653 research outputs found

    Maintaining physical health during the period of adaptation to high loads of young athletes engaged in sambo

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    Creation of pedagogical conditions for maintaining health of young athletes wrestlers 1-2 years of training. Fundamentals of health protection in terms of planning of sports training for beginnersСоздание педагогических условий для сохранения здоровья у юных спортсменов самбистов 1-2 года обучения. Основы здоровьесбережения в условиях планирования спортивной тренировки для начинающих спортсмено

    Readiness of students of the magistracy for innovative pedagogical activity

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    In article questions of readiness of students of a magistracy for innovative pedagogical activity revealРаскрываются вопросы готовности студентов магистратуры к инновационной педагогической деятельност

    Effect of frictional treatment on the microstructure and surface properties of low-carbon steel

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    The microstructure of annealed low-carbon (0.17 wt% C) steel subjected to frictional treatment with a sliding hard-alloy indenter is studied by EBSD analysis, as well as its micromechanical characteristics. It has been found that frictional treatment results in high dispersity of the structure in the steel surface, down to the submicro- and nanocrystalline state. Instrumented microindentation has revealed that, under all the loads, the values of the contact elastic modulus E ∗ of low-carbon (0.17 wt% C) steel after frictional treatment are lower than those in the initial annealed state. Particularly, the mean value of E ∗ decreases from 208 to 168 GPa under a load of 1 gf on the indenter, from 213 to 176 GPa under a load of 25 gf and from 204 to 155 GPa under a load of 200 gf. It is for the first time that the effect of a decrease in the elastic modulus is observed for a carbon steel subjected to frictional treatment. It also follows from the microindentation data that frictional treatment increases the capability of the surface of annealed low-carbon (0.17 wt% C) steel to withstand higher contact loads prior to plastic deformation. © 2018 Author(s)

    Antimicrobial resistance in mollicutes: Known and newly emerging mechanisms

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    © FEMS 2018. All rights reserved. This review is devoted to the mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in mollicutes (class Bacilli, subclass Mollicutes), the smallest self-replicating bacteria, that can cause diseases in plants, animals and humans, and also contaminate cell cultures and vaccine preparations. Research in this area has been mainly based on the ubiquitous mollicute and the main contaminant of cell cultures, Acholeplasma laidlawii. The omics technologies applied to this and other bacteria have yielded a complex picture of responses to antimicrobials, including their removal from the cell, the acquisition of antibiotic resistance genes and mutations that potentially allow global reprogramming of many cellular processes. This review provides a brief summary of well-known resistance mechanisms that have been demonstrated in several mollicutes species and, in more detail, novel mechanisms revealed in A. laidlawii, including the least explored vesicle-mediated transfer of short RNAs with a regulatory potency. We hope that this review highlights new avenues for further studies on antimicrobial resistance in these bacteria for both a basic science and an application perspective of infection control and management in clinical and research/production settings

    Pathological changes of the spleen in mice infected with influenza against the background of the use of saponin tauroside Sx1

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    Background. It is well known that viral infections are able to cause an imbalance of the interferon system and inhibition of cellular and phagocytic reactions of the body. One of the possible solutions of the flu treatment problem may be the application of immunomodulators of native plant origin since the influenza virus possesses a suppressive effect on cellular immunity and the interferon system.The aim. To evaluate the effect of saponin tauroside Sx1 obtained from Crimean ivy leaves on histological changes in the spleen of mice infected with influenza A/WSN/1/33(H1N1) virus.Material and methods. We used 78 male BALB/c mice weighing 16–18 g which were divided into the groups: control (K; n = 12); healthy animals treated with saponin (KS; n = 22); animals infected with influenza virus A/WSN/1/33(H1N1) (V; n = 22); infected animals treated with saponin tauroside Sx1 twice a day for 3 days (SV; n = 22). Histological studies of the spleen were performed on the 4th (subgroups V, SV, KS) and 14th day (2V, 2SV, 2KS).Results. The spleen tissue of the KS subgroup demonstrated hyperplasia of the white pulp in the form of lymphoid nodules expansion. On the 4th day in the KS subgroup a statistically significant increase in the total area of the lymphoid nodules by 3.9 times compared to the K subgroup was observed. In subgroup V, there was a sharp decrease in the area of white pulp and in 2V the lymphoid nodules zones were practically indistinguishable. Applied correction in the SV and 2SV subgroups significantly ceased the damaging effect of the virus: the lymphoid nodules area increased by 2.7 times in the 2SV subgroup compared to 2V.Conclusion. Infection with the H1N1 influenza virus leads to compensatory activation of the immune response, however, on the 14th day, a pronounced depletion of the splenic white pulp occurred. The introduction of saponin tauroside Sx1 enhanced the functional activity of the spleen due to an increase of the white pulp area

    Genome sequences of Acholeplasma laidlawii strains differing in sensitivity to ciprofloxacin

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    © 2017 Medvedeva et al. Acholeplasma laidlawii is a well-suited model for study of the molecular basis of the adaptation of mollicutes to environmental conditions. Here we present the whole-genome sequences of four strains of A. laidlawii with differential sensitivity to ciprofloxacin

    Plasticity of Mycoplasmas: Changes in the Genomic Profile, as well as in the Cellular and Vesicular Proteomes of the Acholeplasma laidlawii in Adapting the Bacterium to Different Environmental Conditions

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.For the first time as a result of the comparative analysis of proteomes of cells and extracellular vesicles, as well as the complete nucleotide sequence of Acholeplasma laidlawii cells under various conditions of growth of the mycoplasma, the evidence of a high level of plasticity of this bacterium, providing a rapid adaptation to stressors associated with the SOS response, was obtained. The battery of genes with targeted potential for the infekta control system using CRISPR tools was revealed

    Изотопный состав зимних атмосферных осадков и снежного покрова в предгорьях Алтая

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    Over the past three decades, several general circulation models of the atmosphere and ocean (atmospheric and oceanic general circulation models  – GCMs) have been improved by modeling the hydrological cycle with the use of isotopologues (isotopes of water) HDO and H2 18O. Input parameters for the GCM models taking into account changes in the isotope composition of atmospheric precipitation were, above all, the results obtained by the network GNIP – Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation. At different times, on the vast territory of Russia there were only about 40 simultaneously functioning stations where the sampling of atmospheric precipitation was performed. In this study we present the results of the isotope composition of samples taken on the foothills of the Altai during two winter seasons of 2014/15 and 2015/16. Values of the isotope composition of precipitation changed in a wide range and their maximum fluctuations were 25, 202 and 18‰ for δ18О, dexc and δD, respectively. The weighted-mean values of δ18О and δD of the precipitation analyzed for the above two seasons were close to each other (−21.1 and −158.1‰ for the first season and −21.1 and −161.9‰ for the second one), while dexc values differed significantly. The comparison of the results of isotope analysis of the snow cover integral samples with the corresponding in the time interval the weighted-mean values of precipitation showed high consistency. However, despite the similarity of values of δ18О and δD, calculated for precipitation and snow cover, and the results, interpolated in IsoMAP (from data of the GNIP stations for 1960–2010), the dexc values were close to mean annual values of IsoMAP for only the second winter season. According to the trajectory analysis (the HYSPLIT model), the revealed differences between both, the seasons, and the long-term average values of IsoMAP, were associated with a change of main regions where the air masses carrying precipitation were formed, namely, the North Atlantic (the winter season of 2014/15) and the inland areas with open ice-free water bodies (the season of 2015/16). Thus, with the correct interpretation of the results, the data on the snow cover isotope composition on the Altai foothills can be used as an alternative data sources instead of the GNIP data.Приводятся результаты изотопного анализа состава атмосферных осадков и снежного покрова предгорий Алтая. Показано, что средневзвешенные значения осадков двух зимних сезонов (2014/15 и 2015/16 гг.) для δ18О составили −21,1‰, а для δD −158,1 и −161,9‰ соответственно и хорошо согласуются с изотопным составом интегральных проб снежного покрова. Проявившиеся отличия в dexc, очевидно, связаны со сменой основных регионов формирования воздушных масс, приносящих атмосферные осадки: сменой открытых ото льда акваторий Северной Атлантики на внутриконтинентальные водоёмы. При корректной интерпретации результатов данные изотопного состава атмосферных осадков и снежного покрова в предгорьях Алтая могут быть использованы в ряде моделей МОЦ

    Изотопный состав и регионы-источники зимних осадков в Надымской низменности

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    According to the forecast of IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel of the Climate Change), an increase in precipitation is expected in this century in the Arctic. The main reason is intensification of evaporation from waters of the Arctic Ocean opening due to the intensive melting of sea ice. It is supposed that these changes will be most severe in winters in the Arctic regions, which are subject to significant anthropogenic load. In this respect, the intensively developed Nadym Lowland may be considered as a promising area for researches. The results of our study showed that the circulation conditions (primarily cyclones coming from the North Atlantic under the Eastern (E) circulation form of the G.Ya. Vangenheim–A.A. Girs classification) significantly influence on the isotopic composition of precipitation in this region. Thus, in the cold period of 2016–2017, the isotopic composition of precipitation changed for δ18О by 21 ‰, and for δD by 167 ‰ (weighted average values δ18О = −22.3 ‰, δD = −172.6 ‰, and dexc = 5.6 ‰). The use of the dew point temperature at the moment of precipitation in the calculations of the isotopic-temperature dependences allows obtaining the following coupling equation: δ18О = 0.67Tdp − 15.2 (R2 = 0.67). On the basis of the joint analysis of synoptic, trajectory and isotopic data, the main regions-sources of atmospheric moisture, precipitated in the Nadym Lowland during the cold period of 2016–2017, were determined. The major contributions were made by the Atlantic Ocean (35.7%), the North Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean (30.4%), and the Black Sea-Caspian region (20%). The last one is characterized by the most weighted isotopic composition. Inland source regions have contributed the least to precipitation (slightly larger 10%), and their lightweight isotopic composition is related to cryogenic fractionation.В результате совместного анализа синоптических, траекторных и изотопных данных определены основные регионы‑источники поступления атмосферной влаги, выпавшей в виде осадков в Надымской низменности. Наибольший вклад вносит Атлантический океан (35,7%), меньше – северная часть Атлантического океана и Северный Ледовитый океан (30,4%), а также Черноморско‑Каспийский регион (20%) и внутриконтинентальные регионы (немногим более 10%)

    Observation of an Excited Bc+ State

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    Using pp collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 8.5 fb-1 recorded by the LHCb experiment at center-of-mass energies of s=7, 8, and 13 TeV, the observation of an excited Bc+ state in the Bc+π+π- invariant-mass spectrum is reported. The observed peak has a mass of 6841.2±0.6(stat)±0.1(syst)±0.8(Bc+) MeV/c2, where the last uncertainty is due to the limited knowledge of the Bc+ mass. It is consistent with expectations of the Bc∗(2S31)+ state reconstructed without the low-energy photon from the Bc∗(1S31)+→Bc+γ decay following Bc∗(2S31)+→Bc∗(1S31)+π+π-. A second state is seen with a global (local) statistical significance of 2.2σ (3.2σ) and a mass of 6872.1±1.3(stat)±0.1(syst)±0.8(Bc+) MeV/c2, and is consistent with the Bc(2S10)+ state. These mass measurements are the most precise to date