26 research outputs found

    Restaurering i ett klimatförÀndringsperspektiv - en verktygslÄda

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    KlimatförĂ€ndringars effekter pĂ„ vattendrag beaktas allt för sĂ€llan i restaureringsarbetet oavsett om vattendraget Ă€r reglerat eller oreglerat. VĂ„rt budskap Ă€r att vi behöver komma igĂ„ng med implementeringen av klimatförĂ€ndringar i restaureringsekologin för att inte riskera att Ă„tgĂ€rder Ă€r verkningslösa eller i vĂ€rsta fall kontraproduktiva. KlimatförĂ€ndringsaspekter bör inkluderas redan i förstudie och projektplanering samt förankras genom klimatmodeller och mĂ€tningar/inventeringar i fĂ€lt. ÅtgĂ€rder för reglerade vattendrag Ă€r i första hand hydrologiska Ă„tgĂ€rder som kombineras med morfologiska Ă„tgĂ€rde

    Environmental Flow Scenarios for a Regulated River System: Projecting Catchment-Wide Ecosystem Benefits and Consequences for Hydroelectric Production

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    To enable prioritization among measures for ecological restoration, knowing the expected benefits and consequences of implementation is imperative but rarely explicitly quantified. We developed a novel method to prioritize among environmental flow measures to rehabilitate ecosystems in the Ume River catchment in northern Sweden, a river system heavily regulated for hydropower production. Our strategy was to identify measures with minimal impact on hydropower production while providing substantial environmental benefits. Based on field surveys of remaining natural values and potential for ecological rehabilitation, we quantified the projected gain in habitat area of implementing environmental flows for target organism groups, for example, lotic fish species and riparian vegetation, along the whole river length. We quantified the consequences for hydropower production by identifying a set of hydropower operational rules reflecting the constraints added by environmental flows. We then used production optimization software to calculate changes in hydropower production and revenues. Implementing restrictions on zero-flow events by mandating minimum discharge at all run-of-river hydropower stations and allocating 1%-12% of mean annual discharge to bypassed reaches in the entire catchment would result in a 2.1% loss of annual electricity production. Adding flow to fishways would increase the loss to 3.1% per year. With implementation of more natural water-level fluctuations in run-of-river impoundments, the loss increases to 3.8%. These actions would increase the habitat for lotic species like the grayling Thymallus more than threefold and increase the area of riparian vegetation by about 66%. Our method forms a basis for ongoing implementation of nationwide environmental rehabilitation schemes

    Three major steps toward the conservation of freshwater and riparian biodiversity

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    J.M. and J.H. thank Stiftelsen LĂ€ngmanska kulturfonden for funding travel to the conference. As.L. and K.R. thank the Estonian Research Council (grant 1121) for financial support, and A.M. acknowledges the Leverhulme Trust (RPG-2019-402). H.H. was supported by the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (grant agreement 860800): RIBES (river flow regulation, fish behaviour, and status), and V.A. acknowledges the support from the Leibniz Competition project Freshwater Megafauna Futures. E.J. received support through the National Laboratory for Health Security (RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00006), Centre for Ecological Research, Budapest, Hungary, and thanks Z. MolnĂĄr for support.Freshwater ecosystems and their bordering wetlands and riparian zones are vital for human society and biological diversity. Yet, they are among the most degraded ecosystems, where sharp declines in biodiversity are driven by human activities, such as hydropower development, agriculture, forestry, and fisheries. Because freshwater ecosystems are characterized by strongly reciprocal linkages with surrounding landscapes, human activities that encroach on or degrade riparian zones ultimately lead to declines in freshwater–riparian ecosystem functioning. We synthesized results of a symposium on freshwater, riparian, and wetland processes and interactions and analyzed some of the major problems associated with improving freshwater and riparian research and management. Three distinct barriers are the lack of involvement of local people in conservation research and management, absence of adequate measurement of biodiversity in freshwater and riparian ecosystems, and separate legislation and policy on riparian and freshwater management. Based on our findings, we argue that freshwater and riparian research and conservation efforts should be integrated more explicitly. Best practices for overcoming the 3 major barriers to improved conservation include more and sustainable use of traditional and other forms of local ecological knowledge, choosing appropriate metrics for ecological research and monitoring of restoration efforts, and mirroring the close links between riparian and freshwater ecosystems in legislation and policy. Integrating these 3 angles in conservation science and practice will provide substantial benefits in addressing the freshwater biodiversity crisis.Peer reviewe

    Vegetation patterns and processes in riparian landscapes

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    The objective of this study was to increase understanding of the processes structuring and controlling the species richness of riparian plant communities. In particular, I examined the unimodal relationship, found in many rivers, between plant species richness and location along the river corridor. The most important finding was that this pattern is dynamic and varies with time, most likely in response to large-scale flood disturbances. I also found that the sensitivity to flood disturbance varied with the environmental setting of the riparian reaches. Turbulent sections of the river retained high species richness, whereas tranquil reaches had significantly lower species richness in years following high and prolonged flooding, compared to a period without extreme flood events. Riparian soils along turbulent reaches are more resistant to oxygen depletion during floods, a factor which is likely to contribute to the maintenance of species richness. The finding that the species richness pattern varied with time led me to ask which factors control plant diversity along riparian zones. I addressed this question by formulating three contrasting, although not mutually exclusive, hypotheses: (1) longitudinal patterns in riparian plant species richness are governed by local, river-related processes independent of the regional species richness, (2) riparian plant species richness is controlled by dispersal along the river, i.e., longitudinal control, and (3) the variation in riparian plant species richness mirrors variation in regional richness, i.e., lateral control. I found indications of all three types of control, although local factors seemed to fit most of the criteria. Riparian species richness was not significantly correlated to species richness in the surrounding upland valley. It was however significantly negatively correlated to soil pH, a local habitat factor of the reach. The fact that the species richness pattern varied in time, corresponding to the presence or absence of extreme flood events suggest that it is influenced by local disturbance regimes. The potential for control by longitudinal dispersal was found to be highest in the middle reaches of a river. Here, the similarity between upland and riparian vegetation was lowest, and invasibility (germination ability) was highest. Earlier work has shown that regulated rivers have an inverted species richness pattern compared to free-flowing rivers, with lowest species richness in the middle reaches. One potential mechanism behind this could be varying susceptibility to disturbance along the river. I tested this by experimentally disturbing the vegetation, applying the same level of disturbance along an entire free-flowing river. However, the response to experimental disturbance did not vary with location, likely because of a major flood disturbance preceding the experiment

    Ekologiska flöden och ekologiskt anpassad vattenreglering : Underlag till vÀgledning om lÀmpliga försiktighetsmÄtt och bÀsta möjliga teknik för vattenkraft

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    Syftet med denna rapport Ă€r att ge ett kunskapsunderlag vad gĂ€ller ekologiska flöden och ekologiskt anpassad vattenreglering i vattendrag nyttjade för vattenkraftsproduktion. Rapporten börjar med att ge en bakgrund till vad ett vattendrags flöde egentligen innebĂ€r samt kopplingar mellan ekologi och flöde och hur en reglering av flödet för vattenkraftsproduktion pĂ„verkar flödesregimen och ekosystem knutna till rinnande vatten. Syftet med denna del av rapporten har dock inte varit att ge nĂ„gon djupgĂ„ende analys av pĂ„verkan pĂ„ ekosystemet utan att ge exempel pĂ„ pĂ„verkan utifrĂ„n förĂ€ndringar i olika variabler i flödesregimen. NĂ€sta del av rapporten tar upp befintliga metoder och modeller för hur man arbetar fram ekologiska flöden för en mer miljöanpassad reglering. Denna del börjar med att ge en definition av vad ett miljöanpassat flöde Ă€r utifrĂ„n ett ekosystemperspektiv. Efter detta ges en genomgĂ„ng av metoder och modeller som anvĂ€nts/tagits fram. HĂ€r görs en indelning av modeller och metoder utifrĂ„n komplexitet och omfattning.  Först ges exempel pĂ„ sĂ„ kallade hydrologiska metoder. Dessa metoder bygger framförallt pĂ„ modellering av vattenföringsdata och utgör ca en tredjedel av de metoder som tagits fram. Ofta kallas dessa Ă€ven ”desk-top” metoder eller ”lookup” metoder. De baseras oftast pĂ„ andel av medelvattenföring eller olika Qindex som anger ett flöde som överskrids en viss andel av Ă„ret under en tidsperiod, angett i procentandel eller antal dagar. Nackdelen med dessa Ă€r att de inte speglar flödets variabilitet pĂ„ ett tillfredstĂ€llande sĂ€tt, sĂ€rskilt inte dĂ„ de ofta baseras pĂ„ Ă„rsmedelflöden, eller flödesnivĂ„er som intrĂ€ffar under ett helt Ă„r. Ett bĂ€ttre och mer dynamiskt sĂ€tt att anvĂ€nda dessa index Ă€r att titta pĂ„ flödesnivĂ„er sĂ€songsvis. Det finns dock modeller som bĂ€ttre tar hĂ€nsyn till variabilitet, och dessa anses dĂ€rför ha större ekologisk relevans. Ett exempel pĂ„ en tidig sĂ„dan modell Ă€r ”Range of Variability” (RVA) dĂ€r man anvĂ€nder lĂ„nga serier av dagliga vattenföringsdata och karaktĂ€riserar ekologiskt relevanta komponenter i flödesregimen. Den naturliga omfattningen av hydrologisk variabilitet beskrivs genom olika hydrologiska index, vilka Ă€r framtagna utifrĂ„n rĂ„dande kunskap om flödets betydelse för olika ekosystemkomponenter och processer. En bra hydrologisk grund som vĂ€l speglar bĂ„de variabiliteten i det opĂ„verkade flödet, samt en ger god kunskap om hur reglering förĂ€ndrat flödesdynamiken Ă€r basen för att kunna ta fram ekologiska flöden i reglerade vattendrag. DĂ€refter ges exempel pĂ„ metoder som kopplar flöde till fĂ„rans morfologi och Ă€ven habitatkrav hos olika organismer.  Avslutningsvis i denna del ges exempel pĂ„ sĂ„ kallade holistiska metoder. Dessa Ă€r i huvudsak konceptuella och utgĂ„ngspunkten Ă€r att det Ă€r nödvĂ€ndigt att beakta hela ekosystemet och hela flödesvariabiliteten, med mĂ„let att inget viktigt utelĂ€mnas. I framarbetandet av dessa ingĂ„r ofta sĂ„ vĂ€l hydrologiska metoder som metoder som kopplar flöde och habitatkrav som redskap för att modellera fram ett miljöanpassat flöde. Till stor del kan holistisk modellering beskrivas som en process dĂ€r företrĂ€dare för olika relevanta discipliner integrerar sina kunskaper och metoder för att gemensamt komma fram till en skötselplan för vattendraget. Tanken som finns bakom metoder av holistisk typ representerar ett modernt synsĂ€tt pĂ„ naturresursen rinnande vatten, dĂ€r hela flödesspektrumet knyts ihop med ekosystemet som helhet och dĂ€r flera intressenter representeras. De bĂ€sta metoderna bygger ocksĂ„ pĂ„ ett adaptivt synsĂ€tt pĂ„ skötseln av naturresurser dĂ€r regleringsregimer och vattenuttag justeras utifrĂ„n ökad kunskap. NĂ€r det gĂ€ller reglering av vatten för vattenkraftsproduktion Ă€r det tveklöst detta synsĂ€tt som Ă€r ”bĂ€sta miljöteknik”. Utöver dessa metoder diskuteras problematiken med korttidsreglering och hur denna skulle kunna göras mer miljövĂ€nlig, bland annat genom att undvika perioder med nolltappning, minska högflödes/lĂ„gflödeskvoten, det vill sĂ€ga att minska svĂ€ngningarna i vattenföringen och minska förĂ€ndringshastigheten i flödet. DĂ€rpĂ„ följer ett kapitel som behandlar kopplingar mellan ekologi och flöde. Ett stort problem nĂ€r det gĂ€ller att sĂ€tta lĂ€mpliga nivĂ„er för miljöanpassade flöden och ekosystemets behov Ă€r att kunna göra förutsĂ€gelser om hur mycket vatten ekosystemet behöver och nĂ€r olika flödesnivĂ„er bör intrĂ€ffa. En litteraturgenomgĂ„ng i omrĂ„det dĂ€r man i huvudsak tittat pĂ„ fisk, makroevertebrater och vegetation visar att den absolut största effekten av förĂ€ndringar av flödet Ă€r att man ser minskningar i alla uppmĂ€tta ekologiska parametrar, men att det utifrĂ„n befintlig litteratur Ă€r svĂ„rt att ta fram mer generella kvantitativa samband i form av t.ex. tröskelvĂ€rden. Slutsatsen var att existerande litteratur inte Ă€r ger ett tillrĂ€ckligt bra underlag för att dra generella kvantitativa slutsatser som Ă€r anvĂ€ndbara för att sĂ€tta generella riktlinjer för ekologiska flöden. NivĂ„er och frekvenser av olika flöden mĂ„ste sĂ€ttas utifrĂ„n de specifika förutsĂ€ttningar som finns inom en region eller avrinningsomrĂ„de. I och med att resultaten sĂ„ pass tydligt visar pĂ„ hur negativa antropogena flödesförĂ€ndringar Ă€r för ekosystemet framhĂ„ller författarna av sammanstĂ€llningen vikten av att upprĂ€tta nya undersökningsprogramprogram för att faststĂ€lla sĂ„dana samband samt att dessa görs pĂ„ regional basis. De pekar Ă€ven pĂ„ bristen pĂ„ kunskap nĂ€r det gĂ€ller flödesförĂ€ndringar och inverkan pĂ„ ekosystemprocesser. NĂ€sta del av rapporten tar upp exempel pĂ„ hur man arbetar med att ta fram och implementera miljöanpassade flöden och regleringsregimer. Detta sker i dagslĂ€get frĂ€mst i Nordamerika, Australien och Sydafrika, men Ă€ven i Nya Zeeland, Norge, Spanien, Italien, Schweiz och Storbritannien finns flera goda exempel pĂ„ hur sĂ„dana genomförts. Exempel frĂ„n regioner som uppvisar stora klimatologiska skillnader frĂ„n svenska förhĂ„llanden och dĂ€r det framför allt Ă€r konstbevattningens pĂ„verkan som pĂ„verkar ekosystem mest har vi inte tagit upp. Vi har valt att avgrĂ€nsa exemplen till norra halvklotet och frĂ€mst sĂ„dana som har nĂ„got liknande klimatologiska och hydrologiska förutsĂ€ttningar som Sverige. Avslutningsvis ges en lĂ€ngre sammanfattning och slutsats mot bakgrunden av svenska förhĂ„llanden. Praktisk tillĂ€mpning av miljöanpassade flöden bör ta fasta pĂ„ de olika egenskaperna hos flödet som t.ex. magnitud, frekvens, förĂ€ndringshastighet och varaktighet. TillĂ€mpningen bör ocksĂ„ vara adaptiv, dvs. det Ă€r viktigt att följa upp responsen bĂ„de i den abiotiska och biotiska miljön vid införandet av miljöanpassade flöden, oavsett vilken typ av metod eller modell man vĂ€ljer för att kunna avgöra miljönyttan av detta och anpassa nivĂ„er efter resultat. Metoderna bör kombineras med en generell översikt av förbĂ€ttringspotential i vattendraget och en naturvĂ€rdesinventering för att sĂ€kerheten i bedömningen av miljönytta skall bli sĂ„ stor som möjligt. AvvĂ€gningar mĂ„ste ocksĂ„ göras mellan olika intresseomrĂ„den, varför en analys av vilka konsekvenser, bĂ„de positiva och negativa, de föreslagna flödesförĂ€ndringarna har bör ingĂ„. Förutom att implementera ett arbetssĂ€tt baserat pĂ„ ett holistiskt synsĂ€tt finns det andra Ă„tgĂ€rder av mer generell natur som skulle ge ekologiska vinster i stort sett i alla reglerade vattendrag. En sĂ„dan Ă„tgĂ€rd Ă€r att undvika nolltappningar, i synnerhet dĂ€r det finns strömstrĂ€ckor nedströms, och införa minimitappningar förbi alla kraftverk. Dessa tappningar skulle kunna baseras pĂ„ enklare hydrologiska metoder, t.ex. nĂ„gon typ av lĂ„gflödesindex. En annan Ă„tgĂ€rd Ă€r att genomföra planerade slĂ€pp av ”vĂ„rflöden”. Dessa skulle sannolikt inte behöva Ă„terkomma varje Ă„r utan skulle man upprepa ett flöde motsvarande medelhögflöde vart 3–5 Ă„r skulle det sannolikt ha en positiv effekt pĂ„ ekosystemet. BegrĂ€nsningar av höjnings- och sĂ€nkningshastigheten vid korttidsreglering Ă€r ocksĂ„ exempel av en Ă„tgĂ€rd av mer generell natur som sannolikt skulle mildra de negativa effekterna av vattenkraftsproduktion.The purpose of this report is to provide a knowledge base on ecological flows and ecologically adapted water regulation in watercourses used for hydroelectric power generation. The report begins by providing a background to what a watercourse's flow actually is, as well as connections between ecology and flow an how regulation of the flow for hydroelectric power generation affects flow regimes and ecosystems linked to running water. The purpose of this part of the report has not, however, been to give any kind of in-depth analysis of the impact on the ecosystem; it is instead intended to provide examples of impact based on changes to different variables in the flow regime. The next part of the report discusses existing methods and models for producing ecological flows for a more environmentally adapted regulation. This part begins by defining an environmentally adapted flow from an ecosystem perspective. This is followed by a review of methods and models used/developed, in which models and methods are put into groups based on their complexity and scope.  First, a few examples of “hydrological” methods are given. These methods are based primarily on the model of water flow data and constitute around a third of the methods developed. These are often called “desktop” or “look-up” methods. They are normally based on the mean water flow or various Q-index values, which represent a flow that is exceeded during a certain period of the year, expressed as a percentage or number of days. The disadvantage of these is that they do not satisfactorily reflect the flow's variability, especially as they are often based on the mean annual flow, or flow levels that occur over a whole year. A better and more dynamic way of using these values is to look at flow levels by season. There are, however, models that better take into account variability, which are therefore considered to have a greater ecological relevance. One example of an early model of this design is “Range of Variability” (RVA), where long series of daily water flow data are used to characterise ecologically relevant components in the flow regime. The natural scope of hydraulic variability is described via various hydraulic indices, which have been developed based on existing knowledge of the flow's significance for different ecosystem components and processes. A good hydrological foundation that both reflects the variability in the unaffected flow, and provides good knowledge of how regulation has changed flow dynamics, is the basis for producing ecological flows in regulated watercourses. Then, a few examples are provided that link flows to canyon morphology and to the habitat requirements of different organisms.  The final part of this section gives a few examples of holistic methods. These are primarily conceptual and the premise is that it is necessary to take into account the entire ecosystem and all flow variability, with the intention of not leaving out any important elements.  Developing these methods often involves both hydraulic methods and methods using flows and habitat requirements as tools for modelling an environmentally adapted flow.  Holistic modelling can be largely described as a process in which representatives of different relevant disciplines integrate their skills and methods, in order to arrive at a care plan for the watercourse together. The idea behind methods of a holistic nature represents a modern view of running water as a natural resource, in which the entire flow spectrum is tied to the ecosystem as a whole, and where several interested parties are represented. The best methods are also based on an adaptive view of the management of natural resources, where regulation regimes and water consumption are set based on an increased knowledge. When it comes to the regulation of water for hydroelectric power generation, this is undoubtedly the view that represents best environmental engineering practice. In addition to these methods, the problem of short-term regulation is discussed, and how this could be made more environmentally friendly, for example by avoiding zero flow periods, reducing the high flow/low flow quota, i.e., reducing the variation in water flow and the rate of change in the flow. This is followed by a chapter on the links between ecology and flow. Once large problem in terms of setting appropriate levels for environmentally adapted flows and ecosystem requirements is the matter of predicting how much water the ecosystem will need and when different flow levels should occur. A review of relevant literature – primarily on fish, macroinvertebrates and vegetation – reveal that the greatest effect by far of changes in the flow is reductions seen in all measured ecological parameters, but that it is difficult to extract more general quantitative connections from the literature, for example in the form of threshold values. The conclusion was that existing literature does not provide a sufficient basis for drawing general quantitative conclusions that are useful for setting general guidelines for ecological flows.  Levels and frequencies of different flows must be set based on the specific conditions within a region or catchment area. As the results clearly show how much of a negative impact anthropogenic flow changes have on the ecosystem, the authors of this material emphasise the importance of establishing new research programmes to determine these connections, and doing so on a regional basis. They also highlight the lack of knowledge on flow changes and their impact on ecosystem processes. The next section of the report gives examples of how to develop and implement environmentally adapted flows and regulation regimes. This is currently done primarily in North America, Australia and South Africa, but a number of good examples can also be found in New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Italy, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. We have not included examples from regions that show great climatological differences from Swedish conditions and where artificial irrigation is primarily responsible for impacting the ecosystem. We have chosen to limit the examples to the northern hemisphere, primarily to those that have somewhat similar climatological and hydrological conditions to Sweden. Finally, a longer summary and conclusion are provided against the background of Swedish conditions. Practical application of environmentally adapted flows should take into account the different characteristics of the flow, such as magnitude, frequency, rate of change and duration. The application should also be adaptive, i.e., it is important to follow up on the response in both the abiotic and biotic environments when introducing environmentally adapted flows, regardless of the method or model chosen to determine the environmental benefits, and adapt levels according to the results. The methods should be combined with a general overview of the potential for improvement in the watercourse and an assessment of the nature conservation value, to make sure that the assessment of environmental benefit is as accurate as possible. Different areas of interest must also be weighed up, which is why an analysis of the consequences – both positive and negative – of the proposed flow changes should be included. Other than implementing an approach based on a holistic view, there are other measures of a more general nature that should produce ecological benefits in practically all regulated watercourses.  One such measure is to avoid zero flow events, particularly where there are reaches downstream, and to introduce minimum flows past all power stations. These flows could be based on more basic hydrological methods, such as some form of low flow index. Another measure is to implement the planned release of “spring floods”. These would probably not need to occur every year. If the equivalent of a medium flow was to be repeated every 3–5 years, it would likely have a positive effect on the ecosystem. Limitations to raising and lowering speeds during short-term regulation is another example of a more general measure that would likely mitigate the negative effects of hydroelectric power generation

    Mygg och Bti i nedre DalÀlven : UtvÀrdering av ett vetenskapligt uppföljningsprogram

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    Denna rapport redovisar uppdraget att granska den vetenskapliga uppföljningen avmyggkontrollprogrammet i nedre DalĂ€lven. Rapporten beskriver hur frĂ„gorna iuppföljningsprogrammet besvarats samt diskuterar relevansen av de frĂ„gor somingĂ„tt i uppdraget. Det konstateras att den vetenskapliga uppföljningen av eventuellaeffekter av spridning av Bti brustit i försöksdesign och analys. Det insamladematerialet ger inte underlag för de slutsatser som dragits. De frĂ„gor som ingĂ„tt iuppdraget har dĂ€rmed inte besvarats pĂ„ ett vetenskapligt övertygande sĂ€tt. Detbedöms inte meningsfullt att fortsĂ€tta uppföljningsarbetet i sin nuvarande, begrĂ€nsadeutformning, inte heller att lĂ„ta personal som leder den storskaliga bekĂ€mpningenutvĂ€rdera effekterna av sin egen verksamhet. I stĂ€llet bör en bred forskningsansatsgöras, inriktad pĂ„ att förstĂ„ inte bara olika effekter av Bti-anvĂ€ndningmen Ă€ven betydelsen av skilda miljöfaktorer för att reglera myggens numerĂ€r,myggens roll i ekosystemet, dess historia i regionen samt effekter av olika myggtĂ€theter.Den internationella litteraturen sammanfattas med tonvikten pĂ„ hĂ€lsoeffekterav Bti, ekologiska effekter av Bti, myggresistens mot Bti och Bti-persistens inaturen. Litteraturen ger inte stöd för slutsatsen att Bti-anvĂ€ndning skulle vara heltriskfri. I rapporten rekommenderas en nĂ€rmare undersökning av hur Ă€lvens regleradevattenföring – en huvudorsak till myggrikedomen – kan modifieras för attvaraktigt reducera myggmĂ€ngderna. I vĂ€ntan pĂ„ en sĂ„dan förĂ€ndring bör generellbekĂ€mpning med Bti tillĂ„tas, Ă€ven i naturskyddade omrĂ„den, och staten bör ta ansvarför verksamheten. Ekosystemeffekterna av sĂ„dan bekĂ€mpning bör följas uppnoga, och bekĂ€mpningen bör Ă€ndras om oönskade effekter upptrĂ€der. De ekonomiska,sociala och medicinska konsekvenser de extremt höga myggmĂ€ngderna kaninnebĂ€ra för befolkningen bör studeras nĂ€rmare, exempelvis olĂ€genheter för jordbruk,turism och skola. Vidare bör stĂ€llning tas till huruvida de vanligaste översvĂ€mningsmyggornai omrĂ„det, Aedes sticticus och A. vexans, ska betraktas somnaturliga, skyddsvĂ€rda komponenter i ekosystemet, eller som invaderande artersom behöver bekĂ€mpas för att bevara mer ursprungliga naturvĂ€rden. NaturvĂ„rdsmyndigheternabör ocksĂ„ ta initiativ till en bred informationsinsats för att öka denlokala kunskapsnivĂ„n och skapa ett lokalt förankrat förtroende för sin verksamhet.De har en viktig uppgift i att visa att höga naturvĂ€rden och mĂ€nskligt leverne kankombineras utan att mĂ€nniskan ska behöva uppleva naturen som en plĂ„ga.This report presents the results of a review of the scientific follow-up studies of themosquito control programme in the lower river DalĂ€lven. The report describes howthe questions in the follow-up programme have been answered and discusses therelevance of presented questions. It is concluded that the scientific follow-up workon eventual effects of the application of Bti has failed in sampling design andanalysis. The collected data do not provide the basis for the conclusions that havebeen drawn. The questions included in the follow-up programme have not beenanswered in a scientifically convincing manner. It is not considered meaningful tocontinue the follow-up work with its present restricted design, nor letting staffleading the large-scale mosquito control evaluate effects of its own activities. Instead,a wider research approach needs to be taken, oriented towards understandingnot only the various effects of Bti treatment but also the role of environmental factorsin regulating mosquito populations, the ecological role of mosquitoes, theirhistory in the region, and the effects of various mosquito densities. The internationalliterature is reviewed with an emphasis on health effects of Bti, ecological effectsof Bti, mosquito resistance to Bti and Bti persistence in the field. The literature doesnot provide support for the conclusion that Bti use is completely harmless. Thereport recommends a closer study of how the regulated river flow – a main cause ofthe mosquito abundance – can be modified to permanently reduce the number ofmosquitoes. Awaiting the realization of such a change a general mosquito controlwith Bti should be allowed, also in nature protected areas, and the state should takeon the responsibility for the actions. The ecosystem effects of such a control shouldbe followed closely, and the control should be modified should such unwantedeffects be revealed. The economic, social and medical consequences the extremelyhigh mosquito abundances can mean for local inhabitants should be studied moreclosely, for example inconveniences for agriculture, tourism and school. Furthermore,it needs to be considered whether the most common mosquito species in thearea, Aedes sticticus and A. vexans, should be viewed as natural ecosystem componentsworthy of protection, or as invasive species that need to be combated to preservemore original natural values. Nature authorities should also take the initiativeto execute a wide information campaign to increase the local knowledge level andto establish a locally rooted confidence for their activities. They have an importanttask in demonstrating how high natural values and human living can be combinedwithout humans experiencing nature as a nuisance

    Linking flow Regime and water quality in rivers : a challenge to adaptive catchment management

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    Water quality describes the physicochemical characteristics of the water body. These vary naturally with the weather and with the spatiotemporal variation of the water flow, i.e., the flow regime. Worldwide, biota have adapted to the variation in these variables. River channels and their riparian zones contain a rich selection of adapted species and have been able to offer goods and services for sustaining human civilizations. Many human impacts on natural riverine environments have been destructive and present opportunities for rehabilitation. It is a big challenge to satisfy the needs of both humans and nature, without sacrificing one or the other. New ways of thinking, new policies, and institutional commitment are needed to make improvements, both in the ways water flow is modified in rivers by dam operations and direct extractions, and in the ways runoff from adjacent land is affected by land-use practices. Originally, prescribed flows were relatively static, but precepts have been developed to encompass variation, specifically on how water could be shared over the year to become most useful to ecosystems and humans. A key aspect is how allocations of water interact with physicochemical variation of water. An important applied question is how waste releases and discharge can be managed to reduce ecological and sanitary problems that might arise from inappropriate combinations of flow variation and physicochemical characteristics of water. We review knowledge in this field, provide examples on how the flow regime and the water quality can impact ecosystem processes, and conclude that most problems are associated with low-flow conditions. Given that reduced flows represent an escalating problem in an increasing number of rivers worldwide, managers are facing enormous challenges

    Restaurering av JuktÄn

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    Restaurering av JuktÄn Àr ett samverkansprojekt som har drivits pÄ frivillig basis av den ideella föreningen Samverkan UmeÀlven (www.umealven.se) tillsammans med UmeÀlvensvattenregleringsföretag, Vattenfall och UmeÄ Universitet. JuktÄn Àr en 60 kilometer lÄng torrfÄra med minimitappning om 12% av det oreglerade flödet (MQ) vid reglerings. I produktionssystemet har den en funktion som spillfÄra. Projektets ambition och mÄl var att JuktÄn skulle ÄterfÄ ekologisk funktion med fungerande reproduktion av öring och harr, mer naturlig och bredare strandvegetation och svÀmskogar, mer naturlig artsammansÀttning av makrofyter samt en sedimentationsprocess med mindre deponering av silt och finsediment. JuktÄnprojektet har kartlagt och genomfört biotopÄtgÀrder samt restaurerat huvudfÄran strÀckan nedströms Tjangarn och sidofÄran Lickotgrenen under 2019 och 2020. Totalt har dryga 35 kilometer torrfÄra restaurerats, hundratals trösklar och flottledsobjekt har rivits ut. JuktÄprojektet ansökte hos Mark och Miljö Domstolen (MMD) om att Àndra den relativt statiska minimitappningen till en sÀsongsanpassad minimitappning, vilket beviljades i augusti 2020 och infördes vÄren 2021. Metoderna för att genomföra restaureringen bygger pÄ restaureringsekologi och sambandet till naturlig flödesregim. JuktÄns restaurering har inneburit en komplex restaurering frÄn utrivning av grunddammar och trösklar, restaurering av den fysiska miljön för att gynna öring, harr, makrofyter, strandvegetation och processer. Vi har utgÄtt frÄn ekologi i oreglerade vattendrag och utvecklat metoder speciellt anpassat för torrfÄror med minimitappning. PreliminÀra resultat visar pÄ en ökad reproduktion av öring, mer naturliga processer kopplat till flöde, sedimentation, vattenhastighet och som har pÄverkat bÄde makrofyter samt strandvegetation