4,032 research outputs found

    Development of three phase back to back converter with current flow control using raspberry Pi microcontroller

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    A High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) electric power transmission system uses direct current form the bulk transmission of electrical power, in contrast with the common Alternating Current (AC) systems. For a long-distance transmission, HVDC systems may be less expensive and suffer lower electrical losses. The overall HVDC system is call back-to-back converter. Therefore, this project is to design and to develop a back-to-back converter with Proportional-Integrative-derivative (PID) control current that could be applied for the resistive load. The basic structure of the PID controller makes it easy to regulate the process output. The control technique is called a current control technique by comparing the output current with the reference current. Thus, the PID controller will force the output current to follow the reference current by creating and changing the pulse width modulation (PWM) signals. The PID controller is developed and simulated by using MATLAB/Simulink software and then implemented to the hardware by using Raspberry Pi Microcontroller. The result from the simulation shows that, the load current follows the reference current from 0 amperes until 1 amperes and the results from the experiment shows that the output current at the load follows the reference current from 0 amperes until 0.4 amperes. The high sensitivity of current sensor and also due to very low resolution of analogue to digital converter effect the result in this project. The results explanation of the project can be divided into three categories; simulation, open loop control and closed loop control

    Touch Screen Avatar English Learning System For University Students Learning Simplicity

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    This paper discusses on touch screen avatar for an English language learning application system. The system would be a combination of avatar as Animated Pedagogical Agent (APA) and a touch screen application that adapt the up to date gesture-based computing which is found as having potential to change the way how we learn as it could reduce the amount of Information Communication Technology (ICT) devices used during teaching and learning process. The key here is interaction between university students and touch screen avatar intelligent application system as well as learning resources that could be learned anytime anywhere twenty four hours in seven days 24/7 based on their study time preference where they could learn at their own comfort out of the tradition. The students would be provided with a learning tool that could help them learn interactively with the current trend which they might be interested with based on their own personalization. Apart from that, their performance shall be monitored from a distance and evaluated to avoid disturbing their learning process from working smoothly and getting rid of feeling of being controlled. Thus, the students are expected to have lower affective filter level that may enhance the way they learn unconsciously. Keywords: Gesture-Based Computing, Avatar, Portable Learning Tool, Interactivity, Language Learnin


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    Background: Schizophrenic is functional psychological disorder with main disruption on thinking process and disharmony. Schizophrenic patients often suffer deprivation by their family. Objective: This study aimed to identify in-depth description of family’s experience in restraint of schizophrenic patients treated at home in Kendal District Central Java. Method: This research used descriptive phenomenological design and in-depth interview as data collection method. Participants involved in this study were family member of schizophrenic patients that are being restrained and selected by purposive sampling. Data that has been collected was in the form of recorded interviews and field notes and analyzed by Collaizi technique. Results: Themes identified from this study are chronic sorrow; 2) effective social interaction; 3) enhanced spiritual well-being; 4) decisional conflict; 5) health seeking behaviours; and 6) economic burden. Conclusion: The results showed similarities on family experience starting from chronic sorrow, effective social interaction; enhanced spiritual well-being; decisional conflict; health seeking behaviours; and economic burden. The care providers have to improve the family coping mechanism to be adaptive by a counseling of the problem. Keywords: Schizophrenic, family, restrai

    New modification of the hestenes-stiefel with strong wolfe line search

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    . The method of the nonlinear conjugate gradient is widely used in solving large-scale unconstrained optimization since been proven in solving optimization problems without using large memory storage. In this paper, we proposed a new modification of the Hestenes-Stiefel conjugate gradient parameter that fulfils the condition of sufficient descent using a strong Wolfe-Powell line search. Besides, the conjugate gradient method with the proposed conjugate gradient also guarantees low computation of iteration and CPU time by comparing with other classical conjugate gradient parameters. Numerical results have shown that the conjugate gradient method with the proposed conjugate gradient parameter performed better than the conjugate gradient method with other classical conjugate gradient parameters


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    Mamat. NIM 59451079. “PENGARUH PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA MENGGUNAKAN MICROSOFT MATHEMATICS 4.0 TERHADAP KONSENTRASI BELAJAR MATEMATIKA SISWA PADA POKOK BAHASAN LIMIT FUNGSI DI KELAS XI IPA SMA NEGERI 1 RAJAGALUH KABUPATEN MAJALENGKA”. Skripsi. Cirebon: Fakultas Tarbiyah, Tadris Matematika, Institut Agama Islam Negeri, Agustus 2013. Pada dasarnya pendidikan merupakan interaksi antara pendidik dan peserta didik untuk tercapainya suatu tujuan pendidikan, yang berlangsung dalam lingkungan tertentu. Interaksi tersebut merupakan proses belajar mengajar. Keberhasilan guru menyampaikan informasi dalam proses pembelajaran sangat ditentukan oleh kelancaran interaksi komunikasi antara guru dan siswa. Oleh karena itu diperlukan adanya perantara/media. Salah satu jenis media pembelajaran yang berbasis komputer adalah program Microsoft Mathematics 4.0, program Microsoft Mathematics 4.0 merupakan aplikasi komputer yang dirancang untuk mendukung pembelajaran geometri, kalkulus, trigonometri, dan statistika. Penggunaan program Microsoft Mathematics 4.0 pada pokok bahasan limit fungsi diharapkan mampu meningkatkan pemahaman dan pengalaman belajar siswa, sehingga hambatan-hambatan dalam proses pembelajaran dapat diminimalisir dan pada akhirnya hasil belajar siswa dapat dicapai lebih maksimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, a) respon siswa terhadap penggunaan program Microsoft Mathematics 4.0. b) konsentrasi belajar matematika siswa pada pembelajaran matematika. c) seberapa besar pengaruh penggunaan program Microsoft Mathematics 4.0 sebagai media dalam pembelajaran matematika terhadap konsentrasi belajar siswa kelas XI IPA pada pokok bahasan limit fungsi di SMAN 1 Rajagaluh Kabupaten Majalengka. Konsentrasi belajar merupakan pemusatan daya pikiran dan perbuatan pada objek yang dipelajari dengan tidak menghiraukan segala sesuatu yang tidak berhubungan dengan yang dipelajarinya. Kerangka pemikiran yang mendasari penelitian ini adalah pandangan penulis bahwa konsentrasi belajar matematika siswa selain dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal juga sangat dipengaruhi oleh faktor eksternal, salah satunya penggunaan media pembelajaran. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian menggunakan angket dan lembar pengamatan. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif, sedangkan metode penelitiannya menggunakan metode korelasional, populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IPA SMAN 1 Rajagaluh yang berjumlah 158 siswa, sedangkan pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan mengambil satu kelas dari empat kelas yaitu kelas XI IPA 1 yang berjumlah 32 siswa. Data hasil instrumen kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif dan dilakukan pengujian statistik berupa uji regresi. Hasil penelitian, setelah dilakukan pengolahan data diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa penggunaan Microsoft Mathematics 4.0 diperoleh nilai rata-rata hasil angket 79,16 dengan skor tertinggi 92 dan skor terendah 55. Konsentrasi belajar matematika siswa diperoleh nilai rata-rata hasil lembar pengamatan 58,03 dengan skor tertinggi 74 dan skor terendah 46. Persamaan regresi yang dihasilkan yait


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    Suatu hybrid boiler mengkonsumsi bahan bakar sawdust 700 kg/jam dapat menghasilkan uap 2500 kg/jam dan tekanan 18 bar. Selama operasi berlangsung terjadi elutrasi bahan bakar 10 %, sehingga jumlah aktual bahan bakar yang dapat dibakar 630 kg/jam dapat menghasilkan panas 3188 kWh, maka uap yang dihasilkan 2460 kg/jam dan tekanan 18 bar. Dengan pengaturan damper gas buang secara tepm, sehingga tidak< terjadi elutrasi bahan bakar, maka panas yang dihasilkan 3542.3 kWh dan uap yang dihasilkan menjadi 3014 kg/jam. Proses pembakaran bahan bakar di dalam ruang bakar hybrid boiler berlangsung secara bubbling dan tebal pasir media dari ujung atas nozle ke permukaan pasir 200 mm, dan ukuran butir pasir yang digunakan antam 0.5 sampai 1 mm. Pressure drop yang terjadi dari aliran udara menembus pasir 4148 Pa ( 414.8 kg/m2) < FDFan pressure adalah 600 kgfm2, sehingga tidak terjadi back pressure dan proses bubling dapat berlangsung baik. Pressure drop pada water tube boiler, fire tube boiler, gas plenwn, gas ducting dan cyclone adalah 425.108 kg/m2 > IDFanpressure (220 kg/m2j. Dengan demikian jumlah pressure drop pada hybrid wiler adalah 900.51 kgfm2 > FDFan dan IDFan pressure (820 kgfm2). Daya yang dibutuhkan untuk mengisap gas buang adalah 132.56 kgm/det, IDFan efficiency adalah 90 %, dan electrical motor efficiency 90 %, makakebutuhan dayamotor adalah 12 HP > dayamotor listrik untuk IDFan (10 HPJ. Dengan demikian, hybrid wiler ini tidak dapat diqlerasikan pada kondisi beban maksimum