142 research outputs found

    Implementasi Articulate Storyline dalam Pembuatan Bahan Ajar Digital pada STMIK Profesional Makassar

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    Masa Pandemi Covid-19 telah berlangsung selama beberapa bulan tetapi pembelajaran tetap berlangsung meskipun secara Daring atau On line. Pembelajaran secara On line kadang membuat mahasiswa merasa jenuh dengan model pembelajaran yang monoton, terkadang mereka hanya sekedar hadir saja dan menunggu selesainya jam pembelajaran. Menyiasati keadaan tersebut maka penulis mengimplementasikan Articulate Storyline dalam pembuatan bahan ajar digital pada STMIK Profesional Makassar, membuat bahan ajar digital untuk menarik minat dan interaksi  mahasiswa supaya lebih interaktif dalam pembelajaran. Memudahkan pengguna untuk publish secara online maupun offline sehingga dapat diformat dalam bentuk CD, word processing, laman personal dan LMS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode RnD(Research and Design), melakukan penelitian kemudian membuat  Desain berupa Struktur Desain Antar Menu yang terdiri dari Scene Opening, Scene Pendahuluan, Menu Utama, Scene Isi, Scene Quis dan Penutup. Hasil akhir dari penelitian menghasilkan framework Articulate Storyline untuk mata kuliah yang diajarkan pada STMIK Profesional Makassar yang sangat mendukung di era pandemi saat ini

    Proximity, remoteness and maximum degree in graphs

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    The average distance of a vertex vv of a connected graph GG is the arithmetic mean of the distances from vv to all other vertices of GG. The proximity π(G)\pi(G) and the remoteness ρ(G)\rho(G) of GG are the minimum and the maximum of the average distances of the vertices of GG, respectively. In this paper, we give upper bounds on the remoteness and proximity for graphs of given order, minimum degree and maximum degree. Our bounds are sharp apart from an additive constant.Comment: 20 page

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Terhadap Kepuasan Masyarakat Di Desa Buluwatu Kecamatan Sumalata Timur Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas pelayanan publik terhadap kepuasan masyarakat di Desa Buluwatu Kecamatan Sumalata Timur Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah masyarakat buluwatu, yang berjumlah 77 orang. Jenis data dalam penelitian ini yakni primer. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara melakukan penyebaran angket. Teknik analisis data menggunakan regresi linear sederhana. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kualitas pelayanan publik berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan masyarakat di Desa Buluwatu Kecamatan Sumalata Timur Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara dengan nilai sebesar 62,20%. Sedangkan sisanya sebesar 37,80% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini seperti sikap pelaksana, komunikasi pemerintah desa dengan masyarakat, persepsi masyarakat dan kesesuaian antara harapan dengan kenyataan. Hasil pengujian positif memiliki makna bahwa terciptanya kepuasan masyarakat di Desa Buluwatu Kecamatan Sumalata Timur Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara yang progresif terjadi karena pemerintah desa melalui aparat desa mampu memberikan pelayanan publik yang berkualitas yang sesuai dengan harapan masyarakat


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    [INA]Pemantauan  merupakan  salah  satu  bagian  dari tindakan  pengamanan,  pemantauan  rumah  dapat dilakukan  dengan  menggunakan  jaringan  internet. Teknologi  CCTV  (Closed  Circuit  Television) semakin  mempermudah  seorang  pengguna  dalam melakukan  pengawasan  dan  pemantauan  suatu ruangan. Kamera-kamera  CCTV  yang  dijual  di  pasaran, masih  banyak  menggunakan  teknologi  analog  dan konvensional,  yaitu  menggunakan  kabel  coaxial. Konsekuensi  dari  hal  tersebut,  dibutuhkan  biaya khusus  untuk  instalasi  pengkabelan  sistem  CCTV, selain  berharga  mahal,  instalasinya  membutuhkan penanganan  lebih,  karena  kabel  data  gambar  dan kabel  sinyal  kendali  tidak  dapat  dijadikan  satu. CCTV.  tidak  dapat  melakukan  pengiriman  SMS melalui  media  komunikasi  seperti  ponsel  maupun modem.  Oleh  karenanya,  untuk  mengontrol keamanan  ruangan  dengan  alat  CCTV  tidak  dapat dilakukan secara  real time  (waktu saat ini), selain itu CCTV tidak  dapat  bekerja  pada ruangan  yang gelap tanpa pencahayaan yang memadai.Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang  suatu  sistem keamanan  yang  mampu  melakukan  pendeteksian gerakan  objek  yang  dapat  bekerja  secara  kontinyu menggunakan  kamera  pemantau.  Kamera  pemantau yang  digunakan  untuk  melakukan  pemantauan tersebut  adalah  Internet  Protocol  Camera  (IP Camera).Hasil  dari  penelitian  ini  membangun  sebuah sistem  keamanan  pendeteksian  gerakan menggunakan  IP  Camera  berbasis  web  sehingga dengan mudah dapat diakses kapan saja dan di mana saja.  Sistem  yang  dihasilkan  memiliki  kemampuan mendeteksi gerakan, sistem juga mampu menyimpan gambar  dan  video  ketika  terdeteksi  gerakan  yang mencurigakan.  Selain  itu,  sistem  ini  juga  memiliki beberapa  fitur  lain  seperti peringatan alarm  dan  sms (short message service). [EN]Monitoring is one part of the precautions, home monitoring  can  be  done  using  the  Internet  network. Technology  CCTV  (Closed  Circuit  Television)  make it  easier  for  a  user  to  conduct  surveillance  and monitoring of a room. CCTV  cameras  on  the  market,  many  still  use analog  technology  and  conventional,  using  coaxial cable. The consequence of  this, it takes a special fee for  wiring installation of CCTV systems, in addition to expensive, the installation requires more handling, because  the  image  data  cable  and  signal  cable  can not be used as a control. CCTV. is not sending SMS through communication media such as mobile phones and  modems.  Therefore,  for  security  control  room with  tool  CCTV  can  not  be  done  in  real  time  (the current time), other than that CCTV can not work in a  dark  room  without  adequate  lighting.  This research aims to design a security system that is able  of  detecting  the  movement  of  objects  that  can work  continuously  using  the  camera  monitors.  Monitoring cameras used to conduct such monitoring is  Internet  Protocol  Camera  (IP  Camera).Results  from  this  study  to  build  a  security  system using IP camera motion detection web-based so that it can easily be accessed anytime and anywhere. The resulting system has the ability to detect motion, the system  is  also  able to  store images  and  video  when motion is detected suspicious. In addition, this system also  has  several  other  features  such  as  warning alarms and SMS (short message service)

    Biomimetic polymer based composites with 1-D titania fillers for dental applications

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    The aim of this study was to develop acrylic matrix composites reinforced with one-dimensional (1-D) titanium dioxide (TiO2) micro and nano fillers that mimic the structure of enamel. To accomplish this, 1-D TiO2 was synthesized without surfactants or templates using a sol-gel assisted hydrothermal process. Two different approaches were investigated. One used titanium metal powder and yielded TiO2 rutile microrods. The other used titanium tetraisopropoxide (TTIP) and created TiO2 anatase nanorods. TiO2 morphology (size, aspect ratio and state of agglomeration) was affected by glycolic acid concentration and phosphate ion concentration for the titanium metal-based powders, and NaOH concentration for TTIP based powders. Composites were made with silanized TiO2 micro- and nano-rods in a 50:50 BisGMA:TEGDMA matrix. Organized composites made by injection molding or centrifuging and settling had more uniform mechanical properties (hardness, strength, Young’s modulus and toughness) than unorganized composites. Curing the composites under pressure reduced porosity enhancing mechanical behavior

    Isolamento e caracterização de Listeria monocytogenes em ambiente de abate e processamento de carne suína

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Luciano dos Santos BersotDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor Palotina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Animal. Defesa : Curitiba, 15/02/2018Inclui referênciasÁrea de concentração : Saúde animalResumo : Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento da contaminação por Listeria monocytogenes na cadeia produtiva de suínos. Amostras de água, ração e piso de pocilga obtidas de granjas de terminação de suínos, e superfícies de carcaças (após sangria, após chamuscamento, após evisceração e após lavagem final), cortes cárneos, utensílios, equipamentos e instalações amostradas de um abatedouro frigorífico de suínos, totalizando 894 amostras, foram coletadas no estado do Paraná (BR) entre setembro de 2016 e fevereiro de 2017. Todas as amostras foram submetidas à pesquisa de Listeria spp. de acordo com a ISO 11.290 com modificações. Os isolados suspeitos foram submetidos à identificação bioquímica, sorotipificação molecular e eletroforese em gel em campo pulsado. Isolados confirmados como L. monocytogenes foram submetidos à detecção de genes de virulência (inlA, inlB, inlC, inlJ, plcA, hlyA, actA e iap), testes de resistência a antimicrobianos e avaliação da capacidade de adesão em microplaca de poliestireno. Das 894 amostras obtidas, 18 (2,0%) foram positivas para Listeria spp. Destas, 16 (1,8%) amostras obtidas de piso da pocilga de espera, ralo da sala de abate e faca, tábua de corte, esteira condutora para embalagem final e ralo da sala de corte foram confirmadas para L. monocytogenes e duas (0,2%) para L. innocua (uma amostra obtida de piso da pocilga de espera e uma amostra obtida de ralo da sala de corte). Todos os isolados de L. monocytogenes foram do sorogrupo molecular IVb e apenas um apresentou pulsotipo diferente. Oitenta e sete isolados de L. monocytogenes foram submetidos à pesquisa de genes de virulência, sendo que 93,1% (81/87) apresentaram todos os genes pesquisados. Apenas uma cepa não apresentou os genes inlA e inlC e seis cepas não apresentaram o gene inlB. Esses isolados apresentaram suscetibilidade à maioria dos antimicrobianos testados, no entanto, 100% dos isolados foram resistentes à ampicilina, 18,8% à penicilina e 6,2% à sulfametaxazol-trimetropim. Com relação à capacidade de adesão em superfície, todos os isolados foram classificados como fracamente aderente. L. monocytogenes não foi detectada nas amostras obtidas nas granjas de terminação, sendo a maior frequência de isolamento do patógeno encontrada nas etapas finais de manipulação da carne suína no abatedouro frigorífico. Através da determinação do perfil genético, foi constatado uma persistência de clones de L. monocytogenes IVb no ambiente industrial, com os principais genes de virulência e com resistência frente aos antimicrobianos de escolha no tratamento de listeriose. A capacidade de adesão verificada pode justificar a manutenção desses microorganismos no estabelecimento, demonstrando assim, a necessidade do controle permanente de L. monocytogenes na indústria, sobretudo no ambiente de processamento, visando minimizar a contaminação de produtos finais com um patógeno de importância em saúde pública.Abstract : The purpose of this research was to evaluate Listeria monocytogenes contamination in the pork production chain. Samples of water, feed and floor of pork barns from finishing farms, and carcass surfaces (after bleeding, after buckling, after evisceration and after the final washing), meat cuts, utensils, equipment and facilities sampled from pork slaughterhouse, totaling 894 samples, were collected in the state of Paraná (BR) between September/2016 and February/2017. All samples were submitted to Listeria spp. detection and confirmation according to ISO 11290 protocol with adaptations. The suspected isolates were submitted to biochemical identification, molecular serotyping and pulsed field gel electrophoresis. Beyond that, confirmed isolates of L. monocytogenes were submmited to the detection of virulence genes (inlA, inlB, inlC, inlJ, plcA, hlyA, actA e iap), antimicrobial resistance tests and evaluation of the adhesion capacity in polystyrene microplate. After 894 samples obtained, 18 (2.0%) were positive for Listeria spp., 16 (1.8%) samples obtained from floor of lairage, drain of slaughter room and knife, cutting board, conveyor belt that carried the meat cuts to final packaging and drain of cutting room were positive for L. monocytogenes and two (0.2%) for L. innocua (a sample obtained from the floor of lairage and a sample obtained from the cutting room drain). All isolates of L. monocytogenes were from molecular serogroup IVb and only one showed different pulsotypes. Eighty-seven isolates of L. monocytogenes were characterized, in which 93,1% of the isolates presented all the genes studied. Only one strain did not present the inlA and inlC genes and six strains lacked the inlB gene. These isolates showed susceptibility to most of the antimicrobials tested, however, 100% of isolates were resistant to ampicillin, 18.8% to penicillin and 6.25% to sulfamethoxazoletrimethoprim. The isolates showed adhesion capacity on surface, and all of them were classified as weakly adherent. L. monocytogenes was not detected in the samples obtained in the finishing farms, with the highest frequency of pathogen isolation found in the final stages of handling of pork meat in the slaughterhouse. Through the determination of the genetic profile, it was observed a persistence of clones of L. monocytogenes IVb in the industrial environment, with the major virulence genes and with resistance against the antimicrobials used in the treatment of listeriosis. The adhesion capacity verified may justify the maintenance of these microorganisms in the establishment, demonstrating the necessity for permanent control of L. monocytogenes in the industry, especially in the processing environment, in order to minimize the contamination of final products with a pathogen, which is important when it comes to public health

    Medicina Veterinária

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    Orientador: Vanerli BelotiMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor Palotina, Curso de Graduação em Medicina Veterinári


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    Objective: The objective of our study was to evaluate different established electrotransformation protocols for their suitability on Lactobacillus plantarum.Methods: We tested strategies of electrical parameters in addition to already published electroporation methods proven to be successful in other Lactobacillus strains.Results: Our strain differed highly in transformation efficiencies and optimal growth conditions. Among the various methods performed, we observed high-efficiency protocol yielded 8X106 transformants, and the optimum electroporation parameter was found to be at 1500V.Conclusion: Independent of electroporation method Lactobacillus plantarum strain remained reluctant to high-efficiency transformation protocol