3,701 research outputs found

    Antibody-antigen interactions: What is the required time to equilibrium?

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    The use of antibodies is widespread in many areas including in-vivo and in-vitro diagnostics, quantitative analysis in research laboratories and as therapeutic substances. Since the methods for generation of antibodies has improved and regularly results in high-affinity interactions, the standard assays used for quantification of the interaction properties should be revisited because they do not necessarily produce accurate results. Here we show that in several cases, the affinity determination of strongly binding antibodies will be inherently difficult when using standard procedures, due to impractically long incubation times. Real-time kinetic analysis is often the only realistic alternative for affinity determination

    Laser treatment and disease characteristics of peri-implantitis

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    Peri-implantitis is an inflammatory disease which affects the soft and hard tissues surrounding dental implants. Current theory is that peri-implantitis is a counterpart to periodontitis, which is the inflammatory disease that destroys the tooth’s supporting tissues. However, there are some key discrepancies and there is a need for more studies on the characteristics of peri-implantitis. If the disease is not stopped, there is a risk that the dental implant is lost. It has proven difficult to treat peri-implantitis with conventional nonsurgical or surgical treatments. This is also an area of peri-implantitis that needs further research. The overall aim was to evaluate laser treatment of peri-implantitis, as well as explore the patients’ experiences and disease characteristics. In study I, we tested the safety of using diode lasers on dental implants by evaluating two different wavelengths 445 nm and 970nm. The temperature increase in dental implants were tested in two different models, one being a PM. Rigorous amounts of cooling water and limiting the continuous irradiation time to a maximum of 15-20s seemed to be key factors, depending on the power setting. We also assessed potential surface alterations on titanium discs in SEM but did not see any. In study II, the patient’s experiences and sensations were explored qualitatively in semi-structured interviews. We confirmed previous findings of positive associations of dental implants and added some perspectives to them with some negative experiences. In this group of patients, already diagnosed with peri-implantitis, some reported feeling symptoms, which could mean that with education on early signs of inflammation, the patient can also monitor their peri-implant health. The experiences of laser treatment and mucosal flap surgery were that of slight discomfort and for both the localized anesthesia was described as the worst part. Those that received surgery mentioned the sutures as a main source of discomfort. This we confirmed quantitatively in study III, where the surgery patients rated their discomfort significantly higher during the first week of healing than those in the laser group. In study III, we could not establish equivalence in change of PPD and RBL between the laser treatment and mucosal flap surgery. Both treatments had similar numbers of unresponsive peri-implantitis lesions, but in the patients that improved in their PPD, the surgery had significantly higher pocket reduction. There was basically no difference in change of RBL, BOP, biomarkers, and bacteria between the treatments. In study IV, we found that the inflammatory profile and immune cell composition were similar between peri-implantitis and periodontitis. In homogenized soft tissue, peri-implantitis lesions had significantly higher levels of IL-1ÎČ, TNF-α, IL-4 IL-17A, IL-23, G-CSF, and BAFF, whereas periodontitis only had significantly higher levels of IL-1ÎČ, IL-4, and G-CSF, compared to non-disease controls. Although, peri-implantitis and periodontitis did not significantly differ, there was a tendency towards a stepwise increase in proportion of B cells, from lowest in controls to highest in peri-implantitis. The results in this thesis show the potential for 970 nm diode laser in treating peri-implantitis. With unique clinical data a suggested role for the treatment modality could be initial stages of peri-implantitis where extensive pocket elimination is not as needed. The findings also support the need for further studies in assessing the patients self-monitoring of peri-implant conditions as well as the potential difference in B cell proportion and activity between peri-implantitis and periodontitis

    The Objects of Modernity: an Investigation of Material Culture and Mass Consumption

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    This thesis examines the impact of the objects that surrounds us and the practices of consumption in which we engage on the cultural constructions we live and vice versa taking its point of departure in an examination of the objects and consumption practices that have been used in the definition of the construct of modernity in various cultures. Theoretically it develops a framework based on speech act theory and ritual studies, which is then applied to a range of case studies coming from all over the world. It then builds this into an argument for attributing increased importance to the material world and material culture, when doing anthropology

    Thermometry using OH laser-induced fluorescence excitation spectra: A feasibility study

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    In this thesis, rotational spectra, acquired through laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) on the OH-radical, were used to evaluate temperatures in different combustion environments. By comparing experimental spectra with theoretical ones of known temperature, the temperature can be determined. A MATLAB-code has been developed that evaluates temperature by comparing experimental spectra with a library of theoretical spectra, using a least-square algorithm. The theoretical spectra database was generated with the software LIFBASE. The code was used to evaluate temperature from OH-spectra acquired from already existing excitation scans recorded in an HCCI-engine, using photofragmentation LIF (PF-LIF). The LIF-signal was detected with ICCD-cameras. The measurements are thus spatially resolved in two dimensions. This spatial resolution was utilized to get spatially resolved, quantitative temperature measurements. Some reference excitation scans were performed during this project using both LIF and PF-LIF. These were acquired in premixed, laminar flames and in a free flow of hydrogen peroxide-vapor at ambient conditons

    From Fauna to Flames : Remote Sensing with Scheimpflug Lidar

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    This thesis presents applications of the Scheimpflug Lidar (S-Lidar) method. The technique has been applied to combustion diagnostics on a scale of several meters as well as fauna detection and monitoring over distances of kilometers. Lidar or laser radar is a remote sensing technique where backscattering of laser light is detected with range resolution along the direction of the laser beam. It is an established method in e.g. atmospheric sensing where it is used to map and monitor gases and aerosols. In contrast to conventional Lidar, which uses a time-of-flight approach, Scheimpflug Lidar uses imaging to achieve range resolution. The laser beam transmitted from the Lidar system is sharply imaged onto a detector, resulting in range resolution along the sensor. This is done by placing the laser beam, the collection optics and the detector according to two trigonometrical conditions called the Scheimpflug and hinge rules. This kind of Lidar technique enables the use of small, continuous-wave diode lasers and line-array detectors with kHz sampling rates. A general description of the equations governing the achievable measurement range and resolution of S-Lidar are presented. The way the equations relate to the conventional Lidar equation is also discussed as well as the impact of the beam width. The instrumentation and experimental considerations for far range S-Lidar for aerial fauna monitoring are described and some temporally and spatially resolved data from field campaigns in Africa, China and Sweden are presented. A method used to reduce and analyze the large amount of collected data is also described. For the short-range applications, down-scaled versions of the system were developed. These systems are described as well as their applications. The short range system has mostly been used to investigate the potential of the technique to be applied for combustion diagnostics, and results from measurements in flames using both elastic and inelastic optical techniques, such as Rayleigh scattering and two-line atomic fluorescence are presented. A hyperspectral Lidar system aimed at aquatic applications is also presented

    Children’s participation in the creation of play environments : two municipal projects and their respective approaches

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    Barns rĂ€tt till deltagande Ă€r, i och med att barnkonventionen sedan början av 2020 Ă€r svensk lag, ett högst relevant Ă€mne. I dag ses barn generellt som subjekt med unik kompetens om den egna verkligheten men trots detta involveras de alltför sĂ€llan i frĂ„gor som pĂ„verkar dem. Att barnkonventionen nu Ă€r lag innebĂ€r krav som inte funnits tidigare pĂ„ att barn ska fĂ„ vara delaktiga och uttrycka sina Ă„sikter. Det Ă€r dĂ€rför troligt att antalet initiativ som syftar till att involvera barn i olika typer av projekt kommer att bli fler. För att ge barn reell chans att pĂ„verka dessa projekt med sin unika kompetens krĂ€vs det att deras roll som deltagare noga övervĂ€gs i syfte att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla att deltagandet blir meningsfullt, vilket inte uppnĂ„s om den roll barnen tilldelas endast Ă€r av symbolisk karaktĂ€r. Det Ă€r essentiellt att slĂ€ppa in nya perspektiv i planeringen för att skapa socialt hĂ„llbara samhĂ€llen och forskning visar Ă€ven att barns kĂ€nsla av sjĂ€lvvĂ€rde ökar nĂ€r de ges chansen att vara med och pĂ„verka. Denna uppsats har gjort en empirisk undersökning av tvĂ„ kommunala projekt dĂ€r barn, pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt, varit involverade i skapandet av lekmiljöer. Landskrona stad har tillĂ€mpat olika former av samrĂ„d medan Örebro kommun har anvĂ€nt sig av ett konstnĂ€rligt tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt. TillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tten för att involvera barnen skiljer sig mycket Ă„t projekten emellan och det har dĂ€rför varit intressant att undersöka hur tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tten ser ut och hur de vidare kan utvecklas för att ytterligare öka barns deltagande. Projekten har studerats genom fyra intervjuer och en deltagande observation vilket har gett en bild av hur konstnĂ€rliga tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt och samrĂ„dsbaserade tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt kan se ut och hur barnens deltagande i projekten kan definieras. Genom studien har ett antal olika aspekter som Ă€r viktiga för att förstĂ„ tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tten kunnat identifieras. Det har visat sig viktigt att deltagandeprojektet har en förankring i barnkonventionen och den rĂ€ttighet till deltagande som betonas dĂ€ri. Det har ocksĂ„ visats viktigt att det finns en lika stark vision för barnens deltagande som det finns för projektets utveckling som helhet. Studien har Ă€ven visat pĂ„ vikten av att skapa alternativa och anpassade arenor för deltagande i syfte att synliggöra barns perspektiv.The convention on the rights of the child became Swedish law in the beginning of 2020. Children’s right to participation is therefore an issue of high relevance. Even though children are nowadays generally seen as agents with unique competence regarding their reality, they are rarely involved in issues that affect them. The convention on the rights of the child will require children to be given the chance to participate and express their opinions, which is a requirement that has not existed until now. The amount of initiatives with the intention of involving children in different types of projects is therefore likely to increase. In order to give children a real chance of influencing these projects with their unique competence, their role as participants will have to be carefully considered. Their role as participants should be meaningful, which will not be attained if the role that they are given is merely symbolic. In order to create sustainable communities, it is essential to include new perspectives in the planning, and research shows that children’s perception of their own self-worth is increased when they are given the chance to influence the result of certain projects. This thesis is based on an empirical study of two municipal projects, in which children has been involved in the creation of play environments. The city of Landskrona has applied a consultation approach and the city of Örebro has applied an art-based approach. The approaches used for involving the children are highly different, which is why it has been of great interest to investigate how they are formulated and how they can be developed in order to further increase children’s level of participation. In this thesis the projects have been studied through four interviews and one observation, which has conveyed a picture of how art-based approaches and consulting approaches can be executed and how the participation can be defined. Several different aspects of importance for understanding the approaches have been discovered. It is essential that the participation project is based on the right to participation that is highlighted in the Convention on the rights of the child. It is also essential that there is a clear vision for the children’s participation and that there is a balance between the different visions of the project. This study also showed that it is important to create alternative arenas in order to fully promote the children’s perspectives

    Gemenskapslokal för Àldre hyresgÀster

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    Sammanfattningsvis kan man sĂ€ga att denna korta studie visar att en intressant utveckling Ă€r pĂ„ gĂ„ng i Göteborg vad gĂ€ller utvecklandet av trygghetsboende för Ă€ldre. År 2010 visade studien Vem ska vĂ€rna om tillgĂ€ngligheten? (Lindahl, Martini, Malmqvist 2010) att det i stort sett saknas incitament för att skapa bĂ€ttre boende för Ă€ldre. Ofta finns kunskaper om vad som behöver Ă„tgĂ€rdas, men Ă€ndĂ„ satsas inte mycket pĂ„ att förbĂ€ttra det befintliga bostadsbestĂ„ndet. De faktorer i boendet som mest engagerar Ă€ldre hyresgĂ€ster Ă€r hyran, trivseln och tryggheten. Fysisk tillgĂ€nglighet engagerar först nĂ€r man drabbas av sjukdom eller liknande. Äldre hyresgĂ€ster vill inte vara till besvĂ€r och dĂ€rför nĂ„s inte fastighetsĂ€garen av information om brister i tillgĂ€nglighet eller anvĂ€ndbarhet. Mycket mer behöver förbĂ€ttras för att önskade effekter ska uppnĂ„s i kommunen nĂ€r det gĂ€ller boende för seniorer och förbĂ€ttrad tillgĂ€nglighet. Det som nu görs inom bostadsföretag som Poseidon visar att en mycket positiv förĂ€ndring Ă€r pĂ„ gĂ„ng. Denna studie pekar pĂ„ nĂ„gra av framgĂ„ngsfaktorerna nĂ€r det gĂ€ller utveckling av det befintliga bostadsbestĂ„ndet till att bĂ€ttre passa för Ă€ldre hyresgĂ€ster: Att man startar utvecklingen i stadsdelar eller bostadsomrĂ„den dĂ€r goda fysiska och sociala förutsĂ€ttningar finns, att bostadsföretag och Ă€ldreomsorgen samarbetar, att utvecklingsarbetet Ă€r förankrat Ă€ndĂ„ upp i bostadsföretagets ledning, inte minst, att man finner en projektledare som har stort engagemang för att förbĂ€ttra för Ă€ldre hyresgĂ€ster

    Proton Microprobe Analysis in Biology

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    This paper is intended as an introduction to the field of proton microprobe analysis with special emphasis on applications in biological sciences. It is mainly intended for users of electron microscopes equipped with microprobes or other analytical equipment. The basic principles of Particle Induced X-ray Emission analysis are discussed as well as the instrumental requirements for the proton microprobe. The analytical characteristics including quantification procedures are compared with those of the electron microprobe and a review is given of various analytical applications of the proton microprobe within biology and medicine

    Der Palast des Minos zu Knossos

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    From a postcolonial and feminist perspective this paper examines how gender, ethnicity and the Other is being created in documentary films about the conflict between Israel and Palestine. When and in what way are gendered metaphors and subtexts used? Are stereotypes of gender and ethnicity being empowered or enforced? When and in what way are boundaries created between Israel and Palestine and against Sweden? The aim of this study is to point at how postcolonial imaginations affect stories about the Other.Studien granskar kritiskt dokumentÀra filmer och reportage om konflikten mellan Israel och Palestina ur ett genus och etnicitetsperspektiv. Med utgÄngspunkt i postkolonial och feministisk teori tittar vi pÄ hur dessa skildrar kön, etnicitet och de Andra. NÀr och hur anvÀnds könade markörer, metaforer och subtexter? FörstÀrks eller utmanas stereotypa bilder av kön och etnicitet? NÀr och hur skapas grÀnsdragningar mellan Israel och Palestina och gentemot Sverige? Studiens syfte Àr att lyfta fram de postkoloniala förestÀllningar som i hög grad pÄverkar berÀttelser om de Andra
