326 research outputs found


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    MAMAH ROHMAWATI. Register Number. 59430633. 2013. “An Analysis of Figurative Language of “A Love for Life” by Penny Hancock. This thesis is submitted to the English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty. Language is a tool in communication. The novelists in the world have their own style to communicate with the reader through the using of language in their works. In literary work, it can be called as a figurative language. It is used to figure something through word, phrase, clause, and sentence. The using of figurative language in prose can evoke the reader‟s emotion and knowledge. In this research, the writer conducts two questions. They consist of what kinds of figurative language are used in the novel “A Love for Life” and what is figurative language that mostly used in the novel “A Love for Life”. Every question will be presented in chapter IV. Therefore, the writer discusses them and draws a conclusion. In this thesis, the writer describes some theories and definition of novel, genres of novel, figurative language, and kinds of figurative language. They have been obtained by scientist of language. For conducting this research, the writer uses qualitative research by using content analysis. The writer analyzes kinds of figurative language that are used in novel. Then, they are interpreted based on kinds of figurative language. Finally, they are classified to find out what is figurative language that mostly used in novel. After processing the data that have been obtained from the novel, the writer found out that novel “A Love for Life” has many kinds of figurative language such as metaphor, hyperbole, simile, personification, metonymy, litotes, asyndeton, exclamation, enumeration, inversion, and repetition. The using of Repetition is more dominant than the other. The using asyndeton and inversion are the least of all. The conclusions involve what the discussion in previous chapter. This thesis is expected to improve the reader‟s ability in understanding of figurative language. The reader can find out the theory of novel, figurative language, and kinds of figurative language by reading this thesis


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari manajemen sarana dan prasarana pembelajaran dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di MTs Terpadu Bismillah-Barugbug dan menganalisis kelemahannya. Penelitian yang dilakukan di MTs Terpadu Bismillah-Barugbug bersifat deskriptif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan proses pengelolaan sarana dan prasarana, upaya apa saja yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran. 1) Mutu pembelajaran MTs Terpadu Bismillah meningkat dengan adanya beberapa upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengoptimalkan manajemen sarana dan prasarana hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari pencapaian delapan Standar Nasional Pendidikan dan perubahan perilaku siswa serta hasil akreditasi BAN –S/M dengan memperoleh nilai 91 peringkat A pada tahun 2019. 2) Manajemen sarana dan prasarana Di MTs Terpadu Bismillah sesuai dengan fungsi manajemen sarana dan prasarana dari perencanaan, pengadaan, penggunaan, pemeliharaan, inventarisasi, dan penghapusan. 3) Mutu Pendidikan Murid di MTs Terpadu Bismillah sangat baik dengan persentase 90% lulusan melanjutkan Pendidikan dan perolehan Nilai rapor ditas KKM

    Developing pre-service teacher competencies for ICT integration through design teams

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    With the steady increase of computers in schools and the opportunities that this\ud brings for education, there is an increasing need to understand the competencies\ud (knowledge, skills and attitudes) that are required by teachers for successful ICT integration in education. Teacher preparation programs are now providing their students with a variety of ICT tools and opportunities to learn and practice ICTrelated skills; however, many studies report that graduates from teacher preparation programs are unable to integrate ICT into their teaching practices.\ud This is most apparent in programs that focus on the acquisition of basic ICT skills through stand-alone courses. Meaningful use of ICT in education requires that teachers develop the knowledge that enables them to integrate ICT with a suitable pedagogical approach for teaching specific subject matter in a certain context. This integrated knowledge is referred to as ‘Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge’(TPACK)

    Structural Interpretation of Abakiliki – Ugep, using Airborne Magnetic and Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) Data

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    The study area is part of the Southern Benue Trough and lies within Latitudes 5Âș 30' - 6Âș 30' N and Longitudes 8Âș 00' - 8Âș 30' E. Structural interpretation of Abakaliki–Ugep area using aeromagnetic and Landsat data was carried out to determine the depth to the magnetic basement, delineate the basement morphology, relief, and the structural features associated with the basin uplift, (Abakaliki Uplift) as well as their trends/patterns. Aeromagnetic and Landsat data were subjected to various image and data enhancement and transformation routines. Results of the 2-D spectral analysis revealed a two  depth models: the shallower magnetic source bodies range in depth (D1) from 0.035km to 1.285km with an average of 0.656km while the deeper magnetic source bodies range in depth (D2) from 1.585km to 4.136km with an average depth of 3.096km.The shallower magnetic anomalies resulted due to basement rocks which intruded into the sedimentary rocks while the deeper magnetic anomalies are associated with intra-basement discontinuities associated with faults. The average sedimentary thickness of 3.096km estimated in the study area may favor hydrocarbon generation. The drainage pattern is dendritic which is indicative of lithological, structural and topographic differences and also indicative of alluvial rocks, which is typical of the geology of the area that consists mainly of sedimentary rocks. Also, results from the study revealed lineaments with trend directions in the N-S, NE-SW, NW-SE and E-W directions, with the NE-SW trends being dominant. The dominant trend of the magnetic data is the NE-SW which agrees with the fault orientation within the Benue Trough. Keywords: Structural trends, Aeromagnetic anomalies, basement depths, Lineaments, Landsa

    Ground Magnetic Survey in Otukpo Area Benue State Nigeria

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    Ground Magnetic data was obtained along four profiles during a field work lasting three weeks where a G-816 model portable proton magnetometer was used for the survey. The survey was accomplished along a 30km Utoton – Oturkpo road at a sampling frequency of 1km., a 50m sampling frequency was used for Oturkpo –Okpamaja, 15 km traverse, while 1km frequency was used for both Oturkpo –Adoka, a 32 km traverse and Oturkpo –Aliade, a 51.5 Km traverse.  High and low frequency components of the profiles were isolated by moving average filters. Depths to magnetic sources were calculated for the resulting high and low frequency anomalies on the profiles. High frequency anomalies were interpreted to arise from narrow steeply dipping dykes or fractures which in some cases are mineralized at shallow depths of about 20m-1.66km while low frequency anomalies were the result of low dipping sills or basement surfaces with a depth range of 1.66-5.006 km. The profile intersecting a broad aeromagnetic east-west anomaly south of Oturkpo is known to be mineralized in veins within sills of dolerite with magnetic susceptibility in the range of 0.299 - 0.34 electromagnetic units.  Model direction of magnetization is 100. Sills and dykes dipping southward or northwards within the Asu River Group Formation and Ezeaku formations/ Markudi sandstone underlying the study area are responsible for folding and faulting with associated magnetic anomalies. Keywords: Magnetic profiles data, modelling, interpretatio

    Traps and tools: a contextual critique of the right to development in international law

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    Chronic poverty existing alongside surplus wealth engages issues of ‘rights’ and ‘development’; however, law’s capacity to respond to these issues appears gravely limited and under analysed. This paradoxical coexistence of poverty and wealth in society and ‘rights’ and ‘development’ in law tends to transverse national, regional and international realms, hence the proposition that something more is at stake than normative inadequacy, defective judicialisation or ‘non-sequitur’ rules application. On the basis of this premise, this thesis contributes to the literature in Nigeria and globally by making the case for a shift of analytical lenses from legal norms to structures, and from property to people. By focusing on structures, law’s presuppositions become objects of critical inquiry, thus facilitating interrogation of the apparent value neutrality of law in the seeming perennial struggles between power and powerlessness – ‘having’ and ‘being’. Drawing from the case study of Nigeria, an oil-rich country with high poverty indices, this thesis critically examines the underlying structures of ‘rights’ and ‘development’ in national and transnational constitutions. Five structural pitfalls relating to law’s contradictory existence as traps and tools, the orthodoxies of economic determinism and methodological fetishism are identified and critiqued. In delving into the dichotomies of orthodox/unorthodox, visible/invisible, norms/structures, rights/emancipation and regulation/deregulation, this thesis draws methodological insights from Sousa Santos’ (2007) ‘Epistemology of the South’ and Smith’s (1999) Decolonizing Methodologies. In conclusion, the thesis offers suggestions for transcending traps as conditions necessary for the success of any socio-legal, political and economic strategies for poverty eradication in Nigeria – and by extension many ‘Third World’ countries


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelaikan instalasi listrik rumah tinggal yang berada di lingkungan RT.06 dan RT.07 dengan daya terpasang 450 VA dan 900 VA di Desa Balagedog Kecamatan Sindangwangi, Kabupaten Majalengka (Jawa Barat). berdasarkan konsidi perlengkapan listrik yaitu kabel, kotak kontak dan tusuk kontak, jenis pengaman (MCB, sekering), dan grounding berdasarkan standar PUIL 2011. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Dengan cara mengobservasi setiap rumah dengan 4 aspek yang akan diteliti. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif persentase. Yaitu peneliti mengolah data kemudian menggunakan rumus persentase untuk mengetahui tingkat kelaikan instalasi rumah tinggal. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kondisi perlengkapan instalasi listrik didapatkan tingkat ketidaklaikan yaitu pada kondisi grounding, sebanyak 21 rumah tidak terpasang grounding. Pada instalasi rumah dengan daya 450 VA lebih banyak ditemukan ketidaklaikan dari setiap aspek yang diteliti. Penyebabnya yaitu karena faktor ekonomi dari pemilik instalasi dengan tingkat ekonomi menengah ke bawah, sehingga pemilik rumah kurang memperhatikan kualitas dari komponen instalasi listrik yang tidak sesuai standar SNI karena harganya yang mahal. Rumah tinggal juga dihuni oleh lansia yang kurang memahami mengnai instalasi listrik yang tepasang. Pada kondisi perlengkapan listrik yang terpasang dengan konsisi sudah usang akibat usia pemakaian yang lama, sehingga perlu dilakukan penggantian dan juga pemeliharaan secara berkala. Hal tersebut diharapkan dapat mengurangi resiko terjadinya kecelakaan listrik. Untuk meningkatkan kelaikan instalasi listrik pada rumah tinggal yang berada di lingkungan RT.06 dan RT.07 dengan daya terpasang 450 VA dan 900 VA di Desa Balagedog Kecamatan Sindangwangi, Kabupaten Majalengka (Provinsi Jawa Barat) Desa Balagedog, hendaknya pemilik rumah lebih memperhatikan hal-hal yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan PUIL 2011 yaitu pada perlengkapan instalasi listrik( kabel, kotak kontak, MCB dan sekering, dan grounding). ***** This study aims to determine the feasibility of residential electrical installations located in the RT.06 and RT.07 environments with an installed power of 450 VA and 900 VA in Balagedog Village, Sindangwangi District, Majalengka Regency (West Java). based on the condition of electrical equipment namely cables, ignition boxes and plugs, safety types (MCB, fuses), and grounding based on PUIL 2011 standards. The method used in this study is quantitative descriptive analysis. By observing each house with 4 aspects to be studied. The data analysis technique used is to use percentage descriptive analysis techniques. That is, researchers process the data and then use a percentage formula to determine the feasibility level of residential installations. The results showed that the condition of electrical installation equipment obtained a level of ineligibility, namely in grounding conditions, as many as 21 houses were not installed grounding. In the installation of houses with a power of 450 VA, more ineligibility was found from every aspect studied. The reason is due to economic factors from installation owners with middle to lower economic levels, so that homeowners pay less attention to the quality of electrical installation components that do not comply with SNI standards because of their high price. Residential houses are also inhabited by the elderly who do not understand about installed electrical installations. In the condition of electrical equipment installed with concisions is worn out due to long service life, so it needs to be replaced and also maintained regularly. This is expected to reduce the risk of electrical accidents. To improve the feasibility of electrical installations in residential houses located in RT.06 and RT.07 environments with installed power of 450 VA and 900 VA in Balagedog Village, Sindangwangi District, Majalengka Regency (West Java Province) Balagedog Village, homeowners should pay more attention to things that are not in accordance with the provisions of PUIL 2011, namely on electrical installation equipment (cables, contact boxes, MCB and fuses, and grounding)

    Utility of Washington Early Recognition Center self-report screening questionnaires in the assessment of patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

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    Early identification and treatment are associated with improved outcomes in bipolar disorder (BPD) and schizophrenia (SCZ). Screening for the presence of these disorders usually involves time-intensive interviews that may not be practical in settings where mental health providers are limited. Thus, individuals at earlier stages of illness are often not identified. The Washington Early Recognition Center Affectivity and Psychosis (WERCAP) screen is a self-report questionnaire originally developed to identify clinical risk for developing bipolar or psychotic disorders. The goal of the current study was to investigate the utility of the WERCAP Screen and two complementary questionnaires, the WERC Stress Screen and the WERC Substance Screen, in identifying individuals with established SCZ or BPD. Participants consisted of 35 BPD and 34 SCZ patients, as well as 32 controls (CON), aged 18–30 years. Univariate analyses were used to test for score differences between groups. Logistic regression and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were used to identify diagnostic predictors. Significant group differences were found for the psychosis section of the WERCAP (pWERCAP; p < 0.001), affective section of the WERCAP (aWERCAP; p = 0.001), and stress severity (p = 0.027). No significant group differences were found in the rates of substance use as measured by the WERC Substance Screen (p = 0.267). Only the aWERCAP and pWERCAP scores were useful predictors of diagnostic category. ROC curve analysis showed the optimal cut point on the aWERCAP to identify BPD among our participant groups was a score of >20 [area under the curve (AUC): 0.87; sensitivity: 0.91; specificity: 0.71], while that for the pWERCAP to identify SCZ was a score of >13 (AUC: 0.89; sensitivity: 0.88; specificity: 0.82). These results indicate that the WERCAP Screen may be useful in screening individuals for BPD and SCZ and that identifying stress and substance-use severity can be rapidly done using self-report questionnaires. Larger studies in undiagnosed individuals will be needed to test the WERCAP Screen’s ability to identify mania or psychosis in the community


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    The purpose of this article is to find out how to develop an entrepreneurial interest in early childhood through the method of playing beams. The method used in writing this article uses the method of literature study by collecting data from some of the results of previous research. Data collection is done to find out the correlation between developing early childhood entrepreneurship interests and methods of playing blocks. Some of the data was taken from 8 journal articles which were then followed by reading other reading sources. The data collected was then analyzed using content analysis techniques. And based on the results of previous research that it is necessary to apply habituation in early childhood that aims to develop the interest of entrepreneurship of children by playing beams. And it is expected that through playing beams children better understand the concepts of size, geometry, composing, numeration, are more communicative, have tolerance and empathy, and can understand to negotiate. As well as children have creativity in making new ideas and can combine, reconstruct old ideas and have innovations and are expected through this beam game children have added value for themselves and others.Tujuan dari artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui cara mengembangkan minat kewirausahaan pada anak usia dini melalui metode bermain balok. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan artikel ini menggunakan metode studi literatur dengan mengumpulkan data dari beberapa hasil penelitian sebelumnya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara mengembangkan minat entrepreneurship anak usia dini dan metode bermain balok. Beberapa data diambil dari 12 artikel  yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan membaca sumber bacaan lainnya, yaitu 2 buku dan 5 journal.  Dari data yang dikumpulkan kemudian dianalisis dengan  menggunakan teknik analisis isi. Dan berdasarkan hasil penelitian sebelumnya bahwa perlu menerapkan pembiasaan pada anak usia dini yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan minat entrpreneurship anak dengan bermain balok. Dan diharapkan melalui bermain balok anak lebih memahami konsep ukuran, geometri, menyusun, membilang, lebih komunikatif, memliki toleransi dan empati, serta mampu memahami untuk bernegosiasi. Serta anak memiliki kreativitas dalam membuat ide baru dan mampu mengkombinasikan, merekonstruksi ide lama dan memiliki inovasi baru dan diharapkan melalui permaian balok ini anak memiliki nilai tambah bagi diri sendiri dan orang lain


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    Tesis ini berjudul “ Metode Makhorijul Huruf dan Quantum Learning Dalam Pembelajaran Membaca Al-Quran Surat Al-Fatihah Pada Anak Tunarungu. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada anak tunarungu kelas VI s.d X di SLBN Cinta Asih Soreang Kab. Bandung. Pada umumnya inteligensi anak tunarungu secara potensial sama dengan anak pada umumnya, tetapi secara fungsional perkembangannya dipengaruhi oleh tingkat kemampuan berbahasanya, keterbatasan informasi, dan kurangnya daya abstraksi anak. Akibat ketunarunguannya menghambat proses pencapaian pengetahuan yang lebih luas. Dengan demikian perkembangan inteligensi secara fungsional terhambat. Ketidak berkembangan inteligensi anak tunarungu bukan berasal dari hambatan intelektualnya yang rendah melainkan secara umum karena inteligensinya tidak mendapat kesempatan untuk berkembang. Pemberian bimbingan yang teratur terutama dalam kecakapan berbahasa akan dapat membantu perkembangan inteligensi anak tunarungu Apalagi dalam pembelajaran Al-Quran.Metode ini menyangkut metode pembelajaran dalam membaca Al-Quran bagi anak tunarungu, dengan tujuan untuk merumuskan metode belajar membaca Al-Quran yang merupakan pengembangan dari makhorijul huruf dan Quantum Learning (M2QL) yang telah di sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan kemampuan anak tunarungu dalam pembelajaran membaca Al-Quran surat Al-Fatihah dan menguji efektifitasnya terhadap perkembangan kemampuan membaca Al-Quran anak tunarungu.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode campuran dengan menggunakan 2 pendekatan dan 3 tahapan yaitu kualitatif,kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dan pengembangan instrumen untuk kualitatif menggunakan (1) wawancara,(2)observasi, (3) dokumentasi sedangkan untuk kuantitatif desain yang digunakan adalah one group pre test – post test. Untuk analisis data kualitatif menggunakan 3 alur kegiatan yang terjadi secara bersamaan yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data penarikan kesimpulan sedangkan untuk kuantitatifnya peneliti menggunakan uji statistik uji Wilcoxon.M2QL memiliki 8 aspek yang di uji cobakan keefektifitasannya. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian dan pembahasan yang diuraikan bahwa M2QL dapat meningkatkan efektifitas anak tunarungu dalam pembelajaran membaca Al-Quran surat Al-Fatihah. Kata kunci : metode, Al-Quran, makhorijul huruf, anak tunarungu This thesis is entitled " The Method of Makhorijul-letters and Quantum in learning to read Al-Quran Al-Fatihah Letter in deaf children” This study was carried out in deaf children in class VI sd X in SLBN Cinta Asih Soreang District Bandung: In general, the intelligence of deaf children is potentially the same as children in general, but functionally their development is influenced by the level of language proficiency, limited information and the lack of abstraction of children. As a result of extinction, it inhibits the process to achieve broader knowledge. So the development of intelligence is functionally hampered. The lack of development of the intelligence of deaf children does not stem from low intellectual barriers, but generally because their intelligence does not have the ability to develop. Regular guidance, especially in language skills, will help the development of the intelligence of deaf children, especially when learning Al-Quran, while the Quran is a was life guide for Muslims. This method involves learning method in reading the Qur'an for deaf children. With the aim of formulating method to learn to read the Qur'an, which is the development of the letters of wisdom, and Quantum Learning (M2QL), adapted to the needs and possibilities of deaf children to learn to read the Quran Al-Fatihah letter and to test its effectiveness on the development of the ability to read deaf children in the Al-Quran 2 approaches and 3 phases, after qualitatively, qualitatively and quantitatively. Data collection and development of tools for qualitative use (1) interviews, (2) observation, (3) documentation, while quantitative design is used, is a pre-test – post tes. For qualitative data analysis using 3 activities simultaneously, namely data reduction, presentation of conclusion data, while quantitative researchers use the Wilcoxon test statistic test M2QL has 7 aspects that are tested for effectiveness Based on the results of research and discussion, M2QL can improving the effectiveness of deaf children in learning to read the Quran Surat Al-Fatihah. Keywords: method, Al-Quran, makhorijul surat, deaf childre
