354 research outputs found

    Effects of Different Types of Lower Body Resistance Exercise on Upper-body Strength in Men and Women, with Special Reference to Anabolic Hormones

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 14(3): 1052-1069, 2021. Resistance exercise has been shown to induce an acute hormonal response. The purpose of this study was to examine upper-body adaptations and the endocrine response to strength training in men and women when subjected to two different types of lower-body resistance training protocols. Nine males and eight females were assigned to either a Heavy Load (HL) (N = 10) or Mixed Load (ML) (N = 7) training routine three times per week for ten weeks. The HL-group executed low-volume, high-load resistance exercise for both lower and upper-body (4-6 reps at 80-90% of one repetition maximum (1-RM), three-minute inter-set rest). The ML-group performed the HL-protocol for the upper-body, but a high-volume, moderate-load protocol for the lower body (10-15 reps at 60-70% of 1-RM, one-minute inter-set rest). Volume load, 1-RM strength and hormonal measurements were analyzed by repeated-measures linear mixed models. Both groups increased their 1-RM in all assessments (p \u3c 0.01) with no significant difference between groups at any time. Growth hormone (GH), testosterone and bioavailable testosterone (T/SHBG) increased in both groups during a standardized exercise session (p \u3c 0.01) with ML having a greater increase in GH. The notion that acute elevations in anabolic hormones is important for muscle strength adaptation cannot be supported by the present study

    Determination of serum amyloid P component in seminal plasma and correlations with serum hormone levels in young, healthy men.

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    Abstract Serum amyloid P component (SAP) belongs to the pentraxin family of proteins. SAP is evolutionary conserved, and involved in amyloidosis, innate immunity, inflammation, and apoptosis. We have previously described SAP in the male reproductive tract, where it occurs in seminal fluid, on spermatozoa, and in epididymal, seminal vesicle, and prostate tissue. In the present investigation, our aim was to characterize SAP in male reproduction. In short, we developed and evaluated an immunoassay, analysed the concentration of SAP in seminal plasma and serum in samples from healthy men (N = 203), and studied hormonal regulation. SAP in seminal plasma showed a positively skewed distribution and a median concentration of 1.01 mg/L (inter quartile range [IQR] 0.56-1.65 mg/L). SAP in serum had a Gaussian distribution and a median concentration of 40.5 mg/L (IQR 34.2-49.2 mg/L). Furthermore, SAP concentrations in seminal plasma were not correlated with serum concentrations of SAP, testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), the testosterone/SHBG ratio, inhibin B, or estradiol. Only a weak negative correlation was found between seminal plasma SAP and serum levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) (Spearman's rho -0.159; p = 0.023) and luteinizing hormone (LH) (Spearman's rho -0.162; p = 0.021). In conclusion, all men investigated had measurable SAP levels in seminal plasma and in serum. SAP concentrations were 40 times lower in seminal fluid than in serum, and there was no correlation between those two variables. It seems that hormonal regulation is not the major pathway regulating seminal plasma SAP, and seminal plasma SAP and serum SAP are not co-regulated

    Організаційна структура управління маркетингом на підприємстві

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    Som en avslutande del i kandidatarbetet inom mekatronik år 2013 gavs uppgiften att konstruera en robot åt pop-artisten Robyn. Arbetet är ett grupparbete där fem teknologer med specialiseringar inom olika områden samarbetar för att konstruera ett mera komplext, sammansatt system. De krav som ställdes var att roboten skulle kunna interagera, antingen med Robyn själv eller hennes publik. De begränsningar som fanns var tidsmässiga så väl som ekonomiska. I en förstudie identifierades viktiga nyckelord baserat på Robyn och hennes musik. Nyckelorden lades som grund för den efterföljande konceptgenereringen. Exempel på nyckelord var självständighet, folkkär, egensinnig och oväntad. Arbetet resulterade i en robot som kan kommunicera via Twitter, dansa i takt till omgivande musik samt skapa olika ljuseffekter. Hela roboten är byggd i ett hölje lånat från en gammal radio från 60-talet. Roboten är inte tänkt att vara en fulländad konstruktion utan illustrerar ett koncept med stor utvecklingspotential.As a final part of the bachelor thesis in mechatronics 2013 the students were given the task to design a robot to pop artist Robyn. The work is a group project in which five students with specializations in different fields collaborate to construct a more complex, composite system. The requirements were that the robot would be able to interact either with Robyn herself or her audience. The project was limited by time as well as economics. In a preliminary study important keywords based on Robyn and her music were established. The key words became the basis for the subsequent concept generation. Examples of keywords are independence, publicly loved, headstrong and unpredictable. The work resulted in a robot that can communicate via Twitter, dancing to the beat of the music, and create different lighting effects. The entire robot is built in a housing from an old radio from the 60's. The robot is by no means a perfect design, but illustrate a concept with great potential

    Prospectively measured triiodothyronine levels are positively associated with breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women

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    Introduction: The potential association between hypo-and hyperthyroid disorders and breast cancer has been investigated in a large number of studies during the last decades without conclusive results. This prospective cohort study investigated prediagnostic levels of thyrotropin (TSH) and triiodothyronine (T3) in relation to breast cancer incidence in pre- and postmenopausal women. Methods: In the Malmo Preventive Project, 2,696 women had T3 and/or TSH levels measured at baseline. During a mean follow-up of 19.3 years, 173 incident breast cancer cases were retrieved using record linkage with The Swedish Cancer Registry. Quartile cut-points for T3 and TSH were based on the distribution among all women in the study cohort. A Cox's proportional hazards analysis was used to estimate relative risks (RR), with a confidence interval (CI) of 95%. Trends over quartiles of T3 and TSH were calculated considering a P-value < 0.05 as statistically significant. All analyses were repeated for pre-and peri/postmenopausal women separately. Results: Overall there was a statistically significant association between T3 and breast cancer risk, the adjusted RR in the fourth quartile, as compared to the first, was 1.87 (1.12 to 3.14). In postmenopausal women the RRs for the second, third and fourth quartiles, as compared to the first, were 3.26 (0.96 to 11.1), 5.53 (1.65 to 18.6) and 6.87 (2.09 to 22.6), (P-trend: < 0.001). There were no such associations in pre-menopausal women, and no statistically significant interaction between T3 and menopausal status. Also, no statistically significant association was seen between serum TSH and breast cancer. Conclusions: This is the first prospective study on T3 levels in relation to breast cancer risk. T3 levels in postmenopausal women were positively associated with the risk of breast cancer in a dose-response manner

    Production of biopharmaceuticals in an intensified perfusion process of HEK 293 cells

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    CHO cells are the workhorses of the biopharmaceutical field with many success stories. However human cell-based systems might bring important advantages. These can provide production systems resulting in proteins with more human-like posttranslational modifications and potentially alleviate the production of difficult-to-produce molecules. HEK 293 cells are well known and used today for the production of two biopharmaceuticals and for viral vectors. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the potential of this system for its ability to produce biopharmaceuticals, benchmarking against CHO cells. We are currently exploring the possibility to secrete human proteins in CHO cells by systematically addressing all the human proteins naturally secreted in the human body. So far, we have covered around half of the human secretome (N = 3000) with an overall success rate around 65%. To address the need for a host capable of expressing difficult-to-produce proteins, different HEK 293 strains have been investigated for the production of 30 selected proteins in comparison with CHO cells, revealing a higher success rate in HEK 293 system. This expression has been studied in flask system and includes comparative transcriptomics analyses. To evaluate the potential of HEK 293 cells for the production of biopharmaceuticals, a high cell density perfusion process using Alternating Tangential Flow filtration has been developed for the production of EPO. In this process, the cells are stably maintained at a density of 80 to 100 x 106 cells/mL while the EPO cell specific productivity is comparable to low cell density (e.g. 20 x106 cells/ml) in perfusion mode. The cell metabolism is slowed down by lowering the temperature, allowing a reduction of the perfusion rate down to 1 reactor volume per day at this high cell concentration. This process has been developed in our new scale-down perfusion bioreactor of 200 mL working volume. In this system, the effect of shear stress on the HEK 293 cells resulting from their passage in the hollow fibre filter has been characterised by transcriptomics analysis helping to decipher why HEK 293 cells are more sensitive than CHO cells and a systematic feeding strategy for perfusion has been developed. The ability to express difficult-to-produce proteins and to achieve very high cell densities with productivity comparable to low density processes make HEK 293 cells an attractive system for the production of biopharmaceuticals which are challenging for CHO cells

    Longitudinal ECG changes in tetralogy of Fallot and association with surgical repair

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    BackgroundECG abnormalities have been linked to adverse changes in right ventricular (RV) morphology and poor clinical outcomes in repaired Tetralogy of Fallot (rTOF). Our aim was to describe how ECG changes progress in early and intermediate follow-up and whether types of surgical strategy at the time of primary repair affected these changes.MethodsWe studied patients with rTOF born 2000–2018 operated at our institution. Seven time points in relation to primary repair, follow-up, and pulmonary valve replacement (PVR) were identified. Patients correct with valve sparing repair (VSR), trans-annular patch (TAP) including with a monocusp valve (TAP + M) and with at least 3 ECGs were included. PQ interval, QRS duration, dispersion, and fragmentation, QTc duration and dispersion, JTc as well as presence of a right bundle branch block (RBBB) were analyzed. Medical records were reviewed for demographic and surgical data.ResultsTwo hundred nineteen patients with 882 ECGs were analyzed with a median follow-up time of 12.3 years (8.4, 17) with 41 (19%) needing PVR during the study period. QRS duration increased at time of primary repair to discharge from 66 msec (IQR 12) to 129 msec (IQR 27) (p &lt; 0.0001) and at 1- and 6- year follow-up but showed only a modest and temporary decrease after PVR. QTc increased at the time of primary repair as well as prior to PVR. PQ interval showed a small increase at the time of primary repair, was at its highest prior to PVR and decreased with PVR. Type of surgical repair affected mainly QTc and JTc and was consistently longer in the TAP + M group until PVR. In VSR, QTc and JTc were prolonged initially compared to TAP but were similar after 1 year. After PVR, there were no differences in adverse ECG changes between surgical groups.ConclusionsPQ interval and QRS duration best correspond to the assumed volume load whereas the relationship with QTc and JTc is more complex, suggesting that these represent more complex remodeling of the myocardium. Before PVR, QTc and JTc are longer in the TAP + M group which may be due to a longer surgical incision

    Introdução de árvores leguminosas de crescimento rápido em sistema agroflorestal tradicional de derruba-e-queima na Amazônia Oriental brasileira.

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    The rapid development of the magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) spin torque oscillator (STO) technology demands an analytical model to enable building MTJ STO-based circuits and systems so as to evaluate and utilize MTJ STOs in various applications. In Part I of this paper, an analytical model based on the macrospin approximation has been introduced and verified by comparing it with the measurements of three different MTJ STOs. In Part II, the full Verilog-A implementation of the proposed model is presented. To achieve a reliable model, an approach to reproducing the phase noise generated by the MTJ STO has been proposed and successfully employed. The implemented model yields a time domain signal, which retains the characteristics of operating frequency, linewidth, oscillation amplitude, and DC operating point, with respect to the magnetic field and applied DC current. The Verilog-A implementation is verified against the analytical model, providing equivalent device characteristics for the full range of biasing conditions. Furthermore, a system that includes an MTJ STO and CMOS RF circuits is simulated to validate the proposed model for system- and circuit-level designs. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed model opens the possibility to explore STO technology in a wide range of applications