1,654 research outputs found

    Lanthanum Activity in La–U–Ga–X Systems (X = Al or In)

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    Lanthanum activity was determined for the first time in La–U–Ga–X (X = Al or In) alloys. Ga–In and Ga–Al alloys were taken in the eutectic composition (21.8 wt.% In and 1.6 wt.% Al, respectively). Measurements were performed between 573 and 1073 K employing the e.m.f. method. Keywords: Lanthanum; Uranium; Gallium-Indium Eutectic; Gallium-Aluminium Eutectic; Activity; Thermodynamics

    On the 75th anniversary of the establishment of Ophthalmic Pathomorphology Laboratory at the Filatov Institute of Eye Disease and Tissue Therapy

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    The article focuses on the results of diagnostic studies and research performed in the Ophthalmic Pathomorphology Laboratory over the 75 years of its existence. More than 250,000 histological studies of surgical clinical material and biopsy material from more than 100,000 patients have been performed over the whole period of existence of the laboratory since 1946. In addition, about 1000 science works including 26 monographs have been published, and dozens of ophthalmologists were provided special assistance in performing morphological studies for their doctoral dissertations and candidate of science theses

    Weakly-nonlocal Symplectic Structures, Whitham method, and weakly-nonlocal Symplectic Structures of Hydrodynamic Type

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    We consider the special type of the field-theoretical Symplectic structures called weakly nonlocal. The structures of this type are in particular very common for the integrable systems like KdV or NLS. We introduce here the special class of the weakly nonlocal Symplectic structures which we call the weakly nonlocal Symplectic structures of Hydrodynamic Type. We investigate then the connection of such structures with the Whitham averaging method and propose the procedure of "averaging" of the weakly nonlocal Symplectic structures. The averaging procedure gives the weakly nonlocal Symplectic Structure of Hydrodynamic Type for the corresponding Whitham system. The procedure gives also the "action variables" corresponding to the wave numbers of mm-phase solutions of initial system which give the additional conservation laws for the Whitham system.Comment: 64 pages, Late

    Calculation of the moscovium ground-state energy by quantum algorithms

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    We investigate the possibility to calculate the ground-state energy of the atomic systems on a quantum computer. For this purpose we evaluate the lowest binding energy of the moscovium atom with the use of the iterative phase estimation and variational quantum eigensolver. The calculations by the variational quantum eigensolver are performed with a disentangled unitary coupled cluster ansatz and with various types of hardware-efficient ansatze. The optimization is performed with the use of the Adam and Quantum Natural Gradients procedures. The scalability of the ansatze and optimizers is tested by increasing the size of the basis set and the number of active electrons. The number of gates required for the iterative phase estimation and variational quantum eigensolver is also estimated.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    Reciprocal transformations of Hamiltonian operators of hydrodynamic type: nonlocal Hamiltonian formalism for linearly degenerate systems

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    Reciprocal transformations of Hamiltonian operators of hydrodynamic type are investigated. The transformed operators are generally nonlocal, possessing a number of remarkable algebraic and differential-geometric properties. We apply our results to linearly degenerate semi-Hamiltonian systems in Riemann invariants. Since all such systems are linearizable by appropriate (generalized) reciprocal transformations, our formulae provide an infinity of mutually compatible nonlocal Hamiltonian structures, explicitly parametrized by arbitrary functions of one variable.Comment: 26 page

    Vibrational spectroscopy of GdCr3(BO3)4: Quantitative separation of crystalline phases

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    This work is devoted to the investigation of GdCr3(BO3)4 crystals by the method of infrared spectroscopy. Incongruently melting borate GdCr3(BO3)4 was obtained as a result of spontaneous crystallization. Crystal structures were identified by the method of infrared spectroscopy. Ab initio calculations in the frame of density functional theory enabled us to separate modes belonging to the R32 and C2/c phases and to estimate the ratio of these phases in GdCr3(BO3)4 crystals. We have found that the content of the rhombohedral R32 (non- centrosymmetric) modification is about 85%. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Behavioral and neuronal responses of two mouse species, Mus musculus and Mus spicilegus, to con- and heterospecific olfactory signals

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    The behavioral and neuronal responses of the males of two closely related species of mice (Mus musculus  wagneri, M. spicilegus) to the urine odors of estrus con- and heterospecific females were studied. In two-choice odor tests males significantly longer investigated odor of conspecific females in comparison with heterospecific ones. To investigate neuronal activation in the main and accessory olfactory bulbs (MOB and AOB), one of the methods of functional tomography – manganese-enhanced MRI ( ME-MRI) – was used. There was a significant increase in Mn2+ accumulation in the dorsal section of the posterior part of the MOB in male M. m. wagneri and M. spicilegus exposed to odor of conspecific females compared with the control group males (odor not exposed). There was a local significant increase in manganese accumulation in the dorsal region of the anterior part of the MOB in the case of the exposure of odor of a heterospecific female. The exposure of heptanone-2 to mice resulted not only in an increase in Mn2+ accumulation in certain zones, but also in a significant decrease in the accumulation of Mn2+ in the rest of the olfactory bulbs. A significant increase in the accumulation of MRI contrast in AOB was observed in males only in the case of female urine-conspecific odor exposure. The results support the previously stated assumption of a significant difference in chemical communication systems in two species of mice. A comparison of these results and results obtained previously demonstrated the absence of any differences in behavioral and neuronal responses to con- and heterospecific odors of the house mouse subspecies allopatric (M. m. wagneri) and sympatric (M. m. musculus) to M. spicilegus. This fact does not allow us to assume the effect of the mechanism of “reinforcement” in the process of evolution in the formation of precopulatory reproductive isolation between the sympatric species M. spicilegus and M. musculus


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    SUMMARY. Today it᾽s extremely important to develop objective methods for assessing intraocular inflammation. The aim of the study – to learn the histomorphology of rabbit eye with induced non-infectious anterior and intermediate uveitis with normalization of the ocular surface temperature. Material and Methods. The temperature of the ocular surface in the projection of the ciliary body pars plana was measured on 17 chinchilla rabbits with induced non-infectious anterior and intermediate uveitis. The histomorphological examination of 6 rabbits’ eyes was carried out. Results and Discussion. The average day of temperature normalization is 46 days (SD 8.8). In the late period of the experiment, the ciliary body, like the iris, no longer exhibits signs of edema and is not infiltrated by numerous immunocompetent cells (mainly lymphocytes and plasmocytes), as we observed at the early period. Regarding the vitreous body, its structure has undergone significant changes in comparison with the early observation period. First of all, this is expressed by a sharp decrease in the number of cells of the lymphoid series, which were located in it in the previous period. In addition, the tinctorial properties of the vitreous are enhanced, which indicates in favor of its induration. Regarding the morphological state of the eyeball layers, we can say that the choroid looks unchanged. Such a phenomenon as the formation of multiple retinal tractions into the vitreous body is a new pathological formation that did not occur at the previous early stage. The main thing in the eye histological picture changes in comparison with the previous early period of the study, is the manifestations of active inflammation decline. Conclusions. According to the results of a histomorphological study, in a rabbit with induced non-infectious anterior and intermediate uveitis normalization of the ocular surface temperature occurs in the phase of proliferation and completion of the inflammatory process.РЕЗЮМЕ. На сегодняшний день крайне важной задачей является разработка объективных методов оценки внутриглазного воспаления. Цель – изучить гистоморфологическое состояние больного глаза кролика с моделированным неинфекционным передним и средним увеитом при нормализации температуры глазной поверхности в проекции цилиарного тела. Материал и методы. Проведено измерение температуры поверхности глаз в проекции плоской части цилиарного тела на 17 кроликах породы «шиншилла» с моделированным неинфекционным передним и средним увеитом. Также проведено гистоморфологическое исследование глаз 6 кроликов. Результаты. Средний срок нормализации температуры равнялся 46 дням (SD 8,8). В позднем сроке эксперимента цилиарное тело, как и радужная оболочка, уже не имеют признаков отечности и не инфильтрированны многочисленными иммунокомпетентными клетками (преимущественно лимфо- и плазмоцитами), как это имело место на раннем сроке наблюдения. Структура стекловидного тела, по сравнению с ранним периодом наблюдения, претерпела значительные изменения. Прежде всего, это выражалось резким уменьшением количества клеток лимфоидного ряда, которые располагались в нем в предыдущем сроке, хотя они и присутствовали. К тому же, усиливались тинкториальные свойства стекловидного тела, что свидетельствовало в пользу его уплотнения. Относительно морфологического состояния оболочек стенки глазного яблока, можно сказать, что собственно сосудистая оболочка выглядит не измененной. Такое явление, как образование множественных тракций сетчатки в стекловидное тело, – это новое патологическое образование, которое не встречалось на предыдущем, раннем этапе эксперимента. Главное в изменении гистологической картины глазных структур, по сравнению с предыдущим, ранним сроком исследования, является стихание в них проявлений активного воспаления. Выводы. Согласно результатам гистоморфологического исследования, у кролика с моделируемым неинфекционным передним и средним увеитом нормализация температуры глазной поверхности в проекции цилиарного тела происходит в фазы пролиферации и завершения воспалительного процесса.РЕЗЮМЕ. На сьогоднішній день вкрай важливим завданням є розробка об᾽єктивних методів оцінки внутрішньоочного запалення. Мета – вивчити гістоморфологічний стан хворого ока кроля з модельованим неінфекційним переднім і середнім увеїтом при нормалізації температури очної поверхні в проекції циліарного тіла. Матеріал і методи. Проведено вимірювання температури поверхні очей в проекції плоскої частини циліарного тіла на 17 кролях породи «шиншила» з модельованим неінфекційним переднім і середнім увеїтом. Також проведено гістоморфологічне дослідження очей 6 кролів. Результати. Середній термін нормалізації температури дорівнює 46 дням (SD 8,8). У пізньому терміні експерименту циліарне тіло, як і райдужна оболонка, вже не мають ознак набряклості і не інфільтровані численними імунокомпетентними клітинами (переважно лімфо- і плазмоцитами), як це було в ранньому терміні спостереження. Структура склоподібного тіла, порівняно з раннім періодом спостереження, зазнала значних змін. Насамперед це виражалося різким зменшенням кількості клітин лімфоїдного ряду, які визначалися в ньому в попередньому терміні, хоча вони й залишалися. До того ж, посилювалися тинкторіальні властивості склоподібного тіла, що свідчить на користь його ущільнення. Щодо морфологічного стану оболонок стінки очного яблука, можна сказати, що власне судинна оболонка виглядає не зміненою. Таке явище, як утворення множинних тракцій сітківки в склоподібне тіло, – це нове патологічне утворення, яке не зустрічалося на попередньому, ранньому етапі експерименту. Головним у зміні гістологічної картини очних структур, порівняно з попереднім раннім терміном дослідження, є стихання в них проявів активного запалення. Висновки. Згідно з результатами гістоморфологічного дослідження, у кроля з модельованим неінфекційним переднім і середнім увеїтом нормалізація температури очної поверхні в проекції циліарного тіла відбувається в фазах проліферації та завершення запального процесу

    Variability of Fragments of Nuclear Brca1 Gene, Exon 11, and Mitochondrial Cox1 Gene in House Mice Mus musculus

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    To clarify genetic differences between subspecies of the house mouse Mus musculus, their distribution, and hybridization, we first conducted a comparative analysis of variability of nucleotide sequences of fragments of the nuclear gene Brca1, exon 11 (2331 bp), and mitochondrial gene Cox1 (1260 bp) in 40 house mice from West and East Europe, Transcaucasia, Siberia, and Central and South Asia. Brca1 genotypes were divided into five main groups, which differed in a number of fixed substitutions. Genotypes of each group are characteristic for the certain geographical region and the following subspecies: M. m. musculus, M. m. domesticus, M. m. castaneus, and M. m. wagneri together with M. m. gansuensis; a fifth group corresponds to an unidentified subspecies or a distinct genetic form of M. musculus from India (Sikkim State). Besides the homozygous specimens, we revealed mice, which were heterozygous for all diagnostic loci simultaneously; these specimens were determined as hybrid. Hybrid mice were mainly found in the zones of contact of subspecies, but in some cases, quite far from one of the parent subspecies (possibly, due to transportation). In two hybrid mice (from Bakhtiari Province of Iran and Transbaikalia of Russia), unique Brca1 haplotypes were detected. It cannot be ruled out that, at least partly, they may be characteristic of the M. m. bactrianus and M. m. gansuensis subspecies, respectively. Thus, the results of the study showed that the nuclear Brca1 gene is a promising molecular genetic marker for the analysis of variability, differentiation, and hybridization of house mice as well for subspecific identification of M. musculus specimens. Despite more rapid evolution of the Cox1 gene, it is not well suited for discrimination of M.m. musculus, M. m. wagneri, M. m. gansuensis specimens and Transcaucasian representatives of M.m. domesticus due to introgression and long-term maintenance of foreign mitochondrial DNA in populations. However, Cox1 gene analysis (along with the diagnostics of animals by nuclear DNA) may be useful for estimation of population differences in M. m. castaneus and M.m. domesticus subspecies