327 research outputs found

    Effective online assessment for interpretive, interpersonal and presentational modes in a blended course

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    Title: Effective online assessment for interpretive, interpersonal and presentational modes in a blended course. Author: Svitlana Malykhina, Boston University Abstract: Views on assessment are confused and even frightening. Many have been led to believe that assessment is all about test scores rather than teaching and learning. This paper presents an overview of the findings in current research (Clementi & Terrill, 2013) focusing on how to improve the quality of assessment by reducing testing. This presentation will discuss a model of blended-based curriculum for two semester-long Beginning Russian at BU; and address implementing strategies for making assessment more supportive of learning, including balancing accuracy-based and effort-based grading. I will start with highlighting the biggest change for students in transitioning from a traditional faceto-face to a blended modality; then proceed to the specifics of Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA). While IPA has become an accepted practice as it emphasizes a student centered teaching approach this type of assessment suggests that it can be accomplished most profitably in a structured situations in which the instructor controls maximally and speaks minimally; and the primary goal is to lead the student to speak, to do. IPA is not only designed to enhance learning and give a well-rounded picture of how students are doing, but it also helps instructors make teaching relevant to students by establishing connections to life outside the classroom and by addressing real world issues. I will demonstrate multiple examples of performance assessment in the three modes of communication and the assessment tools such as playlists of remedial exercises or Real World Choice Homework that foster an individualized, differentiated learning experience and empower students to take ownership for their own learning within a curriculum I provide.First author draf

    Change and continuity in the urban semiosphere of post-Soviet Kharkiv

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    The paper studies change and continuity in the urban semiosphere of Kharkiv in the post-Maidan period, focusing on themes such as the interplay of languages, street art, toponyms, and the significance of political, ideological, commercial, and artistic discourses in the urban space. The urban vernacular of Kharkiv is examined via the concept of the palimpsest that helps to expose the process of acceptance or rejection of the past, and to assess how things are remembered and forgotten through the tropes of the old narrative that were scrapped and replaced with new ones. The analysis of the linguistic landscape in this study focuses on a broader, more inclusive set of components that are part of public spaces, such as street graffiti metaphors and reactions to the text on graffiti. Thus, а multimodal approach is essential to provide deeper meanings and interpretations of public spaces. To examine the complex linguistic landscape, I bring together a representative collection of public signage that mirrors the dynamics of different historical, linguistic, and ideological factors that shape the contemporary Ukrainian identity, along with the too obvious and simultaneous presence within it of markers of the collective identity from the Soviet period. The juxtaposition of overlapping narratives provides a means to discuss the city’s community-building efforts. My paper introduces a few familiar cases of how post-Soviet urban dwellers have shaped social spaces.Published versio


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    The article reveals some approaches concerning forming students cognitive independence in the course of economic disciplines training, special attention is paid to working out the technology, and also to organizational forms, methods, receptions and means as its integral components

    Diagnostics of the actual perfection of future circus artists in the process of introductory examinations

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    The article deals with the problem of diagnostic the actor's potential of entrants who enter to the circus specializations. The author analyzes the traditional procedure of professional selection of future circus artists and offers options for improving this procedure, taking into account the specifics of circus art. In particular, the author focuses on the necessity to create conditions for the manifestation of creativity and creative initiative in the process of passing the exam in the skill of the actor; consideration is also being given to the possibility of conducting an actor's tour on the basis of special test exercises; given examples of assignments offered to the academy entrants of the Kiev Municipal Academy of Variety and Circus Arts. Key words: diagnostics of actor's giftedness, circus, creativity, actor's skill, professional selection. В статье рассматривается проблема диагностирования актерского потенциала абитуриентов, поступающих на цирковые специализации. Автор анализирует традиционную процедуру профессионального отбора будущих артистов цирка и предлагает варианты усовершенствования этой процедуры с учетом специфики циркового искусства. В частности, автором акцентируется внимание на необходимости создания условий для проявления креативности и творческой инициативы в процессе сдачи экзамена по мастерству актера; рассматривается возможность проведения актерского тура на основе специальных тестовых  упражнений; приведены примеры заданий, предлагающихся абитуриентам Киевской муниципальной академии эстрадного и циркового искусств.Ключевые слова: диагностика актерской одаренности, цирк, креативность, актерское мастерство, профессиональный отбор.

    Exploring Elementary Education Teachers’ Instruction of Academic Language for English Language Learners

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    General education teachers who teach language arts, math, science, and social studies are challenged with incorporating academic language instruction into content instruction for English language learners (ELLs). Little is known about how general education teachers use instructional strategies for teaching academic language to ELLs. A deeper understanding of teacher experiences with implementing academic language instruction to ELLs can help guide future efforts to collaborate on implementation for effective literacy programs that address ELLs’ academic language needs. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore how elementary general education teachers plan, implement, and assess academic vocabulary instruction to ELLs. The conceptual framework for this study included Cummins theory of second language acquisition. The participants included 10 general education teachers who teach language arts, math, science, and social studies at diverse elementary public schools in the Mid-Atlantic area of the United States. Teacher questionnaires and face-to-face interviews were utilized to answer the research questions. Data were analyzed via open and axial coding to generate the themes. The study findings revealed that elementary general education teachers believed that implementing academic language instruction that included instructional strategies and assessments in all four language domains, which are listening, speaking, reading and writing, was essential for academic success of ELLs. This study’s findings may positively affect social change by informing stakeholders’ efforts to develop and implement teacher professional development to support general education teachers’ efforts to provide academic language instruction to ELLs


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    The article deals with some actual problems concerning the formation o f students’ (are being trained to be economists) cognitive self directed activities in the process o f special disciplines studies


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    In the minds of the digital economy, they are characterized by more active technologies of digital technology and the expansion of new information systems, more work is needed, and more and more efficiency. The whole range of economics and humanities and clarification of the current competencies of the most successful employees of the organization. It has been designated that competence is formed, developed and manifested in the process of specific activities, such as the specific nature of the business. The specifics of public administration and administration are zoom-in scaled. For the sake of nationality, one has to start the suspension of development for the special vicarious administrative methods in order to fill in the suspension of information transmitted by the norms of administrative law. The goal is to reach the most important for suspension: to prepare for the preparation of curriculum in the field of public administration and administration.With statistics, go ahead to formulate competencies in the minds of the digital economy. Due to the competency of the approach, there has been a tendency towards a greater emphasis on hard skills (hard professional skills) for soft skills. This zoomed out in more detail to the very warehouse of soft skills. It has been shown that today there is no single universal approach to form a warehouse for soft skills to staff, moreover, most of all you will have to take a look at the additional knowledge of the context of the sphere of communication praxis. That is why we are important for the sphere of public administration and administration of soft skills, that conducted the operation of soft skills in the sphere of public administration and administration. The result is a copy of the important warehouse of community, managerial, self-organizing, mental skills and competencies for the training of efficient managers in the field of public administration. The article has been updated on the formality of emotional competence for public management in the form of professional communication, which is associated with frequent and trivial contacts with people.В условиях цифровой экономики, характеризующейся активным использованием цифровых технологий и распространением новых информационных систем, увеличивается напряженность труда руководителей и повышаются требования к эффективности их деятельности. Это требует от экономики труда не только гуманизации трудовой деятельности, но и уточнения актуальных компетенций успешных руководителей организаций. Специфика публичного управления и администрирования обусловлена масштабностью деятельности, влиянием на развитие государства, общественных организаций, и т. п. Направленность на достижение важных для общества задач повышает значимость подготовки руководителей публичной сферы. Исследованы инновационные подходы к формированию компетентности руководителей в условиях цифровой экономики. Современные исследования компетенций выявили тенденцию смещения акцента с hard skills (твердых профессиональных навыков) на soft skills (мягкие универсальные навыки) персонала. Подчеркнуто, что сегодня не существует единого подхода к формированию состава soft skills, зато чаще высказывается мнение о целесообразности учета контекста сферы деятельности работников. Поэтому нами проведено операционализацию soft skills руководителей в сфере публичного управления и администрирования с учетом специфики деятельности. Подчеркнута актуальность формирования эмоциональной компетентности для публичного управления как вида профессиональной деятельности, связанного с частыми и длительными контактами с людьми и публичными выступлениями.В умовах цифрової економіки, що характеризується активним використанням цифрових технологій та поширенням нових інформаційних систем, збільшується напруженість праці керівників і підвищуються вимоги до ефективності їхньої діяльності. Це вимагає від економіки праці не тільки гуманізації трудової діяльності, а й уточнення актуальних компетенцій успішних керівників організацій. Зазначено, що компетентність формується, розвивається та проявляється в процесі конкретної діяльності, тобто вона має враховувати специфічні умови діяльності фахівця. Специфіка публічного управління та адміністрування зумовлена масштабністю діяльності. Ця діяльність націлена на вирішення завдань суспільного розвитку за допомогою використання спеціальних адміністративно-правових методів впливу на суспільні відносини, передбачених нормами адміністративного права. Цілеспрямованість на досягнення важливих для суспільства завдань підвищує значущість підготовки керівників у сфері публічного управління та адміністрування.Досліджено інноваційні підходи до формування компетентності керівників в умовах цифрової економіки. Сучасні дослідження компетенційного підходу виявили тенденцію зміщення акценту з hard skills (твердих професійних навичок) на soft skills (м’які універсальні навички) персоналу. Це зумовило більш детальне дослідження саме складу soft skills. Виявлено, що сьогодні не існує єдиного універсального підходу до формування складу soft skills персоналу, натомість найчастіше наголошується на доцільності врахування контексту сфери діяльності працівників. Тому нами досліджено важливі для сфери публічного управління та адміністрування soft skills і проведено операціоналізацію soft skills керівників у сфері публічного управління та адміністрування. У результаті запропоновано перелік важливих складових комунікативних, управлінських, самоорганізаційних, розумових навичок та емоційної компетенції для підготовки ефективних керівників-лідерів у сфері публічного управління та адміністрування. Підкреслено актуальність формування емоційної компетентності для публічного управління як виду професійної діяльності, пов’язаного з частими і тривалими контактами з людьми

    Integration of Hybrid Musical Instruments into Russian Piano School

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    Introduction. The article presents the introduction of the hybrid musical instrument (disklavier) into the system of Russian music education. This new instrument has appeared relatively recently. It is relevant to study the world experience of using the hybrid piano and to analyze the prospects for applying it in the field of Russian piano performance. The purpose of the article is to analyze the specifics of using the hybrid musical instrument with additional equipment among students of higher educational institutions of Moscow. Materials and Methods. In the experimental part of the study, the American method of K. Riley was used. The additional techniques of working with disklavier and additional equipment based on Riley’s method were developed and applied. An activity criterion was chosen to assess the professional ski lls of students. Results. Based on pedagogical observation and interviewing, it was established that the use of a hybrid musical instrument and additional equipment improves the intellectual, research and creative abilities of students. The disklavier allows students to hear themselves in acoustic format from the position of a teacher. The instrument provides auditory and visual analysis of performance. The students can compare their feelings from the game with the exact data recorded by the disklavier and make changes to the record without losing its quality. Discussion and Conclusion. The study demonstrates the effectiveness of the use of specially developed methods of working with the disklavier and additional equipment. More work will need to be done to determine the influence of new technologies in the class of a special piano and chamber ensemble at various levels of education. This study may be of interest both for students and teachers of the piano department at secondary special and higher educational institutions

    Calculation of the Molière radius for various configurations of an electromagnetic sampling calorimeter ECaL SPD NICA

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    One of the main tasks of the electromagnetic calorimetry of the SPD setup is effective π⁰-γ separation in the energy range from 50 MeV to 10 GeV. Therefore, the current task is to optimize the design of the module cells in order to improve the physical parameters of the ECaL calorimeter. The Molière radius is determined in this work by the Monte Carlo method using Geant4 toolkit for various cell configurations of the calorimeter module. The results obtained in this work will be taken into account in the further development of the detecting systems of the ECaL SPD NICA.Одна з головних задач електромагнітної калориметрії установки SPD – ефективне π⁰-γ-розділення в області 50 МеВ…10 ГеВ. Тому актуальною задачею є оптимізація конструкції комірок модуля з метою покращення фізичних параметрів калориметра ECaL. Методом Монте-Карло (Geant4) визначено радіус Мольєра для різних конфігурацій комірки модуля калориметра. Отримані результати будуть враховані під час подальшої розробки детектуючих систем ECaL SPD NICA.Одна из главных задач электромагнитной калориметрии установки SPD – эффективное π⁰-γ-разделение в области 50 МеВ…10 ГэВ. Поэтому актуальной задачей является оптимизация конструкции ячеек модуля с целью улучшения физических параметров калориметра ECaL. Методом Монте-Карло (Geant4) определен радиус Мольера для различных конфигураций ячейки модуля калориметра. Полученные результаты будут учтены при дальнейшей разработке детектирующих систем ECaL SPD NICA