6,079 research outputs found

    Discrete-time multi-scale systems

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    We introduce multi-scale filtering by the way of certain double convolution systems. We prove stability theorems for these systems and make connections with function theory in the poly-disc. Finally, we compare the framework developed here with the white noise space framework, within which a similar class of double convolution systems has been defined earlier

    Fast exact algorithms for some connectivity problems parametrized by clique-width

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    Given a clique-width kk-expression of a graph GG, we provide 2O(k)n2^{O(k)}\cdot n time algorithms for connectivity constraints on locally checkable properties such as Node-Weighted Steiner Tree, Connected Dominating Set, or Connected Vertex Cover. We also propose a 2O(k)n2^{O(k)}\cdot n time algorithm for Feedback Vertex Set. The best running times for all the considered cases were either 2O(klog(k))nO(1)2^{O(k\cdot \log(k))}\cdot n^{O(1)} or worse

    Pontryagin principle for a Mayer problem governed by a delay functional differential equation

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    We establish Pontryagin principles for a Mayer's optimal control problem governed by a functional differential equation. The control functions are piecewise continuous and the state functions are piecewise continuously differentiable. To do that, we follow the method created by Philippe Michel for systems governed by ordinary differential equations, and we use properties of the resolvent of a linear functional differential equation

    More applications of the d-neighbor equivalence: acyclicity and connectivity constraints

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    In this paper, we design a framework to obtain efficient algorithms for several problems with a global constraint (acyclicity or connectivity) such as Connected Dominating Set, Node Weighted Steiner Tree, Maximum Induced Tree, Longest Induced Path, and Feedback Vertex Set. We design a meta-algorithm that solves all these problems and whose running time is upper bounded by 2O(k)nO(1)2^{O(k)}\cdot n^{O(1)}, 2O(klog(k))nO(1)2^{O(k \log(k))}\cdot n^{O(1)}, 2O(k2)nO(1)2^{O(k^2)}\cdot n^{O(1)} and nO(k)n^{O(k)} where kk is respectively the clique-width, Q\mathbb{Q}-rank-width, rank-width and maximum induced matching width of a given decomposition. Our meta-algorithm simplifies and unifies the known algorithms for each of the parameters and its running time matches asymptotically also the running times of the best known algorithms for basic NP-hard problems such as Vertex Cover and Dominating Set. Our framework is based on the dd-neighbor equivalence defined in [Bui-Xuan, Telle and Vatshelle, TCS 2013]. The results we obtain highlight the importance of this equivalence relation on the algorithmic applications of width measures. We also prove that our framework could be useful for W[1]W[1]-hard problems parameterized by clique-width such as Max Cut and Maximum Minimal Cut. For these latter problems, we obtain nO(k)n^{O(k)}, nO(k)n^{O(k)} and n2O(k)n^{2^{O(k)}} time algorithms where kk is respectively the clique-width, the Q\mathbb{Q}-rank-width and the rank-width of the input graph

    Euler-lagrange equation for a delay variational problem

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    We establish Euler-Lagrange equations for a problem of Calculus of variations where the unknown variable contains a term of delay on a segment