70 research outputs found

    Conceptual Art

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    Providing a re-examination of what Osborne identifies as a major turning point in contemporary art, this monograph takes a chronological and stylistic look at conceptual art from its “pre-history” (1950-1960) to contemporary practices that use conceptual strategies. Osborne surveys the development of the movement in relation to the social, cultural and political contexts within which it evolved. With extended captions, key works are compiled according to ten themes that also serve to present a collection of critical texts, artists’ statements, interviews and commentaries. Includes biographical notes on artists (6 p.) and authors (2 p.), a bibliography (2 p.) and an onomastic index (4 p.) Circa 150 bibl. ref

    Encantamento do rosto: poses e retratos de cinema

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    The purpose of this article is to describe a set of photographs of Eliane Lage (1928-), a movie actress featured in Caiçara, Ângela, Sinhá Moça and Ravina - the first three produced by Companhia Cinematográfica Vera Cruz (1950-1954), and the fourth by Cinematográfica Brasil Filmes. Companhia Cinematográfica Vera Cruz aspired to be one of the largest film producers in Brazil and, accordingly, its Advertising Department set out to establish Eliane Lage as a great movie star, like those in the world's dominant movie industries. This paper brings to light some photographs which, coupled with information published in the press, were intended to tell the public at large who Eliane Lage was by exploring extensively certain aspects of her "biography", such as her privileged background, her denial of stardom, her detachment, her passion for her husband, and her love of nature. The picture selection includes: a photo essay by the architect Gregori Warcharchik; studio marketing photographs; snapshots taken by photographers at the time; and pictures that are part of the actress's personal collection

    Sénat – séance du 23 novembre 1960 -

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    M. Jacques de Maupeou.– Monsieur le président, monsieur le ministre, mes chers collègues, il y a deux ans aujourd’hui, à peu près jour pour jour, j’allai voir le garde des sceaux d’alors, que la rumeur publique, qui s’avéra bon prophète, désignait comme le futur Premier ministre, et je lui remis une note démontrant la nécessité de créer enfin un grand ministère des arts et des lettres, indépendant du ministère de l’éducation nationale. C’est dire avec quelle satisfaction, monsieur le ministre..

    Sénat – séance du 21 novembre 1961 –

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    M. Louis Jung.– Monsieur le ministre, mes chers collègues, je ne voudrais pas allonger ce débat et je m’excuse de vous parler d’un projet d’intérêt régional, mais vu que la cathédrale de Strasbourg a quand même été, pour tout notre peuple, pendant de nombreuses années, le symbole de la liberté et même, pendant la dernière guerre, le symbole de la libération, je voudrais attirer l’attention de M. le ministre sur la situation dramatique dans laquelle se trouvent les responsables de l’entretien ..

    Lettre inédite à Louise R. Whiterell

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    Thân phận con người

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    467 tr.; 19 cm