important resource in order to meet national food requirements in line with the increase inpopulation and the rate of conversion of paddy fields, especially in Java. The potential of tidal wetlands very widely predicted 20.1million ha, in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Papua, Sulawesi, including 9.53 million hectares suitable for agricultural cultivation andpotentially a source of new growth in agricultural production. From experience in several locations tidal, when managed properlyproduce rice production is quite high. In a tidal swamp land use, particularly in support of national food sovereignity, need somestrategy include: strengthening technological innovation through research and development activities; strengthening harmoniouscolaboration, synergistic and participatory between the parties concerned; regulation tidal swamp land development; zoningdevelopment of commodities; development of supporting infrastructure; strengthening the distribution and marketing ofagricultural products

    Formulasi Gaya Bahasa Ingkari Dalam Alquran

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    This research article is a summary of the results of the group research that aims to describe the formulation of the denied style seen from uslub nahwi-bahalaghi. Sources of data were taken through the Qur\u27an Manuscripts documentation published by the Department of the Ministry of Religious Affairs in 1990 in collaboration with the Department of Islamic, Endowments and Propagation Affairs Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The object of research is focused on the formulation of a set of spoken language style denied by the infidels and idolaters. The data were collected through documentation and recording format. Then the data is analyzed qualitatively through jawanib nahwiyah-balaghiyah and quantitatively through frequency, percentage, mean, and range. The results showed that of uslub nahwi, denied style is using uslub nahwi consisting of terms: qasam, and tahdid, while from uslub balaghi, denied uslub is using qashar, amr, nahy, and istifham. Denied sslub arised because of personality factors including attitudes, syirk beliefs, accuseing themselves as God\u27s sons and beloved, swearing not shirk, assumption of that Ezra and Jesus were the son of God; assumption of that the Qur\u27an is the tales of the past; asssumption of that preacher is weak reasonable, sorcerer, liar, lunatic, preventor of their worship, prohibition of hearing the Qur\u27an; assuming that the believer is someone misguided and ridiculous; and assumptions of that they could bear the sins of the believers

    Innovation Learning: Audio Visual and Outdoor Study to Enhance Student's Understanding of Disaster

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    Education is functioned to prepare human to compete in overcoming various challenges. One of challenge faced by Indonesian nation is natural disaster. The effective method to reduce the risk of natural disaster (disaster mitigation) is by enhancing understanding of disaster in each individual. Aceh Tsunami Museum (ATM) is one of important site which is build to remember the big disaster event which happened in 2004 in Aceh and as disaster learning source. This study is aimed to find out the influence of ATM utilization in enhancing students' understanding of disaster, by using outdoor study method (visit ATM) and audio visual media (Film with disaster themed). The research design is Experimental quasi. Sample of this study are students of class X-2 IS and X-3 IS with total of 57 students. Data is obtained from literature study, observation, test, questionnaire, and documentary study. The result showed that utilizing ATM by outdoor study method can better enhance understanding of disaster compared to audio visual media. Constructivism learning approach can create more meaningful learning. Teachers are suggested to apply constructivism learning approach in learning process

    Reduced graphene oxide-multiwalled carbon nanotubes hybrid film with low Pt loading as counter electrode for improved photovoltaic performance of dye-sensitised solar cells

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    In this work, the role of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) with hyperbranched surfactant and its hybridisation with multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and platinum (Pt) nanoparticles (NPs) as counter electrode (CE) were investigated to determine the photovoltaic performance of dye-sensitised solar cells (DSSCs). Sodium 1,4-is(neopentyloxy)-3-(neopentyloxycarbonyl)- 1,4-dioxobutane-2-sulphonate (TC14) surfactant was utilised as dispersing and stabilising agent in electrochemical exfoliation to synthesise graphene oxide (GO) as initial solution for rGO production prior to its further hybridisation and fabrication as thin film. A chemical reduction process utilising hydrazine hydrate was conducted to produce rGO due to the low temperature process and water-based GO solution. Subsequently, hybrid solution was prepared by mixing 1 wt% MWCNTs into the produced rGO solution. TC14-rGO and TC14-rGO_MWCNTs hybrid solution were transferred into fluorine-doped tin oxide substrate to fabricate thin film by spraying deposition method. Finally, the CE films were prepared by coating with thin Pt NPs. Photoanode film was prepared by a two-step process: hydrothermal growth method to synthesise titanium dioxide nanowires (TiO2 NWs) and subsequent squeegee method to apply TiO2 NPs. According to solar simulator measurement, the highest energy conversion efficiency (η) was achieved by using CE-based TC14-rGO_MWCNTs/Pt (1.553%), with the highest short current density of 4.424 mA/cm2. The highest η was due to the high conductivity of CE hybrid film and the morphology of fabricated TiO2 NWs/TiO2 NPs. Consequently, the dye adsorption was high, and the photovoltaic performance of DSSCs was increased. This result also showed that rGO and rGO_MWCNTs hybrid can be used as considerable potential candidate materials to replace Pt gradually

    Analisis Mutu, Produktivitas, Keberlanjutan Dan Arahan Pengembangan USAhatani Tembakau Di Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah

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    Analysis of quality, productivity and sustainability anddevelopment direction of tobacco farming in TemanggungDistrict, Central JavaTemanggung tobacco is an important commodity for cigaretteindustry, farmers' income and product domestic regional brutto (PDRB)of Temanggung District. Tobacco stimulates economy activities, so that itcan grow other bussiness activities, such as transportation, agroproductand employment availability. Uncontrolled cultivation intensity andmarket structure monopsonistic resulted in weak bargaining position offarmer in marketing tobacco. Tobacco is a fancy product, it means that itsmarketing and transaction are very determined by quality. Theseconditions affected the sustainability of tobacco farm. This research wascarried out from January 2004 to March 2005 in the center of Temanggungtobacco production, which varies in terms of elevation, slope aspect andtopography. Temanggung tobacco varies in terms of quality andproductivity. Elevation and slope aspect were the primary factorsinfluencing tobacco productivity and quality. The quality of tobaccoplanted at farmer location at the elevation more than 1.000 m above sealevel (asl) with slope facing east, was significantly better than the qualityof tobacco planted at the elevation less than 1.000 m asl with slope facingnorth-east and north. The tobacco productivity planted on the slope facingeast differed significantly with the tobacco productivity planted on north-east and north slope facing. The slope did not significantly influencetobacco quality and productivity. Sustainability index of tobacco farmbelongs to enough category (IKb = 55.53 at scale of sustainability 0 –100)

    Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity Of Al2o3 Nanofluids for Different Based Ratio of Water and Ethylene Glycol Mixture

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    In the thermal engineering applications, suspension of nanoparticles in conventional fluid has positive potential in enhancing the convective heat transfer performance. The evaluation of thermo-physical properties is essential to investigate the forced convection heat transfer of nanofluids. Hence, the present study reports the analysis on thermal conductivity and dynamic viscosity for Al2O3 nanoparticle dispersed in a different volume ratio of water (W) and ethylene glycol (EG) mixture. The Al2O3 nanofluids are formulated using the two-step method for three different base mixtures with volume ratio of 40:60, 50:50 and 60:40 (W:EG). The measurement of thermal conductivity and viscosity were performed using KD2 Pro Thermal Properties Analyzer and Brookfield LVDV-III Rheometer; respectively for temperature from 30 to 70 °C and volume concentration of 0.2–1.0%. The average thermal conductivity enhancement of Al2O3 nanofluids in the three base ratios varied from 2.6 to 12.8%. The nanofluids have better enhancement as the percentage of ethylene glycol increases. Meanwhile, the average dynamic viscosity enhanced up to 50% for 60:40 (W:EG). The enhancement of viscosity for nanofluids decreased with the increment percentage of ethylene glycol. The properties enhancement of the Al2O3 nanofluids is significantly influenced by the concentration, temperature, and based ratio

    Effect of Lithium Chloride (Licl) Dopant on The Performance of Catalysts for the Oxidative Coupling of Methane

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    The present study reports effects of lithium chloride (LiCl) doping on MgO, La2O3, SnO2, CaO and ZnO catalysts. All the catalysts were prepared by the impregnation method. The catalysts were tested at reaction temperature of 775oC. The feed flow rate of methane, oxygen and nitrogen was carried out in the ratio of 3:1:2 giving a weight hourly space velocity (WHSV) of 0.375 g.s/cm3. La2O3 showed the highest C2+ selectivity among the undoped catalysts. All the catalysts were doped with LiCl to compare their methane conversion, selectivity and product yield. The 2.0 mol% LiCl doped into La2O3 was the best catalyst formulation having achieved 46.7% of C2+ selectivity with CH4 conversion of 29.0% and the increase in selectivity was attributed to the presence of chlorine. Hydrogen production was more pronounced for MgO based catalysts and believed to be generated by surfacecatalyzed reactions