485 research outputs found

    Workplace Commitment and Employee Well-Being: A Meta-analysis and Study of Commitment Profiles

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    Employee commitments have been connected to a multitude of organizationally- relevant variables, including turnover, absenteeism, job performance, and organizational citizenship behaviours (e.g., Meyer, Stanley, Herscovtich, & Topolnytsky, 2002). Research has repeatedly demonstrated that the form these commitments take matters; that is, research has shown that commitment based on a mindset of affective attachment has the strongest positive relations with desired outcomes, while commitment based on mindsets of social or economic costs has much weaker and sometimes even negative relations with these same outcomes. Far less research exists on the connection between workplace commitments and their implications for employees themselves, although research is beginning to accumulate (see Meyer & Maltin, 2010, for a review). Some meta-analyses of the links between commitment and individual well-being variables (e.g. stress, Mathieu & Zajac, 1990; Dowden & Tellier, 2004; and engagement, Halbesleben, 2010) exist, but these, and the bulk of primary research in this area, focused almost exclusively on affectively-based commitment. The research presented here aimed to provide a clear picture of what we know about the connection between commitment and well-being operationalized multidimensionally, and provide new information about their relation. Wellness research has often focused not on well-being but on the absence of illness; the studies presented here, in addition to ill-health, include both hedonic well-being (i.e., happiness, pleasure) and eudaimonic well-being (i.e., meaning, energy; Ryan & Deci, 2001). Study 1 provides a meta-analysis of links between organizational commitment and ill health and well-being. Study 2 aims to go beyond what is known about commitment and well-being by taking a person-centered, multidimensional approach. Specifically, Study 2 is a primary study exploring the occupational and organizational commitment of 326 teachers. These teachers were classified into naturally-occurring commitment profile groups through latent profile analysis (Muthén & Muthén, 2000), and the groups were compared with regard to need support, need satisfaction, ill health, hedonic well-being, and eudaimonic well-being. Findings of both studies confirmed that the nature of the commitment does indeed count, and that employees whose commitment is characterized by strong affective attachment report higher levels of well-being. Directions for future research in this area and implications for practice are discussed


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    Four playing cards in the middle with dancers standing on small tables on all four sideshttps://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/cht-sheet-music/13743/thumbnail.jp

    Samlingsplatser under mesolitikum. - Om jägar-samlarsamhällens behov av att samlas och samlingsplatser i det mesolitiska Skandinavien

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    Larger meetings and gatherings of people is commonly discussed when it comes to prehistoric periods like the Neolithic and the Iron Age. When talking about the Mesolithic, people's need of gathering or hypothetical gathering places is seldom mentioned. This essay is an attempt to bring attention to phenomena like gathering and gathering places during the Scandinavian Mesolithic. In order to do so I've made use of archaeology and anthropology as well as osteology. I've also discussed possible identifications of gathering places and the characteristics of a gathering place


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) berbasis Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) pada Pembelajaran IPA Materi Upaya Keseimbangan dan Pelestarian Sumber Daya Alam di Lingkungannya. Latar belakang penelitian ini dikarenakan LKPD kurang menarik perhatian siswa, dengan tampilan LKPD yang masih biasa, dan isi LKPD yang belum memenuhi kriteria LKPD yang baik, sehingga menyebabkan pembelajaran yang membosankan bagi siswa. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian Design and Development (D&D) dengan tahapan model D&D menurut Peffers dkk. yaitu Identify the problem motivating the research, describe the objectives, design and develop the artifact, subject the artifact to testing, evaluatethe results of testing, dan Communicate those results. Metode pengambilan data dengan menggunakan observasi terhadap guru dan siswa, serta menggunakan instrument validasi untuk menilai kelayakan LKPD kepada ahli materi dan ahli media, kemudian uji coba terbatas kepada siswa kelas IV SD serta penilaian dari angket respon guru dan angket respon siswa. Lokasi penelitian ini di salah satu Sekolah Dasar yang terletak di kecamatan Sukajadi, Kota Bandung. LKPD berbasis Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) terdapat tujuh komponen yaitu: konstruktisme (contructivism), penemuan (inquiry), bertanya (questioning), masyarakat belajar (learning community), pemodelan (modelling), refleksi (reflection), dan penilaian yang sebenarnya (authentic assessment). Setelah melakukan validasi kepada ahli materi dan ahli media, hasil penilaian dari kedua ahli tersebut menunjukkan bahwa LKPD berbasis CTL pada pembelajaran IPA materi Upaya Keseimbangan dan Pelestarian Sumber Daya Alam di Lingkungannya sudah layak untuk uji coba kepada siswa kelas IV SD. Hasil penilaian dari angket respon guru dan siswa juga menunjukkan bahwa LKPD sudah sangat baik. Dengan demikian, pengembangan LKPD ini dapat dijadikan suatu alternatif dalam pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan guru dalam proses pembelajaran yang lebih menarik. ABSTRACT This research aims to development of the student’s worksheet based on contextual teaching and learning (ctl) on learning of natural science materials of balance and preservation of natural resources in their environment. This research background is because the Development (D&D with the D&D model stages according to Peffers et al. namely Identify the problem motivating the research, describe the objectives, design and develop the artifact, subject the artifact to testing, evaluate the results of testing, and Communicate those results. Data student’s worksheet less attractive to student’s attention, with a view the student’s worksheet which is still commonplace, and content who do not meet the criteria the student’s worksheet the good one, resulting in boring learning for student’s. This research method using Design and collection methods by using observation towards teachers and students, as the well as using validation instrument to assess the feasibility of student’s worksheets to material experts and media experts, then limited trials to fourth grade elementary school students, as well as assessment from the teacher response questionnaires and student responses questionnaires. The location of this research in one of the elementary shcools which is locatedin the Sukajadi district, Bandung. Student worksheets based contextual teaching and learning (ctl) there are seven components, namely: contructivism, inquiiry, questioning, learning community, modelling, reflection, and authentic assessment, after validating to material experts and media experts, the research results of the two experts show that student worksheets based ctl on IPA learning material for balancing and preseving natural resources in the environment, already feasible for trials to fourth grade elementary school students. Research result from teacher and student response questionnaires also show that student worksheets it is very good. Therefore, development of this student worksheets can be used as an alternative to learning which the teacher can use in a more interesting learning process

    Use of hyperspectral imaging technologies for prediction of beef meat quality

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    As an emerging technology, hyperspectral imaging (HSI) providesa unique non-destructive way of analysing food quality. In the current application HSI is applied to meat quality analysis, based on an image cube captured at different wavelengths, which usually covers from visible (VIS) to near infrared (NIR) bands. Many researchers have found that there is a relationship between eating quality of beef and corresponding sensory properties such as tenderness and flavour. The tenderness can be assessed by measuring the slice shear force (SSF) and the ultimate pH value is an important shelf-life and colour parameter. In this project, HSI has been employed to predict the SSF measurement and pH value of captured beef samples at 7 days and 14 days post mortem and the results are compared with the existing NIR reflectance spectroscopy. Principal component analysis (PCA) is employed for feature extraction and selection with support vector machine (SVM) used for the prediction.>600 beef M. longissimusthoracissamples at 48 hours post mortemhave been scanned in three abattoirs (200 per abattoir over two consecutive days), using both hyperspectral imaging system and NIR reflectance spectroscopy. SSF and pH measures of steaks were collected by QMS. Preliminary results show that both HSI and NIR predict pH value more successfully than SSF. For SSF prediction, HSI (visible bands only)shows great potential as it yields higher coefficient of determination R2 than NIR. For the pH value prediction, the coefficient of determination (R2 ) of HSI is also higher than that of NIR. This indicates that HSI techniques can be more favourablethan NIR reflectance spectroscopy for accurate prediction of beef SSF and ultimate pH

    Singular spectrum analysis for hyperspectral imaging based beef eating quality evaluation: a new pre-processing method

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    Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is an emerging platform technology that integrates conventional imaging and spectroscopy to attain both spatial and spectral information from an object. In recent years, HSI has rapidly matured into one of the most powerful tools for food quality analysis and control. In the project, HSI has been applied for beef eating quality evaluation. Pre-processing of HSI spectral profiles is needed, in order to eliminate undesired noises. Singular spectrum analysis (SSA) will be demonstrated to be an effective pre-processing step in de-noising HSI spectra

    Teachers` Dual Commitment to the Organization and Occupation: A Person-centered Investigation

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    This study extends previous commitment research by applying person-centered analytic techniques to identify and compare profiles of affective, normative, and continuance commitment to the organization and occupation. Latent profile analyses applied to data from 336 Canadian teachers revealed five profiles with unique combinations of the three commitment mindsets across the two targets. Differences observed across profiles in teachers’ turnover intention and physical and psychological well-being are used to illustrate the benefits of taking a more holistic approach to the investigation of commitment compared to analyses involving individual targets and/or mindsets. Implications for commitment theory, future research, and practice are discussed

    Neurotrophin-3-enhanced nerve regeneration selectively improves recovery of muscle fibers expressing myosin heavy chains 2b

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of neurotrophin 3 (NT-3) enhanced nerve regeneration on the reinnervation of a target muscle. Muscle fibers can be classified according to their mechanical properties and myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform composition. MHC1 containing slow-type and MHC2a or 2b fast-type fibers are normally distributed in a mosaic pattern, their phenotype dictated by motor innervation. After denervation, all fibers switch to fast-type MHC2b expression and also undergo atrophy resulting in loss of muscle mass. After regeneration, discrimination between fast and slow fibers returns, but the distribution and fiber size change according to the level of reinnervation. In this study, rat gastrocnemius muscles (ipsilateral and contralateral to the side of nerve injury) were collected up to 8 mo after nerve repair, with or without local delivery of NT-3. The phenotype changes of MHC1, 2a, and 2b were analyzed by immunohistochemistry, and fiber type proportion, diameter, and grouping were assessed by computerized image analysis. At 8 mo, the local delivery of NT-3 resulted in significant improvement in gastrocnemius muscle weight compared with controls (NT-3 group 47%, controls 39% weight of contralateral normal muscle; P < 0.05). NT-3 delivery resulted in a significant increase in the proportion (NT-3 43.3%, controls 35.7%; P < 0.05) and diameter (NT-3 87.8 μm, controls 70.8 μm; P < 0.05) of fast type 2b fibers after reinnervation. This effect was specific to type 2b fibers; no normalization was seen in other fiber types. This study indicates that NT-3–enhanced axonal regeneration has a beneficial effect on the motor target organ. Also, NT-3 may be specifically affecting a subset of motoneurons that determine type 2b muscle fiber phenotype. As NT-3 was topically applied to cut nerves, our data suggest a discriminating effect of the neurotrophin on neuro–muscular interaction. These results would imply that muscle fibers may be differentially responsive to other neurotrophic factors and indicate the potential clinical role of NT-3 in the prevention of muscle atrophy after nerve injury
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