287 research outputs found

    Modernization of traditional Chinese theater in 1911–1966

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    The gradual decline of the Qing Dynasty led to a long period of political unrest and social turmoil. During this period traditional forms of Chinese theater were still performed throughout the huge country. However, international contacts, particularly with the West, led to new kinds of experiments and innovations. They include, not only discussion on the future concept of theater development, but also creation completely new kinds of theater forms, such as the spoken drama or huaju and the musical drama or geju. The Paper covers modernization of the Chinese theatre in 1911–1966. The focus is on political and social processes, cultural transformations which affected the development process of performing arts in China; social condition of the formation of new kinds of theatre art; features of coexistence of European traditions and Chinese culture in the development of contemporary Chinese musical and drama theatre.Стремительное падение династии Цин привело к затяжному периоду политических волнений и социальных потрясений. Традиционные формы китайского театра в этот период все еще продолжали бытовать по всей стране. Однако расширение международных контактов, особенно с Западом, дало начало новым видам экспериментов и инноваций, включающим в себя не только дискуссии по вопросам будущей концепции развития театра, но и собственно возникновение совершенно новых театральных форм, таких как разговорная драма хуацзюй и музыкальная драма гэцзюй. Статья посвящена модернизации театрального искусства Китая в 1911–1966 гг. В центре внимания автора — политико-социальные процессы и культурные преобразования, оказавшие влияние на процесс развития сценического искусства Китая, социальные условия формирования новых видов театрального искусства, а также особенности сосуществования европейских традиций и культуры Китая в развитии его современного музыкального и драматического театра

    Three very young HgMn stars in the Orion OB1 Association

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    We report the detection of three mercury-manganese stars in the Orion OB1 association. HD 37886 and BD-0 984 are in the approximately 1.7 million year old Orion OB1b. HD 37492 is in the approximately 4.6 million year old Orion OB1c. Orion OB1b is now the youngest cluster with known HgMn star members. This places an observational upper limit on the time scale needed to produce the chemical peculiarities seen in mercury-manganese stars, which should help in the search for the cause or causes of the peculiar abundances in HgMn and other chemically peculiar upper main sequence stars.Comment: 8 pages including 1 figure. To appear in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The problem of off label drug use in pediatrics: pediatricians and parents survey results

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    LLC Novartis Pharma, Moscow, Russian Federation Abstract. The problem of off-label use is still unsolved during the pharmacotherapy in children. In connection with the above, the need to stimulate the conduct of specially organized clinical studies, the purpose of which will be to evaluate the efficacy and safety of using drugs in children in different age groups, becomes evident. However the complexity of the organization of clinical studies in pediatrics is associated not only with regulatory aspects but also with lack of understanding of the importance of these studies by pediatricians and parents. The authors conducted a study aimed at finding out the frequency of off-label prescriptions in the Russian Federation in pediatric practice and doctors’ and parents’ attitude to this kind of use of medications. The study has shown the evidence that the off-label prescription practice is widely-used in healthcare in Russia and is routine for most respondents. The highest frequency of off-label prescriptions is observed in the group of children from 0 to 5 years. The majority of physicians and parents don’t consider themselves responsible for popularization of clinical trials which indicates that this problem should be widely discussed in the society. Parents trust physicians in terms of therapy choices or their recommendations regarding participation in clinical trials. A portrait of a typical “staunch opponent” of clinical trials among parents

    Study of acute and chronic toxicity of feed additive based on vermiculture

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    The paper presents the results of study of the toxicity of a feed additive, which includes Leuzea safflower (Rhaponticum carthamoides) and protein obtained from vermiculture. The acute toxicity of the feed additive was studied in 31 SD white rats. It has been established that the acute oral toxicity of the feed additive is above 2500 mg/kg, which makes it possible to classify the feed additive as hazard class 3 and classify it as “moderately hazardous” according to GOST 12.1.007-76. The chronic toxicity of the feed additive was studied in 22 SD white rats. The feed additive was administered orally at a dose of 120 and 1200 mg/kg for 30 days. Long-term effects were assessed 14 days after the last introduction of the feed additive. To assess the toxic effects, the effect of the additive on the general condition of the animals, food and water intake was evaluated, blood and urine were analyzed. Complete blood count was carried out by standard methods with the determination of the following parameters: hematocrit, hemoglobin level, the number of erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes, eosinophils, segmented neutrophils, lymphocytes and monocytes. The study of biochemical parameters of blood was carried out using standard kits for biochemical analysis. The following indicators were determined: ALT, total bilirubin, glucose, creatinine and urea. The urinalysis included the determination of the following indicators: density, leukocytes, nitrites, pH, erythrocytes, protein,  glucose, ascorbic acid, ketones, urobilinogen, bilirubin. There was no statistically significant difference in blood and urine parameters between the animals of the control and experimental groups. A pathohistological examination of the stomach, liver, kidneys and heart was carried out, which showed the absence of a toxic effect of the feed additive. Local irritant action was studied in pathomorphological studies. It has been established that the feed additive does not have an irritating effect at the injection site. Thus, the feed additive can be used in feeding farm animals and birds at the recommended dose

    Выявление групп онкориска у больных инфильтративным туберкулезом легких

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    Lung cancer early detection is closely linked with selection of risk groups, that are persons suffering from preneoplastic diseases. High risk groups have a greater probability of any cancer development compared with a common population (Denisov L.E. e t al., 1980). The examples given above demonstrate that high risk patients could show the absence of active tuberculosis and intoxication features with tendency to standardization of blood indices and liver functional parameters and at the same time their beta-2 MG and ferritin radioimmunological levels are not diminished; but previous or even increasing. Hyperferritinemia should cause a great suspiciousness, especially oncological, because these parameters (beta-2 MG and ferritin) could characterize not only a high intoxication but a neoplastic process either. A principally new approach to early detection of a malignancy (even before morphological changes) became possible after oncological markers’ discovery. Ранняя диагностика рака легкого тесно связана с выявлением групп риска, то есть лиц с предопухо­левыми заболеваниями. Группы повышенного риска имеют более высокую вероятность заболевания ра­ком любого органа по сравнению с общей популяцией. Приведенные примеры показывают, что у больных из групп риска при отсутствии явлений активности туберкулезного процесса и интоксикации (пока­затели крови и функциональной активности печени нормализуются) радиоиммучологические показатели бета-2 МГ и ферритин не уменьшаются, а сохраняются на прежних уровнях, а у ряда больных даже повышаются. Наличие гиперферритинемии требует большой настороженности, особенно онкологической, так как данные показатели (бета -2 МГ и ферритин) могут характеризовать не только высокую сте­пень интоксикации организма, но и проявление опухолевого процесса. Принципиально новый подход к выявлению ранних признаков малигнизации, даже до появления морфологических проявлений, стал возможным после открытия опухолевых маркеров

    Показатели ферритина в мониторинге и прогнозе больных инфильтративным туберкулезом легких

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    When distinct clinical and radiological signs of lung tissue destruction are absent, radioimmune detection of serum ferritin level becomes an additional criterion to assess destruction in lung tuberculosis.A permanent hyperferritinemia exceeding the normal level in 2-3 times or more with a tendency of beta2-globulin concentration to decrease appears to be a sign of the continuing lung tissue destruction and indicates a necessity of further specific anti-tuberculosis therapy, a course and a prognosis of the disease.При отсутствии прямых клинических и рентгенологических признаков деструкции легочной ткани радиоиммунологическое определение ферритина в сыворотке крови является дополнительным критерием оценки деструктивного процесса при туберкулезе легких.Сохранение устойчивой гиперферритинемии, превышающей нормальные значения в 2-3 раза и более, при тенденции к снижению концентрации β2-микроглобулина, свидетельствует о продолжающемся распаде легочной ткани и указывает на необходимость продолжения специфического противотуберкулезного лечения больных, определяет особенность течения заболевания и прогноз

    Clinical case of de novo anaplastic ganglioglioma and current status of the problem

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    The authors report a rare case of de novo malignant ganglioglioma (WHO grade III) in a 26-year old female. The patient has complained of periodic feeling fear, anxiety, episodes of impaired consciousness with extremity muscle cramps sometimes followed by urination, as well as flashes before eyes. Computed tomography perfusion and magnetic resonance spectroscopy were carried out for differential diagnosis between different types of tumors. Stereotactic biopsy was performed for histological examination. High surgical risk became a contraindication to gross total resection of the tumor. The patient has received radiation therapy (Trilogy linear accelerator) in a total dose of 60 Gy. The tumor shrank significantly. In 7 months, monitoring MRT did not detect further growth of the tumor. The authors have analyzed the case and reviewed the existing literature data regarding gangliogliomas. Taking into account low prevalence of these tumors (0.4-1% of all brain tumors), especially of their malignant forms (3-10% of gangliogliomas), lack of sufficient data regarding prognostic factors, life expectancy, time of recurrence, lack of accurate indications for different methods of treatment (surgery, radiation, chemotherapy), these tumors still need further research that should also involve supplementary neuroimaging techniques and stereotactic biopsy

    Self-trapped states and the related luminescence in PbCl2_2 crystals

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    We have comprehensively investigated localized states of photoinduced electron-hole pairs with electron-spin-resonance technique and photoluminescence (PL) in a wide temperature range of 5-200 K. At low temperatures below 70 K, holes localize on Pb2+^{2+} ions and form self-trapping hole centers of Pb3+^{3+}. The holes transfer to other trapping centers above 70 K. On the other hand, electrons localize on two Pb2+^{2+} ions at higher than 50 K and form self-trapping electron centers of Pb2_23+^{3+}. From the thermal stability of the localized states and PL, we clarify that blue-green PL band at 2.50 eV is closely related to the self-trapped holes.Comment: 8 pages (10 figures), ReVTEX; removal of one figure, Fig. 3 in the version

    Features of COVID-19 course in patients with obesity and dysglycemia

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    Aim. To study the features of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in patients with different severity of carbohydrate metabolism disorders (CMDs), taking into account the possible role of obesity in the acceleration of clinical and laboratory disorders.Material and methods. There were 137 consecutive patients admitted to the infectious disease hospital for COVID-19patients. Three 3 groups were formed: group 1 — 42 patients with concomitant type 2 diabetes (T2D); group 2 — 13 patients with concomitant prediabetes; group 3 — 82 patients without concomitant CMDs.Results. Patients with T2D tended to have a more severe disease course according to the SMRT-CO algorithm (p=0,089), which was associated with the longest hospital stay (p=0,038), the most pronounced (p=0,011) and prolonged (p=0,0001) decrease in oxygen saturation, the maximum percentage of lung injury at the beginning (p=0,094) and at the end (p=0,007) of hospitalization, the greater need for intensive care unit (p=0,050), as well as the highest increase in C-reactive protein and fibrinogen (hypercoagulability and systemic inflammation were noted in all groups). Patients with prediabetes in terms of COVID-19 severity occupied an intermediate position between those with T2D and without CMDs; at the same time, they most often needed the prescription of biological preparations (p=0,001). In the first and second groups, there were larger, compared with the control, proportions of obese people (61,9%, 53,8% and 30,5%, respectively, p=0,003). Prediabetes group had a strong correlation between the severity of viral pneumonitis according to SMRT-CO and the presence of obesity (R=0,69, p=0,009).Conclusion. In patients with impaired carbohydrate metabolism of any severity, COVID-19 is more severe. At the same time, persons with overt T2D are prone to the most severe COVID-19 course, while patients with prediabetes in terms of disease severity occupy an intermediate position between them and those without CMDs. Obesity is a strong risk factor for severe COVID-19 among patients with initial CMDs (prediabetes), which is partly mediated by prior liver dysfunction associated with the metabolic syndrome. The increase in proinflammatory changes and hypercoagulability is associated with COVID-19 severity in patients with and without CMDs. These disorders had the greatest severity and persistence in patients with T2D