1,884 research outputs found

    Motion detection in video stream based on background subtraction and target tracking

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    Рассматривается технология обнаружения динамических объектов на видеопоследовательностях

    Lanthanum Activity in La–U–Ga–X Systems (X = Al or In)

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    Lanthanum activity was determined for the first time in La–U–Ga–X (X = Al or In) alloys. Ga–In and Ga–Al alloys were taken in the eutectic composition (21.8 wt.% In and 1.6 wt.% Al, respectively). Measurements were performed between 573 and 1073 K employing the e.m.f. method. Keywords: Lanthanum; Uranium; Gallium-Indium Eutectic; Gallium-Aluminium Eutectic; Activity; Thermodynamics

    Способ формирования профессиональной зрелости управленца

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    Робота присвячена проблемі досягнення управлінської зрілості як результату особистісного та професійного розвитку. Розглянуто кілька підходів до рольового представлення управлінської діяльності, які можуть бути інтегровані за допомогою використання Я-концепції. Професійний розвиток пропонується трактувати як розширення репертуару управлінських ролей за рахунок поєднання навчання та практики, яке гарно описується циклом емпіричного навчання Колба. Професійний розвиток передбачає свідоме формулювання бажаних управлінських ролей та їх послідовне засвоєння через розвиток Я-концепції. Управлінська зрілість при такому підході стає змінною величиною, яка обумовлена репертуаром свідомо обраних і засвоєних управлінських ролей. У роботі наведено приклад можливої структури рольового репертуару та визначено напрямок подальших досліджень.Abstract. The work addresses the problem of achieving professional maturity in relation to personal and professional development of managers. The professional development, in turn, considered as an extension of the repertoire of managerial roles being able to accomplish by a manager. This kind of development involves a combination of training and practice, which described by Kolb empirical learning cycle. The formulation of current and desirable managerial roles provided using well-known psychological self-concept. Professional development in thus approach looks like a deliberate formulation of desired managerial roles and their sequential assimilation through the development of self-concept. As an example of composition of roles considered roles of manager, leader, job architect and strategic architect. Each role requires a certain competence (ability) due to activities in the roles — cognitive, intrapersonal or interpersonal ones. When using role-based approach managerial maturity means ability to play a new role or new level of mastering in the role. An important factor of managerial maturity is conscious «design» the self-concept by manager, including models of «real self» and an «ideal self» meaning existing and desired role repertoire.Работа посвящена проблеме достижения управленческой зрелости как результата личностного и профессионального развития. Рассмотрены несколько подходов к ролевому представления управленческой деятельности, которые могут быть интегрированы с помощью использования Я-концепции. Профессиональное развитие предлагается трактовать как расширение репертуара управленческих ролей за счет сочетания обучения и практики, которое хорошо описывается циклом эмпирического обучения Колба. Профессиональное развитие предполагает сознательное формулирование желаемых управленческих ролей и их последовательное усвоение через развитие Я-концепции. Управленческая зрелость при таком подходе становится переменной величиной, которая обусловлена репертуаром сознательно выбранных и усвоенных управленческих ролей. В работе приведен пример возможной структуры ролевого репертуара и определены направления дальнейших исследований

    On the 75th anniversary of the establishment of Ophthalmic Pathomorphology Laboratory at the Filatov Institute of Eye Disease and Tissue Therapy

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    The article focuses on the results of diagnostic studies and research performed in the Ophthalmic Pathomorphology Laboratory over the 75 years of its existence. More than 250,000 histological studies of surgical clinical material and biopsy material from more than 100,000 patients have been performed over the whole period of existence of the laboratory since 1946. In addition, about 1000 science works including 26 monographs have been published, and dozens of ophthalmologists were provided special assistance in performing morphological studies for their doctoral dissertations and candidate of science theses

    Weakly-nonlocal Symplectic Structures, Whitham method, and weakly-nonlocal Symplectic Structures of Hydrodynamic Type

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    We consider the special type of the field-theoretical Symplectic structures called weakly nonlocal. The structures of this type are in particular very common for the integrable systems like KdV or NLS. We introduce here the special class of the weakly nonlocal Symplectic structures which we call the weakly nonlocal Symplectic structures of Hydrodynamic Type. We investigate then the connection of such structures with the Whitham averaging method and propose the procedure of "averaging" of the weakly nonlocal Symplectic structures. The averaging procedure gives the weakly nonlocal Symplectic Structure of Hydrodynamic Type for the corresponding Whitham system. The procedure gives also the "action variables" corresponding to the wave numbers of mm-phase solutions of initial system which give the additional conservation laws for the Whitham system.Comment: 64 pages, Late


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    Calculation of the moscovium ground-state energy by quantum algorithms

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    We investigate the possibility to calculate the ground-state energy of the atomic systems on a quantum computer. For this purpose we evaluate the lowest binding energy of the moscovium atom with the use of the iterative phase estimation and variational quantum eigensolver. The calculations by the variational quantum eigensolver are performed with a disentangled unitary coupled cluster ansatz and with various types of hardware-efficient ansatze. The optimization is performed with the use of the Adam and Quantum Natural Gradients procedures. The scalability of the ansatze and optimizers is tested by increasing the size of the basis set and the number of active electrons. The number of gates required for the iterative phase estimation and variational quantum eigensolver is also estimated.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    Quasiperiodic functions theory and the superlattice potentials for a two-dimensional electron gas

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    We consider Novikov problem of the classification of level curves of quasiperiodic functions on the plane and its connection with the conductivity of two-dimensional electron gas in the presence of both orthogonal magnetic field and the superlattice potentials of special type. We show that the modulation techniques used in the recent papers on the 2D heterostructures permit to obtain the general quasiperiodic potentials for 2D electron gas and consider the asymptotic limit of conductivity when τ\tau \to \infty. Using the theory of quasiperiodic functions we introduce here the topological characteristics of such potentials observable in the conductivity. The corresponding characteristics are the direct analog of the "topological numbers" introduced previously in the conductivity of normal metals.Comment: Revtex, 16 pages, 12 figure